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8445825 No.8445825 [Reply] [Original]

Static everywhere.
sparkles of white light on sky.
What is it /sci/ ?
Is my brain fucked ?

>> No.8445839
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I had it for my entire life, but then I conked my head a few months ago and it sort of increased, and I now also have those sparkles when I look at the sky and other little starbursts/afterimages/trails of light etc.. So, I guess we're in the same boat.

>Recent research has confirmed a brain hypermetabolism in persons with visual snow, located principally in the right lingual gyrus.

This is what hypermetabolism actually is

Funnily enough, my mother and her mother both suffer from hyperthyroidism/graves disease, which is apparently a cause for hypermetabolism, so maybe conking my head triggered something that I inherited. It seems awfully coincidental, no?

From all of the research I've done, it is benign and doesn't effect your life span or anything weird like that. We probably will have some treatment/more information within the next few years. it seems like a simple thing to treat. We just need to wait for the research to complete.

>> No.8445844

I have really serious scoliosis as well.
My neck is fucked as well.
So when my neck is really uncomfortable my VS increase.
Ive spoken with therapists as well, they told me they saw shit when they did neck exercises.
So there is chance that it has something to do with blood flow into my brain.

>> No.8445845
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yeah, I get these mild headaches now, and a lot of the time, I feel it in my neck. really weird. the lingual gyrus is in the back of our brains by our necks, the red part of this image. who knows what's really going on. I've noticed very mild difficulties with recalling words and actually speaking, too, apparently some people with VS also experience that, and the lingual gyrus has to do with recognizing words/letters, shit like that I suppose. It has nothing to do with your intelligence though, and I DO feel 100% in regards to my intellect, so it's just this weird ass annoyance. Hopefully the research being done right now finds some cure or any treatment.

>> No.8445849
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>I've noticed very mild difficulties with recalling words
Same here anon

>> No.8445852
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It's good to know that we're experiencing the same things though. When I hit my head, the doctor told me that I PROBABLY suffered from a mild concussion and that would explain my problems, but there is just no way that was the case. I conked my head between my eyebrows, not that hard, and I remember everything that happened. It just wasn't that big of a deal. Your sinuses and such are between your eyebrows. Your brain is far back, let alone the lingual gyrus, and the frontal lobe is a very strong part of the skull. I feel like I triggered something. I get mild nausea/vertigo and headaches now, not bad enough to throw up or even take a pill, but just an annoyance that comes and goes depending on what I'm doing. It's just really weird. A vestibular problem that is also affecting my lingual gyrus? Maybe I'm getting vestibular migraines, and that somehow affects my lingual gyrus? Maybe I hurt my neck when I conked my head and that damaged my lingual gyrus? Who the fuck knows, really. My actual personal doctor thought it was BPPV, but after doing the exercises, I don't think that's what it is, so I'm going back to the doctor on the 2nd and will explain what I'm thinking it is and see what she says.

>> No.8445855

it's also funny that you mention blood flow to the brain, because migraines can have something to do with blood pressure, apparently, and I have been getting these tension headaches/very mild migraines. It's weird because these problems are all pretty mild, and as long as they were benign, I could probably live with them with no treatment tbqhwy. They're just annoying.

>> No.8445856
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I have headaches + spins from my teen years
When doctor asked me when these headaches started I told he I cant even remember.
Then she asked if I take some medicine because of it.
I said no, I learned to live with it.
I am at that point that I cant even feel the pain if I am not focused on it.
She looked at me with wide eye.
One guy scared me that I might have tumor.
But I am still alive, and I dont even care anymore.

>> No.8445858
File: 528 KB, 1788x844, brain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a CT scan on a brand new machine after conking my head thinking that the nausea was from my brain hemorrhaging or some shit, no tumors or anything crazy like that. totally normal.

>> No.8445859
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At least something positive

>> No.8445869


It's your reminder to take your meds

>> No.8445870

Any history of drug abuse? I vaguely recall that overuse of some drugs can cause this.

>> No.8445871

Yeah, LSD and such can, but is usually safe, must've been a contaminated batch or something.

>> No.8445874


>contaminated batch

there's no such thing as contaminated LSD. It's either LSD or it's not. The only effect you get from impurities is increased body load.

>> No.8445875

No, not LSD, I think it was DXM.

>> No.8445880
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No drugs.
I dont drink.
I dont smoke.

>> No.8445888

Does it look similar to the blue field entopic phenomenon? How noisy is the static?

>> No.8445894
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Depend on many factors.
If my neck is really unconfortable and I am focusing on the snow then its like pic related
>blue field entopic phenomenon
I only see white sparkles on sky.
They never colide they move somewhat robotic.
But I dont know if its my brian or my eyes

>> No.8445903 [DELETED] 

you dare come back here? what makes you think you have the right? you break the fence. you insult my wife. you push my child in a ditch. and you dare step back on my lawn? i could have you executed. for what you've DONE. to MY FAMILY. in MY HOUSE. and yet you come back. what makes you think you have the right? you pin my dog to a tree and cut him open with a knife???? how dare you even show your face here? i ought to take you and throw you in the ocean, but i don't. if you stay i cannot promise my mercy will extend much longer. you dare come back here after what you've done? you take my mother and you KILL HER in front of my FACE? and you dare come back here??? i can't believe my eyes

>> No.8445927

Maybe you're just seeing the things on top of your eye lens. This only happens when you look at the sky though

>> No.8445944


This, my conclusion as well is that it's caused by some neural (sensory or brain) dysfunction (ie excessive triggering or excessive signal amplification or death of cells thus extra noise), which could be caused by:
(regarding sensory, pre-processing and "transfer" nerves, as well as the visual cortex)

[math]\textbf{1. Physical pressure to the nerves (thus over-stimulation), due to:} [/math]

a) mechanical forces (stretching of nerves, cysts/tumours, external forces)
b) high blood or intraocular pressure

[math]\textbf{2. Cell death or malfunction due to hypoxia (less activity=less signal=more amplification=more noise) due to:} [/math]

a)bad blood flow

-stroke (hemoragic/ischemic)
-mechanical restrain of vessels
-low blood pressure
-high blood viscosity

b)general problem (low oxygen saturation, co poisoning etc)
[math]\textbf{3. Cell death or malfunction due to metabolic/nutrient/vitamin deficiencies} [/math]
-too low or too high blood sugar
-long term nutritional deficiencies (primary or secondary)
-other (genetic) factors

[math]\textbf{4. nerodegenerative diseases} [/math]

[math]\textbf{5. infections} [/math]

-direct infection of neural tissue
-indirect causes (toxic metabolites, high temperature, bad immune reactions, bacteremia, damage to the blood-brain barrier etc etc)
Whatever it is for me, it's getting worse, I can't convince a GP to prescribe real exams and I can't afford shit, so better luck to you guys.

Don't ignore your problems if you can.

>> No.8445975

I used to get this a lot when I was a little kid (like 5yo). Never told anyone about it, because I didn't know what to call it. I only just found out the name for this about a year ago (I'm 24 now).

I rarely get it anymore, only when I'm zoned out or something. And for what it's worth, I've had mild problems with word recall and organizing my thoughts into speech like >>8445845
and >>8445849

>> No.8445977

Also, does anybody else here have other eye problems?

I'm farsighted with ambiopia.

>> No.8445989

I had and still have this issue with close-up objects.
I don't know if it's normal or not, but I freaked out when I realised it because I thought it was due to stroke.
Then I calmed down a bit when read it might be partially due to astigmatism and ocular nerve/muscle issues that mess up convergence and focusing up close.

>> No.8446011
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Long story short
Its because of my scoliosis

>> No.8446034

I have that as well
Wanna know a neat little trick
Watch a moving static on youtube for about a minute or two and the visual snow will go away for ten or so seconds

>> No.8446079


The blue field entoptic phenomenon has the appearance of tiny bright dots moving rapidly along squiggly lines in the visual field. It is much more noticeable when viewed against a field of pure blue light and is caused by white blood cells moving in the capillaries in front of the retina. It is easier for some people to see than others! I can see this when lookin at the blue sky, or at a white wall in a well lit room. The funky thing is, because it is blood flow related, some people can see it pulse with their heart rate! Do look up Blue Field Entoptic Phenomena.

t. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100505102247AAsRGM7

>> No.8446284

That's how my vision has been for a few years after taking some research chems and lucy. It's usually milder than that but sometimes it becomes really strong out of no where. White surfaces make it more noticeable.

>> No.8446344

Kinda related.

Since I was born (well, at least since I remember), I've had this thing where I can never experience true silence.

Whenever I'm in an area with almost total and complete silence, it's not silence for me. I always hear moderately loud high-pitched 'buzzing', but it's not buzzing, it's like those high-frequency sounds that older people cannot hear.

Most of the time, besides the high-pitched sound, I hear a bland, deep constant hum.

This is not a localized thing, it happens to me wherever I go, doesn't matter if I'm trying to fall asleep or doing something in silence, it's always following me.

Is this normal? Is this what silence actually sounds like and I'm dumb? Or is it some kind of disorder.

This is the first time I'm actually telling someone about this, I'm really confused about it.

>> No.8446502

It's called tinnitus and it's common with visual snow. I have both.

>> No.8446545

Thanks for telling me. I wonder what the cause is.

Anyway, I also get something similar to visual snow, but only when I get up from somewhere I was sitting/lying for a moderately long time. In most cases when it appears to me, it's followed by a pain in my head and a bit of a balance loss. It sometimes makes me stutter.

>> No.8446552

Same for me, basically. I've found http://vestibular.org/migraine-associated-vertigo-mav

and I really do think its' what I am suffering from. It may or may not be for you as well. Every single symptom they list, I suffer from it barring the ataxia.

>> No.8446622


Moron, this is tinnitus.

>> No.8446625

Sorry for not being a medical doctor, asshole.