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File: 61 KB, 640x637, first-women-astronauts-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8465739 No.8465739 [Reply] [Original]

should women be astronauts?

>> No.8465741


Why not

>> No.8465752

>physically weaker
>can get pregnant and become a liability
>menstrual cycle
>mentally inferior

>> No.8465777

Well given the past and existing female astronauts they seemed to perform well enough
>yfw they managed to become an astronaut whole you're just a shitposter on 4chan

>> No.8465780

no image

>waste of trips

>> No.8465783

more like ASS-tro-NUTS lol

>> No.8465787
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>strength needed in space
>sex in space

>> No.8465816

you don't expect men to make sammichs in space,do you?

>> No.8465819
File: 3.18 MB, 3301x2550, spaceradiationgenderillustration59459.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8466185

>menstrual cycle
Can be stopped using hormones, actually many usual females do it voluntarily. No idea how can a menstruation in a healthy woman harm anything though.

>mentally inferior
Nonsense argument, you do realize different people have different intelligence right? Of course they won't take stupid ones and will likely take >130 iq people.

>> No.8466191

lel. You seem to heavily misunderstand what do the astronauts actually do in space.

>> No.8466420

never thought about this... is sex in space possible?
if yes, i wonder how often it happened. probably never

>> No.8466427
File: 12 KB, 429x241, male_female_bell_curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women shouldn't be considered people.
The current downfall of western civilisation mimicking the ancient civilisations that did the same is just yet another data point corroborating this obvious fact.

Women aren't people. They are wombs and caretaker bots, nothing else.
The sooner we develop artificial wombs and caretaker androids, the sooner we can get rid of the ancestral parasite.

>> No.8466432

>found a metric that agrees with my beliefs, although the difference is so small look look look it's here womyn not people remembyr

Why do you have to be this pathetic

>> No.8466438

Because universal suffrage is throwing my Nation into the third-world.
And until i can become It, i am trapped in the belly of the ancestral cycle from which there is seemingly no escape.

Humanity have Eternity in reach, and we are throwing it all away for virtue signaling.
I am not amused.

>> No.8466480

Please return to your containment board.

>> No.8466490

nice engineering

>> No.8466527


Statisticly speacing woman have a higher chance to not kill the roommates they are stuck with for monthso HELL YHEA!!!

>> No.8466532



>> No.8466537
File: 25 KB, 500x338, 1377260_232099596954277_506458697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8466544

I thought they didn't allow women to join the FREEMASONS? -.-

>> No.8466546

Chrishop please leave /sci/
you keep invading every place I hold sacred

>> No.8466548

Consider this: Sexslaves in Space....

>> No.8466627

How long until we have a tranny in space? I'm being serious here.

>> No.8466641

Since when did 4chan become so politically correct?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I like it. Did 4chan get a new president? (admin)

>> No.8466642

Came here to post these exact words

>> No.8466644
File: 67 KB, 1000x665, 1454278176197674710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex doesn't matter.
The competent people should be astronauts, that's all. It doesn't matter if the incompetence comes from gender, childhood or laziness, incompetent person shouldn't become astronaut. We should not make people arbitrary equal or favorite them, everyone should be judged objectively as they are.

>> No.8466646

No, this is just /sci/ so the tolerance for nonfactual bullshit is lower

>> No.8466647

Also this topic is so redundant because procreation in space requires a man and a woman unless you are so into playing god then i guess you could create a MEN ONLY baby making machine.

But then again women dude. Do you have mommy issues?

>> No.8466649

being a tranny should be a criteria to become an astronaut, just to piss you off

>> No.8466657

I see. Had my hopes up for a minute there.

Also unrelated but what is your opinion on CERN and the ''mandela effect''?

I am starting to believe it is less and less a PSYOP and more to the point that it might be possible for something else to have had a hand in this.

I remember traffic lights having the green light at the top

ok, this is something they don't just change overnight and nobody notices it

or does anon think that all the crazies are sharing misinformation? I am talking about things we have known to be true our entire lives to be one way only to learn it never was that way, as if a hallucination, a veil lifted or even maya/biblical judgment?

The point I am trying to get across is that for us it is as though we have been transported to a parallel reality where many things are different, but many are not. OSCAR MAYER and OSCAR MEYER are although just one letter apart, two complete different spellings and in most cases pronunciation.... (I vaguely remember MEYER too, but as a European was not brought up with the advertising campaigns etc, so that memory for me is not so strong, I would not say reality has changed because it might have been so.)

On thing I know is that it was SEX IN THE CITY
While wrapping my head around that one, an image would flash in my head, a flashback, of the image. it was spelled with a vertical IN
and it was spelled in black!

Now it is red and it's always been sex and the city in red... it is such a foreign image.

Oh well.

Also America had 51 states. The flag had 51 stars. Now we have Obama in front of a 50 starred flag and it looks alien. I saw him stand in front of a 51 starred flag so many times in the past. And i thought 1 star would make no difference but what you guys call a proposed flag for puerto rico was what I grew up to know as the American flag

I am very willing to accept this is false memory etc. I am. I am keeping an open mind. To stop myself from psychological and SPIRITUAL depression i >

>> No.8466665

>piss me off
Why would it piss me off? I want to be the first tranny in space and go down in history for all trannykind

>> No.8466670


i convinced myself that this is the way it's always been. I have to actively convince myself that, this 50 starred flag looks normal. I have DIFFICULTY in doing so. My mind seems to rest on a blend between both, I have convinced myself somehow that both are right versions that i have seen somehow.

My heart trembles, i start to supress physical shaking, trying to comprehend the physical nature, trying to understand how, when noticing that it appeared as though the traffic lights have switched to opposite positions, when trying to cross over, i would feel intense fear. Fear of not understanding anymore how the traffic lights work., Now this fear shakes me to my teeth. I stood there. I stood there for two minutes watching the traffic lights move. I had to make sure the cars had stopped before i understood it was safe to cross over.

The blind people affected by this are probably having a way harder time. There should be an informational compaign about the mandela effect, even if it can be chalked up to foggy memory, it is effecting a large portion of the population and people are confused.

So many things have changed. We don't know what it is. To make things easier I brush it off as nothing yet there are things i know for a fact.

KIT-KAT did have a dash in the middle in the 90's. One of my very cherished memories so that's something i'm not mistaking because i asked my mum about it.

Perhaps it's a case of perception. We are all seeing a different colour when we hear the word blue perhaps? It can be so many things. Yet CERN did say they were actively looking for dimensions and they state being happy with the mandela effect so... i guess they did do something with the dimensions..

>> No.8466676
File: 142 KB, 650x488, RVEbPgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason women were banned from being astronauts, likewise soldiers. Now social justice threatens image (aka profit) and companies care more about that then the risks women bring. It's only a matter of time, and it's likely already happened albeit invisibly so there's no current proof. Keep a vigilant eye on them.

>> No.8466680

Sorry, I'm shaking due to the risk involved with exposing the agenda posed by social justice. My mind is blurring.

>> No.8466682

Women shouldn't have rights, they should be kept publicly naked and uneducated as breeding stock for more humans.

>> No.8466690

What kind of fucking stupid question is that? Of course they should be given the opportunity if they meet the criteria.

Not even a liberal. Just not a retard.

>> No.8466691

social justice, much like the hilton rallies, are a shill organisation, only hired by the UN (rockefellers) to create distractions i guess

>> No.8466697

Chaim Goldberg? is that you ?

>> No.8466701

I'm sorry anon, I'd like to untangle all this but I'm not quite sure where to start.

Firstly, CERN, specifically their main project, the Large Hadron Collider, literally just accelerates protons up to very high speed and smashed them into each other, that's all. There is no such thing as dimensional travel, and while extra dimensions are a feature of certain models attempting to explain some currently poorly-understood areas of physics, these are not 'alternate dimensions' in the pop culture sense.

Secondly, I've always remembered traffic lights having red at the top and KitKat not having a dash in the middle of it. I couldn't comment on the Sex in the City logo or the American flag as I never studied either that closely.

Thirdly, as well as the Mandela effect - the archetype of which I never experienced, I always thought Mandela was alive (although I did think it was Berenstein Bears not Bernstain Bears) - it's known that the visual system of the human brain is mostly based on estimations and approximations. Some evidence suggests that rather than building a picture of the world from visual data, the brain rather builds a guesswork and then corrects that using visual data. Thus, until corrected you can easily 'see' something that's not true - I remember experiencing this vividly when looking at the number for an approaching bus, being certain it was one number and then looking again and it being a completely different number. And it has also been shown that memories can easily be altered in future just by being asked to recall them in specific contexts.

Therefore, it's more likely you're simply experiencing known bugs in the human visual capture, storage and retrieval systems than that you've been cast into an alternate reality.

>> No.8466706

>first woman in space: Valentina Tereshkova, 1963 USSR
Yes, as everyone knows '60s communist Russia was the stomping ground of SJWs
The blacks, gays, Jews and liberals couldn't have had it easier!

>> No.8466896

>women have gone to space
>you have no future because you waste your life here

>> No.8466957

I doubt this is the case. If you were to experience the phenomenom, you would realize it is about hearing from multiple sources, and witnessing yourself, for example, the sky is blue

only for one day this to have changed, everybody telling you the sky is red, has always been red.

Visually speaking we are talking about the sky physically changing colour overnight for the observer, without such a change being recorded by a percentage of the population.

I think we are dealing with some kind of multiverse to be honest. You might not get the why from this post. Otherwise you would have to dismiss the phenomenon as chronic hallucination, it is not acute. It is about things we see daily and interact with.

But i guess so, Maybe it is some jedi mind trick subliminal stuff, like we never subliminally noticed the arrow on the volvo logo, (my stepdad actually owned a volvo if you ask me what the volvo logo should be, it's the word volvo in a silver circle, except until the past few years where it now has an arrow, except wait, that arrow has always been there nevermind.

Just makes me wonder what else am i subliminally missing? Is there a dragon next to me that i can't see? Because my perception limits me such? Geez my brain is so complex it wont let me see what is in front of me and hallucinates dashes in between chocolate bar logos. Any idea how far fetched that sounds?

>> No.8467020

>bumping bait

>> No.8467282

>Can be stopped using hormones, actually many usual females do it voluntarily. No idea how can a menstruation in a healthy woman harm anything though.

it is the hormones you retard, when woman get hormonal they don't think clearly. Just like you didn't when you went through puberty. Taking more hormones to upset the natural mentstrual cycle does the same thing, messes with a woman's hormones to make them moody or sick.

unless she was born without ovaries than a hormonal woman is an unnecessary hazard in space

>> No.8467796

Should? No. Could? Yes. Sending women in space just to have representation of women there is retarded. But they shouldn't be excluded