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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 131 KB, 600x450, Brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8446770 No.8446770 [Reply] [Original]

What are sci's thoughts on this guy now that he is an adult?

>> No.8446774

How are triple integrals real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.8446776

jadenposting is best posting

>> No.8446781

For you.

>> No.8446818

Just like the majority of child genius, excels rapidly and then amounts to nothing; it shows the shallowness of their intellectual ability.

>> No.8446837

just an autistic kid who sucks up knowledge, but doesn't make up anything new

>> No.8446849


>t. autistic manchildren that sucks up knowledge who doesn't make up anything new


>> No.8446866

None. He's irrelevant.

>> No.8446877

He's probably a pain in the ass to work with.
But of course, it's also not fair to label someone genius and tell them they are, and then come and complain to them that they didn't revolutionize some field. Revolutionizing field is hard as fuck and it's probably luck to choose the right problems to get somewhere.

>> No.8447085

I'll really only care if he discovers something new. Other than that he shouldn't be a celebrity or anything

>> No.8447110

>Some kid does something on the level of a first year grad student
Wow so cool
>Doesn't advance from there when they actually enter academia

fuck child prodigies tbqh

>> No.8447139

just lol at child prodigies whose legacies end at them being a child prodigy

how do you fuck up so badly?

>> No.8447188
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1434478495939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jacob barnett is now 18 years old
where did the years go

>> No.8447196

Not the first time a "child prodigy" has been exaggeratedly seen as precocious for doing first year shit. It's a problem with universities in general I think, there's a ton of leaver scholarships one's only available if your'e under a certain age which seem really asshole to adult students.


>> No.8447230

Ask yourself anon

>> No.8447231 [DELETED] 



edit: Wow thank you to the kind Redditor who gave me gold!

edit: This is now officially my highest rated comment. Never change, Reddit. Never change.

>> No.8447238

Im glad that he has gotten fame, but who is he in academia? Is he noteworthy for anything or just great at the math he is taught?

>> No.8447240

Can hiroshimoot just fucking close /sci/ already?
This board was a mistake

>> No.8447242

Guess who else was a mistake, according to your mom?

>> No.8447243



edit: Wow thank you to the kind Redditor who gave me gold!

edit: This is now officially my highest rated comment. Never change, Reddit. Never change.

>> No.8447246

Supposedly he finished his masters last year, but he hasn't published anything.

He's probably pushing out sick new apps with his coworkers Sanjeet and Krishna

>> No.8447252

are u guys fukken babbies or something

>> No.8447257



edit: Wow thank you to the kind Redditor who gave me gold!

edit: This is now officially my highest rated comment. Never change, Reddit. Never change.

>> No.8447272

The vast majority of child prodigies will burn out when things become genuinely difficult. Every once in a while through a child prodigy turns into a world class academic

>> No.8447293

This kid is nothing special.
I did programming at 14! Why didn't I get accepted into uni and had news coverage on me?

He can't dream in code, he dreams about bugs or problems in the code. It is simply a logic puzzle, I doubt he dreams he is in an IDE.
All programmers do it sometimes.

>> No.8447301

>I doubt he dreams he is in an IDE.
>he doesn't dream in vim

>> No.8447642

Welp should've been born in the age of shitty apps you could've written some basic entry level comp sci course, proof of concept game apps and gotten a contract from google senpai.

>> No.8448705

>doesn't dream in emacs

>> No.8448731

He's incredibly intelligent. He is at the Perimeter Institute and he did the Perimeter Scholars International program. I'm in it now, and he wrote the course notes we're using for GR along with the prof who teaches it.

>> No.8448751

Do you ever meme him

>> No.8448759

Are you actually saying this board needs to be shit down more urgently than /pol/? That's a bit of s stretch imo.

>> No.8448775

I think he is actually quite intelligent and has quite a bright future ahead of him. It's just that he's on the news less because he isn't a child anymore and hence isn't a child prodigy. I'm sure we will see some important scientific contributions come out of him in the future, but maybe he will not continue to be famous. I don't know why this threaders are saying he burnt out. He's been progressing through academia steadily over the years.

>> No.8448787

>doesn't dream brainfuck

>> No.8448798


> he hasn't died years ago

>> No.8448800
File: 192 KB, 1080x1349, 30892457608274389570928345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure he can soak up all the information he wants but it'll never really amount to anything

>> No.8448802

Child prodigies usually tend to be one of these three

1. Burnouts
2. Amazing memories and information retention, but lack the true spark of genius. Mostly spelling bee types
3. Actual geniuses

Barnett is definitely a #2 or #3, but to decide beyond that is unfair. He still can prove himself.

>> No.8448813

Anon you seem to be heavily implying that /pol/ is neither relevant nor, in fact, idealogically correct.

I believe you have missed the turn to Reddit or Tumblr at some point and would he better served there.

And if you really want to try and talk.about cancer then /tv/ should have been your first response. It is clear you are not a resident 4channer.

>> No.8448822

yea he did something on loop quantum gravity with lee smolin

This. I met him at PI a few months back as well, he's super nice to talk to and really self aware
Also dude no way are you the slav with gypsie pants

>> No.8448888

Whats with this random asian chick, she a child genius who grew up to become something?

>> No.8449038

quads bro

>> No.8450239

Why's /sci/ so obsessed/butthurt over him anyway?

>> No.8450244

I don't know why I always find that funny.

>> No.8450246
File: 60 KB, 500x495, 1457833951018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8450271

triple dubs into dubs quads

>> No.8450273

Because he hasn't done anything of note, yet people call him a child prodigy. Society portrays child prodigies as someone that will do great things, and he hasn't yet.

But hey, at least his mom profited off it, she wrote a book about autism.

>> No.8450290
File: 33 KB, 598x448, sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way his mother paraded him around to fulfill her own ego was relentless and perverse. I know that you're insecure about your own intelligence, but please stop posting this kid.

>> No.8450329

Dude, he's 18y and by accounts even in this thread has been progressing quite well.

What have you done lately?

>> No.8450362

He wanted to know why Barnett was a meme and I told him.

Why is Barnett a meme, could you explain to us? Perhaps I'm wrong.