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8453636 No.8453636 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does the Universe or what created it exist or start existing?

If there was nothing before it, why'd it just suddenly decide to exist?

If it was always there, why did it suddenly start doing shit now?

If it's a cycle of existing and non-existing, why would it suddenly heat death this time around, not being able to form shit, and stay that way?

>> No.8453640

those are some hard questions to answer, anon

>> No.8453643
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Matter and energy transforms. It doesn't appear or dissapear. The matter in the universe always existed and it changes its form. It didn't suddenly start anything, it transforms and atoms morph into different entities. Existence is the default state of matter, there is no why or how.

>> No.8453646

You should first ask yourself the question that "before" there was anything (if that was ever the case), there was no sense of time an "fast", "quick", "suddenly", etc. are meaningless notions.
It's not like if you stand on the street and "suddenly" decide to flip your hands. For you on the street there is a notion of waiting until you do something.
If there is no time, then nothing is "suddenly". The start is just the start.

>> No.8453661

No one has the least idea on how answer your questions, don't let theses questions consume you though, try not to think about it.

>> No.8453663


>> No.8453667

+1 for this
The universe is clearly a Fortran 95 simulation, the answer is all there before your eyes.

>> No.8453668

>No one has the least idea on how answer your questions
Everyone has some idea on how to answer these :^)

>> No.8453695

define "nothing"

humans are really bad at making sense of these kinds of questions because we have all of these implicit assumptions such as time existing and what not, which has no reason to be true when you try to go "before the universe"

This is not a question for philosophy, it's a question for theoretical physics and the answer is we don't know yet.

>> No.8453825

the issue with the "beginning of time" idea is that you're still thinking in a 4 dimensional scale, without time there are no events, for time to not be at one point and to be the next there must be an outside factor exempt from time that changes state

>> No.8453897

When will we know?

Asking for a friend

>> No.8455072

If AI is able to program new, better AI, and the intelligence goes exponential, we could know within the next 500 years. Or it could be 5000 or 50,000. It depends on how complex our reality is. (I'm guessing it's pretty damn complex)

>> No.8455666

Actually this is a meaningless question.

I know it seems like it means something, but it doesn't.

>> No.8455687

Fuck off satan

>> No.8455693

I know! I would be a christian but the one thing I just cant swallow is that once jesus was finished nailing his first arm to the cross how did he get the nail in the other arm! so im an agnostic.

>> No.8455788

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8455794
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It's a heretical meme, disregard.

>> No.8455872

He(I am him) means its fucking impossible to nail yourself to a cross without help, which proves Christianity is 100% fake.

>> No.8455876

satan is a figment of your imagination too, and 666 means Nero Cesar, not satan

>> No.8455893

Imagine if every 666 post was authored by satan.

Would that i could be possessed by Him

>> No.8455942
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No one even understands wtf the universe is even supposed to actually be.

Literally none of it makes sense.

>> No.8455944

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>> No.8455946


wait what?

nobody thinks jesus nailed HIMSELF into a cross.

>> No.8455947

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>> No.8455948

But I thought he did it so he could hang out with those two guys

>> No.8456337

>hang out

>> No.8456348

Science cant help you here.

Maybe the universe exists because it feels like it. It can be observed that a thing, if left alone and unaffected by degrading circumstances, will continue existing. Assuming the old addage that the macrocosm reflects the microcosm, you can therefore say that as to exist is a property of things, the universe, being a thing, will tend to exist unless something else tries to stop it.

You could say that. But probably god did it, desu.

>> No.8456375

The universe is programmed in a way that we can't understand the concept of non-existence. Once you get to the meta universe, it becomes obvious

>> No.8456376

Quantum fluctuations caused the big bang. They will form another one given enough time.

>> No.8456384

Sorry but you got to ask God on that one.