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8372978 No.8372978 [Reply] [Original]

>no cure for obesity
When will obesity be cured by medical science?

>> No.8373001

When will cancer be cured?
When will stupidity be cured?
When will that thing I don't like be cured?
When will that thing when my older brother tells me I will turn into a millipede if I touch an a millipede be cured (I really don't like it when he tells me that. I cry and I scream. Why is life so cruel?)

>> No.8373005

When Harvard stops being bribed by food corps to cover up the effects of sugar on health.

>> No.8373011

Take some ipecac 3 times daily on a full stomach and your obesity will be cured.

>> No.8373018

When Non-GMO's stop being meme'd on.

>> No.8373024

Nutritional science has cured obesity forever ago. People just don't like the treatment.

>> No.8373127

Doesn't need to be "cured". Eat less and exercise more.

>> No.8373145

When they cure addiction in general.

>> No.8373148

>Shoving them in hamster wheels for power
>taking away their welfare bux
I could go on all day

>> No.8373151

the effects of sugar on health are well known. People who choose to continue eating too much of it are free to do it

>> No.8373153

when we learn control

>> No.8374251





>> No.8374260

we cant even cure the common cold

>> No.8374262

medical science won't solve obesity
military science will

mass execution of the fats

>> No.8374267

If this is the golden standard for never having sugar then I want to have sugar all the time.

>> No.8374294



>> No.8374333


Is this the same guy who made the meme
>A woman was the first programming

>> No.8374355

1. become vegan.
2. eat less sugar and garbage
3. do more cardio
4. lift weights

there you go, no secret.

>but muh magic pill
kys fatty

>> No.8374381
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>tfw metabolically blessed

>> No.8374384

>become vegan

>> No.8374415
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>When they cure addiction in general.
Halp! I've got the eaties!
Seems like I can't go a few days without eating!

If you can't stop shooting heroin, or smoking cigs, you're addicted.
If you can't stop overeating, drinking alcohol or beating off to pictures of underage boys in drag, you're just a douche.

>> No.8374417
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its a personal perception thing , not some thing you can use science for.

>> No.8374421
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>we cant even cure the common cold
Yeah, it should be totally easy to come up with a cure for a thousand different strains of viral infections.
Since the symptoms are pretty mild, the cure should be easy, rite?

>> No.8374428

Modern junkfood is literally designed to be addictive.

It's not that they just can't stop overeating. If you would give them nothing but a whole food plant based diet they wouldn't eat like that. They're addicted to certain kinds of food.

And that food, like those drugs, isn't going anywhere any time soon.


>claiming that alcohol isn't addictive

Wew lad.

>> No.8374429
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>>tfw metabolically blessed

Two of my wife's kids are "metabolically blessed".
"I can eat anything I want and I never gain any weight".

Neither of them eats jack shit.
One only eats one meal a day.
I've never seen the other finish a whole plate of food.

>> No.8374435
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Metabolisms aren't black and white, anon.

>> No.8374439
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>Modern junkfood is literally designed to be addictive.
Oh? What addictive drugs are used?
Nah, you're just stretching the definition of "addictive" to include any self-indulgent behavior.

I suppose you think "meat is murder" and trying to flirt with a woman who isn't into you is "rape".

>> No.8374444
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Thinking that obesity is a disease,
how fucking retarded are you ?

>> No.8374445

>Two of my wife's kids

Why are you doiong this to yourself?

>> No.8374451
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>Metabolisms aren't black and white, anon.
No, but almost everyone is in the middle of the bell curve.
And just about everybody that cites metabolism regarding obesity is fooling themselves.
And even if you have a magic metabolism, you can still lose (or gain) weight without much modification of your diet.
Ten calories a day is about a pound of fat a year.

>> No.8374453
File: 25 KB, 480x360, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1463541038227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't someone just invent a form of KFC that tastes the same, but has zero calories, such that eating it actually burns energy?

I enjoy eating shitty things because they have certain amino acids that my brain identifies as appealing. It wouldn't be impossible to create a low calorie, edible substance with a predesigned flavor and texture that mimics fried chicken.

Like Diet Coke. Except it's Diet KFC.

>> No.8374455

>Why are you doiong this to yourself?
They're adults.
I ain't raising some other assholes offspring.

>> No.8374456

>Oh? What addictive drugs are used?
Concentrated sugars, concentrated fats. Things we're evolutionarily made to be rewarded for eating because eating them was in our interest in a hunter gatherer environment but the concentrated versions that weren't available back then have a much stronger effect on us and are abundantly available.

Kind of like how coca leafs are fine and easily used in moderation but once you isolate the cocaine people can't help themselves.

>I suppose you think "meat is murder" and trying to flirt with a woman who isn't into you is "rape".
Understanding how brains work doesn't make you a moralfag, friend.

>> No.8374461

How the fuck are those different? Holy shit anon, your distinction between nicotin addiction and alcohol addiction is the most arbitrary bullshit I've seen here.

>> No.8374465

You're so bullshiting yourself. 10 calories is something that could be expended on climbing a flight of stairs.

>> No.8374466
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>just invent a form of KFC that tastes the same, but has zero calories

We've already done that,
I hope you're comfortable with anal leakage.

>> No.8374473

Sounds like the skellies who say they can't gain weight when they try and their version of trying turns out to be 1600kcal a day, or the fat people who say they 'barely eat anything' and manage to inhale 3000kcal without noticing.

People generally have really no idea what they are doing.

>> No.8374477
File: 65 KB, 780x585, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you are so fucking retarded and this is coming from a person who doesn't even go on this board.

>> No.8374482

he's referring to 10 calories above expenditure, fucko

>> No.8374483
File: 70 KB, 422x750, 1457363932860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Concentrated sugars, concentrated fats
Those aren't drugs, and they aren't addictive, just tasty.

>Kind of like how coca leafs...
Jesus. No. Just no.

>moralfag, friend.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
You're watering-down actual addiction-related problems by lumping them in with self-indulgent behavior.

>> No.8374495

>Seriously implying the body is able to covert an extra 10 calories into fat.

There's a certain threshold where fat storing is triggered. The body wouldn't give a shit about 10 more calories. It would be burnt off by the metabolism naturally adjusting to the slight surplus in order to increase cell division rates.

>> No.8374504
File: 353 KB, 499x422, 1458818507055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck are those different?
If you give 100 people heroin every day for a month, or a pack of cigarettes every day for a month, you get 100 addicted people.
Give 100 people McDonald's every day for a month, only a handful of weak-willed people would have trouble leaving it behind.

>your distinction between nicotin addiction and alcohol addiction is the most arbitrary bullshit I've seen here.
It's the same as above.
Most people can't become addicted to alcohol, doughnuts or even sex.
Those who claim to be addicted to these things are just self-indulgent.

>10 calories is something that could be expended on climbing a flight of stairs.
That's my point.
Even a small (but consistent) variation from your equilibrium diet can cause big changes in your weight.
It's easy to slip up and gain weight, but it's just as easy to lose weight.
It's just more unpleasant, not more difficult.
More importantly, nobody can claim their metabolism is causing or preventing weight gain or loss.

>> No.8374506

is wine a concentrated sugar?

because it makes up like 80% of my diet

>> No.8374510

>If you give 100 people heroin every day for a month, or a pack of cigarettes every day for a month, you get 100 addicted people.
And you think the same doesn't happen with ethanol?
Holy shit anon what are you trying to rationalize?

>> No.8374512

>The body wouldn't give a shit about 10 more calories.
[citation needed]

Besides, do you understand how multiplication works?
It's 10kcal per day per pound.
If you have one extra beer a day, that's over a pound a month.

>> No.8374519

And vodka is just tasty as well, right?

Silly kid.

>> No.8374522

I read the whole page and this shit sounds great. Diarrhea from eating shitloads of it isn't a problem. I'm constipated half the time anyway. The page also goes on to say the diarrhea warning was found to be overstated by several studies. I'd be okay with this shit in my food over the other shit that is in my food. I'd rather have more regular bowel movements than be obese.

>> No.8374537

>And you think the same doesn't happen with ethanol?
I KNOW the same thing doesn't happen with alcohol.
Haven't you heard of high heritability for alcoholism?
Most people aren't alcoholics, regardless of exposure.

>> No.8374541

Any action associated with a dopamine response can lead to some form of dependants/addiction.
Some ppl need dopamine more then others and some actions give higher responses to each individual.

>> No.8374543

>Even a small (but consistent) variation from your equilibrium diet can cause big changes in your weight.

None of that is true. Most people naturally stick to a certain weight, despite slight changes in day to day diet.

>> No.8374550

>And vodka is just tasty as well, right?
Vodka contains a drug. McD's food does not.
And most people still can't become actually addicted to alcohol.
Meanwhile, a hundred years ago, companies put actual heroin and cocaine in food and beverages, not salt and fat.
Get some perspective.

>> No.8374555

>Haven't you heard of high heritability for alcoholism?
That's an argument for it being an addiction tho

Like, seriously, you don't know there are physiological effect of alcohol dependence?

>> No.8374568
File: 93 KB, 342x509, DanielWebster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any action associated with a dopamine response can lead to some form of dependants/addiction.
So now sunsets and puppies are addictive?
Jesus, dude.
Now we need a new word to describe people with actual addictions.

A friend of mine was murdered in high school.
Now vegans want me to believe that what happened to her is no worse than what happens to a box of chicken McNuggets.
There are real people out there with real problems, and you're lumping them in with fat-asses that don't want to put down the 2-liter Pepsi.
Just stop.

>> No.8374585
File: 91 KB, 400x400, ALCOHOL-ENEMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's an argument for it being an addiction tho
Unless it's nurture, not nature.
Either way, it's a fringe case.
Maybe alcoholism is a real addiction for some, and not others.
But nobody at weight watchers is going through the same thing as the people at the methadone clinic.
A junkie can't "just stop" in the same sense that a Taco-Bell customer can.

>> No.8374594

The body (even at rest) conserves more energy while fasting than it does while full of food. The metabolic rate slows when food isn't abundant and speeds up when food is everywhere.

People who are perpetually eating small amounts of food actually age slower than fat people, because their cells are dividing at different rates.

This variance in resting metabolic rate allows for some extra calories to be taken in and not be stored as fat.

>> No.8374601

what the fuck are you even trying to say? Overeating is destuctive behavior.

Also the distinction already exists, it's called dependence vs. addiction.
You've only been ranting for hours because you don't know what addiction means.

>> No.8374603

>https://youtu.be/ARXHHevvr6Q [Remove]
You ever suck some dick for trans-fats?

>> No.8374628
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>Overeating is destuctive behavior.
So is chewing your nails.
There is a vast gulf between heroin, cocaine, even nicotine and hamburgers and doughnuts, both in level of destructiveness and difficulty of changing the behavior.

Muh first-world problems.

>> No.8374647

>my trash is better than your trash
and I suppose your opinion on that is conditioned by the vast psychiatric experience that lets you claim nuggets of wisdom like "alcohol dependence isn't real"

>> No.8374678

These actions don't lead to an appreciable increase in dopamine. Even sex only increases it slightly compared to drugs like cocaine and heroin. We know of course that sex and gambling and food are addictive, but sunsets and puppies just don't produce that much dopamine.
Hell, you do get people who are addicted to dogs, and end up hoarding pets, but it is less common than other psychological addictions.

>> No.8374740


answer me you white dogs

>> No.8374794


>> No.8375288

Cure for homosexuality must be found first

>> No.8375483

A junk can 'just stop' easier than an alcoholic can.

>> No.8375856



>not addictive

>what are reward patterns
>what is nucleus accumbens
>delirium tremens can kill you

>> No.8375861


>Give 100 people McDonald's every day for a month, only a handful of weak-willed people would have trouble leaving it behind.

They would have a proportionate increased food intake tough.

>> No.8375863


>Most people aren't alcoholics, regardless of exposure.
>regardless of exposure

Beware, med school dropout on the loose!

>> No.8375867

It's a very difficult problem to give people willpower and intelligence without controlling their environment via an authoritarian-like state. It's still under active research.

>> No.8375869


Just so you know it, the only withdrawal syndrome that can phisiologically kill you is delirium tremens

>> No.8375870
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>Most people can't become addicted to alcohol

>> No.8375887

I love how rapid pepe's evolution is. Not even the old troll, or trollfaces, had this breadth of a response.

>> No.8376210

why does it need to be cured, any person who has normal force of will has no trouble dealing with it, people who do should be selected out of the genepool

>> No.8376215

>people who do should be selected out of the genepool
Obesity is not a trait that is selected against since it generally causes death long after people manage to reproduce.

>> No.8376311
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>> No.8376374

Eurocuck your memes will always be weak

>> No.8376394
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I am annoyed by this focus on obesity. Just count calories. You can be thin and eat nothing but fast food. But does that mean you are healthy? What we need to know is what food is HEALTHY for you and just how much harm unhealthy food causes. But it seems like everyone only cares about if food contributes to obesity or not.

So my question is this: how much damage do sweets and snacks cause even if you stay thin? Is eating a burger and fries really fine once in a while or does one meal already cause permanent damage? How bad is having a can of soda a day? How bad are the additives in food? I mean there are a lot of low calorie meals with food additives.

>> No.8377166
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>> No.8377170

Better our memes than our sphincters

>> No.8377174

I would count planning your diet as a form of science.

>> No.8377180

>obesity be cured
it's been cured, you just won't take the fucking medicine

>> No.8377184

>but muh sugar isn't addictive!
>i can eat some and I can stop!
The same with cigarettes. You can smoke a whole box and you will probably not get "addicted".

The problem is that humans are not "designed" to have a bunch of sugar in their fridge. It doesn't matter if you spend 10 years researching supporting sugar intake. Sugar was only inside fruits and some food in the Paleolithic age. Sorry, degenerates.

>> No.8377212

>>no cure for obesity

Sure there is, it's called "healthy diet".

>> No.8377214


>> No.8377216

>eating subsidized animal products that destroy the world's ecosystem

shiggy diggy kys

>> No.8377290

Because people don't enjoy KFC for the taste, they enjoy it because it triggers the reward system in the brain because it has lots of calories.

Hunter-gatherer body thinks 'keep eating this shit senpai this is hella dense, this will get us nice and fat and will help us get through scarce times'.

>> No.8378312

It's not just sugar. Just think about chips and other salty snacks. They're still somewhat addictive, high in calories and low in nutritional value.

Food is not meant to be a joyride. But there is a lot of money to be made from it, so that is unfortunately what we ended up with.

>> No.8378330

>It's not just sugar
I know. But this brainlets can't even think and put two topics on the table at the same time.

>Food is not meant to be a joyride
The behavior-change consequences don't seem a joyride, tho.

>But there is a lot of money to be made from it, so that is unfortunately what we ended up with.
If the government keep letting those corporations and companies to spam that shit on TV, there will always be people who will bite the "fast-satisfation" bait.

>> No.8378369

Even the fruits were way less sugary back then in the wild before we started selecting them for sweetness with agriculture.

>> No.8378379


>> No.8378382


We live in an age of instant gratification. When we feel like doing something, we can just do it. Want to play a video game, boom, just do it. Want to jerk off to exotic porn, boom, just do it. Want to eat three cheeseburgers with some fries and coke, boom, just do it. That behaviour slowly increases your stimulation threshold and will grow more excessive. Humans, like most animals, are simply very poorly adapted to this kind of lifestyle. Some people are smart enough to break the cycle and introduce a healthy amount of self discipline into their lives, some just don't, no matter how hard they try. I suppose evolution may take care of it soon.

>> No.8378383
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>my wife's kids

>> No.8378390

>I suppose evolution may take care of it soon.
It won't since traits only get selected against if it prohibits people from reproducing. The damage from unhealthy lifestyles only starts really showing later on.

People can live a life on fastfood and still manage to have a few kids before they kick off. That's all it takes to be evolutionary successful. Especially in this safe easy mode society of ours, evolution does not require perfect health, just adequate health. And for reproductive purposes in a human safe space, adequate can be really poor.

>> No.8378395

Give it time. Evolution is not that simple, we can't escape it, nobody can.

>> No.8378402

fatties will fat am i right?

those people life style are getting young people more and more reasons to not give a fuck about doing things.

the less things people do, the less capable or rising a kid they are.
and if a fucking adult cant rise a child, then we are fucking doomed.

>> No.8378406

Of course we can't escape it, but that doesn't mean that evolution will take people to a place that you consider better.

It may very well be that a world of fatties is just the most evolutionary sound.

>> No.8378415

where [math]p[/math] is not prime

>> No.8378423

You don't need to raise a good boy to be evolutionary successful. You need to raise someone that will successfully reproduce himself.

Living on KFC and getting some fat girl pregnant at 16yo and another couple of them the next two years before you get killed in a drive-by because you're a coke selling gangbanger is evolutionarily sound, for example.

>> No.8378447

the cure to obesity and most of the illnesses is regular exercise, healthy diet and not smoking

>> No.8378474


"has been identified with severe side-effects, including a number of deaths"

>> No.8379258

Maybe, maybe not. Impossible to tell. Considering that most people are not attracted to fat people and the obvious health issues, I think it's more plausible that fat people are not in evolution's favour. It's difficult to tell whether it is or not. Just because they have children, doesn't necessarily mean that they have evolution on their sides.

>> No.8379282

the cure is here.

we just throw any fat ass over 400 lbs into fat prison.

they will be fed proper diets and taught how to make them with common items that can be found at walmart.

once they reach the appropriate weight they will be released.

>> No.8379286

And then 95% of them get fat again. Fatties are hopeless for the most part.

>> No.8379293

>not smoking
smoking has been negatively associated
with obesity for decades, pleb
Lrn2research fgt pls

>> No.8379298

Add manual labor then, fatties hate manual labor.

>> No.8379334

The physical habits must be copropulsed by the mental habits.