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File: 7 KB, 385x330, fluoroantimonic_acid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8402371 No.8402371 [Reply] [Original]

QUICK! Post strong acids!

>> No.8402381
File: 7 KB, 512x310, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the strongest of them all

>> No.8402397


>> No.8402400

b8 or middle school, can't decide

>> No.8402402
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>> No.8402405

not the strongest acid but still strong


>> No.8402407

What's this and can you get high from it?

>> No.8402410

HF is a weak acid, fag. The strongest acid of that kind is HI.

>> No.8402411


>> No.8402412

Vitriol is pretty gud

>> No.8402417
File: 40 KB, 720x540, Boron-Based_Carborane_Acid_Figure_1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402421


>> No.8402434


>> No.8402441
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kill yourselves

boi u memein me

>> No.8402454
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>> No.8402513

aHF is very strong, actually.

>> No.8403012


>> No.8403016


>> No.8403056

ITYF that HCl is stronger than HI

Chlorine has a higher electronegativity than iodine. Fluorine has a higher electronegativity than anything else, of course, but the hydrogen bonds make HF much less acidic than HCl, in the same way that they make H2O much less acidic than H2S.

HNO3 and H2SO4 are strong acids.
I think they're both even stronger than HCl, but I'm not 100% certain on that,

>> No.8403065

HOOCCOOH (Oxalic acid) is classified as strong (which is unusual for carboxylic acids)

>> No.8403079

based carboranes

>> No.8403243

That's basic.

>> No.8403249

7 strong acids you should know:
Hydroiodic acid (HI)
Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Hydrobromic acid (HBr)
Nitric acid (HNO3)
Chloric Acid (HClO3)
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
Perchloric acid (HClO4)

Some Weak Acids:
Acetic acid
Ammonium ion
H2O (throught autoionization)

2 H2O --> H3O+ + OH-

>> No.8403441


>> No.8403503

>people posting weak acids with strong corrosive properties or high reactivities and saying they're strong acids

>> No.8403679

depends on what it's reacting with

>> No.8403686

We scientists call it "lysergic acid" :)

>> No.8404164

>lysergic acid
lysergic acid thalidomide

>> No.8404280

You're talking about dilute solutions in water. Highly concentrated HF is almost as acidic as pure sulfuric acid.

Anything stronger than 100 % sulfuric acid is considered a super acid.

>> No.8404287
File: 3 KB, 130x122, 130px-Triflic-acid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand back nerds strong acid coming through

>> No.8404311

I think that was LSD-25

>> No.8404373
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>strongest acid of that kind is HI

The strongest of the hydrohalic acids is hydrogen astatide, champ.

>> No.8404382

>not hydrogen tennessine
At least, once that name is officially accepted

>> No.8404383

so is this the thread where all the ochemfags come to feel good about their stamp collecting classes that require more memorization and less critical thinking than any other hard science/math? after all, muh electron pushing and muh orbitals aren't real explanations

t. As in both Ochem classes, along with 99th percentile on both ACS finals, along with As in advanced ochem

Advanced Ochem is a bit better, but still not very rigorous

>> No.8404388

Strong acids are not ochem. Organic acids are usually not that strong.

>> No.8404681

This thread is strong evidence that chemists are just stamp collecting

>> No.8405176

my highschool chem teacher referred to all acids of this dangerous variety as strong acids and fucked my brain up until i got to ap when we learned about equilibrium i was fucking mad

>> No.8405177

><250 ug

>> No.8405185

thanks for spelling out the autoionization reaction dude been trying to figure that one out for ages

>> No.8405350

Ayo whats the point group on this bad girl

>> No.8405361

>As in both Ochem classes, along with 99th percentile on both ACS finals, along with As in advanced ochem
tits or gtfo you fucking mong

>> No.8405571

The strongest acid in water is [math]\rm H_3O^+[/math].

>> No.8405579
File: 14 KB, 208x214, Alpha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8405599
File: 2 KB, 293x172, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluoroantimonic acid fags.
Start talking about super acids, and get out of your HX shitts.

>> No.8405631


Are you fucking retarded, anon? Look at OP's post

>> No.8405670

I strongly belive the acid known as 'Magic Acid' is the greatest of all time. (Combo with yours)

>> No.8405767
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>> No.8405780

every weak acid has H3O+ as their active reagent