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File: 129 KB, 827x1356, Steven_Roman_auth._Advanced_Linear_Algebra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8413165 No.8413165 [Reply] [Original]

Post the best math book you've read.

>> No.8413177

My Twisted Universe by Neil Degrasse Tyson

>> No.8413181

What is considered advanced linear algebra? I just finished undergrad linear algebra, mostly focused on orthogonality and matrix factorizations like QR and SVD. We touched on markov processes and the matrix exponential. This is as far as I'll be going with math education as school but I'm curious what I should study on my own that would be relevant to engineering.

>> No.8413187

Mein Kampfpact Set by Georg Cantor

>> No.8413190
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Hated this book with a passion...until I understood what it was saying.

>> No.8413192

actually lol'd

>> No.8413203

superb choice op, I keep a copy of roman right next to my computer. Phenomenal book.

>> No.8413210

If one thrice differentiates the swiftnes of air leaving thy nostrils, a meager increase showeth over the noise.

>> No.8413239

modules over PIDs, this isn't relevant to engineering

>> No.8413270
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It's entry-level, but it gives a historical background of the problems that gave rise to axiomatic set theory an then uses that to formally describe it, solving each paradox as it adds a new axiom at several chapters.

>> No.8413314
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>> No.8413352
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>> No.8413359
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>> No.8413403

I have never read a math book desu.
Please help me.

>> No.8413412

start by opening one to page 1

>> No.8413417

lel, I guess I should be more direct.
I'm trying to learn mathematics and I would like some book recommendations.
I'm currently working my way through MIT's highlights of calculus on opencourseware.

>> No.8413431


>> No.8413435

thanks, although I've already taken a look at this.
I have Stewart's calculus 7th edition, but I might have to start with something more fundamental.

>> No.8413440

Start with spivak
or if you're a complete autist (like me) start with Landau's foundations of analysiswww

>> No.8413443

I'll give them a shot.
Thanks bb.

>> No.8413503

you won't make it. not trying to bring you down but if you don't know calculus, you shouldn't start analysis. stick with stewarts then try analysis (the texts anon recommended)

>> No.8413511
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the reason why I dropped physics and started math

>> No.8413519
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enormous amount of basic and not-so-basic results, concrete and pleasant-to-read exposition of classical techniques in combinatorics, cool edgy theorems and nice drawings.

I'm not even doing combinatorics in my PhD but this is my favourite bed book.

>> No.8413521
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big dicks only

>> No.8413566
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>> No.8413596
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>> No.8413597

set theory is the systemd of math

>> No.8413641
File: 90 KB, 1059x393, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you posted these before? i've heard good things about them somewhere but can't remember where

>> No.8413671

The most innovative, new and fresh book published in algebra and geommetry for the last 10 years.

>> No.8413680

> that moment when French ppl have a nice undergraduate-lvl book with quiver representations and projective geometry and mckay correspondance and plucker imbeddings and we fucking don't have anything similar in english

it sucks to be a non-french mathematician

>> No.8413688
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>he calls himself a mathematician but can't even read French

>> No.8413774
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I've mentionned them on a slack study group and I think I've posted these here as well

Yup, alongside pic related. Interestingly, the actual authors are also pretty funny people to be around, pretty cool.

I really feel sorry for non-french speakers for not being able to read H2G2, it's good. Now, for undergrads there are tons of good things in the AMS Student Mathematical Library. Of course, it's sometimes done in a somewhat handwavy way, but they do try to introduce some advanced tools to undergrads (I'm thinking about Enumerative Geometry and String Theory or Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and their L-Functions or A View From The Top: etc. )

>> No.8413814
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>Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and their L-Functions
its hard for me to think of a more redundant, unnecessary addition to the literature than this book desu

>> No.8413820

are you meming or serious?

>> No.8413827
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picrelated, the GOAT

>> No.8413830
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>> No.8413843
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>best intro to manifolds

>> No.8413853

Spivak's Calculus is an analysis textbook.

>> No.8413865
File: 9 KB, 165x250, zorich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally best analysis every written

>> No.8413876

>not Königsberger

>> No.8413950

Whats the best discrete math book?

>> No.8413953

also :
Richard Stanley

>> No.8413957

> not Laurent Schwarz

>> No.8413960

why are french mathematiciens so good ?

>> No.8413962
File: 16 KB, 400x500, 312H7v3rUmL._SX398_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this considered math?

>> No.8413974

pls leave

>> No.8413987

Masters in the more math-heavy economics-related fields use more complex mathematical models than just about any standard engineering field

>> No.8413997
File: 19 KB, 280x407, cover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best book if you're at all interested in this area

>> No.8414002

underrated post

>> No.8414003
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ahem, see

>pic related: cancer

>> No.8414015

>Hes a Tufag
Lee has a superior approach imo. Im not saying the Tu book is bad I just don't like how he starts all manifolds from R^n

>> No.8414021
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>> No.8414023

Applied math, yes

>> No.8414026

Spivak's calculus was pretty fuckin good desu.

>> No.8414028
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>implying that bathroom reader is even remotely comparable to what's in Tu

>> No.8414032
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Hatchers explanation of the fundamental group is ridiculously beautiful

>> No.8414037

Fuck it. I'll download it from libgen and google translate.

>> No.8414038

>Not Tao

>> No.8414039

You mean only autists have a problem with it?

>> No.8414044
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>not the fundamental groupoid

>> No.8414156

I seriously have issues with that book.
On the other hand I'm fine with more rigorous books.
Simplifying too much is not a good idea.

>> No.8414187

i fucking adore this book; algebra is a lot of fun

>> No.8414195


Anyone have an honest comparison between these textbooks? I'm about to order Tao's simply because of his reputation, should I order it or go with the others you guys suggested?

>> No.8414199
File: 31 KB, 316x499, 41Ib9rctKlL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took complex analysis one semester b/c number theory was cancelled since no one fucking took it, but in the end i was glad.


>> No.8414230

Tao spends a lot more time on establishing the foundations of Analysis, in fact he starts out with Peano's Axioms, subsequently defines the reals and climbs his way up from there. If you value rigor a lot then his textbook is probably your choice, but there aren't any solutions available for his exercises. In my opinion he is very good at conveying the intuition concerning the covered concept. As for Königsberger, I don't know whether he is available in any language other than German, so you better be fluent in it. Content wise it gets to business more straight forward (takes the real numbers for granted for example). Interesting about it is that he defines the Riemann Integral in a rather unconventional yet very elegant way by using a class of functions he refers to as "Regelfunktionen". All in all it is very concise and another big plus is that there are solutions to the exercises inside the textbook.

>> No.8414243

Regarding the exercises, considering that there are no solutions available online, how difficult are they? If I come across something I'm having trouble with, is it something I can ask here or somewhere else and have people give correct answers?

Did you need any help going through the problem sets?

>> No.8414282

I personally haven't worked through Tao entirely yet, so I can't evaluate how hard the exercises exactly are, but the ones I already tackled are difficult, but definitetely not undoable, and by using online ressources you shouldn't get into too bad trouble. Also, I don't know about Vladimir Zorich and Laurent Schwarz, these books are most likely though the only ones the fags who suggested them ever stuck their noses into and thus think they must be the best. But when in doubt: Go for Tao, it is always nice to read a text written by someone of a very high caliber.

>> No.8414291

Thanks anon, I'll give it a try.

>> No.8414306

> being an ignorant cunt who hasn't even read Zorich and yet has the audacity to recommend anything
It's also very rigorous, great exercises, plenty of science examples. The only minus is no solutions. 9.5/10 best book ever.

>not even that guy who posted it

>> No.8414371

Most Dover books aren't actually good for learning. People praise them because they're cheap

>> No.8414407

I think what he posted was a joke. That abstract algebra one is really bad

>> No.8414452

that's actually a great advice

>> No.8414489

>not even that guy who posted it

>> No.8414517

I've read them all
Schwartz > Zorich > Tao > random german guy

>> No.8414725

I really liked Kolmogorov/Formin's analysis, Shilov's LA and Gelfand/Formin's calculus of variations.
I mean, fuck me, they're all written in the same autistically Rusiian style and all translated by Silverman, but for some reason it really clicks. Though Silverman's own complex analysis book managed to turn me off in the first few pages, so fuck.

Pinter's algebra is one of the few Dover books I unironically regret buying

>> No.8414883
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>> No.8414943


pinter isn't bad, it's just elementary. The sort of thing you'd use to teach future high school teachers a bit of algebra, but for alot of sci it seems that they'd be best off starting with something more sophisticated like lang or hungerford.

>> No.8414951


absolute unrepentant meme/10

>> No.8414960

Man, I went hunting for brown sharpie's 101 uses for lang to post here but it's completely gone from the interwebs.

>> No.8414971

are there any books that focus on (or at least help with) intuition?
every math book i've ever read was just a bunch of seemingly unmotivated definitions

i managed to get by, but only because i spent my summers studying for the fall semester classes
and i still have a shit sense of intuition for a lot of stuff

>> No.8414975

lol, falling to this meme page...

>> No.8415128

There's a book out by Gilat and Subramaniam for numerical methods. It's very well done compared to most math/engineering texts.

There's also one by Asghar Bhatti on finite elements that's not completely gay.

Both are very relevant for engineers, and written in english rather than some bizarro jargon that only the author and 3 other people grok.

>> No.8415202
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until now

>> No.8416414

you dont want the meme to die

>> No.8416453

Bulmer and Pinter are great at least. Pinter is quite elementary, but hey, it's cheap and you can read something more in depth later.

>> No.8416488

Actually, it's the init.d. Category theory is the systemd.

>> No.8416495
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>> No.8416524
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Actually useful mathematics

>> No.8416642
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>> No.8416717

Essential feminist literature

>> No.8416738
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>> No.8416853
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10/10 holy shit kek
stealing this

>> No.8417079


>> No.8417085

So far, my favourite textbook is probably Tao's Analysis I-II.

I read the group theory section of this, really good.

Hello, trex.

>> No.8417284


>> No.8417621

What's the best textbook to learn how to triple integrate Banach spaces

>> No.8417935
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did you mean Barnett spaces? there's no theory of triple integrals on Banach spaces