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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8437325 No.8437325 [Reply] [Original]

Is math just a glorified teaching degree?

>> No.8437373


>> No.8437384

I do not know man. I guess you could say that I teach computers how to make me money but that's not really teaching.

>> No.8437391

No it isnt. Math is the best degree for weopnising you autism. When you finish yoir math degree you will get 300k starting job but that is not importan because your autism will be your main atribute. Noone will want to se your dark side, and if they do you can just telepprt behind them say some digits of pi and kill them just dont forget to say TOO EASY after that.

>> No.8437609
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How's your pleb tier civil engineering going?

Haha mathematics is the top field. Every bit of knowledge falls down from us onto you. No one fails to realize this, there simply exist a great amount of people who feel inferior because they cant do math and cannot accept their inferiority.

The greatest economists? Mathematicians who pretty much started the field.

Before game theory what did you fags use? Elementary calculus?

Another invention of mathematicians. Before calculus? Fucking algebra right? Mathematicians invented it.

Don't get out of line, there is a huge difference between you and me because I am a Mathematician (and thus a perfect human being). I am also very humble and respect you in your ignorance.

So please respect me back, it's the very least you can do.

Right now I feel like God would feel when sinners go up to him and tell him that their sins weren't too bad.



Because we are God.

>> No.8438462


>> No.8438657

10/10 pasta but who's this giraffe

>> No.8438689

Are you that out of touch with popular culture? Wait nvm I know where I am

>> No.8438695

Source on pic you buffoon

>> No.8438710

>Grouping all engineering disciplines into one item

>> No.8439130


>> No.8439277

Only pure math PhD

>> No.8439309
File: 510 KB, 770x789, 3e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lay ebin pop culture ecks dee