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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8439653 No.8439653 [Reply] [Original]

How does one become ''sharp''?

Whenever I try to study I either feel sleepy, lethargic and ''absent''. Actually, most times I just feel absent, as If I wasn't really here and I was trapped in a permanent cycle of passiveness.

You might say it is because I am not really interested on the things that I study, but I deeply am, its just as if my brain wasn't giving me as much as I wish it would.

Whats wrong sci? I just don't want to be a brainlet anymore.

>> No.8439659

Studying is hard. Just gotta keep at it.

You can do some things to keep yourself from losing focus, like getting proper sleep, eating right, exercising. Also, it doesn't hurt to take breaks.

Apart from that, just be sure you want to be doing what you're doing, keep focused on your goal, and work at it. Sorry I don't have any other advice.

>> No.8439675



Find something you're interested in

>> No.8439684
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No need to be sorry, its great advice.





already drink it

>find something you're interested in

read the post.

>> No.8439703

If it helps, I'm foggy-headed all the time. But I've dragged myself through my major this far with good marks, so, I think I'm doing it right? I can only hope what I've fooled myself into thinking is useful for other folks.

Can I ask what you're studying? I'm actually trying to get through cancer bio stuff at the moment.

>> No.8439716
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What I study is a big mess, I tried to make a ''program'' like months ago that I would try to follow of the things I deeply felt I wanted to learn and master.

I study some electronics / electricity, calculus, programming and a language.

Its the first time ever I've tried to do this type of stuff since all my life I've been the ADHD guy that plays videogames all day so its very hard since although I don't feel any pleasure from videogames or stuff like that, actually, I don't feel any pleasure for anything no more, but since I have time and nothing else in my life I figured that maybe studying would get me somewhere.

The fact that I fail to do it frustrates me and makes me feel anxious all the time, since its basically all I have and do nothing else.

>> No.8439717

I wish I could tell you. Same happens to me. I'm going to guess the culprit is my shitty diet and my fluctuating sleeping habits.

Pomodoro has been helpful for the occasions when I have to force myself to study something I find extremely uninteresting. It's total pseudoscience, though.

>> No.8439718

Cocaine in moderate doses

>> No.8439747

Do you have some sort of schedule that you follow? One source of this sort of anxiety and distraction can be that you don't have your goals clear in your mind.

Also, your ability to focus should get better with consistency. Sit down and study every single day. Don't get discouraged by your failures.

>> No.8439748

fuck, are you me?

>> No.8439751

Geez, are you me? I have bad habits like this that I still can't kick, even though I know they hold me back and I don't really even enjoy them. I think I actually suffer from addiction of some kind. Not sure if that applies to you though.

Regardless of how I'm fucking up I managed to find something I really wanted to do, and between moments where I'm a shitlord I try hard at school and I seem to be getting somewhere. But I definitely get anxious about it. If I weren't doing well in my classes, I would probably lose my mind because I've run out of other things to care about.

I think regardless of how you might feel shitty about the whole ordeal, that you actually feel frustration shows you care, and I think that's good. I figure if you can identify what you care about, and if you can make babysteps in getting yourself closer to your goal, you're probably on a good track and who knows, you might actually be happy if you try to do something with it. At least, that's what I've been selling myself.

>> No.8439819

I was the same way, but then I started a research project with one of my professors. Now that I'm learning about things that I'm actually using/applying, as well as having deliverables that I have to meet in order to demonstrate I'm actually learning, its a lot easier so just sit down and read for a few hours. It's like, I can read something and consider if it may explain why I'm seeing a particular result from an experiment, or something along those lines. I just feel a lot more invested in my learning as opposed to just going to classes

>> No.8439827

Oh, and don't stress too much about not feeling smart. As long as you have the motivation to keep showing up and figuring out whats going on, you'll be ok

>> No.8439832

Eat a healthier diet with Omega 3s and exercise frequently.

>> No.8439834

I have the same problem, OP.
I find that it gets easier once the habit of problem-solving is more established.

Other things, the afterglow of meditation really helps to center my attention and its way easier to "get going" and getting "in the learning zone", amphetamine is a great tool in the moment but will render you a brainlet for days once the high diminishes.

coffee fucking sucks compared to green tea.
Its powerfull and good for mindless grinding, not problemsolving (in my brain that is).
I find that it leaves me way too jittery and delirious but im naturally a high-strung person.

>> No.8439849

Not him but might aswell be. I definetly notice this helping. Setting clear but managable, almost easy goals does make it way easier to train a habit.

The biggest problem ive had with establishing new habits is actually going in too strong in the begining and expecting my emotional optimism to last beyond the "honeymoon-phase".

I believe cognitive science supports this perspective.

>> No.8439854

you need to reorganise your life so that you get to sleep more. /thread

inb4 "i'm not tired though"

that's what i mean, you dipstick. reorganize your life so you get tired. you aren't working hard enough.

>> No.8439998

Same thing for me, I feel like I'm living in a haze but it wears off when I start working or talk about work with other people, because I love my subject. You have to get invested in whatever you are studying and try to enjoy the process of working through problems. After a while, it will just feel like the best use of your time.
If you really can't focus, try to find someone to work with (or at least discuss what you've understood or failed to understand)

>> No.8440008

Step one

Get off 4chan

>> No.8440048

the only things that matter are goals. i get the feeling the people in this thread who feel this way have no applications or outlets for their "study", so what's the point? so you can feel brag about your maths skills on a rhodesian thimblerigger enthusiasts forum? how can you expect to accomplish anything without a reason?

and don't make a simple goal that keeps you motivated for half a minute; motivation is shallow. you need goals that make you determined.

>> No.8440158

Stop eating panda express, and eat salads at all meals. Also, take naps, and get some caffeine.

>> No.8440881

>How does one become ''sharp''?

The same way you become tall.

you have to be born that way.

>> No.8440882

>>How does one become ''sharp''?

>The same way you become tall.
>you have to be born that way.

inb4, "All traits that make me better than you are genetic and unchangable, but I can just read books to become smarter!"

>> No.8441198

Height isn't purely genetic, though. If you lack nutrition you can end up pretty short.

Stuff involving the brain is also more complicated than quantitative traits like height. Fuck, this should be obvious

>> No.8441217


>> No.8441235

How much do you exercise?

Cut back on caffeine if you drink more than one cup a day.


>amphetamine is a great tool in the moment but will render you a brainlet for days once the high diminishes

OP, don't bum drugs off of people and take them for a high.

If you think you may have ADHD, get tested and talk to your doctor about medication. Plenty of studies show the positive effects of stimulants like adderall. Some studies suggest that long-term use of these stimulants improve brain function overall, even when you don't have the drug in your system. There are also non-stimulant options.

>> No.8441243

Stop masturbating so much.
Limit yourself to once every 3 days.

Avoid social media, including 4chan.

Start jogging.

Get a good sleep schedule

>> No.8441643
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We'll there's been a lot of answers, I went to bed last night and couldn't respond / thank you guys for your answers which I suppose must also help those who are in a similar situation as me.

I will try to eat more greens, cut back on the 4chans / masturbation and try to do some exercise, hopefully that will get me out of this lethargic loop.


Eh, I really don't know much about drugs. And I don't think I have ADHD, well, I guess I am just really autistic and get distracted easily due to years of years of constantly pleasing myself and always seeking the easy path.

See? Thats the problem and I am so glad of being able to word it out. Around 10+ years of videogames, masturbation, lack of goals and proper work has left me this way, which makes things overly complicated as I am trying to go from never actually putting my mind to work for long periods of time to actually do it everyday.

>> No.8441859

You just gotta do it more. What you do is eventually what you become, so just keep trying to be sharp and you will be sharp. Also define sharp.

>> No.8441940


There's your problem.

>> No.8441988
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>ITT little princess thinks hes special
everyone is like this dumbass I have an exam in 4 days and im here watching chinese cartoons

>> No.8442169

>pick one

>> No.8442218

Same happens to me, I am really interested in what I study, yet the moment I pick up the book, my brain starts wandering. I find myself lost in some passing thought for 10 minutes. Even worse, sometimes I grab the book and just forget about it and end up doing something else for an hour before I remember. Other times I have to re-read something 10 times before it actually registers, or a super-simple thing just won't get into my head.

Then sometimes, I have good clarity, things are obvious, and everything goes well. Even better, sometimes I have a few seconds of utter clarity and it feels like I'm working at 50x speed. It feels awful because I can't understand why my brain just won't work properly 99.9% of the time.

It's definitely down to willpower, at least in part. One thing I found after lazying off two years of uni is that your subconscious learns a lot. Mine understood that not studying meant no exam stress (already knew I'd fail anyway) and it was just easier that way. My diet is fine, so is my sleep (in fact I'd almost say it's utopian), exercise could be better but not terrible.

I guess in the end it's really down to wanting it. Pick up that book and force yourself, with exercise your brain will wake the fuck up over time, it's not really surprising that you feel lethargic if you don't exercise your brain (and body). Almost everyone has this problem to some extent.

>> No.8442583

you're the guy who thinks he can learn anatomy, physics and higher level mathematics in 3 months because you have limited internet during the winter months

>> No.8442603

How is your sleep cycle?

>> No.8442649

are you bozos hydrated? your brain is slower and your thoughts are cloudier when you're not hydrated.
drink more water

>> No.8442671

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and depression.
it causes me to have strange emotions and tangles many negative things in my head, never capable of a focused thought.
I am getting medication and it helps me.
What is really good is, that I have a therapist who is constructive.

>> No.8442717


For me it was ADHD, meds are like night and day for me. Of course my life was a complete fucking trainwreck, I've got legit massive ADHD

>> No.8442926

Get enough sleep.

Don't study in bed or other places you associate with either sleep or leisure because your brain will get in the wrong "mode" - either sleepy or focused on playing.

Don't study with distractions nearby - remove Everything related to entertainment and social media from your perception while studying.

Eat healthy food. Drink enough water.

>> No.8443524


nofap is such a hilarious meme

>> No.8443531
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>implying the brain isn't a completely quantitative and deterministic system

>muh subjectivity

Fucking philosophers, go back to >>>/lit/

>> No.8443646


Are you two me?

>> No.8443677
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No, everybody here is me.




lol whats wrong with you, completely unrelated and missing the point. Calm down anon.


Around 4 - 6 hours a sleep a night from monday to friday. On Tuesdays I actually sleep more, around 8 hours.


Heres your (you), anon.

>> No.8443700 [DELETED] 
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I find it so hard to focus.

>all you need is discipline brah

While that works for something mechanical like working out where I just have to move the weights without thinking it doesn't work with studying for me.

Because how can I focus if I am using part of my focus to try to deal with the discomfort?

>> No.8443702
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Try a supplement called Sharp Thought by Country Life. The difference should be night and day.

After trying that I would recommend a book called The Ultramind Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman.


>> No.8443707

If studying causes you so much pain, why do you even bother? Go do something you actually like to do.

>> No.8443731

Everything I would like to do requires to study first.

>> No.8443776

>have mental problem
>ask 4chan instead of going to a mental health professional


>> No.8443789


>have mental problem

when was that implied?

>> No.8443795

I was diagnosed with having a mike strapped to my voice box since birth.

LOL of course I wasn't. That would destroy the entire purpose of the experiment wouldn't it?

>> No.8443799

If they do stuff like that, they deserve that people give up and voluntarily go to shit.

>> No.8443807

So why don't you get a gun and shoot everything around you? That's what all of our other test subjects have done so far.

>> No.8443813

You should have seen the radiologist's facial reaction. I may have some kind of slight assburgers / autism, but even I could realize he did NOT believe what he was seeing on that monitor.

>> No.8443968

Kek good one anon.

You sound like an asshole.

OP said they had depression and some mood altering shit I believe.

Negroid if you had some form of mild autism it would be apparent in your development e.g - you'd suffer from stimming, hyper sensitivity, nerve ticks or have phenotypic traits depending on the disorder and severity of the condition on the spectrum only snowflakes think they have autism when they are past the age of prepubescence due to being self-centered fucks.

This shit really pisses me off considering the only autistic people I know of are 95-100% aspie mechanical engineering and phys majors and bambling braindead unable to speak severe sufferers.

>> No.8444039

>This shit really pisses me off considering the only autistic people I know of are 95-100% aspie mechanical engineering and phys majors and bambling braindead unable to speak severe sufferers.
How the fuck are people with severe autism getting into college?

>> No.8444629


I dont know I am autistic and I am in college.

It just werks mang.

>> No.8444681
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Welcome to being an adult, your life will be miserable, and your future is gone.

>> No.8445201


Useless post.

>> No.8445259


Didn't mention they got into college and you proved my point nigger by conflating the high functioning aspies with brain dead ones.
Autism has become the new ADD lately the diagnosis for it must be shit unless you suffer from stimming and hypersensitivity at the very least I highly doubt you have autism. Not to make it sound like a goddamn competition but i'm sick of socially awkward fucks calling themselves autistic almost using it as a crutch for their inability to properly socialize and feel bad for tfw no grilfriend.

>> No.8445272


lol I didn't mean autistic in the real autistic way, desu I dont even know what you two are talking about desu desu.

>> No.8445306

Fapping too much isn't a meme though

>> No.8445383

It's sounding pretty no true Scotsman I get you but you can see were my frustration comes from right weab assburger?

>> No.8445385


>> No.8445391
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Still don-t know what this is about mate.

>> No.8445458

Drink coffee, take vitamins, and get sleep.

Continue to learn to grow. and learn to learn.

>> No.8446073

hi please stop posting my wife thanks

>> No.8446272
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>your wife

Kys faggot

Her toes are mine.

>> No.8446287

Okay. I've got a question for all you neuroscientists and psychiatrists out there

What are the possible causes of the following:

>wake up one day, realize I have no emotions
>I used to be a super happy person, very kind and outgoing, sappy scenes made me cry
>now nothing. I tried to imagine my family dying in a car accident, and I felt nothing
>I was deeply in love with a wonderful girl before this; I woke up one day and suddenly felt nothing towards her
>I used to be deeply motivated and have a ton of goals and dreams. Now, If I failed college today, it wouldn't bother me
>Can't feel any emotions any more. Not happy, not sad, not angry. Nothing.
>If a tree fell on my car today, it wouldn't bother me like it would have before this started
>used to be super horny all the time; now have zero libido. I can still orgasm, but I don't have any sex drive, nor do I feel much of any sexual attraction towards anyone.

It has been going on for about a week and a half now. I am very concerned. Before you say "see a doctor", I already have an appointment scheduled. I just want to know possible explanations for it. Everyone in my family, and even my coworkers have noticed that something is different about me. I am just not myself anymore.

What do you know of that could cause this?

>> No.8446311


>> No.8446316

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.8446326


My waifu, you dont get to have him.

>> No.8446332

I think I'm going to make a thread out of this.

>> No.8446365

if this is a recent thing it could be attributable to anything from a change in diet or sleep to increased stress or lack of desire or even seasonal depression

if it's been like this your whole life you probably have add and should go see a doctor

>> No.8446376

Exercise. I always study best after a workout, go in the gym for 1 hour (I do powerlifting), it really "wakes you up", then I come back home make some tea and can study much better. Don't have to go to the gym, you can just go run or whatever you like. I remember my biology teacher giving this advice, so there's probably some science behind it

Also get enough sleep

Oh and stick to it. It's hard to actually get going studying, but once you do it for like 15 min without distraction then you're pretty much "into the zone" and can go on for hours.

>> No.8446399

drink around two liters of water. your iq drops by 10%, when you are thirsty and you feel tired.

go outside every day. your brain learns better when you are walking and sunlight wakes you up and your body produces vitamin d.

do not eat or drink products with additional sugar in it. you feel sleepy, when you eat to much sugar (more than 25g per day).

eat balanced... porridge, fruits, vegetables, meat. do not to overeat when you want to learn or work.

find out what motivates you. i like to check todo-list.

>> No.8446402


>your iq drops b...

Stopped reading there.

You dont really believe that IQ bullshit do you?

>> No.8446410

he didn't mean it literally

>> No.8446414
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Fuck off lil nigga, take it or leave it.

>> No.8446433

its not such a far fetched idea you know, i dont think you would disagree that you're not at your sharpest while you're thirsty and tired

>> No.8446488

stop faping during a week, and you fell "sharp"

>> No.8446519

Just like you, bet you're felling sharp right now.

>> No.8446520

It frightens me how much I relate to this entire post.

>> No.8446537

Not him but same.
It at least gives me some comfort knowing there are other people going through what I'm going through

>> No.8446548
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So whats holding us from like uniting and trying to support each other in our endeavors?

>> No.8446566


kill yourself

>> No.8446575


Is your life a big fucking mess in general? Do you struggle real bad to do everyday tasks like brushing your teeth, paying bills and taking out the trash? What you describe is pretty much what I felt, including no longer getting anything out of videogames.

Turns out I have massive ADHD and meds make things so much better. I feel more handicapped without meds than I imagine I would without my left leg..

>> No.8446643
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>Is your life a big fucking mess in general?


>Do you struggle real bad to do everyday tasks...

Not really, only if it interrupts me from what I am doing or focused on doing I get all angry and autistic about doing it or simply not do it at all.


I dont know man. I don't think I have either ADHD or any form of depression. I think I am just a normal guy with a severe bitch case.

>> No.8446655

Congratulations, you are becoming a disgruntled academic. Now, complete your transformation and get tenure at a shitty university in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.8446660

>It has been going on for about a week and a half now
Sounds like you need to calm the fuck down. A week and a half is not a long time, in the grand scheme of things. Wait it out.

>> No.8446694
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Mirror image of me, I'd reccomend studying the brain a bit and learning of memory retention skills, helps a lot, and write EVERYTHING DOWN, take notes about everything, review the notes, take notes of fucking notes, and keep it organized, helps alot.

>> No.8446847
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Everyday I see threads like these with people that, like some anon said on some other thread, have good intentions and ''higher'' goals but either fail due to all the things described on this thread, among other personal problems.

Whichever is the case why they are failing to do what they want to do, I was wondering if it would be viable to form a study group.

On the creation of this group, aimed to the likes of us, perhaps we could support each other in our paths? even if the disciplines are different, having people to rely onto wouldn't hurt, right?

>> No.8446859

kys stupid faggot lmao

>> No.8446865


No, you kys yourself faggot.

>> No.8446892
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This thread has loads of replies but what I've found (and I'm doing about 50 hours a week so absentmindedness when studying is something I actively avoid)

1) enough sleep, 7 hours is enough for me, 6 minimum, if I have less sleep than this I will be very unproductive
2) Change enviroment every few hours, change the album you're listening to (try and stick to instrumental if you find yourself listening to the lyrics but its not an issue for me) and move seats in the library
3) Pomodoro, work for 25 minutes, then do something else, ideally walk around a bit or something but otherwise just stretch out and take a few minutes
4) Eat, seriously, if you are finding you are not paying attention eat something, not chocolate, something like an apple or banana, or even better, chocolate AND an apple

I also make every second break (so once an hour) 10 minutes, this is usually when I go get an apple or something, you can also use this time to smoke if you smoke, whatever, just get up and decompress once an hour for 10 minutes

>> No.8447043

What-is this about then weab? Enlighten me.

>> No.8447046

Man this chicks face is hella weird.

>> No.8447048



I don't really like anime anon, what are you on about?

>> No.8447073

Whether I'm studying or composing a song, I feel the same way. Good sleep with exercise and coffee help me a ton with productivity and mood.

>> No.8447540


>implying female

so naive

>> No.8448911

same here

>> No.8448922
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Very rarely, when the stars align just right I feel well rested and my mind is clear. Concentrating and studying feels effortless. There are no physical sensations distracting me from studying. There is no urgent desire to stop studying. No thought comes up that does not have to do with the study topic. This only lasts for an hour at most but I imagine this is how normal people feel.

If only I could somehow feel like that every day.

>> No.8448927
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here what i do
1.do not learn somthin that you cant [know your limit]
2.has passion or will to fill your head with what you try to take in
3.keep the knowledge in your mind or make a mental shortcut for it
4.frustrate not when fail in exam [not THE Exam],take it as a guideline of what you have in your head and improve

about the no.1, i think there is no limit to learn to be honest,there's no limit,just proceved

>> No.8448929

>sleep 6-8 hours each night
>Develop a studying routine
>Cut down on leisure activities such as vidya, 4chan, anime - anything which is passive and easy to do
>Persistence - it might not come straight away but to change yourself you need prolonged effort

You might just have something wrong with you OP, like ADD, which I know nothing about, so if truly nothing works maybe you could look into that.

>> No.8448936

Holy shit... I'm an EE and feel the exact same and have even taken ADD meds to get through school work because i just have no desire or care for my future. Vidya is an escape more than anything else. Looking at the replies to this post it's ridiculous how many jaded and unmotivated EEs and what not there are, glad I'm not alone though I was hoping it gets better.

>> No.8448939

religous differance
differ in understandment
were the same

>> No.8449005
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wait i almost piece together these situation
a little more data on you and it's a confirm
a little question,what you do in a day?

>> No.8449335

>Its the first time ever I've tried to do this type of stuff since all my life I've been the ADHD guy that plays videogames all day so its very hard since although I don't feel any pleasure from videogames or stuff like that, actually, I don't feel any pleasure for anything no more, but since I have time and nothing else in my life I figured that maybe studying would get me somewhere.

Haven't read the rest of the replies so some of this may have already been covered.

I have been through the same thing. What happens is you get addicted/used to a short term gratification kind of pleasure. Vidya is specifically engineered for this. So what happens is you start to feel deep down that this short term happiness isn't going to make you happy in the long term.

So you start studying and working towards something that is long term gratification based. But you're used to the immediate pleasure and therefore you have this instinct to GTFO as soon as you start working on something but don't feel any gratification. But trust this system, anon. As you start pushing more and more, longer and longer, you start to feel pleasure again at the small things, that new data structure you mastered, figuring out why some small thing works at a low level. This keeps you going and you NEED to build momentum. This is huge. DON'T STOP NOW. Do more each day, keep winning those small battles, and you'll end up winning wars. And when you do, it was all worth it. The sense of accomplishment, self worth, etc is orders of magnitude greater than any short term happiness you're used too from video games or whatever other thing you've been addicted to in the past. It's worth it anon. Keep working, you'll slowly get sharper and sharper, and happier and happier. Your brain is transitioning. It's hard and disheartening. Keep pushing forward. Start reading motivational books. I know that sounds corny, but start to surround yourself with positivity and excitement. You'll get there.

>> No.8449346

The problem is too much information. You need to give your mind time to work as there is only so much new information you can commit to memory. Take it easy for a day or two and then try a cram/reading session. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

>> No.8449371

1. Sleep habits and quality

2. Dietary habits and quality

3. Remove distractions. As much as possible that could remove your focus and concentration. Have fixed well defined times for anything social. Log out of everything when you should study. A single Facebook bleep can slow down many minutes of studies.

4. Get into the right "mood" or mindset. This can help if you are in a place dedicated for learning or have music that gets you in the mood. For some people this can be a special place in their home or maybe the library.

>> No.8449379

Lots of ADD hysteria these days. It could simply be you're a social media / entertainment junkie.

But that is not a good answer as it does not make you buy stuff but rather stay away from buying stuff. So there's no money in it for the ADD drug (or other) shills to tell you about it.

>> No.8449380

Not just ADD pill sellers. Don't forget the media and entertainment companies. They DEFINITELY don't want you to stop consume their stuff.

>> No.8449382

>anon sooner or later to be subjected to involuntary full time hobbyism.

>> No.8449385

I'm pretty sure everyone's like this, even if they say otherwise. Maybe we all look at it in different ways but it's all more or less the same, like how everyone thinks of themselves higher than others.

>> No.8449389
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Sounds like you need some jesus.

On a more serious note start running/walking OUTSIDE. And start going to the gym. Take microbreaks where you just trun 180 degrees and focus on your breath to "reset".

If the stuff above dosen't work just micro dose LSD

>> No.8449396

Get an Omega 3 and Vitamin D things from coromega

>> No.8449401

Fresh air helps too. A walk is helpful from time to time. Keeps your body moving, pumps more blood to your brain. After you come back from the walk you should be refreshed and ready to work.

>> No.8449402
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Man... I-ve been taking it easy for almost a decade. Until 4 or 5 months ago I could safely say my mind was but an empty husk.


Sounds pretty straight forward and makes sense to me, thanks for your words anon. Godspeed.


Well from monday to friday I go to college and, due to a fucked up schedule, stay almost all day there. I use the small breaks in between (from 1 hour to 2+ hours) to advance in the program I talked about.

Saturdays and Sundays, not much. Just stare at the screen and please myself with useless junk and media, the fact that I have problems getting out of the bed doesn-t help either.

>> No.8449709

>this pic
has to be fake

>> No.8449718 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8449721

>got top GPA in my class
>never took drugs like adderall

feels good man

>> No.8450193

>How does one become ''sharp''?
Try to stop avatarfagging on /sci/, that might help

>> No.8450194


Nobody is avatarfagging kid, lol.

>> No.8451032
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welp,it's a confirm then
you just fine just has nothing wrong [considering ADHD thing and etc]
it'just that you has nothing [interesting to do just same shit everyday]like general shepherd had said in call of duty modern warfare 2 first mission s.s.d.d.=same shit different day
i definately experience the same thing but to be a empty husk for a number of months is very bad.
a fucked upschedule is not totally rekt but on useless media ? dat is quite a mind fuck
just look a a regular teacher for example,they repeat the same thing for decades with nothing [advancing] them
it's time related a it's a long and quite elaborate stuff if you don't mind speaking of it
come in at keegan2620@gmail.com

>> No.8451047
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a little addition
you said
[I don't think I have either ADHD or any form of depression. I think I am just a normal guy with a severe bitch case.]
well you damn right

>> No.8451244
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Y-you wanna study with me bro?

>> No.8451557
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I have faced with the same problem during my master study and still this shit is bothering me at work. So after some researches i came up with hypothesis that the main reason of brain passiveness is due to lack of studying habit. Moreover, your primitive part of brain during the day tries to answer main question - "run or fight" and when you start studing your concentration is stumbling because your brain wants to save mental energy for dangerous life situations ("Is this dog dangerous? Should i run or keep calm ...")

>> No.8451568
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, 1472995850437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And therefore you should create a studying habit. Start with trigger (physical trigger is more preferred) For example: "after you put headphones, you will study for 10 minutes" Then after each succesful iteration reward yourself with something (candy, playing game for 5 minutes etc)

So i have tried to stick with this habits for the 1 last week and it seems to have potential

>> No.8451573

she looks like the turd I just shit this morning

>> No.8452385


nice fucking meme anon

>> No.8452392
File: 24 KB, 274x400, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-must defend m-muh waifu D':
She looks like gargamel with makeup. The only difference is gargamels eyes aren't ridiculously lopsided.

>> No.8452399


Anon, my patience is running out. Stop fucking insulting her right now

>> No.8452404

It's like when god made her face he was both drunk and high on shrooms. It's sad that even tons of make-up, fake hair and colored lenses can't hide her disgusting fuglyness.

>> No.8452428


It doesn't matter, anon, she's still my perfect waifu and I wish I was worthy of touching her toes.

Russian asuka waifu is best waifu. Fuck you.

>> No.8452429

Oh you're making fun of the cosplayer, that's fine.

>> No.8452432

Looks like she has empataigo.

>> No.8452435

It's like some drunk ran her over with his truck, then tried to fix her face with a hammer and some red paint :^)

I'm making fun of the ugly thing posted in the OP pic, not the fictional character.

>> No.8452438

Here's what works for me:

>have a clean desk area
>try not to have a 5 hour fapping session before you study
>try not to have a 5 hour 4chan session before you study
>basically, be a productive member of society before you start
>as tony robbins always says, humans will do what they find easier, so having a clean desk area with all your books and needed supplies in an easy access area is crucial
>force yourself to study for at least half an hour
>you'll end up studying for 10
>drink lots of water while studying

>> No.8453168
File: 74 KB, 530x491, einstein desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but I can't for the love of my life have a clean organized desk. Even If I have a sheet of paper and a pencil I'll somehow make a mess out of it. Literally pic but with a brainlet.