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8383886 No.8383886 [Reply] [Original]

Why I am not surprised by this?

>> No.8383890

Top kek. Not surprised either. Betas vote for lib-tards

>> No.8383895
File: 102 KB, 258x245, IMG_2111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color me surprised!

>> No.8383898

>links nbcnews article about a commercial, not an actual scientific study as proof


>black bulls
>low T


>> No.8383900

It makes sense. This is what started the whole SJW and cuck movement. Men who feel like they owe something to women.

These were the guys who used to be the 'nice guys finish last' faggots but all they'd do was really buy you a coffee or some shit. Then they learned about feminism and thought.

>So this is why my nice guy strategy doesn't work! Because it is sexist and patronizing!

And they are kinda right. The whole 'nice guy' thing is pretty sexist tbqh. But the problem was their solution was.

>Now I will be a nice male feminist!

And now instead of inviting you to coffee, they follow women's political calls everywhere. If a woman thinks something is harassment... IT MUST BE HARASSMENT CALL THE FUCKING COPS.

However, research has found that all of these nice guys have yet to lose their virginities, despite all of their efforts.

>> No.8383901

>Writing all this in a troll thread that will be deleted in a few minutes


>> No.8383904

I write 120 words per minute. I rank at the top 99.9% fastest typers you fucking fingerlet. Typing all that? Bitch, that took me a minute.

Fingerlets don't belong on /sci/

>> No.8383905
File: 13 KB, 400x400, tmp_30433-1475069426368501924426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wtf are talking about.
>cuck movement
Holy shit this isn't science.

>> No.8383906

Cuck is a short way of saying male feminists.

>> No.8383946

You also say a bunch of ppintless bullshit. What you said could porbably be effectively summed up in one or two sentences.

>> No.8383949

>"niggers are stupid/criminal because high test"
>"look at all these low test cucks voting Hillary"

yet another day on


>> No.8383951

You need to be in a different mindset to read my posts. I consider my posts to be poetry and in the same way poets ironically use "mistakes" like repetition and syntactical inversion, among other techniques, I do the same.

You took literautre in high school right? Try to analyze the meaning of my redundancy. What does a redundant message convey when the subject is society and politics?

>> No.8383976

Blacks aren't all voting for clinton and whites outnumber blacks 8 times in the US

>> No.8383989

Very related:

>> No.8383991

not him, but isn't the vast majority of blacks voting for Clinton? It's what /pol/ told me to discredit them

What does it matter how fewer they are if they are in fact voting for Clinton, that's the whole point. Also, either they are a minority whose choice doesn't matter in the long run or they are dumb subhuman apes with high T that reproduce fast and are motivated by Jewish globalist marxist bankers to take over the white race by racemixing. You can't have both.

>> No.8384042

Black always vote democrat. Doesnt matter who the candidate is, the black vote will almost certainly go to the libs.

>> No.8384055


The autism....it burns.

>> No.8384087


>> No.8384514

>Researchers find 76% of Trump supporters habitually watch hijab-girls like Mia Khalifa get pounded by 3 big black guys

>> No.8384597

Did any of you dumb fucks watch the vid on the article let alone click the link? The doctor said he tried to be """funny""" claiming anyone who is voting for Clinton probably has low T so can come into his office for a free test. He did zero research and was talking out his ass.