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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8464196 No.8464196 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit. The memes about CS really are true

>be me
>first term math student
>studied CS before for two semesters, but switched majors because I soon realized that it's a meme degree
>be in linear algebra, a class most students of math related majors take in the first term, but CS students in the third term
>get handed back corrected assignments
>I'm the only one with a perfect score, tutor comments about it and asks if I already did other math classes (which I did, two of them)
>most other students have about half of the assignment correct, the other CS students even less
>the average CS student is so bad at math that even in the third term after having heard two other math classes, he's still worse than first term students of other subjects

Of course I noticed before that CS students are bad at math, but today was just too much. CS is a fucking meme, like you always said

>> No.8464238

why are the math and CS students taking the exact same math class ? Aren't math students supposed to have advanced math classes ?

>> No.8464246
File: 725 KB, 700x811, i_keeps_it_cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you really start CS thinking it would be maths-intensive? That's stupidity on your part. Your classmates were shit at it because they assumed they could get by with high-school level math, which isn't that far from the truth.

>> No.8464262 [DELETED] 

it's intentional. if you cross the streams, you will be monitored

>> No.8464267

In my university (and in many other unis in Germany), the first two math classes analysis and linear algebra are attended by students of math, physics, CS, MFE (mathematical financial economics),... Only later are there separate classes

I didn't expect it to be maths-intensive (though I did expect a little bit more math than I got), but I expected the non-math classes to be harder. They were a fucking joke compared to the math classes. I knew they would be easier, but not THAT much easier

>> No.8464272

Being young was so great. Wait till you graduate kiddo.

>> No.8464273

Aplied Math / CS here

Fucking wrong. The CS majors are more motivated and slay. The math only majors are dumb underachievers.

>> No.8464337

...bis du übernächstes Semester rausgeprüft bist. :^) Zuviele von deiner Sorte kommen & gehen sehen.

>> No.8464355

>The math only majors are dumb underachievers

Because you're taking the easy math courses filled with the future highschool math teachers and actuaries like most CS doubles.

>> No.8464382

lol wut. nigger you know thats not true

>> No.8464397

Mad math teachers detected.

>> No.8464400
File: 287 KB, 836x1065, 1455310679806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a meme

>> No.8464413

Kek triggered: the post. You can still get a good job but might have to take a little lower salary starting out. No need to be salty, you have to pick your major when you're young enough to know any better.

>> No.8464419

How is CS a meme? There are absolute retards in the classes, but how does that make the field itself a meme? Anyway, I fucking love these images. Post more.

>> No.8464427
File: 50 KB, 1152x648, float2str.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math]Undergrad[/math] CS is a meme

>> No.8464435

lol is that why they skipped 9?

>> No.8464442


>I'm the only one with a perfect score, tutor comments about it and asks if I already did other math classes (which I did, two of them)

What was the point of this thread? I did CS and got 100s on my returned linear algebra homework too.

>> No.8464475

CS courses are actually some of my favorite to do on the side, but my fucking christ are CS students little shits.

>> No.8464559

Wer wird bei Mathe bitte schön erst im dritten Semester rausgeprüft?
>inb4 me

I expected other CS students to receive perfect scores too. Or at least near perfect. The assignment was about some basic shit, sets and functions, and since that was also done in analysis, I thought that even the biggest brainlets should've gotten it by now. But no. There even were two female (third term, I remind you) CS students who didn't know the definitions of injective and surjective.

>> No.8464583

To be fair, it's easy to get injective and surjective mixed up. That's why I prefer 'one-to-one' and 'onto''.

>> No.8464589
File: 1.17 MB, 200x118, 1411778561685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer "one-to-one" and "onto" too. ;)

>> No.8464592

Either your CS degree is hard or your math degree is shit

>> No.8464598

mate. the version information is encoded elsewhere as a binary number. whoever wrote that code unironically is more retarded than you can ever imagine. but that person doesn't exist, it's a joke written by someone

>> No.8464737

Probably the first of the two. There's even a similar degree at my uni called Information Engineering, which is just like CS except there are separate, easier math classes.

>> No.8464740

They'll all arbitrary and confusing terms.
Why can't it be "complete" and "reversible"?
That's what they are, and outside of the nutshack that is modern academia you will never care about a single other aspect of such functions that might exist.

>> No.8465206
File: 79 KB, 728x800, computer_science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favourite. someone should do a dump

>> No.8465210
File: 171 KB, 946x887, 1470450345729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8465226

First year CS fan from shitty South Africa. I take Core Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics and Computer Coding. Seems pretty damn maths heavy to me. Swear to God first world CS is a meme compared to based nigger CS.

>> No.8465239
File: 10 KB, 281x99, 1468361461276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8465326

haha, maybe they hired a student to type out all nodes

>> No.8465350

This. CS postgrad in my uni mostly consist of maths majors.