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8390253 No.8390253 [Reply] [Original]

His name is Ken wheeler
This is a link to his book



What does /sci/ think about this?
How much do you know about electricity and magnetism?

>> No.8390262


>> No.8391152

Why are you on 4chan if you can not read?

>> No.8391172


>> No.8391201

Your loss, you will never know how magnets work if you can not read.

>> No.8391215

its some interesting work, but shouldn't the lagrange density on page 20 be

>> No.8391223

i know enough to know ur mom is a fag cuz she's an engineer


>> No.8391229
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google 'Uncovering The Missing Secrets Of Magnetism - Facebook'
get 4th edition pdf at archive.org

>> No.8391243
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>How much do you know about electricity and magnetism?
About as much as you know about viral marketing.


>> No.8391255

I dont know anything about Marketing.

>> No.8391262

Page 20?

>> No.8391273
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Page 20 is not about text book prayers and impressionist physics is not for people still encaged in the edu gulag. His field approach is quite modern but not well developed; for inspiration only, at best.

>> No.8391289

I am interested in how he shows the geometry of magnetic fields. With Jim Murray and Dynaflux, apparently all commercial generators/motors could benefit if they took the shape of the field into account.

>> No.8391290


t. willfully ignorant of rigorous science

>> No.8391300
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forgot pic(s)

>> No.8391307
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>> No.8391324
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Samefagging OP is samefagging.

>> No.8391331

Do you want me to tripfag?

>> No.8391337

Not as rigorous as you might think.

>> No.8391365

When people say magnetic field at the PhD level in physics, does that make any reference to the algebraic structure or do physicists just like to steal our language?

>> No.8391376


its a vector field you tool

>> No.8391417

That's not the kind of field I like.

Call it magnetic vector field, dumbos.

>> No.8391437

This is done frequently in physics, e.g.

vector field---->field
tensor field---->tensor
line element/metric tensor--->metric
lagrange density--->lagrangian

these conventions typically only cause problems for turbo-autists or people with little physical background.

PS. vector fields and number fields are totally incommensurate. Vector fields have a rich geometric theory and wide physical applicability, whereas number fields are studied by autistic platonists and have little redeeming value. So you really ought to be more interested in vector fields.

>> No.8391498

>vector fields and number fields

I don't particularly care about number fields. Just fields.

Actually I just care about groups, but a field is like having two groups so christmas came early boi.

>> No.8391763
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>> No.8391770


>> No.8391778


>> No.8391784

nothing x about that video, if you're too stupid too follow it then
might be were you belong

>> No.8391865


>> No.8392178

>nothing /x/ about "vortex based 'mathematics'"
>nothing /x/ about golden ratio woo
>nothing /x/ about numerology
t. delusional /x/tard in denial


>> No.8392207

Wow, you are actually toxic. >>8391865

>> No.8392306

reported for being retarded pseudoscience

>> No.8393147

Pseudoscience? You are the one who probably believes in the mythical discharge particle. Do you thing an electrical generator just manufactures electrons?
>Here, just let me clean the photons off of my camera sensor.

>> No.8393150


>> No.8393217

I bet you haven't watched the whole video and you googled vbm to get your opinion from rational wiki.

vbm is about mapping a perfectly symmetric torus which can be used to wind a coil differently than practiced today, to avoid interference inside the coil, it's not rocket science but it ain't trivial either.

the golden ratio is but a mere ratio which happens to refers to itself on every scale

it's not numerology if it CLEARLY states where they numbers origin and WHY they interact with eachother the way they do.

It's sad that you are afraid of things you don't understand

>> No.8393241

So, is it already being used to reduce back emf?

>> No.8393294

It gave us everything electronic in existence, moron.

Just because you're too stupid to understand doesn't mean it isntrigorous.

>faggot speculates about nothing

>> No.8393562

I am to stupid to understand what exactly?
>It gave us everything electronic in existence, moron.
The people responsible for 100% of our electrical grid all agreed that the electron isn't a particle. Yet, schools and collages everywhere teach otherwise. This is one example. The Ken guy in the op talks about this and a few others in his book. Nice greentext btw, new age faggots are annoying.

>> No.8393735
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well ofc there have been many amateur attempts at this but sadly no official ones that I know of, so physically it has not been proven as far as I know, but the theory has not been disproven either, so let's see what the future brings. Sadly I can imagine that not many people believe something as simple as winding style might be able to alter magnetic properties more than wire size or current power.

>> No.8393757

psst, hey, kid, wanna learn the secrets to EM field theory? just look at this:

[math]\mathcal{L}=(\star J)\wedge A + \frac{1}{2}(\star F)\wedge F[/math]

>> No.8394664

Hey, wanna learn the secrets why the "shortcut" you think is faster but actually slower? just look at this:
C^2 = A^2+B^2

>> No.8394666

* the same

>> No.8394696

>Vector fields have a rich geometric theory
So do Number fields. It is just a lot more complicated.

>> No.8394703

Is Buddy in this thread? Where is my circle man?

>> No.8394716

I watched the whole video.

>vbm is about mapping a perfectly symmetric torus which can be used to wind a coil differently than practiced today,
OK, let's carefully dissect the bullshit. Why do you need to "map" a torus (which is not what's being done in the video by the way) to make a coil? You don't. Putting numbers on the torus has absolutely nothing to do with coils.

>to avoid interference inside the coil, it's not rocket science but it ain't trivial either.
Interference of what? This is just pure bullshit. You are pretending to know this means something and you understand it when you clearly don't. Stop lying to yourself.

>the golden ratio is but a mere ratio which happens to refers to itself on every scale
More meaningless buzzwords.

>it's not numerology if it CLEARLY states where they numbers origin and WHY they interact with eachother the way they do.
Numerology is ascribing significance to numbers where there is none. That is exactly what VBM is. The nonsensical ravings of a schizophrenic who thinks that a trivial result of modular arithmetic in base 10 has some kind of physical significance. Can you explain what the significance is? No, because you are a fraud.

>> No.8394722

>ell ofc there have been many amateur attempts at this but sadly no official ones that I know of, so physically it has not been proven as far as I know, but the theory has not been disproven either, so let's see what the future brings
In other words, it's all bullshit and you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8394861

See the Dynaflux by Jim Murray

>> No.8394863

See the Dynaflux by Jim Murray

>> No.8394959

If you would read Ken's free book, he explains the geometry of magnetic fields. There is also this thing called a ferocell that allows you to see magnetic flux. It is very provable that magnetic fields do resemble the torus.

>> No.8395276

>See the Dynaflux by Jim Murray
See a psychiatrist.

>There is also this thing called a ferocell that allows you to see magnetic flux. It is very provable that magnetic fields do resemble the torus.
You can see magnetic field lines by sprinkling iron filings around the magnet. This is an elementary school experiment. You did not respond to a word I said and instead you replied with an inane irrelevancy. Again, what is the significance of VBM to ANYTHING? What is a torus shaped coil going to do? You don't know, fraud.

>> No.8395597

Read the book, the iron filings do not accurately represent the magnetic field because they become magnets themselves. The Dynaflux Is an generator that takes advantage of field geometry to reduce back-EMF. It is very provable that magnetic fields do resemble the torus. SEE THE FEROCELL
>You did not respond to a word I said and instead you replied with an inane irrelevancy.
Goddamnit dude, What I am posting is VERY relevant.
>See a psychiatrist
And you say I bring up irelevent things
>Again, what is the significance of VBM to ANYTHING?
Idk what VBM is
>What is a torus shaped coil going to do?
Nothing the people who think this actually work are wrong because it doesn't work. The Dynaflux DOES WORK!

>> No.8395645

What do the collections of words

>field geometry
>magnetic field
>resemble the torus

mean to you? I'm legitimately interested at this point what you think you're saying. I'm not gonna read some dumbass dynaflux shit, basic electrodynamics doesn't require a wordy, misleading dance-around-the-topic explanation. How would you describe these things in your own words?

Who are

>the people who think this actually work

and how do you know they're wrong? I can tell you classical electrodynamics is wildly successful at describing the macroscopic effects of electricity and magnetism--as well as being Lorentz invariant. I believe in classical electrodynamics because the four Maxwell equations are literally translations of empirical results into a consistent field theory--you can measure inverse-square laws, observe that magnetic structures only come in dipoles (macroscopically), see how changing electric fields generate magnetic fields, and measure electric responses to changing magnetic fields. Lastly you can measure a Lorentz force to complete the package.

There is no 'woo' in where these laws come from, it's empirical science with astounding predictive power.

>> No.8395683

I'm sorry you are so delusional that you think someone who uses a bunch of words you don't understand has created "free energy". Seek help before such extreme gullibility causes you harm.

>> No.8395686
File: 576 KB, 856x853, 794187f9400ed44b3da5707d4597747f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>field geometry
The geometry of a field
Counter elecrtomotive force caused by eddie currents in a coil
>magnetic field
The feild of influence magnets have around them
>resemble the torus
pic related (screenshot taken directly from UNCOVERING THE MISSING SECRETS OF MAGNETISM)

Why dont you just read Ken's book instead of trying to get the entire book through me. Believe it or not I dont know too much about electrodynamics. I posted here because i wanted some second opinions on the book. If you are not going to read (or at least skim) the book and tell me what you think about it leave the thread.

>> No.8395688

Wtf, free energy? Where did I say that?

>> No.8395698

Why don't you just crack open a modern physics textbook?

>> No.8395718


The paragraphs in that picture either don't mean anything or are patently wrong.

>I dont know too much about electrodynamics

This is why the ramblings of a mad man are working on you, you straight up don't have the knowledge to recognize something that's not true and are accepting this information as if he were an authority in electromagnetism.

Electromagnetism is not intuitive when compared with basic mechanics/kinematics. Many behaviors of electrically charged particles in electric/magnetic fields act quite differently than things we see in everyday life like cars rolling down hills or friction stopping a sled.

Please, put this 'book' down. Check out the VAST amount of information about electromagnetism. Youtube the experiments, maybe try some basic ones yourself. Check out the theory applied to everyday objects likes radios, old-style TVs, or maybe even some basic circuitry.

Nobody gives two shits about the book you keep shilling because this kind of thing happens all the time. Some wacko prints a wacko book about something they don't know, which tricks people who themselves aren't familiar with science or how to properly question a scientific claim/statement. I'd challenge you to summarize that word vomit in your picture in terms of things you understand--it's fucking nonsense with lots of made-up jargon.

>> No.8395746
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Ok, so I take it you have read a good potion of Ken's book, then you have concluded that its bs.
What do you disagree with and why? Do you agree with anything? What do you think about the dramatically different gauss readings on the different regions of the magnet? What do you think about the ferrocell?

Also, how do you shill for a free book?

>> No.8395752


>> No.8395756

I have, fields are not physical.

>> No.8395768

nobody here is reading your stupid book, Ken. Try /x/ like all the other retards who can't into science

>> No.8395789
File: 12 KB, 160x200, ^D356B22157BEBD3D517518D294A39E8B473ECD0677E6E1F537^pimgpsh_thumbnail_win_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is not Ken. I am not retarded. I will not post this on /x/ because this is not paranormal.
This person read the book and gave his opinion.

>> No.8395891

>why do you need to map a torus
because you map it in 2D, nothing 3D here.
>to make a coil?
because you want to know where the wires go? are you being stupid on purpose?

>interference of what?
electromagnetic interference with neighboring wires.
>modular arithmetic in base 10
It's base 9 retard. You see any zeros on the number map?

This will be the last time I will respond to you if you continue to refuse to go into technicalities and keep resorting to insults, there is nothing more pathetic than calling out someone's explanation as "bullshit" without stating why.

>More meaningless buzzwords
>I just rephrased: a+b is to a as a is to b
just read the fucking wiki on it or stay stupid forever.

In other words it means it hasn't been peer reviewed yet. Nothing else.

>> No.8396211

You didn't answer the question moron. What do the numbers on the torus have to do with the coil?

>It's base 9 retard. You see any zeros on the number map?
What? In base 9 there is no digit for 9. In base 9 the number 9 is written as "10". So it's clearly base 10. When you see the symbol "9" it cannot possibly be in base 9. The video shows modular arithmetic with the Fibonacci sequence in base 10. Insufferable delusional retards can't even get kindergarten math right, what a surprise.

>Guys guys seriously I know what I'm talking about but I don't even know what base 9 means. Seriously pay attention to my crackpot bullshit.

>> No.8396284

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 = mod9
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 = mod9
&,¡,ä,x,5,f,¶,#,$ = mod9

it literally doesn't matter which symbols you choose as long there are 9 distinct values. It's YOU who can't get kindergarten math right.

just kill yourself before you embarrass yourself any more.

>> No.8396300

So in your "totally mod9 guyz" representation
2*2=2 and 1+1=1?

>> No.8396303

Jesus Christ you are dense. First of all, the 15th Fibonacci number is 610, so yes you are using 10 distinct symbols not 9. Second, the video is clearly not using "1" to mean 0, "2" to mean 1, etc. Otherwise the sequence would be 1,1,1,1...

The lack of awareness of your own stupidity is staggering. You might just be the dumbest person on /sci/ right now.

>> No.8396335


it depends if you start from 0 or 1 so the 15th number is 377 in the videos case. the fib sequence in the beginning is decimal but the way he derives the number map is mod9...

e.g. 144 / 3 = 48 = 3 mod9

the mod9 sequence he gets out has no 0 in it.

and you still swearing like a full tourette retard.

>> No.8396360

And you know mod9 does not mean base 9 correct? What I said from the start is that he does modular arithmetic in base 10.