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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8459514 No.8459514 [Reply] [Original]

The recent epic b8 over at /fit/ may not be a b8 at all
Let's do the math.
So OP has 1 Kg of Osmium and wants it to weigh 30 lbs. In order to achieve this we have to convert both of these numbers into a force using the simple equation: F=m*a, and the gravitational pull of earth, g=9.81 m/s2 .
so F=1Kg*9.81m/s2 = 9.81N
So on earth 1Kg of Osmium will exert a force of 9.81N towards the center of earth. Now if you put that on a scale it would show you 1Kg or 2.205 lbs (1 lb= 0.4536 Kg), easy right?
Now we need to calculate the force of 30 lbs pushing down on our scale. Using the conversion given above we get another simple equation:
F= 30lbs * 0.4536 * 9.81 m/s2 = 133.495 N
Modifying our first equation a little we now can calculate the gravitational pull needed, so that our scale shows a "weight" of 30lbs:
133.495N = 1Kg * a ==> 133.495N : 1Kg = a = 133.495 m/s2 |obviously, duhh
If we divide this number by g=9.81 we get the needed acceleration in g to get a scale showing 30 lbs, putting 1Kg of osmium(or anything else for that matter) on there:
133.495 m/s2 : 9.81 m/s2 = 13.608 g
Now we have to find a situation in which mass would experinece this gravitational pull. For reference astronauts will experience something between 3 and 4 g during the start of a rocket, rollercoasters might let you experience up to 6g for a short period of time and 6 or more g for a prolonged period of time will usually cause you to lose consciousness and die.

>> No.8459516

There's no place on earth where you'd constantly experience this, except from moving in small circles really really fast, so let's look at our solar system but before let's see how fast OP would have to run in a circle:
The equation for this looks quite simple: F = m * v2 / r We still need to make some assumptions about OP. As he's a /fit/izen we could assume that he's a nice runner and can reach a speed of 36 Km/h (No he can't, not running in a small circle that is, but let's just work with that). Lucky me, 36 Km/h is 10 m/s, now let' say OP is running around his mom, who has a diameter of 5 meter. So in order to not hit her with his head he'd have to run in a 10m circle(r=5).
Putting this in our equation using the mass of OPs Osmium weights we get:
F = 1Kg * (10 m/s2 )2 : 5 = 20 N
That's still far from our goal of 133.495 N. Modifying our equation we can calculate the speed needed:
v= [sqrt(F)sqrt(r)]/sqrt(m) ==> sqrt[(133,495)sqrt(5)]/ 1 = 25.83 m/s
So OP would have to run in a circle around his mom going 93 Km/h holding a scale with 1 Kg Osmium on top. Needless to say Op wouldn't survive that as he'd experience the 13.608g we calculated before.
Now back to the solar system. We can easily look at the gravitational pull of planets around us.
Planet Pull Pull in g
Mercury 3.70 m/s2 0.38g
Venus 8.87 m/s2 0.9g
Earth 9.81 m/s2 1g
Mars 3.69 m/s2 0.37g
Jupiter 24.79 m/s2 2.53g
Saturn 10.44 m/s2 1.06g
Uranus 8.87 m/s2 0.9g
Neptune 11.15 m/s2 1.13g
Hmm too bad those damn planets made of gas get less dense. So we might have to look at something else. what about the sun?
Sun: 274 m/s2 = 27.93g
Hmm that's roughly the double of what we need. So we have to look for small stars becaus planets made from gas become less dense.
The next star I'd think of would be Alpha Centauri A with a gravitational pull of 202 m/s2 = 20.6g and further out I have can't even find accurate data on mass and size of stars in order to calculate their gravitational pull.
I'm sorry, I give up.

>> No.8459519

In conclusion OP will never be able to measure the weight of 1Kg Osmium at 30lbs, not because it's hard but because OP is a fuckwit. And although possible OP could not directly witness it due to the fact that he'd be dead.

correct me pls

>> No.8459714





>> No.8459772

fuck off I did the maths
just admit it I was right

>> No.8459796


>> No.8459855

Im at loss of words, why would anyone waste time writing this shti

>> No.8459861
File: 190 KB, 516x480, 1302813169368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG you took your retardness to a new whole level OP

>> No.8459863

if youre a troll, youre very commited to your work

>> No.8459867


>> No.8459979

hi r/4chan

>> No.8459981

isn't he technically not wrong

mass != weight = mg

varying the mass varies the weight

only difference is the way we measure mass on earth is by converting weight assuming constant g

>> No.8460016

its just some bullshit he makes up desperately trying to be right, read the original posts he made. the ones in the image

>> No.8460031
File: 93 KB, 633x758, 1478148320216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know what i expected