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File: 19 KB, 325x450, 158353-004-18324BFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8477305 No.8477305 [Reply] [Original]

Red-pill me on IQ tests please.

>> No.8477314

Mine is 145 as an Asperger with an INTP personality type, am I a stereotype?

>> No.8477317

They exist only to test for mental retardation. No one cares how autistically good you are at pattern detected.

>> No.8477322

Then why does Mensa only require a high IQ test score to enter

>> No.8477325


>> No.8477351

Just fucking stop, this board is the only place I have heard/read the word IQ in the last 5 fucking years, literally nobody gives a shit about it apart from this board and you should just stop before you become like the rest of this board

>> No.8477359

It is like trying to tell how good you are at basket ball just by knowing how tall you are.

Application of intelligence trumps raw intelligence.

If you're tall, you may have an advantage on the basket-court, but it doesn't mean you're better than a short fuck who has been putting in the hours to get good.

Get it ?

>> No.8477394

>tfw to smart for pattern detected

>> No.8477400

Because they want those sweet membership fees from people who think IQ is the most important measure of self worth.

>> No.8477410

Narcissistic pseudo-intellectials who base their entire lives around their IQ.

IQ tests for mental retardation, and although it does indicate your brains power when it comes to certain tests/awareness, it is NOT an indicator of someones intelligence.

If you are stressing out because you didn't score high on an IQ test, then just stop.

>> No.8477423


OP here, haven't actually done an IQ test but some people I know IRL place massive importance on IQ (probably because they are /pol/ incarnate).

>> No.8477431

>yfw you meet a "Mensan"
They don't shut up about it

>> No.8477447

If you want to take an actual IQ test that isn't biased against non-mathematicians, then go here:


>> No.8477485


>this board

You mean /pol/tards.

>> No.8477539

Because it's a club for aspies.

>> No.8477543
File: 47 KB, 425x422, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ tests(especially online ones) are only for autists. Scores have no meaning beyond a mere number.

And you should be able to solve this.

>> No.8477552

>>8477322 because Mensa is a club for people with high IQ.
Why does the NBA only allow teams to play basketball to determine the champions?

>> No.8477556

nice bait, but is it d?

>> No.8477561


It is c?

>> No.8477563

>Scores have no meaning beyond a mere number.
Brainlet detected

>> No.8477564

I want to say it's D because of the little pattern in the first two rows with the small shape in the middle. Circle->Triangle->Rectangle

>> No.8477565


Notice how no two similar colors are directly adjacent to each other. Option D would violate this. This doesn't rule out D as an option but i think it might be a valid argument against it.

>> No.8477571

totally meaningless
subjective analysis only, without a rubric it doesn't matter.

>> No.8477581

>I've seen lots of IQ test questions and it's not what supposed to be!!
It's you who have a problem, not the question. There is only one correct answer and it is D.

>> No.8477583

IQ correlates to intelligence, but definitely doesn't determine or equal it. I've met some morons with hefty scores and seriously sharp folk with modest ones—though to be fair, the only person I know well whom I would unequivocally call a genius bolsters a whopping 165, and he's far from autistic.

>> No.8477593

There's not enough information to say it's D

>> No.8477605

From the leftmost column we can know that there is no pattern behind columns, therefore C is wrong, and D conforms with the pattern of rows

>> No.8477618

Congrats you're smarter than me

>> No.8477626
File: 21 KB, 508x297, mongolia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average IQ of 101
>Still poor as fuck

Yeah fuck off pol

>> No.8478232
File: 273 KB, 672x536, 1472405279751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where people go crazy over repeating numbers, there people go crazy over short sequences of numbers or letters, too. Not only did >>8477314 make a reference to IQ, but also to the MBTI. Regardless of whether he was serious or not, this is the craze people have here.