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8459111 No.8459111 [Reply] [Original]

>SCIENTISTS have claimed that death may not be as final as we once feared – and that humans have souls that can leave the body after their hosts kick the bucket.

>British physicist Sir Roger Penrose explains how the human conscious lives on after death

>Sensationally, he claims to have found evidence that this information, which is stored in microtubules within human cells, leaves the body after a person dies.

>Sir Roger has argued that when a person dies temporarily, this quantum information is released into the universe, only to return to the body's cells if the host is brought back to life.

>He argues that this explains why people can have near-death experiences, and believes that this quantum information amounts to a soul leaving the body.

>The physics expert said: "If the patient dies, it's possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul."


ayy lmao?

>> No.8459114
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>scientists have claimed that...

>> No.8459125

But anon,

>Earlier this year, another remarkable claim about the afterlife was made by a terminally-ill violinist who survived 17 near-death experiences, and claims to have been to the other side.

>Paul Robertson died of heart disease on July 27, but believed he had seen death plenty of times already before he passed away.

>During one near-death experience, he claimed he was blocked from entering heaven by a group of laughing angels who smelled of aftershave.

>Another vision saw him bathed in the aura of an “Asiatic goddess”, whilst he claims a further supernatural encounter made him believe he was a husky dog bounding through the Arctic.

>> No.8459167

They're literally making shit up now and passing it off as news. Usually they bundle the bullshit with some small pieces of the truth. How is this allowed?

>> No.8459169
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>Roger Penrose

>> No.8459184

The things DMT will show you...

>> No.8459212

Death is still final though, unless they harness this supposed quantum information and make it useful somehow.

>> No.8459225

Roger Penrose's contribution towards public understanding of physics is probably negative at this point.

>quantum consciousness
>now this

>> No.8459330

Don't know Penrose, but do know that the microtubule system in cells is continuous with microtubules in the fascia, the connective tissue. Some of these have been mapped as being the meridian system which Chinese medicine describes as containing the chi, the information-energy which maintains living beings. So one says the information-energy of the body disperses after death and one says there is quantum information in the same system which is released at death.

>> No.8459337


>SCIENTISTS have claimed

>> No.8460049

nice trips

isn't it funny how it's always the THEORETICAL physicists, just a handful of years away from their expiration dates, are the ones who make these ridiculous sorts of claims, attempting to back them up with "oh but I'm an established physicist!" it's partly hilarious because these old fucks whose shitty theories never came through are grasping at straws to try to fool themselves that their existence was meaningful. it's also partly sad because then their nonsense gets spouted over the media and the image of real science has yet another layer of dogshit smeared over it.

I don't hear about mathematicians, chemists, biologists, or even experimental physicists going this batshit insane. there must be something about theoretical physics that gives people the most insanely inflated ego.

t. grad student in quantum information

>> No.8460582

Terror Management Theory is right to be honest. All of culture is primarily about avoiding our own death. Physics made the mistake of suggesting we can't. So it must be "corrected".

>> No.8460592
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>All of culture is primarily about avoiding our own death. Physics made the mistake of suggesting we can't.
I hate the truth. delet dis

>> No.8460610

>>...it's partly hilarious because these old fucks whose shitty theories never came through...

Didn't this guy make fairly big contributions to General Relativity?

Also Brian Josephson (Nobel Prize for his work on Josephson junctions) has pretty kooky ideas outside of physics...

>> No.8460617
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>Roger Penrose
>quantum flapdoodle