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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 1028x560, IQTrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8467715 No.8467715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel like we need to put more importance on IQ tests and making sure people know their score?

IQ should be the first thing you say almost as important as your name. Maybe official IQ cards?

>> No.8467716


forgot to post source

>> No.8467730

I am pretty sure Trump has high IQ, afterall, he got elected with way less funding than other candidates.

He knows exactly what to do to trigger people and he is a rich man which he would not be if he was dumb. I bet he has an IQ of 135.

>> No.8467742

If his IQ is that high, then why am I such a loser with an actual legitimate IQ test score of 131?

>> No.8467744

>Unironically bragging about his IQ
This man is the leader of the free world

>> No.8467750

It's not your fault you are stupid and insecure about his huge IQ.

It's finally time to get rid of the brainlet presidents.

>> No.8467754

>tfw IQ is 108.
Will I be able to do anything beyond shitposts?

>> No.8467766


Because like you and most Trump supporters you weren't born into wealth and therefore could utilize advantageous resources while claiming your high IQ is the reason for your success.

>> No.8467789

Because you're autistic.

>> No.8467920

IQ is important if you want to know if someone is a retard but OP today isn't since he's doing a different IQ thread

Also, IQ is important for overall intelligence, since it focuses on visual patterns, memory, logic and numbers so it's actually important like finding the first things i said but also if you are capable or becoming an artist, a philosopher or even a god damn mathematician
How much IQ you need for these? I don't know but maybe the creator of these tests DID KNOW but he wasn't allowed to say so

Anyway, IQ is important but is not important as well, you may ask why?

Because no matter how good the brain is, if your brain was going to become the next Einstein or Erdos but you used it to become a fucking X Studies Major, IQ is literally useless and so is your brain and your fucking waste of life, oxygen and bandwidth

So i hope all of you are fucking focusing on shit that actually matters like STEM+Business and maybe politics if you're good with it

Thanks for reading

>> No.8467922

I have an actual tested IQ of 160. I'm a slightly-above average student of chemistry at a decent uni. I don't think my IQ has done me that much good.

>> No.8468162

can anybody give me a way to test my IQ ? because each time i find one on the net i end up with 175~190...

>> No.8468169

I actually want IQ to start being an important factor in politics. Imagine the political debates:

>you have a nice plan but with your 98 IQ are you sure you could pull it off?
>commentators: He's right!

Brainlets would lose every bit of power they have because there would be an easy way of destroying them in debates. Just call them out for having a lower IQ.

Make this real, please.

>mfw this would destroy any chances women have at being presidents

>> No.8468194


>mfw this would destroy any chances women have at being presidents
>East Asian and Jewish women don't exist

Not quite anon

>> No.8468195

If you can't figure that out then I have bad news for you.

>> No.8468216

i got 137. Am i brainlet?

>> No.8468221


>> No.8468224
File: 190 KB, 1673x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I just took it again spam clicking answers and....

Is time a factor in these tests?

>> No.8468226
File: 132 KB, 1598x577, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok didn't work 2nd time maybe I was just really lucky

>> No.8468268

IQ is a useless metric that was only designed to test whether a person is retarded or not

it is completely ineffective at measuring a persons "intelligence" as there is no such single entity.

no one is "smart" or "dumb", you're just smart at some things and dumb at others, the more you do/think one thing, smarter you become

IQ is pointless

every IQ test I ever took showed me to be borderline genius, chances are so were yours

>> No.8468298

Thats not a real test, but it does work like a real written one. Yes time is a factor. IQ seeks to measure how quickly you can recognize patterns. You can get a retard score by getting all the answers right and waiting 3 days to submit your answers.
So this means that you can hack for a higher IQ by quickly going through the test and answering all the questions you are sure of while skipping over the ones you are unsure of, and then doubling back and using process of elimination and guessing for the correct answer so you complete the test in the shortest amount of time possible with minimal incorrect answers. And since IQ tests tend to have similar patterns or even questions on them from test to test, you can practice this and basically cheat what the test was designed for (determining how long it takes a person to solve a given problem and give metrics on their ability to compute).
Likewise, this becomes problematic for people who take the test seriously, solve questions in a short amount of time, but are meticulous and take the time to reexamine and proofread their solutions. They end up shooting themselves in the foot time wise and get docked IQ points when they actually may be smarter than the test suggests.

>> No.8468407

IQ can mean fuck all


>itv, stupid fucks interviewing high IQ stupid fucks

>> No.8468420

supposedly 135 here
that IQ is only 1 in a ~100 so there are 3 million other people at this level or ABOVE in the USA
top 1% doesnt sound like much eh

>> No.8468421

iqtest.dk legit denmark mensa test, only goes to 145 tho

>> No.8468427

Evolution is racist because niggers are dumb

>> No.8468433

no its more like niggers is evolution because racists are dumb

>> No.8468446

IQ is overhyped. It just means you are good at math. You can have a high IQ and still be an idiot with no critical thinking skills or drive to learn.

>> No.8468452

I would say math, just putting shit together. I guess that means math, if you include "fire + skin = hurt". I always just thought of it as "thinks per second"

>> No.8468599

>i hope all of you are fucking focusing on shit that actually matters like STEM+Business and maybe politics if you're good with it

I'm focusing on the entertainment industry.

>> No.8468648

IQ is important to insecure over-intelligent teenagers as it can give them a sense of identity and pride during some years where they aren't very popular. Later on, in real life things like behaviour, being able to make friends, hard work, and getting along with people are more important.

>> No.8468670

I have a slightly below average IQ, I did a legit IQ Test before going to the military. I earn a lot of money working as IT Consultant at Mc Kinsey in Germany. So IQ is important but not everything.

>> No.8468687

Based Trump!

>> No.8468721


>> No.8468731

I scored a 126 on iqtest.dk, and I guess it describes me?

>> No.8468740

>how important is IQ
As long as you aren't mentally impaired, it's not. You can literally train an IQ. It is not a rigid fact of your life.

The only time IQ is "important" is if you're on the opposite side of the spectrum from impaired and you're a natural born genius. Which won't matter a whole lot for many people, because unless you also happen to be in a position to take advantage of that genetic pre-disposition (most humans still aren't), you're entire genius is probably only going to server to keep you mentally and emotionally stable.

>> No.8468744

>actually believing that Trump's IQ is high
He's a very gifted conman and that's it, the fact that you all believe him 100% in everything he claims is evidence enough.

>> No.8468754

>how important is IQ
The actual score means fuck-all.

"Intelligence" covers such a wide-range of things: abstract thought, logical processing, non-linear processing, emotional cognizance, awareness of self, awareness of others, visualization, memory--both short and long term, capability to learn and retain new information and how quickly it can be done; you can't just take a single test about matching fucking patterns or solving math problems and time it and say, "Yep, this person is dumb/smart".

There are components of human intelligence they haven't developed tests for. So, yea, the whole "high IQ=very intelligent" isn't accurate in the least. It at best demonstrates your capability to solve test questions of the nature which were on the test you took.

>> No.8468886

I always score around 100 on those tests, yet I'm doing applied maths and getting quite high grades.
Is IQ a meme?

>> No.8468962


>> No.8468968

You bumped this bait thread just to say that? wow

>> No.8468996
File: 97 KB, 900x675, IQ-your_proposed_standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average IQ among Fortune 500 executives is 120. Which, given that they are mostly wealthy Jews, is about average for that population group.

I've an IQ of 174, can I be president now? (Even though I don't even make six figures?)

IQ only tests pattern recognition and numerical memory. That's it. It doesn't mean dick. Anyone who has ever been given an IQ test, and has any brain at all, should know this.

>> No.8469006

you may be intelligent but you are a bad person with no will power so you will never put it to good use

>> No.8469092

A-are you okay man? You don't sound very okay.

>> No.8469095

I feel like chemistry isn't really that IQ-dependent as a field. Chem does have application, and application is pretty IQ-dependent, but chemistry concepts aren't that complicated, compared to mathematics, physics or philosophy. It's still a hard field, don't get me wrong, but it's definitely more work-dependent than IQ-dependent.

I think that would cause a lot of misappropriation. We already have debates being approached by attacking the other, rather than their argument, and this would just add to that. Just because your IQ is lower, doesn't magically make your point invalid, and I think your idea perpetuates that line of incorrect reasoning.

>> No.8469111

>I've an IQ of 174
Yeah we've all taken that same online IQ test. The fact that you took the results seriously puts your IQ somewhere around 95.

>> No.8469153

No, that was professionally administered. (Admittedly the highest of three, the lowest being 156.)

I suppose I'm licensed to give them myself now, and there's a kit sitting in the office, though as I chose to specialize my MTFC in chemical dependency rather than child psychology, it's not come up.

It really only tests a few very specialized tasks, and has very little to do with your overall intelligence, and nothing at all to do with your likelihood of success in life. If anything, an abnormally high IQ is a sign of problems, as it suggests you're neurologically overspecialized for certain tasks. (And, given the number of high-IQ folks we admit here, that anecdotally bares out.)

Additionally, IQ tests will vary wildly with each test on the same individual, and the more often you take them, the better you do. Those who regularly practice activities that use the narrow range of tasks it test for do better than those that don't. (For instance, back in the day, phone operators all had ridiculously high IQ test results.)

A real intelligence test would be consistent, and would have to be neurological, rather than a simple game of numbers and colored blocks. Scanning for the number of neural connections and their plasticity, for instance, might give you a real number.

Granted, there's not a lot of good ways to test that without killing the subject.

>> No.8469178

my iqs like 125 and ive taken a metric fuckton of drugs that make me stupid and I'm doing about the same as you. have got As on all the easy shit like sophmore orgo but doing average or a bit above on actual hard classes.

>> No.8469193

""""""VERBAL IQ""""""" is not important at all

the patterns, that's something else

>> No.8469310

I don't get what is when why you wouldn't have to with the how and can't get off to stop the car go but only after one wonder if can be to stop positional counter when a big anchovy will begin to become under the reigns of an after thought whether they wonder where if all beginnings bestow upon afterthoughts out or magic.

>> No.8469330



and I kekked

>> No.8469333

let's just say that there are more important digits besides IQ...

>> No.8469340

Are you asking me for my number?

>> No.8469346

don't ruin this for me

>> No.8469360
File: 20 KB, 842x595, 1462914882467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why is iq so strongly correlated with income, health, and lasting marriages anon?

>>>>psychologist posting on /sci/ (SCIENCE and math)

>> No.8469383


133 here. IQ doesent say shit about whether or not you actualy get around to applying yourself.

>> No.8469385

IQ is the BMI of psychology.

How much would you respect a measure of general physical ability that started out with the requirement that the average male and female scores had to come out the same?

That's part of the fundamental definition of IQ: equality (on average) of the sexes and conformance to the specified standard deviations are the only hard requirements of an IQ test.

>> No.8469388

Are you really complaining about psychology not being a real science, while defending IQ tests? Where the fuck do you think psychometry comes from? (Not that I don't agree with the comment itself.)

And it isn't. Like I said, the Fortune 500 execs have the average IQ for their ethnic and wage group. As for evidence for divorce rates, it's among the smallest factors found in the particular EUI study you are alluding to, at ~-9% in range @~110-130, and it actually goes up after that (if you bother to read the details), and only gets worse below 90 - education and wealth in that same study made a much bigger difference, at +/-40%. (Plus the sample size and breadth was far too small to take the study seriously. Following a bunch of kids from the same elementary school.)

>> No.8469410

your point about Fortune 500 execs is irrelevant, the fact is the iq is quite strongly correlated with income, that doesnt mean everyone who's rich is high-iq.

>> No.8469414

IQ tests cover specific skills, maybe your abstract reasoning skills are really advanced but other abilities tested by the IQ test aren't. Maybe you are just a slow processor.

Maybe IQ tests are a best guess by people studying soft sciences and still arguing over how to quantify consciousness and intelligence.

>> No.8469420

Lots of /sci/-type people are attached to IQ because they were taken aside in school and told they were special because of it.

It happened to me. I got a 145. Want to know why? It's because I have a serious metabolic defect which means I have a sluggish memory and can only focus my mind in short bursts. So I got a lot of practice in figuring things out quickly, just to get along in life.

So I was told that I was destined for great things, and that all of my problems were because I was too smart for my classes and got bored. Then I got to college, flunked calc 101 despite my best efforts, and finally got kicked out in second year, because I didn't have the endurance for that kind of mental effort.

IQ is a shit metric with only a loose correlation to intellectual potential.

>> No.8469422
File: 46 KB, 500x281, 1446324584096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fact is that iq
I'm also not saying iq tests are perfect, I just don't think theyre as meaningless as the cutting edge applied doxologists of your field seem to think.

>if not all races score the same, it must be because the test is racist because its impossible there are any genetic or large-scale environmental differences between races, it must the test. It was created by white males after all.

>> No.8469423


IQ is not the only factor in play when it comes to success. Social-Emotional Intelligence, education, physical talents, ...

If you're an average joe you can always open a business

>> No.8469439

I want you to apply your huge IQ to my tight little butt hole.

>> No.8469452

Oh I'm not saying they are irrelevant because of the resulting racial discrepancies. I've little doubt that some races are better at others at particular mental tasks. I'm saying they're irrelevant because they test such a narrow range of specialized tasks. All they really tell you is how well you can memorize numbers and interpret very specific types of patterns. That's not intelligence, and any computer can do it better than any human can. You can also have any number of disabilities that will absolutely ruin your IQ score, but nonetheless be a supra-genius in your field.

The sad truth is, your Lumocity score is actually a better judgment of your intelligence than an IQ test.

The IQ test is junk psychology on par with the MMPI.

>> No.8469474
File: 114 KB, 347x344, 1447441472550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's such a thing as good psychology

>> No.8469489


u single?

>> No.8469498

There isn't really, and that's the point. It's more hack and slash art than science. IQ is a psychology test, not a scientific one, and it's a very narrow one at that.

Again, you'd need something more neurology based to have real meaning - provided you could keep the pharmaceutical industry's influence out of the equation, and figure a methodology that isn't fatal to the test subject. I suppose a broader, over-time test might have more meaning, but as it stands, again, Luminosity maybe a joke, but not nearly as much as so as the modern standard IQ test.

>> No.8469504

IQ measures one thing-- performance on IQ tests.

>> No.8469508

Depends on how big your IQ is.

>> No.8469519
File: 45 KB, 400x279, 1428718134071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really think intelligence is just brain plasticity and you can measure plasticity just by looking at the structure of the brain? Neurology is an interesting field, but even if you could do a test that extensive, I'm skeptical we'll ever completely understand how the human mind works. If we could we could probably design a better one though

>tfw we are the singularity

>> No.8469533


>then why is iq so strongly correlated with income, health, and lasting marriages anon?

Not that anon but,

>More and more jobs utilize mathematical models in 1st world digital economy,
>IQ tests borrow heavily from characteristics involving those mathematical models,
>Math and Physics Majors consistently score high on IQ test because they are the most familiar with mathematical models
>Hur why do IQ correlate with income anon?

It's the knowledge of math that leads to success, not IQ.

Also it stands to reason that lucrative jobs provide higher quality of healthcare. If the highest paying jobs (on average) consist of professions that involve a high degree of math in some manner it then you will see a correlation.

As far as lasting marriage is concerned any union that isn't under the constant stress of economic burden will always have a higher chance of lasting "longer" but marriage tends to depend on the culture involved. Yeah, you're making six figures and can keep your partner happy but so can some roaming nomad in Central Asia or Africa who manages livestock for a living.

>> No.8469544

Well, since it requires the subject to be dead, we don't really have a large sampling size, but evidence suggests that, of our greatest geniuses who were so dissected, they had an abnormally high number of inter-neuron connections. As to the actual plasticity, it's difficult to test when you're dead, but I remember reading up on some FMRI methodology for the living somewhere.

In the end, even if you figured a way, it'd only give you potential intelligence - you could just be insane - but at least it'd actually do what some uninformed folks think the IQ test claims to do, in addition to providing some sort of objective measure, rather than one that changes so wildly depending on what sort of task you're commonly faced with. (Again, even the low-income background black phone operators were coming up with MENSA level IQ's on Stanford–Binet tests.)

>> No.8469568

How come Jews were able to gain so much success with nothing but hardships and slavery for longer than blacks have had it.

But blacks, with not even 1/10th the suffering of kikes, with modern handouts and a society that protects them. Can't even act properly as a whole?

Obviously IQ matters. Thus, Africa vs Asia for example of culture differences.

>> No.8469572
File: 248 KB, 400x400, RIGGERS RIGGING.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8469577

Then why do white nations dominate the world, and not Asians or Jews? Whites technically aren't even in the top three of the highest average IQ races around. (Nevermind the question as to how these supposedly super-intelligent Jews managed to get themselves into such hardships to begin with.)

>> No.8469580

Because it is through those hardships and slavery that the jews were gifted with their superior intelligence and circumcised peni.

The blacks of America are in a transitional phase; they are currently in a cocoon. The world has seen the problems caused by the prevalence of western society
and through natural order has arranged for a new race to take their rightful place at the top of the tower. It is through the relentless systematic oppression of black people that white western society will be rendered absolutely obsolete.

>> No.8469582
File: 160 KB, 512x512, bait_pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8469586

Bro... Jews literally dominate the world. This isn't even a conspiracy thing. This is just a statistic fact. The richest people and bankers in the world who control everything are Jews.

Forget the storm front crap about them being evil or what not. But they do. You are just uneducated or willingly ignorant. As a business major, or anyone else who works in business, everyone knows the undisputed kings.

>> No.8469587


This cannot happen with blacks because they're not caucasoid. Sure they will eventually evolve to have the intelligence of caucasoids and mongoloids... but not for tens and thousands of years.

They're the farthest distance race from everyone else on the planet. Jews are white/caucasoid as well, whether they consider themselves to be or not I don't care, but the defining features and sometimes inability to tell them apart don't lie. They're caucasoid.

They were already of average intelligence and have gained some a long the way.

>> No.8469590


By your words then we can come to the conclusion that whites have something that makes them superior.

But you're just a contradicting lib so let me educate you on something. Whites rule the world yes... but it is a specifc sect of whites, the Juden. The mongoloids aren't far behind and the white man has never been able to control them because, like the white man, they have decent intelligence.

Negroids on the other hand, have been conquered and ruled by everyone. And the few ones who have made it to the top have literally been by the mercy of others

>> No.8469612

Should a brainlet such as myself bother with graduate school, /sci/? I'm an undergrad in EE, and my IQ is 110, which technically makes me of "superior intelligence," but not really.

I've a good GPA and could probably get into medical school. Is this a better route for me? I'd probably be just as happy and the field has just as much if not more prestige, but more or less amounts to a trade, which would be less taxing on my inferior brainlet self. It's hard to imagine I could make an original contribution to EE

>> No.8469616

Because unlike Trump, you weren't born into a life of wealth and luxury, nor did you inherit a real estate empire from your father.

>> No.8469617

>Negroids on the other hand, have been conquered and ruled by everyone. And the few ones who have made it to the top have literally been by the mercy of others

Oh how pathetic you are trying to convince yourself you have any semblance of control. In reality we are all where our masters allow us to be, our Polynesian masters. That's right you dreadful fools, we are all but mere puppets, following the masterful plan our Polynesian overlords have so carefully concocted and effortlessly enacted.

>> No.8469714

>Estimated from average GRE scores.

You basically assume a correlation to prove the same correlation?

Doesn't take a skyrocketing IQ to realize this is not a scientific thing to do.

>> No.8469717

Yep connections are more important to making money than developing smarts is. I wish I had understood that when I was younger.

>> No.8469727

The more intelligent we are. The more control we have over our actions. The less animal instinct a person has, the more they can make logical decisions

>> No.8469730

not necessarily. id say executive function is a bigger predictor of how in control of your actions you are. you can get many people with high IQ and shit executive function and thats why they end up here on 4chan.

>> No.8469754

Yeah, you'd be surprised at just how untrue that common misconception is. The emotionless can't make decisions at all, as happens with those few who suffer brain damage that disconnects their hind brains and prefrontal cortex.

Wish I had a better case example, but skip to 20:35

>> No.8469762

My IQ is almost 160 and I'm a college drop out who got a 3.0 in high school. I highly doubt he has a high IQ. Even if he did, it doesn't mean shit - hard work and connections are all that matters.

>> No.8469770

It's what matters for the individual to succeed. But it is not what matters for society (or in other words the rich) to utilize the available resources.

>> No.8469773

This desu. There are many quite intelligent people who are more or less eccentric so they don't fit in socially or align with the norms very well. From a societal perspective, if we can't find a way to utilize that potential, it's a huge waste really.

>> No.8469781

Everyone's string is the same length.

>> No.8469929
File: 71 KB, 580x797, 1477615192712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How come Jews were able to gain so much success with nothing but hardships and slavery for longer than blacks have had it.

Because they were constantly put through social/ biological bottlenecks and had to adapt to various cultural and economic norms much longer than "blacks". Their high level of success today is merely an end result of this.

>But blacks, with not even 1/10th the suffering of kikes, with modern handouts and a society that protects them. Can't even act properly as a whole?

Who exactly are you referring to when you say "blacks"? And what do you mean by "act properly"? Is this an analysis on behavior or social progression?

If I'm to assume you're talking about African Americans then the issue of their behavior is based on high amounts of distrust while their social progression is based on lack of social cohesiveness with each other on how they should function as a sub-clad of Americans. If it is "blacks" as referred to by their racial population in Africa then it's an issue with the lack of a developed infrastructure in general.

>Obviously IQ matters. Thus, Africa vs Asia for example of culture differences

Africa and Asia are continents not countries, both have a multitude of different cultures (and IQs too), you are going to have to be extremely specific when comparing them in any argument.

Also what does these questions you pose have to do with the original base question/ response? The base question/ response was dealing with IQ and success on an individual by individual level not on a "masses" level like you're bringing up. There are clearly a different set of mechanics at play. Especially when you are comparing a ethnic "religion" to a ethnic "race".

>> No.8469952

yeah well my IQ is a BILLION QUABILLION and i still post here sometimes

>> No.8469972

>Their high level of success today is merely an end result of this.
Think it has more to do with their religion than anything else, really (a few thousand years isn't really enough time to create much in the way of evolution anyways).

They really were the first to hold up the holy written word as the highest regard, and write so much of said. This kept their culture alive through all the various diasporas and falls in antiquity, and caused them to keep the best familial records of the era, even down to the lowliest among them.

And later, the fact that they were the only religious group in Europe and the Middle East that hadn't outlawed usury (save when committing it against a fellow Jew), basically caused the Catholic church and others to hand over control of all of Europe's finances for a few hundred years. Coupled with the above tight familial records, that money stayed in the family, even through the worst of times.

...and now American Christians see the re-establishment of Israel as the first step towards the return of Jesus.

I'm sure /pol/ would say that's all according to plan, but it looks like dumb luck to me. Maybe they are the chosen people - but probably more of Fortuna than of Yahweh.

>> No.8469973

This. In addition to having a high IQ, people underestimate him which makes him even more dangerous.

>> No.8469974

That's emotional IQ though, not the ability to sort visual patterns and memorize numbers.

But, in the end, sadly, cunning and wisdom will beat intelligence, any day of the weak.