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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8387564 No.8387564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which scientific field is the closest thing we have to real-world magic?

>> No.8387579
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Chemistry and Physics

>> No.8387749
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>> No.8387767

Math. It's a manipulation of purely made up symbols and runes that somehow helps accomplish real-world goals. Math is magic.

>> No.8387770

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.8387783

probably physics, and modern engineering. the fact that laws electromagnetism can be manipulated to make palm-sized supercomputers that you can use to communicate with someone on the other side of the planet makes me want to go to church, and I'm not religious.

>> No.8387787
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The real word is "mathemagician", but during the middle ages when the church didn't like universities teaching magic, it was changed into "mathematician". In reality, mathematician is a biblical god. Let there be light, and all that stuff, it's just what mathematicians say when they create their own worlds to check relationships between certain properties, how something implies something else.

>> No.8387791

the electromagnetic field

>> No.8387867


>> No.8387895

Being able to transmit information with electromagnetic waves is pretty magical.

Even something as simple as a garage opener looks magical. From the generation of the waves to the propagation, to the processing, and then physical opening of the door. All with waves that are invisible to the naked eye.

>> No.8387902

>mixing up chemicals to create other chemicals with completely different properties
>consuming different chemicals has varying effect on the body and mind

>can cure sickness
>can cause hallucinations
>can kill

>Medicine is like healing spells
>drugs are like illusion/hypnotic spells
>poisons, acids, nerve agents are offense spells

To add to this elements and atoms were largely unexplained for a long time even though we were still using them. We still can't directly observe them. Magic as fuck.

>> No.8387910

care to elaborate?

>> No.8387923
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Smug code monkey thinks that manipulating a predictable deterministic system of switches to produce Facebook apps is profound.

>> No.8387999
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>bewitch the mind
>ensnare the senses
>brew fame
>bottle glory
>even put a stopper in death

>> No.8388008

Math isn't real and does not accurately reflect the real world in and quantifiable way. Math is a social construct similar to religion.

>> No.8388016
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>implying the real world is quantifiable

>> No.8388024

I feel like a goddamn sage, every day. It's awesome. I create and destroy, I manipulate my own realities. It's all I need to be content with my life.

>> No.8388592
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>It's all I need to be content with my life.
But you do something that is not one of the following:
>biologically obligatory like eating, drinking and sleeping
>posting about math on 4chan
right? Don't over-exert yourself, there's more to life than just math!

>> No.8388619
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>there's more to life than just math!
Shush, brainlet. You do not understand.

>> No.8388635

I also play music! It's a great way to unwind. I play vidya when I feel uninspired as well. I don't really have friends, but I spend time with my girlfriend often.

>> No.8388641


first answer is the best and correct answer

It isn't, kid.

>> No.8388712
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Maybe. I just happen to know that all work, no fun makes Jack a dull boy! My brainletness is probably real.

Nice to hear that, but I wished you had friends, though. I must admit it a gf surprised me, no offense.

>> No.8388719

>there's more to life than just math

>> No.8388736

Yeah, it's challenging to find people that are interested in my studies. I have the fortune of being attractive, but that only gets one so far in the way of dating.

>> No.8388737


>> No.8388743

>code monkey
pick one

>> No.8388751
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>tfw everything but the last sentence

>> No.8388761

It's okay anon, being in a relationship is overrated.

>> No.8388769

Coding feels like you're writing magic scrolls

>> No.8388799

BTW, I think I like you, no homo. I used to hate you because namefag, but I've grown used to it, and the deeper I get into CT, the more I appreciate what you're doing. So you're one of only two name/trip/avatarfags on /sci/ that I actually don't mind.

>> No.8388809

I'm glad to hear it man. I don't mind if people hate me, but to know my presence has incrementally helped further someone's appreciation for good math and good ideas is a very nice feeling. Keep on keeping on, anon.

>> No.8388815

>Yeah, it's challenging to find people that are interested in my studies.
You don't need friends that care about it.

>> No.8388821
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There should be something completely different than math in one's hobbies to keep their mental blade sharp. This actually holds for any activity X, not just math (and by replacing mental with physical when necessary).

I can believe that. I selfstudy "too deep" stuff for the other students to talk with me, and I'm just an ant compared to your skills.

>> No.8388824

You must not forget that I am a mega autist, and can't stop talking about math. I don't get much out of friendships that aren't intellectually challenging on some level. The remark you quoted was meant to be on the topic of finding a companion who is interested in my work, though, which I think is very important regardless of power level (autism).

>> No.8388829

Really? No one?
QM - by far.
If this isn't fucking magic then nothing is.


>> No.8388837

>just an ant
I disagree; I am inclined to study things which come easy to me, but when I studied model theory, for example, I could barely wrap my head around some of the concepts and results, let alone follow the proofs and constructions. We all have massive potential, and the differentiating factor is how we direct our time and effort. That may be a bit optimistic and idealistic for this board, but I don't think of myself as "above" anybody with an equal level of interest. This is part of why dialogue and community are so important in intellectual discourse: humans sharing ideas is the optimal catalyst for the development of new ones.

>> No.8388877
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is there anything to do besides math?
so far it's the only thing i've found that i actually like

>> No.8389226

getting laid

>> No.8389238 [DELETED] 

That show was garbage. The only good episode was the one with the loli and her friend.

>> No.8389405

What does this post have to do with science, pedophile degenerate?

>> No.8389421

is the quote on the pic from an anime?

>> No.8389426

whats a brainlet?

>> No.8389468
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>implying pop-sci brainlets understand QM

>> No.8389478
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OHP-chan, what area of math do you do research in?

>> No.8389479
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Well, our interests are very much alike, but yet I'm far from your level. I could of course blame it on my uni up to some point, as we have no courses on anything modern except (maybe) analysis. I still have to take some responsibility, I'm slow to understand things I read on my own.

I like walking, drawing, listening to music, watching anime and thinking about stuff. Gladly, I have a job with no connections what so ever with mathematical concepts.

Do you know what a manlet is? Assuming intelligence has a correlation with brain size, a brainlet is a person with small brains, a stupid person.

>> No.8389545

>Implying the video is wrong.

Prove it or shut up.

>> No.8389553

I never implied that it was wrong?

>> No.8389623

Then why is the video brainlet-tier? And if the problem is the host and not the video itself, then why should anyone give a fuck about the implications?

>> No.8389633

Magic isn't real, so sociology.

>> No.8389639

Homotopy theory, higher categories, that sort of thing. :)

>> No.8389640
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Oh, and yes! The dialogue is something I agree on. I just wish I was truly capable of dialogue instead of just reading with awe stuff you and that Enna Stone guy write.

>> No.8389645

Oh, I forgot about Emma Stone Guy. Yeah, we had some nice conversations; he was a ways beyond my level of understanding at the time, but I think I have grown a lot regarding the stuff he does (mathematical physics?). To put things in perspective, I have only been studying category theory for three years or so, meaning it doesn't take much to learn it with the right resources at hand and a healthy serving of motivation.

>> No.8389658
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I've had anything to do with it for only 13 months or so. I wish I had more time at my disposal at the moment. All my courses at the moment may be easy, but they still take some time and mental energy with their assignments (some of which even require calculating integrals and all that stuff I suck at!), and this is an unpleasant hindrance.

I'm not sure about this, but I think H is the mathematical physicist and Emma writes about homotopy and category theory.

>> No.8389669

Oh, I see. Okay. I'm not sure H and I have had many discussions, although I like what he writes on here.

Yeah, it was over a year before I really "got" the fundamental results such as the Yoneda lemma and stuff like the Grothendieck construction. It's funny how brains grow and evolve, since it all seems so natural and evident now. I wish you the utmost luck in your studies; you will appreciate the time you invest eventually.

>> No.8389672

There are arcane rules, and you speak a cryptic language in order to create new behavior in a system.

>> No.8389700
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I already appreciate it, actually. It is nice to know the framework upon which the familiar concepts are built upon. Thanks for two encouragements, btw. Your kind words, your remark that you haven't reached your level in just months.

>> No.8389718

The science of brainwashing.

>> No.8390560

I'm Canadian. Is that image real?

>> No.8390586
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So much this. I swear I would wear a fucking wizard robe to uni if it wouldn't reveal my autism level.

>Also tfw you open a math book but your magic level isn't yet high enough to read it

What kind of music do you play? I know the feeling of having a hard time enjoying companionship. My girlfriend is at least intellectually minded and a STEM major. We play and enjoy black metal together, which is pretty awesome.

>> No.8390607

More chance of solving a triple integral desu

>> No.8390707

holy shit who is this cutie?

>> No.8390834

We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells

>> No.8390835


engineer detected lol

>> No.8390842

no, just a fag.

>> No.8390855


lol gay detected

>> No.8391051
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It'd be awesome to wear a robe out in public. The closest I've gotten to a robe is when I cool my place down by having all windows open, strip down to just underwear and maybe a shirt, and then take this huge blanket and wrap it around myself. I bet a wizard's robe would be comfy af!

>> No.8391341

It's from big guy rises

>> No.8391378

I listen to everything from rap to alternative punk to electronica to classical. I like old-school metal, symphonic metal, eurotrance, americana, and ambient synth stuff. I play piano, guitar, trombone, percussion, violin, and I sing, and I play a wide variety of stuff from all genres. My girlfriend and I love a lot of the same stuff, and usually jam out to stuff like Andrew Jackson Jihad, David Bowie, and Porter Robinson. Music is just fantastic!

I plan to become some kind of hermit one day, wearing robes out int the wilderness and living the simple (but examined!) life. Robes kick ass!

>> No.8391419

>I play piano, guitar, trombone, percussion, violin, and I sing

>> No.8391421
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How about becoming a wizard-looking hermit of the Pyrénées? That's a nice range of instruments there. Learn throatsinging next. It feels pretty nice (when done right).

>> No.8391434

can you lonely-ass sperglords just exchange skypes already so you can flirt on there instead of 4chan

>> No.8391443

I'm sure Grothendieck has had a large influence on my propensity for robes and hermitry.

>> No.8391465
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That's a good idea, but I'm not social enough to properly use such methods of communication.

I was teaching some kids about a year ago. They asked if math is as boring in the uni as it is on the 8th grade. I said that it can be, and with bad decision it will be, but it can be awesome too. This somehow escalated to a point where I was showing them Grothendieck before and after. One of them said I was getting there nicely. I took it as a compliment.