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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8417380 No.8417380 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>8389930

Name ONE thing this piece of shit can do besides ruining everything

>> No.8417399

it can be cyclized into a chastity belt for my angstrompenis

>> No.8417442

I'm interested in applications of higher math towards chemistry. What should I learn besides group theory?

>> No.8417444
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I got this months ago and I can't remember why I found it interesting. I think a friend of mine was working on something related to benzodiazepines and there is a bothersome solvent involved at some step that he didn't want to work with.

>> No.8417448

Meant to tag >>8417398

>> No.8417499
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>> No.8417510


>> No.8417525

What is the matter anon?

>> No.8417528

How much group theory do you know?

Linear algebra/functional analysis have places in QM and are somewhat generally useful. A relativistic treatment (see Dyall) is more mathematically robust (manifolds, multilinear algebra) but essentially unnecessary for the first couple rows and QM applications to organic chem.
Optimization theory (see Luenberger) is always nice.
Methods for assessing potential energy surfaces/reaction coordination etc.

I really liked Kolmogorov/Formin's analysis, Shilov's linear algebra and Gelfand/Formin's calculus of variations.

Then you have topics which seem forced and pedantic, not naturally satisfying any serious need or yielding new productive areas of research

Thanks for this

>> No.8417535

Imaging those stretches under IR light is NOT comfy

>> No.8417647

Scihub didn't seem to have it but libgen scienctific articles does

>> No.8417709

I fucking keked like a retard

>> No.8417743

HEY! That looks like that would be perfect for putting into a MOF.

>> No.8417837

Is it worth joining the Royal Society of Chemistry?

>> No.8417882

would be a royally smart decision

>> No.8417931

Redpill me on why I should get a degree in Chem over Engineering.

>> No.8417936
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the absolute madman

>> No.8418116

I've heard of a few claims that chemical reactions could be seen as symmetric monodial categories. But nothing exciting seems to come out of this.

>> No.8418143


Takes four years. Though teachers here say it's not uncommon to shorten it by a year.


The only reason I ever started studying was because my dad pushed me towards studying. I'd rather be doing an apprenticeship in a precision mechanics workshop right now. Just don't feel myself too academic desu.
I could, however, go into Oil Refining / Fuel production. It seems interesting.
That's why I want to finish this asap. Chemistry was the only study opportunity that presented a topic I am kinda interested in and had the koalafications for.
Ultimately the goal is to get at least my BS in chemistry and then do an apprenticeship anyways. Probably seems strange to most, but I kinda do want to have both skills. Labworking and working with metals. Or at least a job that I can use to sustain my metalworking hobbies.

I can do a double degree with a year abroad though, in a country I already know the language of. Such versatility. So many decisions to make.

>> No.8418321

How do I operate with two kind of molecules grams?

I have multiple moles (transformed to grams) of different elements.

>> No.8418334


I don't completely get your question. Do you have any better example?

>> No.8418343
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I have pic related, I have already transformed all moles into g and added the CaCO3 grams.

However, to get the mass of the Na2CO3 what I'm supposed to do, straight up do the math? I'm pretty sure there was an intermediate step I'm forgetting and I can't find anywhere a good answer to this.

Sorry for the dumb questions.

>> No.8418404

>However, to get the mass of the Na2CO3 what I'm supposed to do
Your picture already shows the conversion to [math]\text{g Na}_2 \text{CO}_3[/math]. If you want actual numbers, do the math. Your ""intermediate step"" were the mole ratios so that you could've converted to grams.

Or what precisely are you asking?

>> No.8418450

So which field should I specialize in?
Computational quantum chemistry, organic chemistry with focus on medicine or catalytic chemistry?
Anyone with any experience?

>> No.8418475

quantum chem sounds fun
organic chem is mostly saturated, but fun as well

t. orgo chemfag

>> No.8419037

>quantum chem sounds fun
Do you have any background in it beyond the usual undergrad pchem course? Any advice or guidance for someone who wants to get into its applications to drug/pesticide design, asymmetric catalysis, etc?
Seems like computational chem has a lot of new potential at this point in history, but I'm not sure how to approach it, get in with a research group, or of what skills to develop

>> No.8419298

>organic chem is mostly saturated
Because literally every chemistry student ever is "I want to make pharmaceuticals!!"

>> No.8419475

it's easier

>> No.8419631

I want to make chemical weapons for the government, what type of chemistry should I specialize in?

>> No.8419639

>I want to make chemical weapons for the government
Tough shit, because you'd be going up against buttloads of international legal precedent there

>> No.8419676

Organic chemistry, but chemical weapons are a thing of the past. There's not just the legal issues, it's also the fact that simple gasmasks counter them very hard and they have a very limited area of effect. The only thing they're good for is wiping out civilian towns.
If that was your motivation for studying chemistry, then I'm sorry, but at least you know now instead of 3 years in.

>> No.8419689

>simple gasmasks counter them very hard
t. not a CBRN officer

>> No.8419866


You probably would be better off developing truth drugs for the CIA.

>> No.8419956 [DELETED] 
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Dubs of keks

>> No.8419994

>majors in organic chemistry, develops cia truth drugs for bonnaroo instead

>> No.8420062


Not the worst of fates.

>> No.8420137

Hey guys in a [c2]daisy chain what does the c stand for? I know the 2 is for 2 components but the c what is the c

>> No.8420779

Should be in the 3rd page or so

>> No.8421162

I'm taking AP Calculus 2 currently, it's the highest math my school offers and it's pretty easy so far. I got a 5 on the AB exam (highest score possible), and I was wondering where I should start in Calculus 2 to best prepare me for Calculus 3. The first semester of my class is just review of Calculus 1, so we haven't learned anything new yet and I've done all of my homework for the semester (I really like math). Should I delve into Calculus 2 or go ahead and hop into Vector Calculus?

>> No.8421254
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The answer says that its an S-configuration, yet im pretty sure its an R. am I missing something or is the answer wrong?

>> No.8421266

You did much better than I did. I'd learn multivariable (vector calc, partial derivatives, multiple integrals) then linear algebra and differential equations. This is more or less the math curriculum for any decent chemistry BS.

>> No.8421302
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>Orgo professor says we don't have to know the mechanism for diazotization of amines for tomorrow's exam
>Learn it anyway

>TA says we can just write "+ enantiomer" when appropriate on tomorrow's exam
>planning on drawing the skeletal structures of both enantiomers anyway

>no bathroom breaks during the exam
>no intention of wearing the test taking diaper my mom got me

anyone else here /certifiably insane/?

>> No.8421410

1. Specialize in the field you like. You're not going to be happy if you have to study hard about things you don't care about, and even less happy when those things you don't care about becomes your career.

2. While I'd agree with >>8418475 that organic chemistry is getting crowded, I don't think it's saturated with respect to compelling problems and new frontiers. There's a reason that pharma is one of the most robust chemical industries: we're not at the stage where we can access *any* reasonable chemical structure in rapid fashion. Provided you can think of new ways to access important structural motifs in small molecules that are otherwise difficult, you'll have a job and something to study for sure.

>> No.8421648

You're probably right. You can draw it in chemdraw and convert the structure to a name.

>> No.8421688

Sometimes it messes up alkenes though

>> No.8421713
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>prof allows cheat sheet for nmr physics exam
>mine is a paper with "don't fuck up" written on one side and a few sudoku puzzles on the other in case I get bored

>prof in advanced synthesis always gives us the reagents already oriented properly so we don't have to waste our time with mental gymnastics
>always go out of my way to draw everything from a really weird angle so he has to do mental gymnastics to grade me

>catalysis prof says we're writing his exam in his office, says it's really informal and to make ourselves comfy
>I deliberately leave my sonic the hedgehog coffee mug that I use to collect my cum when I play DnD

>> No.8421729


>> No.8421737


>> No.8421911
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>reading carey/sundberg part B
>without having read part A

>get a frontier orbital table and two sheets of scratch paper for synthesis exams
>obtain energies and orbital coefficients from eleventh-order perturbation theory in my head instead

>hook up with the teaching fellow
>while wearing tighty whities and a sweater vest

>> No.8422029

>always go out of my way to draw everything from a really weird angle so he has to do mental gymnastics to grade me

>> No.8422176

Which maths would you say for a Computational Physics BS?

>> No.8422191

>always go out of my way to draw everything from a really weird angle so he has to do mental gymnastics to grade me

The madman

>> No.8422211
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If you orientate so you're looking at it with the Br above you, I think it's clearer that it's S. I don't know what method you're using there, but it looks kind of prone to error. If you can, it's probably better to just try to look at the molecule like I drew it. Works for me for chirality.

>> No.8422256

Has this any applications?

>> No.8422260

But you added another carbon in there

>> No.8422272

I only had bits of group theory and its applications
my uni doesn't deal with quantum chem really

>> No.8422388
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Straight from chemdraw

>> No.8422545

That, and the arrow is a reflection lmao

>> No.8423512
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Left side and right side of ther arrow are NOT identical - you can't just mirror the thing without changing your result to the opposite. So in your case your right side is S therefor left side is R

>> No.8424569
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What is the in vivo half-life of Rutaecarpine?

>> No.8424592

Is there any way to get H2O2 in a higher concentration than 35% or will have I have to further concentrate it my self?

>> No.8425098

Lurking brainlet here

Do strong acids really disassociate fully in water?

>> No.8425210

Sometimes, there are certain ones that just dont

>> No.8425214


>> No.8425221

Concentrations past 30% start to become pretty hazardous and can get you raped by environmental agencies. Why do you need such a high concentration?

>> No.8425232

If you need that kind of strength why don't you make it yourself?

>> No.8425324

nice lack of zwitterion, brainlet

>> No.8425330

ur stupid

>> No.8425405

For relatively dilute acids it's an accurate approximation. This assumption breaks down once you move to more concentrated solutions. This is really obvious via the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pH = pKa + log10([A-]/[HA])
or: [A-]/[HA] = 10^(pH - pKa)

Say you have an aqueous solution of HCl, which has a pKa of -6.3, that's at pH = 1. Your ratio [A-]/[HA] is going to be 10^7.3 to 1. Might as well be completely dissociated.

As the pH of the solution gets lower, this ratio changes. Say the pH = -6.3. At this point, your ratio of [A-]/[AH] = 10^0, i.e. the conjugate acid and conjugate base are in equal concentrations. This is always true when pH = pKa.

>> No.8425418
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Does this molecule have 6 million and one uses? Or none at all?

>> No.8425443

It's really fucking cool. It may not have any uses today, but it might in the future. At the very least the synthetic techniques developed might be used to nake useful molecules

>> No.8425464
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explain this /sci/ prove you're smart

>> No.8425495

I imagine if this was melted it'd have really high viscosity

You'd need a solvent to constitute it

>> No.8425498

Does anyone know the mechanism behind the formation of a ketoxime from a ketone in a basic milieu?

>> No.8425503
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>Not made out of precious metals
/pol/ is slipping today

>> No.8425573

The reason I'm asking is this: If a strong acid almost completely disassociates in water, at least in low concentrations, then there should barely be any difference between the pKa values of different strong acids, or am I wrong?

>> No.8425810

This is a bad way to think about it: pKa reflects the stability of a conjugate base by virtue of it's equilibrium constant. Even though HCl and HBr are both strong acids, HCl has a pKa of -6.3 and HBr has a pKa of -9 because bromide is more stable than chloride. That's almost three orders of magnitude different acidity! Just because both are very strong doesn't mean their conjugate bases are equally stable.

I think this is what you mean to say: at low concentrations, strong acids (despite pKa) form solutions of comparable pH. If you make a 1.0 M solution of HCl and HBr, the pH is going to be approximately the same because both are -- for the most part -- fully dissociated. Even though the stability is different, both are so strong that in relatively dilute solutions the acidity difference is negligible.

>> No.8425813

Why don't you just use your Uni portal? I appreciate the function Scihub performs, but I don't see the point in using it when the studies are conveniently available legally.

>> No.8425831

Yes, that's what I thought.

Why is HF not a strong acid, though? Some guy said HF showed more covalent character than ionic compared to HCl and that this was the reason, but that doesn't make much sense to me when F is more electronegative than Cl.

>> No.8425846

HF+H2O results in very strong H3O+F- complex
acidity however needs "free h3o+" there is no "free h3o+" and therefore weak acidity


>> No.8425893
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Well there is zinc dicyanoaurate. Pic related. It's periodic though.

It exhibits the unusual property of giant negative linear compressibility, expanding along certain axes when under pressure. Making it potentially useful for a number of things like artificial muscles

>> No.8425912

article link?

>> No.8425933

scheikunde is voor homo's haha

>> No.8426722
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>> No.8426725
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this is now a stamp thread

>> No.8427462

is there any chemistry field that's worth getting a phd in?

keep hearing how chemistry is a deadend field

>> No.8427471


>> No.8427676

>always go out of my way to draw everything from a really weird angle so he has to do mental gymnastics to grade me
made me chuckle

>> No.8428809

>implying anyone with money gives a shit about your crystal structure

>> No.8429757

is the second question about which "type" of statistics we're in? never had this class

>> No.8430474

phys org chem exam coming up

anyone feel like explaining qualitative MO theory and those 14 rules they have>?

>> No.8431996


How many postdocs and PhDs did Prof. David Leigh burn out just so that he could make his fucking "Star of David" molecule?

>> No.8432019

what books do I read to eventually know enough pchem/quantum to do research?

>> No.8432120


If you want to do research you need to go through the standard process of getting a PhD first. During that time you'll find out what books you need, out of necessity.

>> No.8432457

no bully

>> No.8432552

What are some cool functional/interesting coordinative structures?

My TA is gave me the choice for my next experiment and I wanna do something with some sort of application or cool story behind it.

>> No.8432562

>using IR

>> No.8432594

The H-NMR of this would look even less comfy. I feel bad for the proton at carbon 2... ;_;

>> No.8433610
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how do i calculate enthalpy for this reaction

>> No.8433623

Lmao it's dinner at the TSM gaming house

>> No.8434171

You take the energy generated by things in the noodles like starch, sucrose, and other carbs

Then add the water temperature change from the water and what ever the combustion reaction is causing and then divide it by get fucked because those noodles will not be Al dente

>> No.8434343

How much mental visualization do you guys use when studying math and chemistry?

>> No.8434357

When I'm drawing molecules I like to imagine them in ball and stick figures. That's about it though. Do people visualise stuff when studying math and chemistry?
I thought I was just being weird about it.

>> No.8434370

Energy is related to velocity squared. Because of this, you can't use the average of velocity when finding energu, you have to use the average of velocity squared. Kinetic energy is directly related to temperature. Basically, you're fucking retarded

>> No.8434406
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So you think you can chemistry, /sci/?

Give me a mechanism for this reaction

>> No.8434436

I got a D in Chemistry in my Secondary school final exams.

Would I be able for a Chemistry course in college? I enjoy studying Chemistry, and I would need a high final GPA in order to do the entrance exam for Medical School here in Ireland.

What do you suggest, guys? Any advice?

>> No.8434522
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from lazy to lazy

>> No.8434585

two 2+2 reactions? yeah it aint happening lad

who forgot to tell you about woodward hoffman rules

>> No.8434586

I did forget to mention its a thermal reaction

No photons or catalysts

>> No.8434624

Check the conversion of Dewar Benzene to regular Benzene. It's only slightly stable (half-life of two days) because ring-opening is Woodward-Hoffman forbidden, but it clearly cycloreverts.

Not to mention the reaction you're shitting on (>>8434522) is rhodium-catalyzed, so it's a net [2+2] but operates through a non-percyclic mechanism and thereby Woodward-Hoffman isn't applicable. :^)

>> No.8434628

no forbidden reactions

no catalysts

no photons

>> No.8434815

Unless you have proof to demonstrate the reaction proceeds through another mechanism, I'm gonna stick with a forbidden [2+2] that's possible because of strain.

>> No.8434827

The reaction proceeds in two steps through a tricyclic intermediate

>> No.8434936

Do you need the names of the reactions lad, cuz it's rDA into a Cope rearrangement

>> No.8435021

Will a Cope even work? After the rDA, I can't see how the two olefins can orient to get proper orbital overlap.

>> No.8435032
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here ya go lad, the answer

>> No.8435073

Again, doesn't really answer the question of if the two olefins can achieve proper orbital overlap to undergo the cope in the first place.

>> No.8435089

it happens tho lad, thermally

probably at a really high temperature

>> No.8435124

thats a weird thing if its true because those two atoms forming the bond in the cope arent even close to each other unless the molecule is being very painfully twisted. anyway, im guessing another rda will happen after this to give cyclobutadiene (that will then react further) and benzene?

>> No.8435321

So I looked into this because I thought it was silly, but it turns out with isotope labeling you can prove that it's not just a [2+2] and that it has to go through an rDA/Cope mechanism:
