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8437663 No.8437663 [Reply] [Original]

my intuition says since
T(2^m) = T(2^(m-1)) + 2^(m^2)
T(2^(m-1)) = T(2^(m-2)) + 2^(m^2)
which gives a telescoping effect giving us
T(2^m) = T(2^0) + 2^(m^2) * 2^m

which I think simplifies to ( log_{2} n )^2 + log_{2} n but this doesnt seem to be an answer, can someone show me what im doing wrong

>> No.8437674

Since this is a multiple choice question, you can just test each one to see whether it satisfies the recurrence.

Also (2^m)^2 is 2^{2m}, not 2^{m^2}

And your second equation should be


>> No.8437711

>Since this is a multiple choice question, you can just test each one to see whether it satisfies the recurrence.
True... but I actually want to learn something

hmm, how would I simplify, 2^m + 2^(2m - 2) + 2^(2m-4) . . . + 2^(0 - 2) ? Im not very good at maths. Would it be:

2^2m + 2^(2m -2) + 2^(2m-4) . . . .
factoring out 2^2m
2^2m(1 + 2^-2 + 2^-4 + 2^- 8 . . . (Idk what the last 2^(m-1)th term would be)

2^2m(1 + harmonic series??)

? lost idk how to get 4/3(n^2 - 1)

>> No.8437728

Yeah that's the right idea.
To figure out the last term, test a simple case like m=1. In this case, T(2^1)=T(1)+2^2.
Similarly, for m=2, T(2^2)=T(2)+2^{4}=T(1)+2^4+2^2. So your sum should stop at 2^2, not 2^(-2). And to get the answer just remember that n=2^m.

>> No.8437731


>> No.8437736

take survey pls


>> No.8437757
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I dont know how to do it

>> No.8437778

Well you showed in the OP that
T(2^m)=T(2^0)+2^{2m}+2^{2m-2}+...+2^2=2^{2m}(1+2^{-2}+...+2^{2-2m}). =2^{2m}(1+(1/4)+...+(1/4)^{m-1}).

Now just use the formula for a finite geometric series and plug in n=2^m.

And next time post a question like this in the Stupid Questions thread (that's the name of an actual thread; not an insult)

>> No.8437813

I still dont get it

T(2^m) = T(2^(m-1) + 2^(2m)
T(2^(m-1)) = T(2^(m-2)) + 2^(2(m-1))
T(2^0) = 0

=> T(2^m) = 0 + 2^(2m) + 2^(2m-2) . . . 2^(1-1) <-- has m terms excluding the 0

=> T(2^m) = 2^(2m) [1 + 2^-1 + 2^-2+ 2^-3 . . . + 2^(m-1) ] + 2^0

=> T(2^m) = 2^(2m) * (1*(1-(1/2)^(m-2) ) ) / (1 - 0.5) + 2^0

u cant simplify this to get 4/3(n^2 -1) ?? how is this possible

>And next time post a question like this in the Stupid Questions thread (that's the name of an actual thread; not an insult)

ok sry i was desperate

>> No.8437859

Wtf im so close I keep getting

2^m * (1 - 4^(-1)^(m-1)) / 0.75
2^m * (1 - 4^(-m+1))/ 0.75
4/3 * 2^m - 2^m*4^(-m+1) but I cant simplify any further what am I dong wrong!!!

>> No.8437887


T(n) = 0 + (2^m + 2^(2m-2) + 2^(2m-6) + 2^(2m-8) . . . 2^(1-1) should consist of m terms right?

then T(n) = 2^m (1 + 2^-2 + 2^-6 + 2^-8 . . . 2^(m-1)) + 2^(1-1) should consist of m-1 terms!

Then why is 2^m * (1 - 4^(-1)(m-1))/ 0.75 not simplifying to answer B.) !!

THe simplest it goes to is 4/3 * (2^m - 2^(-m-2)) WTF?

>> No.8437914


>> No.8438095
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>He doesn't know the master method

>> No.8438134

I get (4n^2-1)/3, which is close to B but not quite.

>> No.8438163

Nevermind, the sum was missing 1 at the end
continue this trend to
=G(4,m)-1 | G(n,m) is the geometric sum with argument n, and m terms.