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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8414366 No.8414366 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /dumb as fuck/ but still enjoys /sci/?

>> No.8414372

Not me!

>> No.8414405

Pretty much. Years of unreasolved depression and parental negligence/abuse made me into brainlet.

>> No.8414409

>Years of unreasolved depression and parental negligence/abuse made me into brainlet.

>> No.8414413

I have a psych degree so yes

>> No.8414416


I'm a brainlet, algebra etc. I deem hard, but still I got into chemistry ... turns out that in practical working I'm better than most of my smarter colleagues.

> back in the day in school
> we have super smart guy who solves anything quite easily
> he keeps having discussions with math teacher
> they argue about different ways of solving problems
> ??? The fuck they are talking about ?
> Day in lab
> Exothermic experiment
> Smart smug guy builds his stative etc.
> Makes the reactant glass look towards him
> mfw
> teacher doesn't notice
> Just before he adds the chemicals she notices
> grabs the reactant tube and turns it from his face
> mfw

Ich wünschte, er hätte durch Schmerz gelernt.

>> No.8414418
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>in college
>Electrical engineering major
>made it up to calc c
>working my hardest
>will always be a brainlet

I just want to be an engineer and build robots that help people. If I can get my name in a book that says something like "anon helped people by doing ___" then I can die happy.
Anyone got any advice?

>> No.8414428

I'm currently doing a PhD in astrophysics and still dont know shit about it.

>> No.8414453

>Anyone got any advice?
Go back to the basics, learn how to use your brain more effectively, and rebuild your overall cognitive structures and mental habits.

I'd been doing this most of my life, but it peaked when I was 17-20. I ultimately went too far and ended up so psychologically broken and deconstructed I was barely functional a lot of the time. Though there was a lot going on and much of this was based in long term trauma.

Likely one of the things that constitutes a good deal of my advantages. If you can't find a viable entry point, start with some philosophy. Epistemology and ontology mostly. eg Descartes' stuff, and his attempts to reconcile that all truth is relative, knowledge is a framework of these relative truths, and that all frameworks are reliant on one core self referential axiom, the mind and the senses. They cannot be reduced further without using themselves as proof, therefore, all knowledge is ultimately circular. It's one thing to read it and think "yeah that makes sense", and another to actually understand it in a deep and integrated sense.

>> No.8414464

Oh, so hiting, yelling, gaslighting, making work from 12 year old with no gratitudes, constantly made to belive one is unwanted and it was mistake not to abort them not going to impact development of intelligence in an nascent mind? Good to know, everyday I learn something new!

Seriously eat shit, you self righteous know-nothing dick. I didn't came looking for no consolation, I have degree and a stable job but you triggered me. Fucking normiess on my 4chan. REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8414470
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Do not hold yourself in such a way that you feel like a brainlet as compared with anyone else, anon. For every person who has graced our earth and found passion within a scholarly community, there was, and always will be a smarter individual in that same category. Intelligence is besides the point, anon. The true frailty of the human mind is the willful disregard for academia; this which most of society exhibits. They would prefer to dedicate their life to becoming artists, sportsmen, florists, models, call-center workers, or something which does not demand highly of their intuition and mental capacity. Wasting their time enjoying the research and labor of others without caring much how it came into existence in the first place: smartphones, city infrastructure, life-saving medicine, etc. No matter what level of cerebral thought you are capable of, it is your dedication to a scholarly pursuit - hacking away everyday at your craft - that will earn you a seat at the elder mage's round-table of academia.

>> No.8414491

Of course it "impacts" mental development, but it isn't the sole causative element behind your feeling of being a "brainlet". Rather they're part of a greater complex, and maybe you ought to think a bit harder about that.

Life has no restarts, but at least you can move apart from the more tangible parts of your hell. I can't, and I still got on fine and I'm not whining like a little bitch saying my childhood made me a moron. Grow the fuck up, or go curl up in a ball in the corner, which is where it sounds like you still belong. Little boy still feel trapped in the world, all the things "they" did.

>> No.8414509

And tell me why is that you can't move from your hell?

And fuck you, I earn my fucking living, I earnt this laptop, I earn my rent and pay my internet bills, I am not siting in the corner nowhere I just am just speaking truth after all the year of being lied to. First things that went right in my life was because I was fed up with the narrative that you asshole is presenting. Of never questioning, never blaming people that wronged me. That I was always at fault and I was always to blame. You know nothing and it's disgusting to read the bullshit that you belive.

>> No.8414537

bruh that was fucking beautiful

>> No.8414540

I'm no Einstein, but I still love science. If science were a woman, I would have fucked her every-which-way by now.

>> No.8414543

Psychology isn't a science, silly!

>> No.8414544

>I earned
>I earn
>I earnt
Grow up. I'm sorry to be harsh anon, but you cling to this even though it's all really just holding you back. It's up to you what it means to move on.

>And tell me why is that you can't move from your hell?
Developed trigeminal type 2 when I was 12. I'm allergic to most food. My digestive system is fucked up and likes to pump my brain full of ammonia, and I now realize it's been this way for most of my life. It's been very difficult to unlearn the maladaptive tendencies I came to, and a core part of seeing the bigger picture is not just to blame, but to understand.

I have a streak of misanthropy, and it sounds corny even to me, but it's true. After you learn to blame, or hate, you must learn to understand. Else you're only another confused, angry person left in limbo and perpetual slavery to your environment, yourself, and your history.

Also, I've never truly felt loved, have been more or less alone my entire life, and every problem I've ever had I dragged my way out on my own. I got further than a broken person like me ever expected to. And I'm sorry to tell you anon, woven into your every statement I just can't help but see someone who's still trapped.

>> No.8414562
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>> No.8414564

>be good at math
>so bad at everything else i had to drop out of college

i entertain myself by finding ways to use category theory to calculate change at the chick-fil-a i work at

>> No.8414566


>have trouble with pre-calc even though I try my best
>still have aspirations in my field

feels brainlet man

>> No.8414573
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>be ppor at math
>be great at physics
>mfw I'm a brainlet

I cant wait to calculate themodynamic equilibrium in my head when I work at Mc Donald's.

>> No.8414574

all i got is high school math so i just come for physics/medicine/shitposting

i got a fuckload of top 3s in math olympiads when i was in school but i lost the thread basically ;_;

>> No.8414576
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>> No.8414581

I hate being dumb. Sure I can study harder but it won't help me to come up with unique ideas and solve novel problems. I am doomed to be a slave to smart people.

>> No.8414590

I feel you, man.

>> No.8414594

If you are a brainlet, you can't post here.


>> No.8414602

>I have a streak of misanthropy, and it sounds corny even to me, but it's true. After you learn to blame, or hate, you must learn to understand. Else you're only another confused, angry person left in limbo and perpetual slavery to your environment, yourself, and your history.

Also, I've never truly felt loved, have been more or less alone my entire life, and every problem I've ever had I dragged my way out on my own. I got further than a broken person like me ever expected to. And I'm sorry to tell you anon, woven into your every statement I just can't help but see someone who's still trapped.

Get over it, you whiny fuck.

>> No.8414605


meant for


depression is a meme, you fucking retard

>> No.8414624
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You'll be okay.

>> No.8414627


>> No.8414631

> an artist doesn't use his brain
Depends on the artist, really. only a fool would say that art is not important to our society.

Otherwise I agree with you completely

>> No.8414633

Let me remind you that this whole conversation started with you being unrespectful and rude. You are the one so self-righetous that he feels the need to correct someone (even though, later you admitted that childhood abuse could impact intelectual development). I am trapped and I will propably be my whole life. Because of all the lies I went through many medications in my life, many of which must've damaged my brain. Medication that only recently I had power to give up. And tell me, why is it that, the brain damage is any less severe and "escapable" than nerve and liver damage?

I find it hard to describe how much I want to punch you in the face. Just because I hear this words hundreds time already, when I tried to untie the knot of my life. Everyone just pounded on me and it was very recently that I found strenght and reason to free my self from blindfolds and shackles and if not for the dicks like you, it could've happen sooner. People like you and your rhetoric is the thing that "trapped" me. And for your information, I understand everything and reasons why things happened to me, and it doesn't absolve any of it, nor it does "make it better".

>> No.8414635

this thread pretty much is /r9k/ central

it's sickening. it's all in your heads, fucking idiots. go out and do something

>> No.8414639

>depression is a meme, you fucking retard
Said by the person, who never suffered depression. Please kys, world won't lose nothing of value.

>> No.8414643

>im policing the threads guise :-DDDD

>> No.8414647
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None of what you posted is even close to the horrors of being a short man. I'm 5'7".

One day people will see what I see.

>> No.8414652
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>ask new guy to grill some burgers
>he pulls out a notebook and a ti-83
>he calculates the perfect burger using the lagrangian formulation with a "taste factor" constraint equation
>by the time he's done, the customer has already gone
>ask new guy to take already-grilled patties and assemble the burgers
>he struggles to find the optimal condiment placement because he is bad at combinatorics problems
>he asks wolfram alpha
>ends up putting [math] 1.003 + i\sqrt{0.07} [/math] too many pickles on the burgers, gets pay cut
>ask him to cook some fries
>he disappears to the back office for an hour
>manager went to yell at him
>he was using a matlab computational fluid dynamics package to model french fries in boiling oil
>charged $2500 for buying and installing matlab on an old PoS system

>> No.8414658

>One day people will see what I see.
Underside of my chin?

>> No.8414667

>I find it hard to describe how much I want to punch you in the face.
For what it's worth, your personality type is one that doesn't generate violent urges, for me. I feel like emotionally bludgeoning you to spur an overcorrection response, but not any need to force connection via violence. I don't feel any desire to pound your head in until it starts working right, or stops working at all.

I probably have some degree of brain damage too though. Not that I really care. I've already said as much as I really care to say. I'd like you to elaborate on this however:
>People like you and your rhetoric is the thing that "trapped" me.

>> No.8414670

I'm 5'6", though.


>> No.8414677


That's not what I'm implying at all, anon. Art is is much like science in that it's a novel phenomena - which absolutely requires intuitive, higher-degree, thinking in order to create impact. There has always been a strong correlation between artistry and intellect. I myself would not want to live in a world suppressed of music, fine painting, cinema, etc. The point I was making is totally departed from what you insist I am inferring, and yes: it would be to the complete detriment of the person to neglect the significance of artistry.

>> No.8414692

sadly, that's what I'm expecting of myself...

>> No.8414719


>> No.8414728
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I am studying odontology, I am very good with my hands so I enjoy little things like calligraphy, crafts, masturbation, sculpting with dental wax, etc. but I always end up going overly mathematical and scientific on everything.
I enjoy math, even if I am not so good at it (Better than the average person, but I will get BTFO if I were to post here often)
Fucking love chemistry, can't wait to have some free time to read the chem text books I downloaded from murdercube.
Engineering (Even if I need autocorrect to write that) and physics came so natural for me, but I know that I can't do much since my math is so shit.

But maybe it is because I am interested in way too many things, I was learning software yesterday and today I am finishing with the phonetics to later learn a bit of linguistics for a conlang I am making out of complete "Sounds like fun". I expect the interest to last a week, God knows what I will do next

>> No.8414734

>I'd like you to elaborate on this however:
>People like you and your rhetoric is the thing that "trapped" me.

If you want. My "pain/cross/tragedy" is one of deceit/confusion/loss. Always felt something was very much wrong but couldn't put my finger on it. My parents were narcissistic, egocentric, borderline psychotic. They modelled me into a perfect victim for their humours and perfect slave to do for them as they liked. I was always thing to them. As characteristic to such people they always presented themselves to strangers with the "charm and kindness" that as a child I found puzzling and strange. How could the people that to their own progeny was cruel, cold and hurtful was so sweet, warm and "open" to the stranger they just met? (It was just one facet of their devious acts but it is important in answering to your question)

You see, even despite the brainwashing they tried on me I felt that something was very much wrong. And so I tried to seek help, as clumsly and weakly as morbidly shy and socially inept little kid would do. I tried school psychology, I tried my teachers, peers and while they seemed shocked of the truths I told them, when confronted with my parents they always took their side. You see, my progenitors were playing them like a fiddles. I was always treated in the way that I hear from you, and later in home was punished for trying to seek help. And to my great anger (nowadays) after couple of tries I just shut in completly and just rolled with punches (a curious case of learned helplessnes).

It was only years later when my aunt opened to me about my parents (a whole long story in itself). It meant a world to me. It meant that in fact I am not mad by wanting to end myself every day of my life, it was just response to the abuse.

I heard the "don't blame, grow, be better" sickening number of times. I just wish someone would take me from my parents. Anywhere would be better (I found it firshand).

>> No.8414742
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>Fucking love chemistry, can't wait to have some free time to read the chem text books

What a fucking legend. Shit is amazing senpai, have you read principles by Zumdahl?

>> No.8414757

If you are inferior in ability to your competitors then there is no use on trying to upgrade that ability, you are only losing time into becoming an, at most, mediocre version of your competitors.
Find some way of playing that you are good at and then exploit that, do not mimic the people around you no matter how attractive that may look, not as romantic but in the end it will pay.

Like how the VietCong instead of trying to upgrade themselves into a weaker version of the americans they found a new way of making war and became the strongest in that, heck, they even won the war without winning a single battle. That's creativity, and with that you can be a brainlet but still find a million ways to use that thing on your head that will make you exceed at anything.

>tl;dr Stop playing with their rules and create your own

And now I am talking about history and leadership philosophy, fml, I need to concentrate in an area, not all of them

>> No.8414763

The worst is having the awareness of being stupid. You know that there are things you don't understand but there is nothing you can do about it. You have ambitions that you can't fulfil just because you lack the brain power. Sure with hard work you can get a decent life but only if you are happy being mediocre.

>> No.8414770

I haven't read shit, between moving to a new house and studying I haven't had any chemistry aside from what I got in High school and the Youtube videos I watch (mostly for fun, I get the main idea, but I do not get some of the uber specific therms that I suppose you pay an education to learn)
Downloading right now, since that is the only recommendation I have I may start with it

>> No.8414851

>I heard the "don't blame, grow, be better"
I never told you not to blame, I told you the exact opposite. That you're confusing the past for the present just continues to show what I've been saying all along. It's all about understand both the macro and the micro, the personal and the detached, as one simultaneous picture. It's unfortunate that this is often framed as "nihilism" (which = bad, apparently), as it's the only viable tool to continue in your life.

I never sought help, I just learned to manage. Which translates to maladaptation, selective psychological numbing, and learned helplessness. What I spent years unraveling was less what other people were, or had done, and more what I'd done to cope. Internally, the blame is all on me.

Anyway. One branch of my family has a long history of sexual and emotional abuse. The dynamics you mentioned are very familiar. I don't feel like bringing my mind back into any of it, so I can only provide something roughly resembling an apology. Some people benefit from having a bit of force applied, but I shouldn't have berated you.

>> No.8414880

It's very kind of you to offer "apology"/understanding. I would say that I tend to be extremly defensive (which manifest as an agression) and I probably didn't put enough effort to trying to understand what you were trying to communicate but after initial "bullshit" I was very badly predisposed to anything tha came later. I will try to aproach what you were saying when I cool down a bit I see some value in it now, but am still too much on offensive right now.

And maybe to shed additional light (if you would like to hear any of it) the whole "it's not my fault" gimmick is very much new and refreshing to me, for most of my life I used to blame myself and it led me nowhere. Also feeling pride of my acomplishments is also something new and thing that keeps me alive. (As much as I find it incorrect in the wider sense of things) if I was not self-sufficient I would probably end myself by now. The fact that I am at least able to carry my own weight and help some people in the process, means very much to me.

And though it's not completly sincere right now, have a good day.

>> No.8414884
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>/dumb as fuck/ but still enjoys /sci/
Wow, that's literally me.

I come to this place because it makes me feel like someday I'll be like you guys, solving STEM problems with enthusiasm and creativity, but... I manage to have difficulty with basic math books. I'll keep deluding myself nonetheless though, the day I accept my IQ as being 100 at most will be the day I'll end my miserable life.

>> No.8414929
File: 303 KB, 700x467, smoking zoidberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there so many pictures of crabs smoking cigarettes

>> No.8415024

Eat lots of cacao. Apply yourself to something you find interesting and meaningful. Stop cacao intake when you develop a crippling predisposition to anxiety.

You will find you have emerged in an improved form. Don't let the new habits fade, iterate on them.

Also, don't eat gutter trash excuses for "chocolate". Taza, Equal Exchange, or the raw nibs are among the best. In the case of the nibs you need to be careful of mold and aflatoxin. Don't boil them, but perhaps wash with cold water. They taste like yeast and alcohol otherwise, which stems from the fermentation and or roasting process. The reason you wash them is because some sources use fermentation piles out in the open, not dedicated facilities. Chocolate from Equador may also have higher cadmium levels, as it's grown in volcanic ash laden soil.

>> No.8415082

isn't cadmium a carcinogen? (its me, the physics brainlet).

>> No.8415145


I want you to know anon, that I was in your shoes two years ago. I too feel like a brainlet, and struggled through the math classes and other weed-out classes because through my younger years I thought I "don't need math, man". Anyway, I also wanted to make a positive difference in the world, and then, once I hit my 3rd year and took only electrical eng classes, my grades became better, because the coursework required more conceptual knowlegde than, for instance, calc, which in my experience was heavy memorization of obscure trig identities and those fucking x-pedal rose functions that nobody remembers or cares about because they have literally nothing to do with anything that you would need to know off the top of your head in engineering.

Digressing from that, you should try to do volunteer things with the department. When you're in a major most people get into to get a job, not a lot of people are into volunteer work. Then professors from the department notice you, and if you've made improvements, or tell them about your situtation, they do admire your resilience. Also, I know it sounds lame, but having a 'can-do' attitude helps. If you go to career fair events with your peers and observe them, they always tell employers what they have done, and when asked about doing something new, they choke, and go back to what they have done. I personally go for the "I have 'this' background, but in order to achieve that I can do 'x,y,z'". Same goes for talking to classmates and professors. I know it sounds like generic advice, I wish I could encourage you in person.

Don't give up, I know how it feels. I was on academic probation a few years ago but no fuckin way was I going to quit, now I'm getting my master's. I have faith in you!

>> No.8415153

The rare science thread is pretty fun, but the "what if my TA is hot but from India?" and "if I study drunk should I take the test drunk?" and "what's the best calc 201 textbook and where do I pirate it?" threads that take up the majority of the board are dumb as fuck.

>> No.8415156

Yep, among other things.

Also, cacao functions as a dissociative and very mild hallucinogen at higher doses, and also affords a sensation of superhuman strength. Sense of scale also changes. I just got back from wandering around in the woods, it's a full moon, and I'll tell ya... In a sense, cacao is a gateway to memory.

Regardless. As long as you don't chronically take in an unreasonable dose, the effect of its constituent parts on neurological function are well documented. That's the mechanical side. I'm talking equally in a temporal and more abstract psychological sense. Well worth it. Interest is infinite when you can experience everything as blanketed in interesting. The awareness and tools you develop via these states are not reliant on the state itself, and remain of considerable utility well after. Within reason.

>> No.8415160

Not him but this post really lifted my spirits. I'm a freshman in EE who is currently struggling a bit in classes (not bad enough to go on probation though). It's nice to see how things can turn around.

>> No.8415167

Is calc 2 where you find out if you're a brainlet?

>> No.8415179

I have the same problem anon. I seem to be interested in many things -- mathematics, sciences, music. I end up doing nothing at all. It turns out I am a person that can be categorized as a "scanner."

>> No.8415227


Nobody even remembers what they were supposed to have learned in calc 2 aside from Taylor Series, which weren't even properly covered. Calc 2 is garbage, absolute garbage.

>> No.8415237

Better to be a dumb but hard-working than smart but lazy.

>> No.8415240

Brainlet because of psychosis and pills that I'm taking. Hoping to still make it as /engineer/ though.

>> No.8415242

not crazy smart.... but smart enough to enjoy /sci/ less and less... have you people read some of this shit?

>> No.8415255

>tfw autistic
>tfw schizophrenic
>tfw bipolar
>tfw IED
>tfw anxiety
>tfw still 106 IQ
lol dumbfags get #rekt
But really my life isn't all that bad. It just gets hard to control what I'm experiencing at the moment.

>> No.8415259

You are sinister and I love it.

>> No.8415273

Came up with no results. Are you sure the link is working?

>> No.8415274

This. What's the deal guys, is there some kind of secret trick to this? Why does everyone keep linking to this?

Do I need a 4chan pass?

>> No.8415320
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>a mere 106

>> No.8415325

formulas arent math.

>> No.8415326

It would be a lot higher if I could concentrate for 2 fucking seconds. Fucking mania gives me ADHD like Sonic the Hedgehog's autism.

>> No.8415333

anyone actually a brainlet here? I literally tested into College Algebra in Uni im dumb asf at math and each time I study I zone out because its becomes boring. How did you guys learn to appreciate math I know all it takes is studying to get gud, but I have no motivation at all plus seeing people who are so good at math (like on this board) discourages me as well.

>> No.8415345

>Oh, so hiting, yelling, gaslighting, making work from 12 year old with no gratitudes, constantly made to belive one is unwanted and it was mistake not to abort them not going to impact development of intelligence in an nascent mind?

You are correct, none of those things will make you stupid.

>> No.8415386

If you can write your name, speak English, and can do basic Arithmetic, you're smarter than a large percentage of people in the US.


>> No.8415455

Well I'm on /sci/

>> No.8415476

me too m8

>> No.8415504

I want to be an economist but I hate Kaynes. What do?

>> No.8415518
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Your story broke my heart.
Good luck anon.

>> No.8415535

try khanacademy, seriously, normies are fascinated by it.

>> No.8415622

Only you

>> No.8415649

Study economics, learn keysian economics then decide if you hate it. If you still do then you will learn alternate economic theories Austrian, libertarian, anarch-capitalising, monetarism loads of different ones monetarism is the most academically revered one after keysian

>> No.8415653

Holy shit, who is this diva?

>> No.8415669

It's a Cancer thing.

>> No.8415679

>it won't help me to come up with unique ideas and solve novel problems
This. I am terrified when it comes time to actually do research and apply the shit I've learned, I will have no decent ideas

>> No.8416020

Try 5''4

>> No.8416188

They are under a lot of pressure.

>> No.8417359

how? adderall?

>> No.8417449


I can fucking relate to this bro

>> No.8417486

I am dumb af but like coming here. Makes me feel a little smarter

>> No.8417488

A similar situation turned me into the exact opposite, zero social interaction made me just read absolutely everything I could, fiction or non-fiction

>> No.8417517

I've moved up the Dunning Kruger curve and realized how fucking average I am

>> No.8417702


Read Marx

>> No.8417733

I've already seen what you see.
When I was 12.

>> No.8417822

No it didn't, you dumb /r9k/ poster

>> No.8417843

I'm top of my class but I honestly feel like a retard, I just learn what type of questions the professor likes and study them and get straight As, but I don't know how much I actually learn.

>> No.8417849

Tell that to my serotonin and dopamine deficiencies

>> No.8417995

>just started university
>already know i'm too dumb and lazy for it


>> No.8418001

even if You are retarded.
You can learn the Basics, this is extremely respected.

Serious, if You can remember the basics, You are highly Valued.


>> No.8418004

P.S. Im sorry, I forgot to Mention, Welcome to 4chan.

P.S.S. can I suggest (against my fellow's) reddit?

>> No.8418008

>I'd been doing this most of my life, but it peaked when I was 17-20. I ultimately went too far and ended up so psychologically broken and deconstructed I was barely functional a lot of the time. Though there was a lot going on and much of this was based in long term trauma.
Same. I like the way you put it, as well.

>> No.8418013

I'm in this position at the moment. My friends joke at me, so I've decided to just say fuck it and stay in my room to learn everything about mathematics.

>> No.8418025

Drop out, get an apprenticeship.

>> No.8418035

I have that big fish in a little pond to little fish in a big pond problem. In Community college, i was in the top 5% of my class. Now that Im in a good uni, im maybe in the top 40% of my engineering department. Im becoming more and more anxious about upper division courses, but i think i will survive, i have the stamina to take it to the end. I just feel stupid.

>> No.8418099

This happened to me too.

After ~3 years of extreme poverty and unresolved physical health issues I am 100% certain that I've lost a big chunk of my mental abilities.
Even my vision is disturbed. Can't afford to get an MRI. Fuck me.

>> No.8418111

Die Votzen haben es immer einfach....

>> No.8418134

>How did you guys learn to appreciate math
How satisfying do you find it?

>> No.8418349

thank you

>> No.8418388

not even once
At least now I've realized I love chemistry and I'm trying my best to learn everything I didn't in my teenage years. I-I'm gonna make it

>> No.8419742
File: 90 KB, 615x314, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure with hark work you can get a decent life but only if you are happy being mediocre.

Fucking nailed it.

>> No.8419750

kek underrated comment

>> No.8419779

All we do on this board is bully brainlets. Stop your masochism and go post with your own kind. On /lit/ and /his/.

>> No.8419783


This to some extent. As a result of my laziness and addiction to unstimulating habits, I am losing my ability to think logically, to reason, to decide - and stuff like my hand-eye-coordination, fine motor skills, and body coordination. Just doesn't feel right for it to all disappear in a span of a couple years.

>> No.8420181
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>> No.8420205

Dumb frog poster

>> No.8420256

This is litterally shitposting/complaining "HURR DURRR MY PARENTS ABUSED ME WHY AM I NOT GOOD AT STUFF" thread. No one on /sci/ in their right mind considers themselves smart, because there's always people far above them. Also
>people still fall for the IQ meme.

>> No.8420294

>t.106 IQ brainlet

>> No.8420385

Please tell us your story.

>> No.8420418

>t. I took an online test that tells me I'm better then someone so I brag about it on an Mongolian Horse Trading board.

>> No.8420430

>t. I'm assblasted about having an inferior IQ so I tell myself it's a meme to make myself feel less of the sub-human I am.

>> No.8420485
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>> No.8421143

try 5*2 you little bitch!

>> No.8421152

I'm 21 yo and 4'9'' and I'm not gonna lie. But I look like a kid and everyone thinks I'm cute.

>> No.8421168

>everyone thinks i'm cute.

..even... even the ladies, bruh?

side note: being small is easier on the cardiavascular system, so lower chance of hearth failure, which is nice