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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 802 KB, 1494x939, matthew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8395078 No.8395078 [Reply] [Original]

RIP in peace NASA

>> No.8395123
File: 110 KB, 640x854, loopy-matthew_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Models suggest hurricane Matthew could hit Florida twice

>> No.8395178

That's an awful colour scale. Why not just use something like Cubehelix?

>> No.8395615

NASA is built to withstand hurricanes

>> No.8395649

Just like your mom's pussy was built to withstand my dick.

>> No.8395657


that's funny because she couldn't handle how big mine was

still took it like a champ though ;D

>> No.8395709
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, Loopy-Matthew-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a large departure from previous forecasts, and the National Hurricane Center’s discussion this morning is still hinting at the new scenario where Matthew does not recurve poleward the way most hurricanes do. It’s possible Matthew will then cross Florida and enter the Gulf of Mexico. Such unusual hurricane tracks are particularly difficult to forecast.

Of course, the worst impacts will be along the eastern shore of Florida tonight and Friday as Matthew is supposed to arrive as an historic Category 4 storm, making landfall 4,001 days after the last major hurricane (Cat 3 or stronger) hit the U.S. (Wilma in 2005).

>> No.8395760


>> No.8395792

What do you think it's like inside the VAB during a hurricane?

>> No.8395802

probably really fucking comfy

>> No.8395824

The Kennedy Space Center is built to withstand 115 mph winds. Hurricane Matthew is a category 4 storm with winds at 140 mph.

>> No.8395835

>builds space center in florida
>isn't built to withstand up to category 5 hurricanes

i thought the people at NASA were smart

>> No.8395922

I am more worried about the SpaceX rockets.

>> No.8395925

RIP in peace again orlando gay club

>> No.8395927

>implying he fucked his mom with his little white dick
white people so nasty

>> No.8396046

>i thought the people at NASA are all
>scientists, engineers, and technicians
>including the executive administrators
you're in for a rude surprise
when you eventually get a job

>> No.8396108

They should have hurricane-proof rockets that can blast off and reach space while in the worst of Earth's hurricanes. Otherwise, what is the point?

>> No.8396112

National Weather Service warns Fluorida could be "uninhabitable for weeks."

>> No.8396121
File: 136 KB, 930x1024, Grant Chaser's Cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck this spot in particular

>> No.8396149
File: 11 KB, 236x314, 1588e3658eb9a44a6472166c1c0c6366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a nickle for the number of times I've been on a construction job and someone has uttered the phrase, "that's good enough" I'd be able to send my own meme rockets to space.

>> No.8396154


If you can tell the colors apart it's as good a color scheme as any other.

>> No.8396158

No problem for two reasons:

1. Horizontal integration means all their buildings are short and squat.

2. They already blew up their pad, anything that could blow over has already been destroyed and is planned to be rebuilt anyway! They get the economy of one cleanup for the price of two disasters!

>> No.8396178

really fucking noisy

>> No.8396182

>ive in a place where houses are made with bricks and not cardboard
>even if there were hurricanes where I live they could just suck my dick

>> No.8396195
File: 245 KB, 768x512, 07andrew1-master768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These homes were made of brick too anon

>> No.8396203


Press F to pay respects

>> No.8396231

lmao westcoastfags
It is great to live in the Panhandle of Florida. Truly the comfiest place in America.

>> No.8396250

1) Short and squat does not make a building immune to hurricanes. Short is also relative. A Horizontal Integration Facility are still big buildings. In addition I'm not sure if the HIFs have the same sort of protective blow out panels that the VAB has.

2)Only SLC-40 blew up (And supposedly much of the infrastructure survived). SLC-39A is still intact and set to open next month. Both could easily take damage.

>> No.8396285

That's a fucking trailer park

>> No.8396328

Have you any cognitive disability?

>> No.8396332

>wind is strong enough to take down houses made of solid bricks and cement
