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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8400724 No.8400724 [Reply] [Original]

Solve this or get the fuck /out/ of my /sci/.

I'm not even kidding, if you can't solve something like this maybe /v/ or /toy/ is more of your thing.

>> No.8400731

1/2 unit

>> No.8400734

.7 units

>> No.8400741

This. Approximately

>> No.8400746

Approximately 0.52140

>> No.8400748

i assumed so, how do you calculate this?

>> No.8400751

There are an infinite amount of points inside the square. So the average distance is just the sum so -1/12

>> No.8400755

Depends on the size of the point

>> No.8400757

The shortest distance they can be is 0
The largest distance it can be is sqrt 2

The average is half of this.

>> No.8400759

Don't be a pleb

>> No.8400768


>negative odds


>> No.8400770

This can't be right. So if u cut the square in half into a triangle, the average distance wouldn't change?

>> No.8400773


Yep, this is absolutely wrong in so many ways.

>> No.8400777

It's possible when talking about infinite points. It's like when mechanics breaks down at the quantum level

>> No.8400784
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Only correct answer


lmfao this isnt even a math question its fucking common sense

>> No.8400786
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>> No.8400791

If it were a circle and not a square then yes the answer would be 1/2.
You're trolling I hope.

>> No.8400793

No because there's more of the triangle where there's a chance for it to be greater than average than less than average. >>8400773
Its not wrong unless you create a uniform distribution, which wouldn't make sense to use.

>> No.8400807

But what if you flip the triangle 360 degrees? Doesn't that cause circular distribution?

>> No.8400816

[math]\frac{1}{15} \left( 2 + \sqrt{2} + 5 \cdot \mathrm{ArSinh} (1) \right) [/math]

>> No.8400826
File: 226 KB, 737x601, 1475705021658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/2, because either the distance is 1/2 or it isn't

>> No.8400827


>> No.8400830


>> No.8400842

No, it would be in the same place it was before you flipped it, so it would look the same.

>> No.8400843

This being Sci and all I'm surprised no one has just, via integration, taken the average value of the distance function over all point pairs in the unit square

>> No.8400848

Can't be done.

By the way, the solution to this problem was only discovered in 2005.

>> No.8400851


Assuming you make multiple generations in order to find the average

a = The sum of all the distances
b = half of the total number of points
c = average distance

The answer is
c = a/b

>> No.8400853

It doesn't matter because it's random, there is no average of something that is not calculated

>> No.8400854

Are you purposely being dumb?

>> No.8400855

That probability distribution is wrong though.

Every thread you look at online parrots this solution but there's no justification why.

The truth is, you can't normalize the probability space of this problem.

>> No.8400856


The integral I wrote certainly wasn't pretty, but it can be approximated well, I suspect.

>> No.8400857


>> No.8400858
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reelie mayecks eyiou thinkkkk

>> No.8400863

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and it doesn't make my statement less true

>> No.8400865
File: 27 KB, 1901x1011, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathfags getting this flustered over such a simple problem

Fucking kek. It's not that hard, guys. The answer is 0.765294.

>> No.8400867

You dumb monkey, 0.52... is the same result you get from integrating four times with respect to x1,x2,y1 and y2. I even ran it in c++ with 100 iterations on each integral to be sure.

>> No.8400905

What would be the answer if instead of a square it's just a line?

>> No.8400912

You're absolutely correct, it doesn't make your false statement any more false.

>> No.8400915
File: 31 KB, 352x450, intothetrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I even ran it in c++ with 100 iterations on each integral to be sure.

>> No.8400916

Nice rebuttal, freshman. Talk to me once you grow the fuck up

>> No.8400920


>> No.8400926

>that delusional overconfidence
I cringed...


>> No.8400928


>> No.8400935

Not op, but you can't use this argument by assigning a probability to each pair of points, because there are uncountably many pairs of points to assign a value to.

>> No.8400939
File: 31 KB, 800x600, 1475656039947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're acting smug as fuck, thinking you're smart just because you memorized a couple of concepts, yet you don't realize how badly you fell for it. I pity you, you're apparently so insecure that you feel the need to assert dominance in a weeb imageboard.

>> No.8400950

What would be the answer if instead of a square it's a cube or tesseract?

>> No.8400955

Probability density functions are assigned to continuous random variables all the time. It's a simple probability distribution which can be found here


>> No.8400966

It's not simple.
The probability function they used in that paper is wrong.

There's just as many point pairs from 0 to 1 as there are from 1 to sqrt 2.

>> No.8400970

Monte-carlo's giving me about 0.5214.

>> No.8400975

They're using standard Lebesgue measure. Read a measure theory book.

>> No.8400979

1 unit on the side of the square means the diagonal is 1.41 units. Thus 0.59 units is the average.

>> No.8400981


>> No.8400983

>Thus 0.59 units is the average.

oops, I divided by 3 instead of 2 for some reason, 0.7

>> No.8400988


>> No.8400991

i don't think .005 matters

>> No.8400992

No, it's 0.7. Brainlet.

>> No.8400997


>> No.8400998


>> No.8401009

Is it 0.564? Turn square into circle and radius = 0.564. Would the radius of a circle be average distance between 2 random dots on circle?
t. brainlet

>> No.8401010


>> No.8401016

What is the answer?

>> No.8401018


>> No.8401022

Read the thread.

>> No.8401024

Is the average distance a 1/3 of a diametre?
Therefore (0.564*2)/3 = 0.376 is the average distance.

>> No.8401025

Everyone's arguing and claiming each other is wrong.

>> No.8401026

No, that has nothing to do with solving it.

>> No.8401028

Use your brain and figure out who is correct. Pay special attention to externally sourced claims.

>> No.8401034

It looks like the average is 0.52, based on googling.

>> No.8401035


>> No.8401074
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>> No.8401076

I think you're being trolled lad.

>> No.8401100


>> No.8401122

What steps could you have possibly done to get a negative average distance?

>> No.8401129

it's just a dumb ass meme

>> No.8401144 [DELETED] 


>> No.8401149

got this

>> No.8401180

I really hope you aren't serious. ~0.59 is the correct answer

>> No.8401188

Clever troll