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8477207 No.8477207 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything wrong with drinking diet sodas?

I started drinking diet cokes and something about it seems wrong but I I don't see what It'd be.

>> No.8477254


>> No.8477260

Stop bumping your own threads if they start to die, fagOP. - Also try Google, it's great for popsci shit like this.

>> No.8477321
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>> No.8477374

soda is made with distilled water. it has no minerals and if you go hardcore it's going to weaken your bones

>> No.8477399

and gives u diabetes

>> No.8477402

Based Trump

If you think that drinking diet soda is not going to affect you physically, then your very, very wrong. Diet soda is just as bad, if not worst than normal soda and contains carcinogenic compounds.

Honestly, throw out all of your soda and start drinking water in place of everything else. I guarantee, your health will become much much better.

>> No.8477419

I avoid anything with aspartame in it. Don't trust it. Michael J Fox drank a case of diet Pepsi a day and got Parkinsons - the brain rot disease.

>> No.8477426

nothing wrong with it in itself, BUT it has psychological effects

eg it causes you to UNDERestimate how much you eat.

you drink a diet coke and go, "that had no calories, so i can eat some more" and so on

that's why people who drink a lot of diet sodas often end up gaining a ton of weight

also it makes you hungry because you keep sending signals that you're full, but you get no calories from it, which confuses your body and suppresses the signal that you're satiated, causing you to feel hungry more often

>> No.8477433

Bio teacher here. One thing I've seen studies of is that the sugar they use in diet is bacicslly a trick. Your body tastes it and thinks "mans I'm gonna break that molecule down and get some real energy" but then it gets to your stomach and instead of getting what your body was hoping for, it just gets gross, hollow acid with shitty sugars. No pop is good for you, but this just makes you eat more later because you crave the energy your body thought it would get and didn't

>> No.8477439


> this is how much knowledge about science trump supporters/pol posters have

>> No.8477445

What's wrong with Trump's post? What he said is true.

Anyways, what I said about diet soda is true, it is actual shit for your body and if you consume it everyday, you will die fairly quickly.

>> No.8477448

> What he said is true.
> Anyways, what I said about diet soda is true, it is actual shit for your body and if you consume it everyday, you will die fairly quickly.
you mean besides this pop science?
I couldn't tell you.

>> No.8477453
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>confuses your body

What magazine did you read this from

>> No.8477462
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Your stomach has receptors that detect the volume of food within. Pic Related.

I am not going to respond to you anymore. If you think that diet soda is healthy, then go ahead and drink it then.

>> No.8477465

Aspartame is legitimately bad for you. Ignore anecdotes and /pol/ fags (get back to your containment board please).
It's not pop-sci.
Aspartame is bad for you.
Check it out.
That's all.

>> No.8477472


Ingesting any food or drink that has flavor yet doesn't have calories is pretty suspect to me desu. That can't be good for your intestines. No calories basically means none of it is getting digested and it just passes through you.

>> No.8477476

So when I drink water. my body doesn't understand that it doesn't have any calories and makes me hungrier? Thank you doc. No more water for me.

>> No.8477478


Water is a waste of time. Why not just drink literally any other calorie having drink and actually get something out of it?

>> No.8477481

> If you think that diet soda is healthy
nice strawman.
I never said anything like that.
Unless by "fairly quickly" you mean 60+ years.

But sure. Keep moving those goal posts from "diet soda causes cancer" to "soda isn't good for you"

>> No.8477482


Stop wasting oxygen.

>> No.8477483

>Aspartame is bad for you.
prove it faggot

>> No.8477507



"Studies of aspartame in the peer reviewed medical literature were surveyed for funding source and study outcome. Of the 166 studies felt to have relevance for questions of human safety, 74 had Nutrasweet® industry related funding and 92 were independently funded. One hundred percent of the industry funded research attested to aspartame's safety, whereas 92% of the independently funded research identified a problem. A bibliography supplied by the Nutrasweet® Company included many studies of questionable validity and relevance, with multiple instances of the same study being cited up to 6 times. Questions are raised both about aspartame's safety and the broader issue of the appropriateness of industry sponsorship of medical research."

I can't prove it. But check out the red flags m8.

Anyway, it gives me headaches. I think. It's hard to tell if it's placebo or not because I have better things to do than have somebody dose me with aspartame when I don't know it and see if I get a headache or not.

>> No.8477525

So I am at a normal/healthy weight and has an easy time tracking calories, but choose diet soda over normal soda, when the situation arises. As long as I am not chugging it by the gallon on a day to day basis, nothing to worry about, right?

I don't eat anymore than I normally would when drinking it, nor feel an urge to. I just don't like taking in unnecessary calories

>> No.8478369

People have been trying to prove that it's dangerous for 20 years with no success, so I would say it's pretty safe.
In extreme doses it can cause cancer, but pretty much everything is dangerous at a high enough dosage, so that means nothing.
Some have hypothesized various effects it could have on psychology, but no correlation has been found in the studies made.

>> No.8478377



>Most studies in people have not found that aspartame use is linked to an increased risk of cancer.

>In the largest study of this issue, researchers from the NCI looked at cancer rates in more than 500,000 older adults. The study found that, compared to people who did not drink aspartame-containing beverages, those who did drink them did not have an increased risk of lymphomas, leukemias, or brain tumors.

Just shut the fuck up already.