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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 470x595, 50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8379998 No.8379998 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i use a,b,c instead of x,y,z in Calculus.

How evil are you /sci/

>> No.8380003

I use random japanese characters

>> No.8380185

I use newton notation and I never add the constant after integrating an indefinite

>> No.8380190

different conventions?
surely there will be no confusion!

>> No.8380303

I use Leibniz notation with an input in paretheses:

dy/dz(4) =

heh, heh.

>> No.8380313

i use random symbols such as smiley faces or drawings of fish for variables. it takes me longer this way though.

>> No.8380371
File: 62 KB, 435x720, pepe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i don't write down the target space when defining an operator
>[math] T_p: J_{k,m} [/math]

>> No.8380374

>not using α, β, and γ

>> No.8380444

>not using a, б, в.

>> No.8380466
File: 67 KB, 215x295, smug anime face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't add a constant to my indefinite integrals

>> No.8380467


>> No.8380512
File: 144 KB, 500x500, 1474305918581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write M for small numbers and epsilon for large numbers

>> No.8380519

>push arrows the wrong way in ochem

>> No.8380551

I use f a g

>> No.8380567

[math]\lim_{x \to \frac{e^{i\pi}}{11.999...}}[/math]

>> No.8380571

I haven't had a maths class in two years and I failed logic class

>> No.8380579

what kind of retarded is this?

>> No.8380581
File: 78 KB, 391x237, Useless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calc prof uses lowercase xi ([math]\xi[/math]) in proof of mean value theorem
>how do I drew letter.png
>fuck that shit
>Summon the powers of music theory to assist me
>Use treble clef instead

>> No.8380600

i use the same name for scalar and vector variables, distinguishing them only by the arrow on top

>> No.8380606

i write all math statements with quantifiers so nobody will want to borrow my notes

>> No.8380624


you have a special place in hell you literal scum

>> No.8380626

I write vectors as plain letters without lines or arrows

>> No.8380628

I use a non-curly x for a variable and use a cross as a multiplication symbol in the same line

>> No.8380659
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 1474306049908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beg for an extension the night before problem set is due
>actually finished it a week ago

>> No.8380666

My vectors are little curvy. That makes others uncomfortable

>> No.8380669

This, never cared for fancy x

>> No.8380676

jfc, I was just joking you monster

>> No.8380680
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, U0F0vK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i "let <shit symbols> = f(x)" for every question that doesnt use f(x) or y.

>> No.8380686

When I write a greater than symbol I'm actually finishing a long ass ket

>> No.8380726
File: 117 KB, 372x351, 1474558047336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do the proof using latex on paper
>hand it to the professor

>> No.8380745

Do you also write your functions like that?

>> No.8380746

I didnt do this but my high school friends came up with some retarded new notation for writing numbers

>> No.8380750
File: 35 KB, 349x389, 1474411411308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8380754

I do this too.

I am a firm believer in the equality of elements of different algebraic structures.
No one get's different treatment. All are written as plain letters and I just write what set they belong to.

>> No.8380755

I use "k" for limit and n for standard sum factor kaboom

>> No.8380765

but a lot of people do that

>> No.8380771
File: 334 KB, 500x412, 1351155538476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use n for continuous variables

>> No.8380775

You can use ∧ for the cross product.

ie, a x b = a ∧ b

It's a notation for the exterior product (wedge product), which is the cross product in R^2 or R^3.

Like how the dot product is a special case of the inner product (which is why I don't like to use the dot and instead use <,>).

You start to see this notation in differential geometry normally, so you can see some books which exclusively use it for the cross product, and I rather like that.

>> No.8380813

>not *(a ∧ b)

w e w



>> No.8380924

>Use treble clef instead

>> No.8380933
File: 232 KB, 720x533, 1474942621956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8380946

i use upside down v above vectors rather than pointy arrows, they look better :)

>> No.8380947

instead of sigma notation for sums of Fourier Series, I used n=1,2,...,infinity on my Partial Diff Equations test and triggered my prof so hard she took 10 points off

>> No.8380959

that's the normie way to do it

>> No.8380963

I'm a math tutor, and when people see x=my+b for the first time they always say something like "YOU CAN'T DO THAT Y IS DEPENDENT" or whatever so I go "oh, sorry" and replace x with the Batman symbol and y with a smiley face. Partially to make a point that the symbols you use don't matter and partially to trigger them. It always works.

>> No.8380967 [DELETED] 

I write derivatives as [math]\partial_t x[\math]. It's the superiority of Leibnitz's notation with the compactness of Newton's notation.

>> No.8380973

Can you tell how to teach normies Z/nZ? Or any such tips you use to teach them "abstract" things.

>> No.8380974 [DELETED] 

I write derivatives as [math]\partial_t x[\math]. It's the superiority of Leibnitz's notation with the compactness of Newton's notation.

>> No.8380980

I write derivatives as [math]\partial_t x[/math]. It's the superiority of Leibnitz's notation with the compactness of Newton's notation.

>> No.8380990

I only tutor up to Differential Equations, so the most complex shit I really explain are like Laplace Transforms and proving Calculus.

That being said, the easiest way to teach normies anything is by relating shit to a) money, b) elections (for statistics) and c) dumbing shit down as far as possible.

>> No.8380996

don't listen to the others, your vectors are perfect the way they are!! diets have been scientifically PROVEN to not work anyways. real men love curvy vectors.

(also checked)

>> No.8381008

I represent the first derivative of something with c, second with v, and third with a, then the n'th derivative as a, subscript n.

It's like this because back in high school I thought I had a cool idea about finding the volume under a polynomial and I used c v a etc as a way to rationalize what I was thinking about. c stands for constant, v stands for stands for velocity, and a stands for distance for some fucking reason. It turns out that what I did was pretty heavily linked to the basic ideas of calculus and I just used the variables from my work in calc1

sorry for writing so much about this.

>> No.8381010

This is not devilish at all; it's very common notation in differential geometry

>> No.8381011

So the cross product is just a special exterior product?
I bought the Dover book on tensor analysis on manifolds about a year ago but I've been too busy making drugs to actually read it

>> No.8381036

I use WXY. >:D

>> No.8381129

This is the evilest thing in this thread.

>> No.8381168

I used to use the gun emoji for every non specified variable.

damn IOS 10

>> No.8381190

>math prof uses [math]\xi[/math] as a variable on the blackboard
>it's literally just a messy squiggle vertical among his already nigh unreadable handwriting
>struggle for a moment
>decide to use [math]\phi[/math] instead
>proof goes on
>prof uses [math]\phi[/math] as a name for a function
>go back and change every [math]\phi[/math] to a [math]\beta[/math]

>> No.8381197
File: 166 KB, 836x631, 1470742359439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a simple vertical line as a one, like a capital I. Especially in expressions involving absolute values.

>> No.8381202

>a stands for distance
the derivative of velocity is acceleration
>c stands for constant
>sorry for writing so much about this.
beta cuck

>> No.8381207

>Can you tell how to teach normies Z/nZ?
You can't make someone understand what [math]\mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z}[/math] stands for before they learn about groups and specifically quotient groups. If you mean how to convey the idea of modular arithmetic, a clock analogy always works fine.

>> No.8381217



>> No.8381257

But that's wrong, not just unconventional.

>> No.8381262

>but I've been too busy making drugs to actually read it
what the fuck

>> No.8381272
File: 13 KB, 528x424, IMG_2573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use multi-letter variables ;)

>> No.8381277


>> No.8381290


>> No.8381335
File: 48 KB, 458x390, gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course not, that would just be unclear

>> No.8381344

image search it you turdburglar

>> No.8381345

All I got was random line art you aßhat

>> No.8381347

>tfw I use the function x: f -> x(f) in calculus

>> No.8381350

Ive always done this, is it really that evil?

>> No.8381361

Insane! Absolutely madman!

>> No.8381386

i write my exams in colored ink and randomly switch colors halfway through equations

>> No.8381419

I use cum stains instead of x,y,z

>> No.8381421

i dont show my work

>> No.8381422

>use straight arrows in ochem

>> No.8381426

Undoubtedly the most reckless thing ITT

>> No.8381428

Why would you do such a thing!?

>> No.8381431

i use numerical approximation for everything, even when it has an analytical solution.

>> No.8381438

This is madman tier but at least you have a fairly solid justification.

>> No.8381645
File: 81 KB, 320x240, angry ian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you've gone too far.

>> No.8381658
File: 2.30 MB, 2576x2220, _zog_bilderberg-resize_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How evil are you /sci/

I'm definitely not as evil as this guy:


that's for sure. Have you ever heard the story about how he kept his friend's head in his freezer and would open the freezer door and give his friend's head a lecture every morning before breakfast?

>> No.8381672

Go somewhere else.

>> No.8381743

....for what purpose?

>> No.8381823

Kekd fucking savage

>> No.8381836

>write programming assignment
>send to tutor

>> No.8381841
File: 83 KB, 575x720, 1474917713260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of k approaches infinity i wrote k approaches 100^200

>> No.8381901

Nice meme

>> No.8381905

I do this too, sometimes I just make vectors a bit darker.

>> No.8381943

>not writing function arguments before the name
>not writing compositions in proper left to right order
[math](x)f, (x)g[/math]
[math](x)(f\circ g) = ((x)f)g[/math]

>> No.8381981

The single most brutal thing in this thread

>> No.8382057

I once needed to go to futhark runes after i ran out of greek symbols that i remembered

>> No.8382066


>> No.8382082
File: 6 KB, 225x225, latj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make up my own coordinate systems to solve problems then convert back at the end.

Tfw when you're taking a test and know the answer but don't know how to get it so you do this and get it right because the TA can't be bothered tracing through it

>> No.8382114

Saged, reported, hidden, cops called.
May St. Galois take mercy on you at the mathy gates

>> No.8382128

Fuckin savage

>> No.8382172

>not f(y)=my+b

Doing it wrong tbqh

>> No.8382175


>> No.8382192

i actually do this, its really convenient for commutative diagrams
except i even write [math]x \circ f[/math] for [math]f(x)[/math], interpreting x as a function from a singleton

>> No.8382223

chinese remainder theorem is thousands of years old and they didnt use abstract definition of group.

you literally dont need anything abstract for examples involving Z, really. It's such an easy ring you can just work out everything by hand

>> No.8382225

Well mey meyed, friendster.

>> No.8382232

>How evil are you /sci/
I made a joke about the Great Leap Forward when we did the chinese remainder theorem in IB
The chinese remainder was the people who survived

>> No.8382473

Yeah, that's even better. I was just trying to make clear how the notation relates to what people are used to.

>> No.8382492

Like I said, you can explain modular arithmetic just fine, but you need group theory to explain where the notation "[math]\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}[/math]" comes from.

>> No.8382512

I used nordic runes.
But my professor didn't like it.
Because >muh greek letters is the norm

>> No.8382536


pretending like you don't know that nothing comes up

fuck you and everything and everyone you love

>> No.8382538

I box my answers in whiteout.

>> No.8382564


I do arithmetic operations with pen, and not pencil.
If i'm wrong i encase the operation on a square and draw a line inside or put "Sorry. This is not the answer" at the bottom.

>> No.8382588

which characters?
some would take ages and are just a waste of time

>> No.8382631

the cute hiraganas like a total pleb

>> No.8382648

google image search pulls up an /a/ thread with a link to the manga in it you retard

>> No.8382654
File: 10 KB, 220x220, TNyAs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solve for biáng

>> No.8382781
File: 103 KB, 620x845, 1473778304200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn son

>> No.8382794

I work out the solutions to all my homework problems in latex and then copy it by hand to paper.

>> No.8382801 [DELETED] 

Solve the system of equations:

2 ﷻ+5ﷺ=
3ﷺ- = ﷻ
+ ﷻ=ﷺ

>> No.8382806

Solve the system of equations:

ﷻ+ﷺ= 5
ﷺ- ﷻ=1

>> No.8382815


>> No.8382817
File: 27 KB, 104x104, 1468794333522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use x and y for constants

>> No.8382820

This is how I feel when I browse /sci/ on Clover

>> No.8382884

That's totally ok unless you're a US high school student.
And you aren't one since 4chan.org is an 18+ site, right anon?

>> No.8382906


except it doesn't

you would have just posted the link or how to get directly to it if you weren't a trolling faggot

>> No.8382944
File: 1.80 MB, 264x219, 1420955788275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking savage

>> No.8382945

Holy shit this happens far too often.

>> No.8382951

>but ruuunes, that's like, so metal, man
>*brushes hair out of his pale face*

>> No.8383467

I don't get it.

>> No.8383482

how to sauce for downs syndromes
1. go here https://images.google.com/
2. click the little camera
3. paste this into the bar http://i.4cdn.org/sci/1475207028498.jpg and search
4. open the thread that appears with sauce in it

>> No.8383510


found and fapped to this video after seeing this gif

based anon

>> No.8383517

My t and my + are indistinguishable.

>> No.8383524

I sometimes use the Hebrew alephbet in algebra just to piss of the lecturer

>> No.8383536

fucking hate this

>> No.8383540

please end yourself and burn all your mathematics writings

>> No.8383544

pdes as well when subscripts for actual indexing/naming are being used

>> No.8383549

i work in mathematics and occasionally use bra-ket notation when working stuff out on paper

beat that nerds

(remembering to switch the order of sesquilinearity when I need to convert back to maths conventions is a total bitch though)

>> No.8383633
File: 2.84 MB, 341x256, 1421032963682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of using equal signs, I use arrows that look like I'm writing equals 7.

>> No.8383635

explain more please

>> No.8383649
File: 55 KB, 800x544, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fully expect my operator notation to take off within a couple years

>> No.8383651

That's probably better.
Easier to tell apart from multiplication x's for whatever person half-assedly marks your work.

>> No.8383654

>logic and computation class
>the standard induction question
>doesn't specifically say use induction
>do a proper proof, get marked zero
>take test back later and argue grade
>"but you didn't use induction!"
>"the test didn't say use induction"
I got 100% on that test :^)

>> No.8383677

in the us you can be 21 in high school

>> No.8383707
File: 21 KB, 376x254, 1353842154428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not writing curly x
>Using multiplication x in the first place

>> No.8383720

I dont get it

>> No.8383732

>not using dots for multiplication like a patrician

>> No.8383734

You say this, but my Chinese supervisor told me off for even using x, y, z as variables because of the coordinate connotations surrounding them

>> No.8383778

I use dots for multiplication even when dealing with numbers involving decimal points

>> No.8383805


>> No.8383808
File: 33 KB, 469x597, 1474782058477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to do every problem in my head first nad then write it down in the least number of steps possible.

>> No.8384063
File: 942 KB, 600x1094, entranced_by_drawkill-d7rvk33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I correct exams and a student's handwriting is shit or their line of thinking is unclear I first check how likely it is they pass with the scores of other tasks and then give a reasonably low score if they are unlikely to make it.

>> No.8384070

every text book author ever

>> No.8384075


reverse image search the thumbnail

or look up

Ava Hardy and Samantha Ryan

it'll come right up

>> No.8384274

I do this too; it saves time.

>> No.8385230

I like your style.

>> No.8385243

I used to have the same problem. One day I actually realized the font used by 4chan looked nice so I forced myself to write my t's like these ones

>> No.8385266 [DELETED] 

I use symbols like [math]\exists[/math], [math]\forall[/math], [math]\plus[/math], and [math]=[/math] as variables, so my first-order formulas look like [math]\forall \exists \forall + \exists = ( \exists + + = = ) [/math].

>> No.8385268

I use symbols like [math]\exists[/math], [math]\forall[/math], [math]+[/math], and [math]=[/math] as variables, so my first-order formulas look like [math]\forall \exists \forall \!+ \!\exists \! = ( \exists + + = \, = ) [/math].

>> No.8385280

one time in high school i did all of my calc hw using roman numerals
it went unappreciated by the teacher

>> No.8385288

>going to /a/
You might as well say there isn't any source.

>> No.8385292

I've got to start doing that. Actually missed an exam question last term because I misread my own handwriting...

>> No.8385364
File: 262 KB, 416x577, fffffffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Fourier transforming functions not generally in L^2
>mfw discarding infinite constants such as a trace over the identity on an infinitely dimensional Hilbert space
>mfw treating renormalization group flow as a group action even though renormalization "group" is not strictly a group
>mfw writing down a Hamiltonian flow for an in general symplectically non-invariant Lagrangian

>> No.8385406

holy shit this is reprehensible

>> No.8385430

>Write question numbers in roman numerals due to angry music theory teacher
>have had to explain roman numerals to almost everyone who looks at my notes, lecturers included
>still do it anyway

>> No.8385445

This. It's usually very clear whether or not x is a vector or not. You don't need dumb arrows or bold-face to indicate it.

>> No.8385447

good on LaTeX documents, but the person putting in minimal effort in marking your work is half-sure to miss it though, unless your dot looks unaesthetic as fug.

>> No.8385455

I never write f(x); I always describe function evaluation in terms of functionals or sometimes, explicitly, by integrating against the Dirac distribution.

>> No.8385464
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>> No.8385511

I don't know statistics I don't get it please explain

>> No.8385516

He means using n for (e.g.) a real number instead of a positive integer.

>> No.8385739
File: 268 KB, 330x316, 1414463143956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't write my row operations.

>> No.8385761

>qyestion : solve 3x^2 +5x - 6 =0
>use iterative formula
Nothing personnell

>> No.8386022


it's a wilberger meme.

>> No.8386028

iktf brah

>> No.8386128

>How evil are you /sci/
i use aa aaa bb bbb aaaa bbbb up to aaaaa before i use a1 a2 b1 b2 in my javascript function names obsfucators

>> No.8386353

I switch to natural units in intro level physics courses

>> No.8386357

I do PDEs; I use this notation all the time.

>> No.8386365

>I make up my own coordinate systems to solve problems
>not working coordinate-free as much as possible

>> No.8386373


>not SPDE's


>> No.8386440


>> No.8386869

>I feel special because my differential equations has a random variable in them
Let me guess, all your SPDEs are linear or semilinear, right?

>> No.8386878

>Literally meme equations every retard in finance can use daily with no effort to actually understand them at all


>> No.8387351

For the simple joy of being an asshole.

>> No.8387501

>/sci/ - Science and Math

>> No.8388054

C stands for causality. Sry m9