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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8388615 No.8388615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Actual physics PhD.

What are the most annoying things non-scientists do?

For me it's talking about quantum physics as if they are not literally just regurgitating sounds from a pop docu without any meaningful explanatory anchor to reality.

>> No.8388625
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Anyway, I did BSc majoring in Geology and it slightly bugs me when people think California is gonna break off into the ocean because all faults are extensional apparently.

>> No.8388644

what was your PhD thesis about

>> No.8388647

assuming he's telling the truth, that is

>> No.8388655

valley dynamics in atomically thin "2D" semiconductors

>> No.8388669

Link advanced scientific concept to bullshit
>see stuff talking about vacuum's energy
>"it's the Ki that flows in my body right ?"

>> No.8388685

Deepak Chopra

>> No.8388700

Neet, care to post it? I'd love to read it.

>> No.8388734
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Genetics grad student. Here are the things that bother me:
>when people downplay or exaggerate the effect of genetics on traits and health
>when people act as though I must be some sort of edgy edgelord for acknowledging that some traits are genetically controlled, or conversely when people use genetic differences as a justification for hate and prejudice
>I hate that people have given eugenics a bad reputation, and continue to give it a bad reputation by suggesting things like sterilization and euthanasia instead of softer incentives like tax breaks for college-educated couples having children, or other things like that
>people who think CRISPR is magic

>> No.8388760

>What are the most annoying things non-scientists do?

The fact they exist.

Since I cannot (yet) kill all of them, the fact they believe they think. It also bothers me that they are allowed to talk.

>> No.8388784

Woah, edgy.

>> No.8388834

It annoys me when people say "I'm bad at math" but really mean they have some sort of difficulty with basic arithmetic.

>> No.8388836

what non scientists even know about CRISPR?

>> No.8388872

Fuck that guy

>> No.8388897 [DELETED] 
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wow, you sound like you might be pretty euphoric.

>> No.8388904

Okay, I get it. The two ponies there are cool by themselves but if you make them 20% cooler then they are Rainbow Dash, or as cool as Rainbow Dash.

Kill me now.

>> No.8388912

CS major, I hate when some kind of progress is made in AI and idiots start talking about skynet and the singularity and shit

careful man, I've been b& for posting pone pics

>> No.8388914

Same. I feel like people dont really understand math beyond application.

Gf always feels like she's just not good at math because she botches a couple online questions.

And its impossible to explain to people that this isnt what its about.

>> No.8388925

>Quantum computing
>"""intelligent machines"""
>fusion tech
>anything with elon musk

>> No.8388938

Most people just wish California would be gone

>> No.8388942

>CS major
Color me suprised

>> No.8388949

Math is unlike these science examples in this thread.

For one, the vast majority of people have no idea what math even is. A lot of scientists (except physicists) don't even know what math is. The joke "oh, you're a mathematician, so you should compute the tip in your head!" is all in good fun, but it gets old once you realize that almost everyone in the world actually thinks this.

It's easy to blame the education system, but I don't have a solution. We try to change how math is taught (from elementary arithmetic to college calculus and linear algebra) every 10 years, and it never works. The joy of math lies in abstract thinking, but as soon as a teacher gets "too abstract," students assail him with the "when am I going to use this" questions - which drives the curriculum back to mindless computation.

The only thing that would work would be to invite kids from a young age to see the joy in abstract thinking (and even basic logic and proof). But, doing this is a narrow path between hippie classrooms where nothing gets done, and strict environments where students begin to hate it.

So, does the blame simply lie with people? Are most people simply not cut out for real math? I'm an optimist, and I'd go with "no." The average person will undoubtedly say "I'm bad at math," but what this really means is 1) they never really tried, or 2) they truly had a shitty instructor (which is all-too-common), and have been making excuses since then. I think that if educators can find the "narrow path" I talked about above, then people won't be disposed to disliking math as kids (and thus will be able to open their minds later). But, the trick is to follow this narrow path in the first place - and what I suggest would involve reforming the education system (which we try every 10 years and it never works regardless).

Sorry for the long post, but I feel like math has such an interesting (yet sometimes sad and lonely) place in society.

>> No.8388974

Damn this tattoo is like kryptonite to me.

>> No.8389006


Math is for brainlets who can't manage real sciences.

>> No.8389012

Well, are you going to tell us what "real math" is?

>> No.8389019

Those that fucking love science yet major in liberal arts.

>> No.8389035

Proving shit. There is a slight "experimental" side to it as well; namely, numerical simulations - but it's mostly proving shit.

>> No.8389044

You're definitely not a "genetics" grad student, /pol/-tard.

>> No.8389045

Thats a fair assessment. I guess its just one of those things that the individual has to explore for themselves. Most Math educators try to single out the abstract thinkers and give them assignments outside of the regular curriculum. That just means that math heads get more work. At least from my experience. Ive never stopped trying to do more throughout my school career.

>> No.8389054

Le blank slate meme
It has to be true because it would be problematic if it wasn't!
Fuck off pomo cancer

>> No.8389057

But then again, im sure anyone whos really passionate about science will go above and beyond as well.

I guess the point is that its hard to bullshit your way through a math major if you dislike math. I see a lot of people who want to become physicians who dont really respect the biology/chemistry/physics. Im sure if they get into med school theyll be whipped into shape or drop out eventually.

>> No.8389059

This isnt /b/, take your insecurities elsewhere.

>> No.8389064

I'd considered getting the top pick on my back, the one that show our position our sun relative to known pulsars in binary

It's simple enough that it's not blatantly pop-sci levels of cringe but aesthetically nice at the same time

>> No.8389067

Asking about science stuff only not to listen. I really love explaining stuff, but sometimes you are confronted with the most ignorant types. A few weeks ago a girl asked

>How does the uncertainty principle work?

She apparently heard about it on some TV show. Now, I tried my best to introduce her to the idea that momentum and position are interlocked in fields and how this is easy to see when you think about waves. For a second I thought she was listening and understanding, but what she really wanted to know however was

>Do my healing crystals work?

And the answer is fucking no.

>> No.8389077

Elitist retards who think they are superior and assume everybody is just blindly parotting a pop.sci video on yt. It is dunning-kruger effect at full throttle with you guys

>> No.8389081

Durr it has to be this way because our ideology says it does. Wait 20 years after your professors have been eaten by the next generation of students and the endless gyrations of your "science" return to the conclusion that Not Everyone Is The Same

>> No.8389087

>but I feel like math has such an interesting (yet sometimes sad and lonely) place in society.

nice euphemism for virginal autism

>> No.8389118

the real life psuedoprofound bullshit generator

>> No.8389136

I am really bothered when people won't drop their beliefs in the face of mounting evidence.

>> No.8389249

But I'm not /pol/. I'm not even White.

>> No.8389275

engineer detected lol

>> No.8389278

not an argument

>> No.8389282


>> No.8389284


Fuck off /pol/-tards, you're not helping. You're just as bad as the libtards. I swear if I have to explain the concept of a monphyletic clade to you dickheads one more time I'll vote for Clinton!

>> No.8389306

Lmao @ /pol/-tard getting called out and immediately regurgitating all the usual crap.

>> No.8389317

Those guys aren't all me damnit I'm

I didn't even say anything particularly /pol/ I'm pretty sure in my OP that I clearly indicated that I dislike both people who exaggerate genetic differences and those who think they barely exist. You troglodytes (all of you, including the /pol/-tards) are just proving my point about normies.

>> No.8389320


>> No.8389340

>reddit, le pol bogeyman
>trumplets, the reddit bogeyman
>no you
>no you
When will this cancer end?

We need better mods.

>> No.8389348

You're not fooling anyone. We see what your agenda is.

>> No.8389364

fucking kek

>> No.8389368

I don't have an 'agenda.' I have never, not once started one of those asinine race threads, nor do I post on /pol/, nor do I advocate for racial discrimination of any sort. Literally the only controversial opinions I hold are that different populations probably have different mean IQs (though I think the gaps are not as bad as the /pol/-tards would believe, since education, parasites, nutrition, and other factors play a role in intelligence), and that men and women have different brains and are not just superficially different (you will never see me insinuating that they are naturally inferior or sluts, though, they're just different.) The whole fucking problem, which I explained in my very first post, is that I get lambasted by normies because I think genetics plays a more important role in life than people in other fields think, and it's all because the pol-tards have completely poisoned the subject with their relentless shitposting, hatred, and general idiocy. Why do the normies not get it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

>> No.8389412

I wasnt even meming. You are still not making any arguments. You are the one who needs to go to /pol/ since you keep bitching about politics when this is besides the point here

>> No.8389450

See you're doing it again. The first thing that tips you off is that you claim to be "genetics" grad student. People either do population genetics or molecular biology/genetics, not just "Genetics".
Second, it is clear from the way you are trying to assert yourself as being neutral and distancing yourself from "libruls" and "pol-tards" while at the same time subtly trying to propagate your "genetic differences and muh IQ" that you do indeed have a very specific agenda.
Third, your language (use of the word "normies and frog meme words like "reee") also indicates that you are at most about 20 year olds, which means you are too young to be enrolled in a graduate program.
I would advice you to stop posting now to avoid further embarrassment.

>> No.8389457
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>millennials shitting up the thread in the third post

>> No.8389484

>so you study maths?
>I always sucked at/hated maths teehee
What is the best comeback to this /sci/? I need a response to this because I literally get it all the time.

>> No.8389489
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paleofag here, working on my MS
>oh, paleontology? that means you study dinosaurs, right?
>oh, you study fossils? I always thought archaeology was cool!
>hey, I think I found a meteorite
>hey, I think I found a dinosaur egg
>oh, geology? are you one of those guys who licks rocks?
bitch I might be

>> No.8389491

>See you're doing it again. The first thing that tips you off is that you claim to be "genetics" grad student. People either do population genetics or molecular biology/genetics, not just "Genetics".
I am doing a master's degree in the genetics department of my school. My thesis is a knockout-model using CRISPR to induce a mutation similar to that found in the patients with the disease my lab studies. I mainly study fibroblasts though I've cultured other cell types like hepatocytes or kidney cells. The reason I don't specify is (A) I don't really think anyone gives a shit and (B) I've done bioinformatics work for my PI, am learning R and working through higher level areas of math so I can keep my options open for my doctorate.
>Second, it is clear from the way you are trying to assert yourself as being neutral and distancing yourself from "libruls" and "pol-tards" while at the same time subtly trying to propagate your "genetic differences and muh IQ" that you do indeed have a very specific agenda.

My only 'agenda' is clearing up the discourse around my field, which has been poisoned by people on both extremes. The reason I seek to distance myself from either one is because both only cherrypick studies and misinterpret or misunderstand basic concepts of genetics. I've always been of the opinion that intelligence is a complex trait with strong variation in environmental and genetic components. Is that controversial? If it is you might just be one of those imbeciles that I was referring to in my original post.

>Third, your language (use of the word "normies and frog meme words like "reee") also indicates that you are at most about 20 year olds, which means you are too young to be enrolled in a graduate program.
I would advice you to stop posting now to avoid further embarrassment.

Why would I feel embarrassed about your completely unfounded accusations?

>> No.8389498

"There's no such thing as math people and non-math people. Only people who work hard and people who don't". My professor said this my freshman year and it stuck with me.

>> No.8389564

Is it some useless bullshit just to give people an excuse to give you phd or is it any good?

>> No.8389565
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I am the shitpost king!

>> No.8389570

What's wrong with nanobots? You don't think they'll be invented in the future?

>> No.8389578
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Label their beliefs with "Science!™"

>> No.8389581

Your professor is flat out wrong, though. I mean unless he believes that P = NP.

>> No.8389589

Chemical engineer (inb4 this thread is for real science, fuck you)

>so you like work in a lab?
>but you're like a chemist?
>actually no... I'm only superficially knowledgeable about reaction mechanisms, mostly I focus on thermodynamics and mass transfer more than anything.
>but like, you do experiments right?
>...no... I take experimental results and scale things up.
>can't a chemist do that?
>... maybe some of them? Process design isn't a focal point for most chemistry programs.
>so what do you even do then.

Hate explaining the difference between scientific research and applied science to people. All I really do is manage temperature and pressure profiles to stay within acceptable safety boundaries and formulate control loops. I can't even remember the last time I sat down and really tried to understand a specific reaction. Just give me the kinetics and I'll start working on hysys thanks.

>> No.8389590

When basically every pleb believes that science and math is about logical deduction and experiments and only in arts/humanities can you use your intuition and creative thinking. This one just makes my blood boil. I wish most people would fucking die already and the new generation gets proper education. Of course powers are about as interested in effective education as in killing their servant.

>> No.8389599

Well you can't really blame people in not knowing what chenengies do. Most scientists don't.
Besides, if you wanted for people to know what you do, maybe you should've studied better.

>> No.8389631

What makes you think I didn't study?

>> No.8389661

The problem is that generally they are brought up in the context of solving problems that a cell would be better-equipped to handle. Almost always they're brought up by someone with a freshman's understanding of both biology and mechanics/electronics.

>> No.8389696

The most annoying thing is when people think they know better. I'm an astro PhD and I do tests of cosmology and the inter galactic medium, I do a lot of outreach because it's usually fun. Every other big event we do will at some point be interrupted by some loudmouth cunt arguing with somebody about dark matter or the Big Bang or the "plasma universe" nonsense or even once a guy claimed you couldn't see the Sun above the atmosphere. Now I really don't care if these people believe the standard model of cosmology, not my problem but ignorantly believe you know better based on some shit you heard on YouTube is autistic. I'm always tempted to tell them to open a fucking textbook, if you think everyone else is wrong fucking prove it.

>> No.8389704

>I'm always tempted to tell them to open a fucking textbook, if you think everyone else is wrong fucking prove it.
They'll probably just say the textbook is filled with lies from NASA or something.

>> No.8389727

Funny how people always blame teachers for maths. If people are mathematically inclined they will pursue it regardless.

>> No.8389743

I personally don't care too much when people regurgitate pop-sci tidbits, no matter how wrong they are or not. Because usually, if they are actually interested, it's a fairly easy and potentially interesting conversation to explain it properly.

What annoys me, as someone working in Earth sciences, is the complete ignorance of one's lack of knowledge about anything related to climate, weather and related phenomena.

Just because people tend to be in contact with concepts like temperature, precipitation etc., they feel like they can weigh in on a debate about a certain scientific topic? They'd never argue about the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, but because they read a weather report every now and then, they think they can tell a good tropospheric temperature data set from a bad one.

When did people start having a strong opinion on a matter without knowing the first thing about it? What's wrong with 'Hm. I don't actually know, maybe I should read up on that.'.

>> No.8389780

Yup. This.

>> No.8389811

Lmao there we go. "Your agenda" as if we need any more proof that anti-science ideologues should never been allowed outside their humanities ghetto.

>> No.8389850

"kind of dumb to be proud of being bad at something". Seriously, I don't get why people are proud of being unable to cook or do basic arithmetic.

>> No.8389893


I used to hate math back when I was a teenager until one of my teachers showed us all the different aspect there was to math and how it could be used to define the world around us.

>> No.8389922

Bio undergrad here. Mind sharing tips on how to get into genetics grad school?

>> No.8389929
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>be physics grad student
>have colleague in quantum gravity who has a tattoo of the definition of a path integral
>I tell him that it's actually more interesting to get a tattoo of the Schwinger action principle, and it'd be easier to hide too
>mfw he doesn't know what that is

>> No.8389969

Fuck I dunno man my program isn't that great. I'm applying to phd programs at other schools though and a lot of them ask for a biology subject test. Also try to do undergrad research, that helped. Also be good at math. People say biology isn't about math but that's not really true these days. There are a lot more jobs in the computer and bioinformatics side of genetics, so learn the 'R' programming language. Also you will need to be good at math to do well on the GRE.

>> No.8389976

did history in college because i'm shit at math (multiplication/division, etc), it's kind of sorta like that for us too

get asked all the time for dates and names and stuff, like that's all history is. Even though that is all history is though if we're being real.

>> No.8390185

>"so, can you make meth?"
Can, have, and do, but that isn't the fucking point fml

>> No.8390195

Or they're just too lazy to even make an attempt to understand anything conceptually.

>> No.8390205
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as a millenial, this is true

>> No.8390208

>learn R

Would knowing Python help as well?

>> No.8390217
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Learn a Lisp dialect.

>> No.8390227

>What is the best comeback
Good, we will always need servants.

>> No.8390232

>valley dynamics


>> No.8390235

Yes, or perl. If you want to go full computational bio you will need R, perl or Python, and C++. But I would start with R since even if you don't go into the computational side of genetics it would still be a useful tool for creating publication-quality charts and performing basic tests that you'd need for bench research. It's also what you'd use to interpret rna-seq chip data if you are working in a lab where you do a mix of bench work with DNA samples and chip data.

>> No.8390236

EXACTLY. Stop blaming bad teachers/professors also. It comes down to most people just being lazy about math. PERIOD. I'm 40 years old and I've seen this pattern of behavior with people my whole life. And as many of us on /sci know, it's the all too common cop-out.

>> No.8390394

What do you mean by this? Are you implying that some humans have more computationally powerful brains than other humans? Where is your evidence?

>> No.8390424

CS major, i hate it when normies ask me to fix their viruses

>> No.8390430
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>> No.8390435

The fact that you can't break down complex concepts into simple words.

>> No.8390538

>then you shall address me as master, sub-human scum

>> No.8390549

>We try to change how math is taught (from elementary arithmetic to college calculus and linear algebra) every 10 years, and it never works.
It's because people are shit. It's time we accept it.

>> No.8390552

Because it gives them an excuse to not do it ever.

> i'm bad at sex, just give me a blowjob will ya?

>> No.8390555

Probably fucked his way to the tenure.

>> No.8390563
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Okay, comes off as a bit spergy though.
These are shit. I want to make banter, not scare people away (it's mostly qt grills who say it).

>> No.8390568

only clicked thread cuz i thought i saw a big benis

>> No.8390580

One way of doing it:
>People responding in this way should be taken as an indication that your work has become very detached from social reality — although some mathematicians think this is a virtue, it really is not, it's more like laziness.

>Things you could say instead of "I'm a mathematician":

>"I investigate the properties of prime numbers."
>"I look at how fluids move."
>"I'm interested in symmetry."
>"Do you know X? Well, I do something like X."
>"I try to find out why Y."

>Just give a more open answer that give people a chance to grasp what you do. Do not require them to be part of your world to understand it.

But basically this means they're just very uninterested in anything you do. Remember any horrible subject that you never studied and never want to, don't give a fuck about and never read anything on it and close nearly immediately any related text (chemistry works for me). How would you react to someone that says he works in this field? Probably "eh.... i'm not into it". For me even "I work on <any-understandable-shit>" wouldn't work well, but at least in this case I would look unintelligent and boring and not not him.

>> No.8390582

Where? In his pants?

>> No.8390592

This is a good comment.
It's harder to explain when I'm studying maths and don't know what career I want to go into yet.
>How would you react to someone that says he works in this field?
I'd ask them about it to be polite. It's also sometimes interesting to find stuff out about how different jobs work even if you don't have any interest in them. For example I had a 30 minute conversation with a guy about youth counselling even though I hate the field. I think that like you said this is a problem with mathematics being detached from society, since people just don't seem to put effort into starting a conversation around it.

>> No.8390815

When they confuse math with science. Math is NOT a science. You see, even this board is math AND science.

>> No.8390832

Does he want to send that arm to space?

If aliens abduct him then they will probably already know where he is from.

>> No.8390836

Arguing with anti-evolution people without actually providing good arguments for evolution.

It's not just embarrassing, it also actively steers people away from accepting evolution because it makes it seem as if there's no proof or only shoddy proof for it. I saw a Facebook argument yesterday and one guy was just like 'here's proof for evolution: Frogs. Just frogs.' with no further justification.