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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8405086 No.8405086 [Reply] [Original]

was a wizard

>> No.8405095

did he die a virgin? if not he was just a poseur.

>> No.8405194


>> No.8405196

he had 5 kids

>> No.8405197

Why did he abandon them?

>> No.8405239

because hes a mathematician.

hes not the first or last mathematician to abandon his kids.

>> No.8405401

what made Grothendieck so great anyways, god people talk about this fucking guy, seems meme tier

>> No.8405413

>seems meme tier
He isn't. You really have to study his work to understand why though. It isn't easy, but all you really need to start is commutative algebra and some topology.

>> No.8405417

many consider him to be the Greatest mathematician of the 20th century


>> No.8405660

Essentially he applied mindblowing generalizations and conceptual advances over and over again until he completely rewrote an entire field of mathematics.

>> No.8405719
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>tfw the most intelligent mathematician to ever live travels between universes

>> No.8405732

My friend, Grothendieck invented a type of universe, and showed how we can all travel between them while keeping our theorems intact within our spellbooks.

>> No.8405749

it's really not
t. occultist

it's pretty great to be able to find balance between professional scientific work and your spiritual, not exactly rational and skeptical side

>> No.8405769

>it's pretty great to be able to find balance between professional scientific work and your spiritual, not exactly rational and skeptical side

Yes, but unfortunately Grothendieck didn't. He abandoned math and was proud of it. Really Sufism is the only modern form of spirituality that combines both the spirit and the intellect.

>> No.8405801

Gotta send my props to a fellow occultist (I practice Hermeticism). Do you also find that spiritual truths help guide your research? I experience that, although I am studying mathematics where it is perhaps easier to capture that level of abstraction.

>> No.8405806

Not true at all.

>> No.8405840


>> No.8405853

Your thoughts on chaos magick?

>> No.8405864

not directly, I'm an electrical engineer
great discipline required in the occult work definitely helps though
sometimes I do invoke certain deities and entities that indirectly influence my approach to work and it's certainly nice to unwind after a tough day of playing with lasers and shit

However I try to separate spiritual practices from job related stuff. I mostly treat it as a counterbalance.

I'm your typical chaote, with hermeticism being a foundation for whatever personalised stuff I come up with. I still tend to borrow a lot from gnosticism and judeo-christianity. Nothing really out of ordinary except for some stupid shit like invoking anime characters, but that was roughly a decade ago.

>> No.8405868

oh, since this is /sci/ I should also mention that I love playing with physical laws in lucid dreams

>> No.8405886

I haven't studied much chaos magick, but the friend of mine that introduced me to Hermeticism is getting into it and has advocated for it to me. I may look into it more.

That's awesome anon, it's important to find balance. For me, the Hermetic principles such as, "As above, So below," manifest themselves in my philosophy and mathematics. This particular example is related to what is called the macrocosm principle in higher category theory. The idea of duality also shows up literally everywhere in mathematics. I am trying to formalize the principle of cause and effect in mathematics, building off of Gödel's completeness theorem (in a sense, nothing is true "by accident" in mathematics). I am also interested in physics, and how the least action principle is related to free constructions in category theory. It's been one of those "cannot unsee" experiences, realizing how accurate Hermetic ideas are, despite their antiquity.

>> No.8405942

if you don't stop at jerking off on sigils and invoking anime characters and actually base your work on other systems, carefully analyze the results and seek to improve without personalising too much I would argue it's the best way to go

I think chaos gets so much shit because beginners get into it without any former foundation in an established, structured system
they have no discipline and basic knowledge and ultimately get no meaningful and consistent results
so they continue doing random shit, never sticking to anything for longer

ok back to >>>/x/ and other places

>> No.8405946

ITT: People on the wrong board

This is for topics related to the discussion of science and math so fuck off to your containment board

>> No.8405947

i love grothy

>> No.8406056
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So, you decided to complain about fun posting in a thread about the grand wizard of mathematics, a thread that has already turned out to be informative with questions and answers. You should rather go complain about those handwriting threads or college students asking stuff outside /sqt/s, they belong to >>>/hm/, /homework and manuscript/.

Besides, every mathematician and math student here practices shamanism.

>> No.8406058

Opinion immediately discarded

>> No.8406080

>Besides, every mathematician and math student here practices shamanism.

Speak for yourself, weeb

>> No.8406106

Throwing an extra letter on a word does not lend you legitimacy, only a sickening air of pretense and pathetic posing.

Britfags in particular really need to learn this.

>> No.8406131

I genuinely laughed at this
were you joking on purpose or just don't know anything about occultism?
I never thought people could interpret this spelling that way

>> No.8406140

But von Neumann wasn't a wizard, OP.

>> No.8406161

Now Von Neumann was a meme

>> No.8406168

Von Neumann was smart, but the man has like no accomplishments

>> No.8406178
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Nah, it's a French Noble

>> No.8406219

Kids these days, thinking they know anything about "magick". Blind to the truth, ignorant of occult teachings of the past.
They'll never understand the true origins, and the very real power of Khaos Majjix

>> No.8406251


Unlike his homosexual look-alike and fellow French academic Michel Foucault, Grothendieck was quite straight, siring five kids by three different women. Grothendieck is quite fit and successful, from the evolutionary point of view.

>> No.8406269
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>I am also interested in physics, and how the least action principle is related to free constructions in category theory. It's been one of those "cannot unsee" experiences, realizing how accurate Hermetic ideas are, despite their antiquity.
Elaborate, family.

>I am trying to formalize the principle of cause and effect in mathematics, building off of Gödel's completeness theorem (in a sense, nothing is true "by accident" in mathematics).
Show your work.

If you want your thoughts to have any fruits, put them out there and don't just work on them till they pass your focus. This way you'll do lots of shit you'll neither see anything coming from, nor anybody even realizing you looked at it. Posting shit you do, like the nLab does, is the way to go. Especially in this niece, it's not drug biology.

I'm trying to read a lot more "spiritual" stuff for several years now and my girl is a philosophy major and her Frenchy postmodern whole vs. part rants also sound like symbols and relation in my ear, and I try to see stuff like sheaves everywhere I can, just because I like em.

>> No.8406299


We have a roleplaying board and this is not it.

>> No.8406341


>> No.8406367

Regarding least action and free constructions, there is sort of a "phase space" of groups which can be constructed in the internal language of a group using its operation, negation, equality, and some fixed generator set. Then, we assign "work" or "energy" to the process of adding a relation, and the minimal energy required to produce something satisfying the group laws yields the free group on your generators. The reason the construction is "free" is because no extra assumptions are made (no unnecessary energy is expended), and so we can naturally tell how much energy was used because the group axioms and generators are fixed.

I haven't done any work on the principle of cause and effect yet, I was musing on potential projects for the future.

>> No.8406400

>Von Neumann's ability to instantaneously perform complex operations in his head stunned other mathematicians.[146] Eugene Wigner wrote that, seeing von Neumann's mind at work, "one had the impression of a perfect instrument whose gears were machined to mesh accurately to a thousandth of an inch."[147] Paul Halmos states that "von Neumann's speed was awe-inspiring."[13] Edward Teller admitted that he "never could keep up with him".[148] Teller also said "von Neumann would carry on a conversation with my 3-year-old son, and the two of them would talk as equals, and I sometimes wondered if he used the same principle when he talked to the rest of us. Most people avoid thinking if they can, some of us are addicted to thinking, but von Neumann actually enjoyed thinking, maybe even to the exclusion of everything else."[149]

>Lothar Wolfgang Nordheim described von Neumann as the "fastest mind I ever met",[146] and Jacob Bronowski wrote "He was the cleverest man I ever knew, without exception. He was a genius."[150] George Pólya, whose lectures at ETH Zürich von Neumann attended as a student, said "Johnny was the only student I was ever afraid of. If in the course of a lecture I stated an unsolved problem, the chances were he'd come to me at the end of the lecture with the complete solution scribbled on a slip of paper."[151] Halmos recounts a story told by Nicholas Metropolis, concerning the speed of von Neumann's calculations, when somebody asked von Neumann to solve the famous fly puzzle:[152]

Name even 1 (one) more person that was lauded by this many non-brainlets.

>> No.8406560

Petty sure you just explained thermodynamics.

>> No.8406798
File: 69 KB, 632x421, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really Sufism is the only modern form of spirituality that combines both the spirit and the intellect.

>> No.8406940
File: 365 KB, 780x1200, Guide to mysticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh Nigga
I practise Hermeticism as well. Quite a nice path to take, really. Especially for sciences. If you're able to understand the metaphors that is.

>> No.8406967

I find Hermeticism quite useful in approaching sciences as well. I find it more applicable though to inner struggle and things like this. As above, so below it really is. Whatever is in your mind, that's what will be projected on the way you see the world. Might sound simple, that there is great wisdom to it, I think.