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8377072 No.8377072 [Reply] [Original]

To get the morning going... Are all races equally intelligent? Please corroborate your answer with actual evidence. I'm actually pretty interested in this topic. Also, do you think this difference (if there is one) should be reflected on the society? Finally, do you think affirmative action is good (this one's out of curiosity)?

>> Inb4 OP you're clearly black
>> Inb4 OP thinks everyone is equally capable. Of course having had a "normal"education based on equality and what not that is what I've been told, but I'm clearing my head from everythig I've heard, so no bias

>> No.8377081 [DELETED] 

niggers are dumb i mean just look at them
i dont care if its societal or biological difference but they clearly dont fit with modern civilization thats why so much of them sits in jails or gets free nigger bux - to isolate them from hard working citizens

>> No.8377089



>> No.8377095


It's difficult to separate genetic and cultural differences. Nature vs. nurture. The only way to answer this question would be to look at adoptive children of various races being educated by a control group (for example, rich white people).

As far as I know, this has never been done. It certainly hasn't been done systematically, but I also don't think there have ever been any meta-analysis done on existing adoptive children to try and answer this question.

Instinctively, I believe there is probably no quantifiable, purely genetic intellectual difference based solely on race.

>> No.8377105


It's rather nice that this is the case. I think a lot of people don't make the distinction between culture and intellect too. I mean of course there's more criminality within the black community (at least in the U.S), but it's been less than 200 years since the abolition of slavery. Blacks have only recently (1960-70s) received an acceptable level of equality, and even then conditions haven't been the same in some cases.

Anyways my question was wrongly asked. I'm more interested in the measurable "intelligence". I know IQ tests are very limited, but is there evidence there is a significant difference in IQ between races?

>> No.8377132

As has been previously mentioned in the thread, it's very difficult to get a clear answer to if one race is more intelligent than the other. Common sense would dictate that there are differences between the groups because they have different genetical make-up, but whether this difference is substantial enough to matter in practice is another matter. Even if there were differences and these were substantial, I do not think it should alter how we do things in society. Even if a group would in general be inferior in intellect, there are still the outliers in the upper end that outperform more mediocre members of the superior group. I believe an individual should be judged on his competence and not the average competence of the group he belongs to.
I believe affirmative action is flawed and a band-aid-like fix for a more deeply rooted problem. In addition to this it gives first priority to which grouping one belongs to as opposed competence which comes in second - which is what it's trying to combat. It tries to mend discrimination but ends up discriminating while doing so.

>> No.8377138

Notice in the picture the white hand is at the top. =^]

>> No.8377173
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>> No.8377178

I don't see a chinese arm there
you racist bastard

>> No.8377181

Oh its only been two hundred years.
Two hundred years.
If left to their own devices what would black communities devolve toI wonder?

>> No.8377189

>tfw necro-blacks and whites are the most peaceful ethnies in my country
>tfw mulato, latino and arabs are violence incarnated

>> No.8377190

It's a negative feedback loop. It's hard to leave the ghetto. Meanwhile, there are some decent countries in Africa, so your point is moot.

>> No.8377195

People give feedback.The loop is created by them.

>> No.8377201

You don't know what a feedback loop is.

>> No.8377202

>meaningwhile there are some decent countries in Africa
Arab countries and white colonies do not count.

>> No.8377207

>implying that's white
I'm black and that's my skin color. Maybe because there has been a fuckload of race-mixing in my family. Both of my parents are the same color as me, and they're black. I have African, European, Native, and Asian in my blood.

>> No.8377213

Historically, there was the Mali Empire. Modernly, there is Botswana and Kenya.

>> No.8377215

And what's the average IQ of those countries? Africa has different races.

>> No.8377226

First of all, IQ score is not everything.
Second, IQ tests don't really hold up across significant cultural boundaries, especially when it has to be translated to Kiswahili and Setswana. Localization is a tricky thing and can knock a few points from simple translation fuzziness.

>> No.8377227

You´re obviously much more stupid then the niggers, my friend.

>> No.8377230
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>> No.8377240

I was shitposting, but it does go to show how superficial it is to judge by race. I have that skin tone because of my Romanian ancestry; I am definitely considered white.

>> No.8377244

>it's been less than 200 years since the abolition of slavery.
>Blacks have only recently (1960-70s) received an acceptable level of equality
Isn't it funny though how most of the blacks killing each other, causing trouble and shouting black lives matter are under 40? These people have no memory of actually being oppressed, they are just artificially entitled by their parents or grandparents. Most police shootings on black people are done by black cops. Probably because the black cops know these little shits are ruining it for the rest of them. It's not racism it's just being practical.

>> No.8377250

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8377253

>Most police shootings on black people are done by black cops.
Citation needed, and the issue has never been the shooting of gangbangers during a shootout. It's about shooting unarmed people, to which it happens to black people disproportionately.

>> No.8377267

>It's about shooting unarmed people, to which it happens to black people disproportionately.
Black people are also disproportionately more likely to be carrying a weapon illegally. Black commit more crimes than white people even though they are a minority of the population. I'm not going to cite anything, these are well known facts. If reality is disproportionate then police need to combat that by being disproportionate. There's no other or better way to protect more lives then being practical and working with the reality that some races are not equally prone to crime (or intelligent. That's what this thread is about after all).

>> No.8377282

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.8377286

I am actually have more white blood than black but I'm still considered black. Goes to show how race-mixing will fuk u up.

>> No.8377291

Soooo... You're suggesting genocide... Good to know.

>> No.8377298 [DELETED] 

When this thread can get more even one reply you know that you should abandon /sci/.

>> No.8377300

>I am black and that's my skin color.
You aren't black. You're mixed. "Black" isn't a race, and neither is "African american." The only three races are Caucasian, Mongolian, and Negroid. If you're mixed, then say you're mixed instead of saying you're black. Maybe if everyone starts calling themselves mixed it would end racism and race privilege.

>> No.8377317

>Caucasian, Mongolian, and Negroid
What if I'm all? What do they call people like me?

>> No.8377330

>Police stop targeting black citizens disproportionately
>Disproportionate amount of black citizens take advantage of new freedom by committing crimes with no consequences
>As a result innocent people of all races are effected
>Police continue targeting black citizens disproportionately
>amount of crimes committed without consequence is proportionate and equal in each race
>As a result innocent black people are more effected

If you really care about society, you'd go with the option that has the least amount of total human suffering. If you're black, you go with the second option. That's because black people have a racist privileged mindset. I understand you find it unfair that only blacks are suffering, but at the same time you can only blame those criminals from your own race. What else are we supposed to do? Let gangs rule the country? I guess you could argue the police is just another one of those gangs, but at the same time they are regulated by the people. You wouldn't be afraid to walk into a police department full of officers, it's only the single cop encounters that result in unjustified killings. Yet nobody would disagree that walking into the headquarters of a gang is just as scary (probably more scary) than encountering a single gang member.

>> No.8377333


>> No.8377341

Why do we have this thread literally everyday?

>> No.8377342

I literally just said in your post. You're called mixed. Embrace it, because more and more mixed race people are born every day. In 100 years racism will die out, not only because all the old racists fucks are dying but also because the world is much less segregated and race is a meaningless concept when you're 33.35% white, 33.1% black, and 33.55% asian compared to 33.6% white, 33.82% black and 32.58% asian.

>> No.8377347

>Disproportionate amount of black citizens take advantage of new freedom by committing crimes with no consequences
I guess preemptive murder is the only solution here.

>> No.8377359

>That's because black people have a racist privileged mindset.
>Black privilege
I've seen it all now

>> No.8377360

where do hispanics fit on this? Are they just mongoloids too?

>> No.8377362

Not that guy but Latino isn't a real "race," but it doesn't matter. That's one case where race is truly a social construct and completely valid in that regard.

>> No.8377369

Instead of trashing this solution why don't you present you're own solution?
>Guy solves Riemann Hypothesis using numerical technique you disagree with.
>Even though it's a valid proof you do not accept it and attack the technique with no alternative
>instead of allowing math to advance and working towards newer discoveries you spend your entire life arguing semantics in a world where semantics are widely accepted and pretty much set in stone
Are black people literally the Wildbergers of society?

>> No.8377377

Some experts actually argue there are 4 races. The three I previously listed as well as native american. I believe hispanics would fit into this group. Unless they are from Spain, then I'd consider them caucasian. Or more likely a mix of the two.
What makes it valid? The idea of race should be abolished because all it does is put up borders rather than bring people together. Seriously, what valid purpose does it serve?

>> No.8377389

>What makes it valid? The idea of race should be abolished because all it does is put up borders rather than bring people together. Seriously, what valid purpose does it serve?
Because there's a whole culture and heritage that is very intimate to its people. Your idea of abolishing race as a social construct actually neglects the white race, which is your version of race-less and your idea of "normal." You're telling people to give up their identity.

>> No.8377400

Make the decision to shoot based on visual signs of a threat (like a gun maybe?) and not your fear of big scary black man. It doesn't matter if a black person is more likely to have a gun and shoot at you. If you fire before seeing any threat, you have failed your job. You're not supposed to shoot unarmed people. I'm scared of clowns, doesn't mean I get to shoot them.

>> No.8377401

I never said people should give up their identity. All I said is people should stop perpetuating the idea of race. What you are talking about is culture, it is not race. And if black people want to say police are discriminating against their culture that's perfectly fine and completely true. But the reason police are discriminating against black culture is because a big part of that black culture involves gang culture.

>> No.8377407

>All I said is people should stop perpetuating the idea of race. What you are talking about is culture, it is not race.
There is a visual component though. People see a Hispanic person and know they're Hispanic. In a perfect world, their skin color wouldn't matter. In this world, embracing how you look and all that it implies is important. You can drop the idea of race when there is no racism.

>> No.8377408


>> No.8377412

I completely agree. These police need more training and need to face consequences for their crimes the same as anyone else. But instead of rioting and targeting all police we should be calling for these police to be put on trial. Police investigating these situations is a huge conflict of interest, and the idea of paid leave for any job is absolutely ridiculous. But instead of talking about these issues we're here discussing whether he was racist or not for what he did. Does it really matter if what he did was racist? The motive should not matter in a crime but unfortunately in our system it can completely effect your punishment. Law is much closer to philosophy than it is to science.

>> No.8377417
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>> No.8377419
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>> No.8377421

Fucking bing come to my thread and insult me?! GTFO

>> No.8377422

I'm sorry, what? You're on a science forum and you're advocating ignorance of biological differences between different groups?
Stop perpetuating the idea of skin color being a measure of value? Fine, but the fact that there are multiple different race is not something to be blind to.

>> No.8377425

>There is a visual component though.
That's not true though. This whole discussion started because a black guy said he has the skin tone of a white person. So obviously there isn't a visual component to race. My white sister looks more hispanic than one of her hispanic friends.

>You can drop the idea of race when there is no racism.
One of the criterion of "no racism" is the idea of race not mattering. Racism will continue to exist as long as people acknowledge race. However if the idea of race is abolish from our thoughts first, then the word "racism" would have no meaning, it would just be called "hate". Why are you so against dropping the idea of race?

>> No.8377439

>However if the idea of race is abolish from our thoughts first, then the word "racism" would have no meaning, it would just be called "hate". It would be hate based on skin color though... So let's just call it something else? I don't know what to tell you. People hate based on skin color, so it's a thing. Simply ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away.

>> No.8377443

Fuck off with your threads about intelligence.

>> No.8377444

Without the messed up greentext...
It would be hate based on skin color though... So let's just call it something else? I don't know what to tell you. People hate based on skin color, so it's a thing. Simply ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away.

>> No.8377449

>People hate based on skin color, so it's a thing.
Then don't let those people become police officers or state officials. In fact we should just completely exile anyone that does this. I'm sure if we did we'd find a lot more black people hating white people than the other way around.

Just because some people hate based on skin color doesn't mean we shouldn't strive towards the ideal and abolish the idea of race. If we did those people who hate based on skin color will die out and we can teach the new generation that race isn't a thing. Instead we are teaching kids "racism still happens in the country" because we try to be politically correct. Yes it still happens in the country but in order to show that you need to teach what race means in the first place, it's just perpetuating the problem.

>> No.8377455


enjoy your ban


>> No.8377477

>Then don't let those people become police officers or state officials.
Agreed. Easier said than done unfortunately.
>If we did those people who hate based on skin color will die out and we can teach the new generation that race isn't a thing.
I guess I can appreciate that but again, easier said than done. Kids still learn from parents. We do in fact now teach that race is a social construct, but you can't tell minorities to not identify with a racial identity quite yet.

>> No.8377494

>Tfw haven't died yet
>Tfw still living-black and a criminal

>> No.8377504
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Not collectively, if you look at averages. But individually, you will find highly intelligent people from all races.

>> No.8377549

There are physiological differences between race though. Blacks are more predisposed to different conditions. For example high blood pressure is treated differently in blacks because their kidneys function differetly. I wouldnt be so quick to dismiss genetic differences in intelligence. In this pc climate there are not a lot of studies on this becaise dats raycis. And I believe there was an adoption study. I will look for a link, currently on my phone.

>> No.8377563

I agree with you. But the fact is that doing these studies is actually racist. There is no denying that. Even if there is a difference between groups, we can still abolish the idea of race. I highly doubt every single black person's kidney functions differently. It's depends on the individual, so grouping up people and labeling them different things serves no purpose. Even if it did serve a purpose, the potential good of classifying races is far outweighed by the racism that comes along with it.

>> No.8377565


>> No.8377626

Of course not, environmental pressures determine the intelligence of hominids thats why Neanderthals were smart and humans were stupid savages before they left Africa.

>> No.8377703

>the fact is that doing these studies is actually racist

Facts are never racist anon. Scientific research doesn't come with an ideology attached.

What you do with the facts once you have acquired them is what matters.

>> No.8377794

>I doubt every black persons kidney functions differently
And if they did and it was measurable then there would be a quantifiable difference that might then have to be taken into account when developing drugs.
>it's up to the individual
And if many individuals share common traits then a statistical average can be made. Chances are that almost all people share the same average in something. An exceptionally smart person could just be average in everything else.

How we determine what is exceptional is by comparing it to the average. For example 120 iq as a black male far above average whereas 120 iq for a white or Asian male is only decently above average.
Not everyone has the same brain but common numbers can be taken.

Facts aren't racist. Their application can be but calling it racist won't change the fact that there is a difference, it is measurable, and that there are effects.

>> No.8377829
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>Blacks have only recently (1960-70s) received an acceptable level of equality
housing discrimination only ending a couple decades ago.

you should know that here in the uk you can still identify more lawyers, politicians, bankers, oxbridge graduates etc with particular surnames which were elite in the 1100's.
(http://www.livescience.com/48951-surnames-social-mobility.html.. horrible site but tldr: social elitism can last 20 to 30 generations, 600-900 years).

x is a feedback loop is when x is its own cause (and hence its own effect). poverty causes further poverty, hence is a feedback loop. crime is also a feedback loop.

before colonisation there were large black nations as technologically advanced as european/asian at the time. they were not - it would be fair to say - as culturally advanced.

it should be noted as well that IQ test scores have increased significantly amongst white people since the test's creation (numerous reasons). blacks have not increased so much. if we extrapolate back to pre-colonialism they would have been roughly the same.

black people are more likely to be imprisioned for are non-violent crimes - i.e. drug posession. it has since been admitted by leading figures in the nixon administration that the war on drugs was the imprison both anti-war hippies and civil-rights blacks. documents show the DEA and police departments being instructed not the arrest white people for drug possession.

The problem with race is whilst it could be a well used scientific concept it is completely misunderstood by retards like >>8377300 who say shit like
>The only three races are Caucasian, Mongolian, and Negroid.
east africans are less related to west africans than celts are to north indians. also you have entirely forgotten aboriginal Australians, you muppet.

>> No.8377871
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(cont from >>8377829)

race will definitely not die out in the next 100 years. perhaps white people will be mixed in 500+ years. as of now, there is literally racial mixing outside of europe/north america.

well, in this theory at least, hispannics are a mix race between white colonialist (spanish mainly), black slaves (west africa mainly, there were more slaves in south america than north), and the indigenous "mongolians" (aztecs etc) from asiatics who had relatively recently populated the americas via the berring strait.

again, all traditional scientific racialists/anthropologists would recognise aborignal Australians as a separate race.

race has surprising little to do with culture. culturally a 3rd generation asian in uk is more culturally related to a white person in uk than they would be even to an asian in china. and a black in america has a entirely different culture to a black in west africa.

"colour-blindness" (completely ignoring race) is a great ideal for a society but pretty bad as an individual choice to stop racism. you can say that given a button that will suddenly make all americans completely "colour-blind" it wouldbe good to press it, but it is often sub-optimal individually. may say you are a cop in america, and you pull over a black person. you could treat that person exactly as you would treat someone of any other race (colour-blindness), however it would be more effective to treat them LESS aggressively initially than you may normally, so that the black person is assured that you are a safe cop and are not anxious (which can be a dangerous situation). positive discrimination (ie. affirmative action) is justified on a similar premise though i disagree with it.

on a similar note, i hear that extramarital black children perform as badly as extramarital white children, and intermarital black children perform as well as intermarital white children.

>> No.8377891

(cont from 8377871)
i know /sci/ is an anti-psychology board but if there is one thing experimental psychology has taught us is that most of our decision making is subconscious. we cant even tell whether our own actions are entirely unbiased, let alone those of others.

there is more to environment than biological parents. experimental observation in america shows that black children are treated significantly differently than white children in schools and by peers. police as well from the ages of 13. this will increase throughout their adolescence. furthermore portrayals and stereotypes of those of the same race will affect the child.

>> No.8377902

>We wuz
If you think systematic "oppression" exists you are an indoctrinated, mentally ill liberal with a useless humanities degree.
Get off my board.

>> No.8377913

>what are non verbal iq test

>> No.8377916

> listen kid. im alt-right. yeah, you heard me. ALT RIGHT. yeah, keep running kid.

fuck off you rubble of shite. ive got a maths degree from a better university than you.

>> No.8377931

Good shit brah

>> No.8377938

>Are all races equally intelligent?


>> No.8377941

Indians are Caucasoids retard.

>> No.8377984

Do you think they're treated differently because they perhaps act differently?

>> No.8377991
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when did i claim otherwise

>> No.8378005
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That picture is too dumb to be true. Nietzsche destroyed Kant, but he admired Jesus as a pseudomodel of the Übermensch.
I think that, firstly, the "Authority" group, should be disciplined.
How can the people be productive and proactive if the "Justice" is corrupted and violent? When the police agents get trained with high discipline and a proactive mindset, they will actually "protect" the people.

Nobody trusts the police's punctuality. They don't trust their methods. How can the people start trusting a corrupted and relatively irresponsible system, full of useless violent fatmen?

I think this would be a radical but safe way to stop the dangerous-neighbourhoods and end the damned "niggers and latinos" actual people who keep fucking up the lives of white people and the productive black and latino men.

The image of inmigrant people would be better. The social tension would decrease inmensely.

>race has surprising little to do with culture. culturally a 3rd generation asian in uk is more culturally related to a white person in uk than they would be even to an asian in china. and a black in america has a entirely different culture to a black in west africa.
Niggers in Spain are very chill. They don't even form "raids" or problems. The root of trouble are east arabs and Colombian-Dominican subhumans. I know who they are because I'm from Peru.

>systematic "oppression"
It's very well known that if social-hack governments rule for more than 8years, people become more welfare-dependent. The economic productivity decreases and the next generation mindset is more likely to be a slob.

That's what happened in Spain. Most teenagers are useless and aren't studying nor working.

>> No.8378033

do you mean black children in general act differently and hence teachers treat the individual black children different? thats a possible explanation.

if you mean "is the black child treated differently because they (the individual) act differently?" then probably not (at least that is not a full explanation). experiments show that people are judged differently regardless of their action or prior to them acting at all (not sure whether that was studied in teachers. (in fact racial bias has a significant effect prior to them even meeting. identical job applications with foreign names are significantly less likely to be taken up).

im not claiming there isnt a racial factor in intelligence (though i dont believe there is). im just saying that it cannot be determined by experiments you could get through the ethics board.

>> No.8378077

>Niggers in Spain are very chill.
black people in most of the world are pretty "chill" by american standards, because they havent been literally enslaved, lynched, segregated and discriminated against for half a millennia. (inb4 but that was 10 years ago so it doesnt count haha). though black people do have a reputation for being street-sellers.

also when did i claim anything about welfare?

>> No.8378239

The "victim" propaganda imposed by the media is a double-edged weapon. The "priviledge" they are gaining, are not dependent on their effort, nor their individual self, but their simple appereance. This spring effect will keep the slobs down. But I wonder what will happen next.

>also when did i claim anything about welfare?
I messed up. It was for this little guy.>>8377902

>> No.8379091

>though black people do have a reputation for being street-sellers
That's true for every group of immigrants since the begining of cilisation.

>> No.8379145

I knew a kid with a mother from Thailand. At the time he was the only non-white student at the school (small village) but he watched american movies and started acting and dressing like an afro-american even though we don't even live in America. He ended up accusing me of using racial slurs I hadn't even learned yet because I was 12. There is no escape from cultural influence.

>> No.8379227

>The only way to answer this question would be to look at adoptive children of various races being educated by a control group (for example, rich white people).
I think, maybe, the fetus phase is very important too. My mother tended to listen to classical music and always ate well. Also, as a baby they carried me with them to their restaurant near the prices (numbers, price dialogues).

My father often played classical music and some latin stuff in the radio of his car.

My mother made "word" cards. There wasn't anybody in my family who was an anti-knowledge degenerate. They all agreed with the education part being important.

Also, my father enjoyed teaching me how to multiply as a kid.

Most latino parents let their kids watch TV and let the media educate their children.

I learnt how to read in spanish at the ate of 3. I learnt how to count to 100 in english at the age of 4. Got a 147 of verbal IQ.

The unique thing useful about IQ is knowing your present ability of some skill. IQ can't even explain how it works. How does intelligence change with determinated behaviors and habits?

>> No.8379247

There apparently are some differences, but I wouldn't take them too seriously. The open questions here are whether IQ really is a good measure of actual intelligence and whether it is independent of culture. As it is IQ tests only measure your capabilities to solve IQ test problems. It is a well established fact that you can train to get better at those, by a lot even. You are of course not more intelligent afterwards, as intelligence is defined as the intrinsic potential, not your skill level.

How well you do in IQ tests is consequently largely dependent on how familiar you are with these kinds of problems. If it's simply not a priority for you to look into them, then you are likely to be pretty bad at IQ tests. Some people are raised with the task to just somehow earn enough money to take care of their families. Other people who are raised in wealthy families certainly can afford the luxury to learn about things that have no immediate value. So it's not as simple, even though it's very easy to interpret things the way you like them in this case.

>> No.8379369

Are you lost, SJWtard? Go back to your hugbox and keep your degenerate shit out of here.

>> No.8379410

Sure, but isn't intelligence partly learned? Surely different environments can be conducive to intelligence in various degrees. It's not some "transcendental" property. If someone's brain is smashed in a car accident and they get cognitive problems as a result, then I'd say that they are less intelligent than they were.