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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 213 KB, 800x600, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8413491 No.8413491 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this allowed, again? Every given board has a permanent archive. While this can be useful in rare cases, doesn't it nullify half the purpose of 4chan? Data mining and the iterative construction of complex psychological profiles is already well established, and prose analysis, with various heuristics thrown in, with enough of a database behind it, can identify an anonymous person with reasonable accuracy.

The data is probably duplicated either way, but should this shit really be allowed to go on? It forces you to consciously strip language patterns and avoid the repeated use of key phrases. If someone posts something, you shouldn't be able to just google fragments of it and find archived versions of other posts they've made on 4chan.

I've yet to run into this, but it just seems unfortunate. The content is supposed to be transient for a reason. Then some dickheads make an archive.

>> No.8413502

Also, let's talk about applied crowd psychology, divide and conquer tactics, and the dangers of a belief in free will.

Also, we may discuss Google and Facebook's obvious desire to create (a) God. The infrastructure is nearly in place for omnipresence and omniscience. At such a point, it might as well be omnipotent. Its omnibenevolence however, depends heavily.

>> No.8413532 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8413536
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>> No.8413537

What does this picture have to do with anything, you retarded shitposter?

Fuck off back to >>>/b/.

>> No.8413538

Just don't post then.

>> No.8413539

What does this thread have anything to do with science and math?

>> No.8413543
File: 57 KB, 460x287, kiwi_bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

It has to do with AI development, neuroscience, and mathematical methods of data processing. eg, for image content recognition (both static and temporal), prose analysis, and human social dynamics.

Etc. Please think before posting. I want you to know that anon. I want you to know you should have thought before posting. I want you to think next time you ask your phone for directions (or whatever), that it doesn't have to give you the shortest path, and with enough information, could engineer the content of your day. Even to the point of arranging meetings.

>> No.8413559
File: 978 KB, 430x228, pooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI development, neuroscience, and mathematical methods of data processing. eg, for image content recognition (both static and temporal), prose analysis
but you're not talking about these, you only posted and care about the 'soft science' part of
>human social dynamics.
which is why this shitty fedorable thread belongs on another board, maybe /pol/

>> No.8413562
File: 41 KB, 461x370, 1467633142554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you're not talking about these
All part of the same deal, anon. The grand chain.

>> No.8413563

Found the philosopherfag.

>> No.8414369


>> No.8414386


>> No.8414674


>> No.8414686

Nah, especially here, which is a science and math board.
I've found many useful posts from looking at the archives, including old proofs and exercises I've posted the solutions to.

>> No.8414759
File: 14 KB, 459x118, CaseyCIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymity is an illusion (given the need to know).
Institutions doing linguistic analyses do not use public archives, they build their own.
4chan is not so much about indentifying individuals, it is rather one asset to monitor the experiment called Gen Z (the Millennials were a trial run).

>> No.8414870

Let’s dispel with this fiction that Hiroshimoot doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.