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File: 257 KB, 1400x788, rocks!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8440465 No.8440465 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I was wondering if there are any geology majors or anyone who is a geologist. Im asking because I am absolutely sick of engineering and looking to switch. I have just lost the drive for it and I was wondering how geology went for other people or if anyone was in my situation. I feel like it wouldnt be as hard, but any advice would be appreciated guys. Thanks.

>> No.8440473

Geo major here.

You can find good work going for geophysics or geoengineering. Lots of money and it can bring you to interesting places. Networking is still essential, of course.

If I had a stronger math/physics background I would have gone that route.

>> No.8440478

>get sick from studying Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
>go study rocks instead
Why would you do that?

>> No.8440479
File: 487 KB, 1000x1500, 1467469831681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geology is literally the most boring major ever. You'll literally study motherfucking stones all day long. Don't take that path, man.

>> No.8440483
File: 160 KB, 840x673, geologist feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also remember, the key difference is fieldwork. You have to do camping and mapping in shitty conditions to complete a geology degree. google 'geology field camps' if you want to know more. You will likely be traveling out to work sites and examining the area.

>> No.8440500

I really wanted to do petrol engineering to begin with, but my school dosent offer it, so I went with electrical. How do you like your classes and stuff? Are they super hard or is everything kind of laid back?

Im just sick of doing math problems that are totally pointless. Its just depressing honestly and then you know what you do after you do all those pointless math problems, you end up doing more lol. Plus im a little scared for my GPA.

What would you recommend?

I love being outside and camping, and that sounds awesome. I would like to not be stuck behind a fucking desk all day long.

>> No.8440518

Now I'm interested
What Kind of work can one do with geophysics? I imagine surveying or something for petrol companies. Do you know how well it pays?

>> No.8440543

>What Kind of work can one do with geophysics?

Running and interpreting seismology logs and various other geophysical tests on stratigraphic basins, looking for suitable oil-forming locations so that oil companies can drill.

>Do you know how well it pays?

A loooooooooooooooooot

>> No.8440549
File: 1.24 MB, 380x219, Geologist in archaeology.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geophysics can be applied to plenty of different things (seismology, geomorphology) but surveying and construction design are what you'll see the most. It pays well enough, be careful with petrol though, the market shifts quite often. You could be making bank one year, then struggling to find work the next year.

Classes are pretty laid-back. It's helpful that other folks in my major are friendly and we routinely go out to drink or go on backpacking trips/hikes. We're always studying together.

>> No.8440828
File: 72 KB, 956x960, 1470963756675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thanks for the input man. I really appreciate it. Im just super lost right now I feel (not really) but yeah.

>> No.8440841

I really, really like this meme.

>> No.8440850

>wanting to switch to geology major
>Feels like it wouldn't be as hard

Top Bantz, OP.

>> No.8440900

I mean easier in the sense of not as much math. I dont have trouble with concepts, just the math.

>> No.8440912

>I mean easier in the sense of not as much math. I dont have trouble with concepts, just the math.

It was just a joke, it literally didn't require a response.

>> No.8440937

Wait, why does Mr. Geodude want to give a girl kaolin? Wouldn't he want to give her the dike?

>> No.8440951

you realize you'll be working for an oil company, either directly or indirectly.

>> No.8441043

I don't fuck around! lol I know man but this is 4chan!

>> No.8441085

if she went with him she'd be (Mg,Fe2+)2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2

>> No.8441630


Fucking kek. Still don't understand that alteration though. :(

>> No.8441726
File: 73 KB, 1010x590, tfwfell4dameme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do geology man.
>pic related

>> No.8441794
File: 66 KB, 634x1024, Geologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8442112

I live in texas, and plan on staying in the south. I dont think I will have as hard as a time as she did or has. Also she could have a terrible GPA or maybe she didnt do an internship.

>> No.8442144

Geology jobs were booming in 2011, the problem with >>8441726 was living in Maryland.

But shit really is rough right now. I go to UT Austin where couple years ago the geology program had 100% job placement and now only a few people are getting jobs or even internships. Was a fun degree but oil companies are just not hiring rn. I hear mining is shit too.

You can do environmental consulting but that pays way less and is less cool; also even thats competitive because of everyone giving up on being petroleum geologists.

things might be better by the time you finish but be aware that its a huge risk and the good jobs require a masters. geology is really cool though, lots of fun in the field.

>> No.8442295

Geology is dead, like this guy said the boom is over. I'm talking about Australia too. 5-7 years ago 90% of geo majors had jobs lined up before graduation at my uni. Now, good luck getting a job - not even worth trying desu

>> No.8442317

what kind of fucking imbecile expects a job with just a BSc?

>> No.8442554

Don't be ridiculous. 4 years of study isn't enough to do basic tasks?

>> No.8442564

all the different names of rocks is as complicated as biology or medical terms
u must be a masochist

>> No.8442659


Lithium is the current boom that there's prospects in.

>> No.8442806

Petroleum Geo here.

Dont do it. Undergrad geos dont make a lot of money. Petroleum and mining geos do well, but you ride the roller coaster of commodity prices with little transferable skillsets. Yeah I make almost 160 a year at 24 years old, but I go to work every day thinking that I am going to be laid off.

>> No.8442991


>> No.8442996

">" yassss