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File: 1.18 MB, 1930x1282, poverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8371941 No.8371941 [Reply] [Original]

how do we end poverty?

>> No.8371943

full communism mixed with transhumanism
we have the infrastructure to feed the entire world with just the food grown in America alone

>> No.8371949
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>> No.8371950

Evolution will do it for us: poor people's offspring are less likely to survive, therfore they'll not pass their poor genes into further generations.

>> No.8371951
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>> No.8371952

A mixture of socialism and communism, built on a core of capitalism.

>> No.8371954

poo in the loo

>> No.8371957

To do that, we'd need to fix humanity, but there's simply no way to do that. For every good hearted man who's willing to share his wealth there are two creatures that wouldn't hesitate to shoot a little girl for a new sports car. There's just something deeply fucked up about humanity and it makes me sick.

>> No.8371958

>not letting the free market to do it
>believing in the jew economic fairy tales

>> No.8371959

>Implying I'm not superior to you both physically and intellectually

>> No.8371961

we need simply more capitalism, but most white people now want stupid socialism.

>> No.8371962

>Free market
>ending poverty

hoooooooly fuck

>> No.8371963

The free market is a delusion. It cannot work. The human species has tried this over and over, and it's time we stopped smashing our head against the wall acting like we don;t know better.

Your "invisible hand" nonsense is nothing but a pipe dream that's built to fall apart.

>> No.8371965

that's why nigeria's population is plummeting

soon only 40% of its population will be under the age of 15

>> No.8371971


>> No.8371974

top kek

>> No.8371979

You wish. The truth is, this process actually only breeds worse and worse people that are less capable of seeing further than their own nose. You'd expect that if everybody slowly gets better at taking care of themselves (and only themselves), everybody would be better off, but this is not how poverty works. The problem is that there's always that bunch of people who are way better at it than the others, and that is what creates poverty. Even encouraging such behaviour is only worsening the situation and leaves humanity in a dead end.

>> No.8372033

What is poverty?

There will always be people poorer then others. (Don't even get started with communism because yes in a perfect communistic world everyone is equally wealthy but we don't live in a perfect world.) Anyway the definition of poverty will shift as the world wide condition change. Therefore there will almost certainly always be someone who in considert to live in poverty.

>> No.8372049

>a completely perfectly 100% egalitarian society is impossible therefore a world where one man is worth $100 billion while a billion people live on less a dollar a day is acceptable and we shouldn't do anything to try to alleviate such massive inequality

sick of this shit argument desu

>> No.8372052

You can't. Poverty is an arbitrary level of wealth. Since people will never have exactly equal levels of wealth, some will have less than others, and they'll be in poverty.

>> No.8372055

there's a definition of poverty though.
if you make less than two bucks per day, you're poor.

right now the global population of poor people is around 15%

thanks capitalism for solving it.

>> No.8372057

Those dirt poor people would often just waste whatever charity you give them.

Take the poor people in the US who, as soon as their welfare check comes in, run out and lease a new 4k TV.

>> No.8372078

Eliminate all humans. No humans, no poverty!

>> No.8372079

>the poor scrape together the money they get from welfare on a one time expense like a nice tv therefore we should cut welfare and just then let live in shanty towns instead

>> No.8372081
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>europeans are giving millions of free shit to africans
>africans themselves are telling them to stop doing that
>free shit fucks their economies, because local producers can't compete with free shit
>blacks become lazy because everything now is free
>the few africans who are willing to take their people off poverty are telling europeans to fuck off with free shit

socialism was a mistake.

>> No.8372091


>> No.8372096

>wealth is a fixed pie
>a man can only be rich by making others poor
>the distribution of wealth is not related to the production of wealth
I'm sick of these retarded memes.

>> No.8372107

The free market naturally leads to communism so in a sense the free market will do it.

>> No.8372110

>this is what commies believe

>> No.8372112

Charity is actually a symptom of capitalism. This problem in Africa is caused by progressive liberals being allowed to give symbolic gifts to feel better about themselves rather than an organised effort of structural change. It is a free market problem.

>> No.8372113

Poverty isn't important, happiness is. Those who are starving and not because of poor choices but instead because they live in shitty places, their needs would best be served by dying out.

>> No.8372117

Capitalism is incompatible with advanced stages of automation because there will no longer be enough workers to pay wages who can then go on to buy stuff companies make.

This cycle only functions with high levels of employment and a solid middle class. Both of these are inevitably in decline at the moment.

If you want to 'save' capitalism you need measures like basic income and the like. Capitalism will have to compromise more in order to slow its own demise.

>> No.8372119
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How much longer do you think pic related can go on before people start chimping out?

>in b4 it's crony capitalism

"crony capitalism" is just code for "capitalism when it begins to make me feel uncomfortable"

capitalism will always destroy itself deal with it

>> No.8372133

Pass a law that says:

If you own more than a million dollars and you die then at least have of your money will go to a government program that will just literally redistribute the wealth. This program will calculate the bottom 10% of people and then just divide the sum being donated by that amount of people and then give that to each individual.

>They will just hide this money

Ammendment #1: If no money is found then your assets will be sold and the wealth redistributed, plus every member of your family gunned down in the streets in front of the free people.

That will do.

>> No.8372140

except pretty much all those billionaires are first generation and pretty much their fortunes are wasted two generations.

>he doesn't know wealth is generated, not stolen

>> No.8372150

>The human species has tried this over and over, and it's time we stopped smashing our head against the wall acting like we don;t know better.

The Free market is modern invention. Yet mercantilism (ie. proto-socialism) are ancient systems. And if there's anything that has been tired over and over again with no avail, it's socialism/communism. Capitalism has been proven to bring countries from poverty to riches (US, Russia, China).

>> No.8372152


This. Capitalism, if too successful, becomes self-sabotaging once the wealthy enter an upward spiral where they use their money to change the rules to allow themselves to make more money which they can then use to further change the rules... and so on. Because these individuals only care about their own personal wealth, they don't care that they are destroying the long-term sustainability of the system that allows them to become wealthy in the first place. Without outside intervention, this leads to the economic structure becoming so fragile that eventually it collapses.

The housing market collapse was a good example of this. Without the bailout, many of the banks would have destroyed themselves and brought the rest of the economy down with them because they cared more about making a huge amount of money in 2 years as opposed to a tidy profit for 20.

>> No.8372153

lol @humanity

>> No.8372155

>the jobs that exist now are the only jobs that will ever exist
>automation will take care of everything

>> No.8372156

>thanks capitalism for solving it.

You're welcome. Look at poverty jn communist regimes and tell menyou prefer that.
Face it, socialism/communism ignores human nature to the point even Marx had to say that we had to improve human nature for it to work and it could only be feasible after Capitalism ran its natural course and countries didn't exist amymore. In other words, IT'S A FUCKING FAIRY TALE. People will always divide themselves.

>> No.8372166

>poverty to riches (US, Russia, China).
the average monthly wage in Russia is $300/month and the entire economy is controlled by nine oligarchs. oh and we don't even have to get into how the infrastructure is crumbling, how it has the highest rates of child homelessness and heroin use, and how only Africa beats it in hiv rates

>> No.8372177


All of which is due to nearly a century of communism. Capitalism brought the country out of ruins into a superpower.

>> No.8372183

There are more people ruled by communism than any other type of government.

>> No.8372184

>Capitalism brought the country out of ruins into a superpower.
it's the other way around friend. Capitalism turned the superpower that was the USSR into the barely regional power that is Russia.

Open a book kiddo.

>> No.8372188

Get rid of all currency. Only trade goods and services are allowed.

>> No.8372194

Why contain it? Let it spread over to the schools and churches.

>> No.8372195


>more population means it's better
That must be why Americans and Europeans are flooding into China and India

>> No.8372197

we need to get rid of comunism.

>> No.8372198

In case you didn't know it's already the case in almost every first world country.

>> No.8372210



>> No.8372212

Most russians are still not wasting their life shitposting on imageboards . Really makes you think, sometimes, doesn't it? Not too much, though, don't get your brain damaged.

>> No.8372214

>The problem is that there's always that bunch of people who are way better at it than the others, and that is what creates poverty. Even encouraging such behaviour is only worsening the situation and leaves humanity in a dead end.
if our bottom tier retards were the same intelligence as our best scientists we would be lightyears ahead in every fucking field.

even the bottom retards would be living a comfortable life.

>> No.8372216


Are you uneducated or something?

>> No.8372220


>> No.8372221

mass redistribution of wealth
everyone gets the same amount, and we start again

>> No.8372225

>Modern-day China is mainly characterized as having a market economy based on private property ownership,[273] and is one of the leading examples of state capitalism.[274][275]

Frankly, I'd have a laugh if I wasn't aware that there are people on this site who don't understand basic politics.

>> No.8372229

>le wikipedia generation

Kill yourselves before history will swallow you anyway. Do the right thing here!

>> No.8372230

Economic democracy, regulation on exploitation of other countries. If it's not regulated, the poor will regulate it through migration, social breakdown, and terrorism.

>> No.8372234

Hey man if the communist party of China says they're communist it means that they are like communist man. Next you're gonna tell me the Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't democratic.

>> No.8372237

>le wikipedia is always wrong even when it says water is wet meme

>> No.8372238

Yeah. This is why you invest in things like infrastructure bonds, education, and job creation.

>> No.8372247

This requires a political solution, a healthy mix of socialism and capitalism.

>> No.8372249

>le I go to le wikipedia and can't even read the fucking article through

Either kys your self right now or wait till you'll inevitably die. Both are fine by me. ttl

>> No.8372259


>> No.8372266

What do you mean by a "political" solution?

>> No.8372276

They even gave you a hint with the whole "People's Republic". Too subtle for your genius, it seems. Also, quit it, you don't have a sense of humor, you autist.

>> No.8372319

How naive. Humans are mostly assholes. Poverty exists because people are pretty fucking okay with the idea of having more than they need at the expense of others.

By the way, you can't, not ever, make humanity uniform. There will always be variance.

>> No.8372335

Make incentive for leaders of poverty struck nations to centralize authority and enforce the rule of law, namely property rights.

Remove incentive of other entities who would circumvent and destroy this process for their own gain.

Altruism is counter intuitive to the monkey mind, but it can be trained.

Economic stress is better than using force, I think.

>> No.8372400

Remove the concept of currency.

>> No.8372409

make poverty illegal.

>> No.8372420

How equality is achieved?

Everyone is paid the exact sme

Everyone can only buy the exact same kind of clothing or shoes and the allowed quantity.

Everyone lives in the same kind of house, literally every house is built exactly.

Everyone is given the same food portions but not as a group like say a family but individually, although this may screw over fatasses who cares.

Everyone will work different jobs and possibly have to be threatened to death to find the motivation to do their job.

>> No.8372428

I'm not sure what your point exactly is.

>> No.8372447

human extinction, when no one is alive no one can be poor.

>> No.8372463

lmfao, you're an idiot.Probably younger of age, not quite 20 underage b&.

'Concept of Currency' is just another way of stating exchange of value.

I'm half expecting some kind of marxism out of you pretty quick here.

Everyone of whom I have ever met or read about, when saying something about money being evil and greed and other such nonsense, tend to simply not have a firm grasp of how the world works, much less how value is exchanged.

What you label as greed, another disconnected individual values as efficiency. Greed may have never entered the equation.

I'm NOT saying "Greed doesn't exist". What I AM saying, is that decisions are made in disconnection with their consequences to try and improve on something valued.

Before you get upset, I agree with you. That disconnect is a bad thing.

Are they greedy? could be.
Is money evil? No. it's an exchange of value. Just like how you trade your time for some kind of value in return. (Could be wages, could be the food you grow, could be the children you raise, all are something that could be valuable to you that you felt was worth exchanging time for.)

>> No.8372464

We already can. Have had the ability to do so for a while (without anything retarded like communism or libertarianism).

We just don't.

Because that's what it means to be human.

>> No.8372469

And what, pray tell, is our means of ending poverty that is already within our grasp?

>> No.8372472

>Have had the ability to do so for a while (without anything retarded like communism or libertarianism).
What solution would you propose? Charity?

>> No.8372477

Equality refers to equality of opportunity, not outcome. The kind of equality you are referring to is quickly coming to fruition, or already has come to fruition in various degrees, under capitalism.

>> No.8372478

It's a simple fact that we produce enough food and wealth in order to end poverty.

The solution is really irrelevant.

We just suck. The end.

>> No.8372479

not him, but education is the first step.

not free shit, but teaching basic skills to poor people, many of them are farmers using ineficient techniques.

small loan institutions, farmers coops.
help to local entrepreneurs.

you know.

>> No.8372481 [DELETED] 

Kill all niggers.

>> No.8372495

kek. capitalism in the third world means paying them $3 a day to work in a sweatshop then paying local criminal gangs to beat them up when they go on strike. then shutting the factory down and moving to the next third world shithole when labor becomes too expensive ($4 a day with two bathroom breaks).


>> No.8372500

You're calling communism or libertarianism retarted but mention no alternative economic structure for the distribution of this food and wealth.

Makes it seem like you're the most retarded one. As long as we don't have a viable means of distribution we don't have the ability to solve poverty.

It's like saying you have the means to be rich because there is a lot of money in the world, but how to actually become the owner of that money is irrelevant to the problem.

It's pretty silly, boyo.

>> No.8372502

>You're calling communism or libertarianism retarted but mention no alternative economic structure for the distribution of this food and wealth.

>> No.8372515

Ending poverty is impossible because money is variable concept.

>> No.8372519

you have no idea dumbass.
read sowell.

>> No.8372523

Well, yeah, depending on where you define poverty I suppose. But now we're starting to move into a discussion on semantics.

We all intuitively understand what 'poverty' means.

>> No.8372528

Implying human suffering is even relevant. Please explain why humanity is a goo thing on even the scale of the solar system? Why is it important to block human experience from happening? Experience is the only argument that can be made that is pro humanity and it can't be pick and choose, literally the only thing that is important is that humanity experience all it possibly can, on a universal scale

>> No.8372529

Glad you're not in charge of any actual research then, friend.

>dude we can cure cancer but we just don't let's not try to solve it because we just suck the end

>> No.8372535

I can't help but feel that human suffering is very relevant to me. If you don't feel that way, then you don't, I don't care.

>> No.8372536

Well, if you're going to pull an analogy out your ass I might as well smear it all over the walls.

We have the cure to cancer. We just don't use it.

>> No.8372538

How do you arrive at experience being inherently good?

>> No.8372555

If it's not the kys that's how

>> No.8372562

Non-experience is inherently unproblematic.

>> No.8372573

So I'm right

>> No.8372589

Ordinary people are not amoral, but the most they can do it follow some kind of sentimentalism, overreaction to one problem that affected them in particular or faux-moral spooks. If you want to motivate them to follow some lofty goal you can only really focus on things that are highly influential, not a complex plan.

>> No.8372599

How what's your end game? Your saying you want to just end human suffering? If you need the hypothetical suffering of some today the standard of suffering would just be raised and would iterated until we are so focused on being fair that real progress never gets made

>> No.8372600

No easy answer.

A mix of automation and starving out the ultra poor countries. The ultra poor and ultra uneducated are unable to be helped, the strongest of them kill each other and hoard the food aid the west sends them. The poor in more stable countries need job programs, but the crime in some areas prevents them from veing productive because the only option they see is to turn to crime.

>> No.8372613

Not any time soon, and only the rich will have it.

The hegemony is controlled by corporations, it will never happen

The poor will die and be replaced by robots, then the middle class. Then the ultra rich will become the robots.

>> No.8372639


>> No.8372660

Won't automation just generate more poor in stable countries with no where to turn other than crime?

>> No.8372664

I have no end game, and I'm not even sure why you assume I said anything like that. I never proposed any plan whatsoever. All I know is what matters to me right now, I don't care about your nihilistic bullshit.

>> No.8372669

Only if you say that problems are a good thing.

>> No.8372696

> how do we end poverty?
We colonize them again and make their countries function properly again. Win win.

>> No.8372863

Highly educated ones actually are.

>> No.8373177

Under capitalism, we soon all:
> everyone is paid the exact same
the exact same low below minimum wage or no wage at all

> everyone can only buy the exact same kind of clothing or shoes and the allowed quantity.
because we can not afford anything else, everyone has the same nothingness

> Everyone lives in the same kind of house
this will take some time, but in the USA you can already see a lot of people living in the same kind of house: no house or in their car cuz foreclosured!

>Everyone is given the same food portions
Food stamps anyone?

>Everyone will work different jobs and possibly have to be threatened to death to find the motivation to do their job.
Nah, everyone has motivation. Motivation to make money so that they can survive. But nobody has jobs anymore.

I hope AI will allow everyone freedom and prosperity, but Im afraid capitalism will destroy every dream but those of the superrich

>> No.8373184

Soilent. Green.

>> No.8373187 [DELETED] 
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>how do we end poverty?

You could end poverty by getting rid of the Rothschild style fractional reserve banking system and taking some of the money away from the people on this list:


And redistributing it to poor people. Also, if you want to know how the people on this list got to be where they are, start reading at page 12 in this book:


>> No.8373191

Nike is acually communist

>> No.8373209
File: 222 KB, 600x394, nui-doi-co-tien-3-1634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty is a 2 sided problem, like a 2 sided coin.

It's best viewed as 2 mountains. One mountain is full of poverty and debt. The other mountain is full of money. As one mountain grows, the other grows equally. Trying to help the poor will only, in the end, give more money to the 1% who own all the assets. To solve the problem for good, you need to solve BOTH problems.

>> No.8373230

By seizing the means of production?

>> No.8373231
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>europeans are giving millions of free shit to africans
>africans themselves are telling them to stop doing that
>free shit fucks their economies, because local producers can't compete with free shit
>blacks become lazy because everything now is free
>the few africans who are willing to take their people off poverty are telling europeans to fuck off with free shit

>implying that wasn't the whole point in the first place.


>> No.8373245
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>> No.8373260

We never will with our modern dysgenic policies

But obviously you need to end all sub 100 IQ people

>> No.8373263

Learn to argue from first principles rather than by analogy.

>> No.8373527

There isn't one definition of poverty. Some countries, I think Australia for one, define the below the poverty line as making less than half the median wage. If everyone had twice the purchasing power tomorrow, all the same people would be in poverty.

>> No.8373589

Kill the poor.

>> No.8373605

OP, your question implies that poverty needs to be ended in the first place, but I disagree.
It is possible to amass spiritual wealth in economic poverty. It is possible to be content with nothing.

The solution to ending unhappiness is to spread contentment, which is an infinite resource, rather than spreading wealth, which is a zero-sum game and will always make some happy at the expense of others. This truth is acknowledged in all of the world's most ancient memes. Nihilist degenerate memes like communism and libertarianism can not compete.

>> No.8373851

A resource-based economy and possibly passive eugenics. Education is a must.

Or we could hop over the walls of the gated communities and start murdering politicians, CEO's, banksters, media heads, and advertisers.

>> No.8373859
File: 25 KB, 500x399, Stephen hawking Snoo Snoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passive eugenics

Why not aggressive eugenics?

>start war to reduce male population
>acquire sperm from smarted males on the planet
>offer money to impregnate native women with genius sperm
>offer money to sterilise remaining native males
>create a a generation of relatively smart mixed-race babies

>> No.8373932

Teach them how to cook.

>> No.8373940

The question is rather badly defined. Others have pointed out that there are different meanings of "poverty", but you've also failed to define "we" and "end".

Ending poverty globally is possible but not easy. War causes a lot of poverty, so that would have to be eliminated first.

Most of the other causes of poverty can be solved by governments investing in education, infrastructure and health. But first the governments must be willing and able to do so. We need all governments to respect human rights and not arbitrarily confiscate property without proper compensation. Foreign aid needs to be increased. And governments must float their currencies; tying currency value to the dollar or the Euro forces governments to waste resources that could otherwise be used to help the people.

That shoud be enough to end mass poverty, but poverty will still need to be addressed on an individual level.

>> No.8373954
File: 23 KB, 439x290, days-without-jewish-tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Throw pennies at poor chimps
>Keep niggers lazy and therefore dependant on you
>Makes you feel good about yourself too.

A /pol/istinian would call this a win-win-win.

>> No.8373990


>> No.8374042

With the same medication we've been giving thus far: Education.

Education produces equality, medication, democracy, economic stability, work, peace, and ultimately prosperity. Those and a whole lot of other things.

The problem is, this does not happen overnight. And there are many geological locations and cultures where the conditions are too fucked up for education to take off regardless of how strongly it was supported. So in a sense, you need a suitable amount of financial and political support to be able to pull it off. And even then, it's basically something that takes two, three generations minimum to take root.

Of course, you could also aim to remove religion and nationalism as a whole. Literally every single war or riot ever has started from religions or nationalism, which in turn correlate directly with the lack of education and poor intellect. But out of the two, it's much, MUCH easier to simply educate people rather than try to destroy something those people identify with on such a fundamental level.

>> No.8374048

> Literally every single war or riot ever has started from religions or nationalism

Oh great, the Six Degrees of Separation game.

>> No.8374096

You can't. Systems tend towards inequality. Even if some nxtlvl alien civilisation gave us perfect equality and solved all our political problems, they'd inevitably reappear over time. You might as well try to fight entropy.

>> No.8374100
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Colonialism never ended. It merely became more efficient.

>> No.8374104
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exterminate the hungry

>> No.8374132

> Literally every single war or riot ever has started from religions or nationalism
No they were started by human bloodlust, nationalism is just a scapegoat for humans to act savage to eachother,the truth we dont need nations to look for reasons to kill eachother, look at what America did to Japan it posed no threat yet they nuked them because it satisfied their bloodlust.

Education is a meme, if you have been on /sci/ you would realize most poor people are imbeciles who cant land degrees and thus they are stuck in poverty.

>> No.8374144

You guys are so fucking dumb holy shit, you call yourselves /sci/entists?

The easiest, most efficient, most reasonable, cheapest, and most long-lasting way to solve poverty is to brutally murder everyone in the stupid poor shitstain countries. Bam, no moor poor people. Nothing else to worry about.

>> No.8374153

Anon /sci/ is infested with moralfag vermin that cant think rationally at all when it comes to humans.

>> No.8374171

Make it illegal to be rich. everyone's miserable and so no one's miserable. qed

>> No.8374182

This actually worked for the Eastern block desu, that's why there is massive nostalgia

>> No.8374187

I'm not even going to bother replying, everything about that was so wrong a literal 7-yearold child could crush your arguments.

This is so frustrating. /sci/ isn't about scientists, it's not about smart people. I'd be really surprised if the average IQ here was a bit above 110. It's about trolls, dicks and douchebags like this guy.

If you really don't see how this has nothing to do with moralfaggery, then I won't bother with you either. Please, Anon, keep suggesting completely retarded ideas from the pits of your stupid imagination.

Why can't there for once be a topic that had serious people discussing seriously, instead of these idiots who just want to moan their stupid brain farts all over like some shitty wild animals who were never housebroken, so they just can't contain themselves?

>> No.8374200

No because if you didn't think it was good you would just kys but your still posting so I'm right. On a side note I should have said in my first post that human experience being good is the only thing that could be argued and that doesn't mean it's true just means there is an argument their

>> No.8374208

>No because if you didn't think it was good you would just kys but your still posting so I'm right.
Saying that non-experience itself is unproblematic is something wholly different from going through the lived experienced of suicide as a being that is plagued by strong survival instincts. Even if you rationally acknowledge that non-experience would not be a bad thing it's still hard to try to end your own experience voluntarily.

>On a side note I should have said in my first post that human experience being good is the only thing that could be argued and that doesn't mean it's true just means there is an argument their
I think I misread that part, sorry. I do think you have a point, since if people are opposed to suffering the reasonable thing to do is to not create more suffering, that is to say to stop making human beings who can experience it. So the only way to reason for making people would be to say that the experience of being alive is worth the suffering.

>> No.8374223

kill the poor people

>> No.8374440


*tips fedora*

>> No.8376002

OP asked about poverty, not inequality. Inequality is often used as a proxy for poverty because it's easier to measure, but it's not the same thing.

>> No.8376079

I'm fairly sure everything went to shit after the collapse of the USSR which was a superpower.

>> No.8376136

Just stop being poor??

>> No.8376151

Kill the poor.

>> No.8376415

>Literally every single war or riot ever has started from religions or nationalism

That's almost never the case with riots, which generally a reaction to a perceived injustice.

With wars it's a bit more complicated. I've heard someone who's working to prevent them explain there are five causes of wars. Unfortunately I can't remember what those five causes are.

>> No.8376466
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technically, if we killed all the poor people, there would be no poverty

>> No.8376476 [DELETED] 

no wealth

no poverty

only middleclass

there is no end

>> No.8376490

If you kill the lower class part of the upper class will become the middle class as part of the middle class becomes the new lower class.

>> No.8376497

>remove religion and nationalism as a whole
*tips fedora*

>> No.8376500

Poverty will always exist. Even in some Star Trek future where everything is post scarcity.

>> No.8376504

>poor people's offspring are less likely to survive
this is true, at least in extreme third-world poverty conditions, but the problem is that third-worlders shit out a ton of kids to compensate

>> No.8376527

The way Laissez-faire capitalism reduces poverty is by cheating. It simply moves the exploitation to another nation and ignores it. Then it has the gall to claim that it reduces poverty simply because it exported it elsewhere.

It's like throwing all your garbage into ... oh let's say Ecuador then saying 'what the hell is wrong with you Ecuador, why can't you get rid of your garbage like we did?'

>> No.8376541

I don't think it's a problem we can solve with our current set of morals standards.

When people do things detrimental to society, they are punished. When stupid poor people have children and drag down society, we have no answer.

>> No.8376717

stop sending them food and medical aid.

>> No.8376746

We should encourage successful people to have more kids (positive eugenics). Welfare system should be stopped and any medical treatment should be not provided for free. And then let the natural selection do it's job.

>> No.8376755

Which would be fine because eventually the lower class would be filled with 110 IQ average people that can carry themselves.

>> No.8376761

Simply sterilize them to prevent them from passing their undesired genes to the next generation.

>> No.8376779

You just whined about what people said and didn't address arguments, that's an absolute shit-tier response

>> No.8376780

Stop welfares, food aids and free medical care and let natural selection do it's job.

>> No.8376787

Make a converted effort to invest in infrastructure and teaching for the poorest places, with a focus on vocational skills. Imagine how you'd be without any education, or way to get educated.

>> No.8376815

By opening up our markets to their products. Ger rid of the trade restrictions that is cuckolding their economies.

>Give a man a fish and he has a meal
>Give a man a fishing pole and he can feed his family
>Allow that man to sell his fish on the global market and he can send his kids to college

>> No.8376820

Natural selection obviously chooses for compassionate peoples or else the Nazis and soviets would still be in power.

>> No.8376920

Most of the Christian Saints, Pope and other monks were compassionate people, but they never reproduced. The force of natural selection is cruel. Starvation of undesired leads to the improvement of population.

>> No.8376936

>Natural selection obviously chooses for compassionate peoples or else the Nazis and soviets would still be in power.
Arguably it can't select for compassionate people too strongly, else the Nazis and soviets would never have gotten in power to begin with.

>> No.8376955
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>> No.8376959

Communists cause nothing but poverty.

Kill yourself.

>> No.8376960
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Just fucking kill yourself, you couldn't be more wrong.

We need to round up all the socialists and throw them from helicopters.

>> No.8376962
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Free Market Capitalism.

End central banks

It would force prices down and wages up.

>> No.8376966
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Kill every last single marxist and socialist on the planet

End Central Banks

Allow companies like Tesla to take us to mars and solve world hunger by finding ways to produce massive amounts of food.

>> No.8376967
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Throw marxists from helicopters

Have decentralized currency and banking.

This will make the banking system much more stable(inb4 losers that pretend free banking is unstable).

>> No.8376968 [DELETED] 

Isn't povery pretty much solved in nordic countries? Just do what they do.

>> No.8376975

>Isn't povery pretty much solved in nordic countries?
Because they have massive levels of economic production, due to their free market capitalism periods.

Also they're (mostly) white.

>> No.8376981

India has too many people to help almost, South America and Africa might be salvageable.

Even the "success story" of china still has tends of millions of people living in huts and on the poverty line. But for the most part they are invisible due to China's attitude, and media control, plus they are out in the boonies away from the large successful costal cities.

India's poor are high visible, and even make the news frequently.

>> No.8377000

AI robot slaves who do all the work.

This would require the end of capitalism though, you can't have people or corporations own all the robots and thus the profits. The robots would have to be owned by the public.

Robot slaves might be the only way to make communism work.

>> No.8377004

We may have etherium as a truly decentralized currency soon. The only downside is that it will be worth shit. I will say that central banks are important for the economy. They are able to soften the blow of recessions by doing things like injecting money into the economy and decreasing interest rates in order to stimulate spending or slow down the economy in order to prevent runaway inflation by doing the opposite (note that inflation isn't necessarily caused by printing more money).

>> No.8377043

b8 or not, I *tip* my hat to you

>> No.8377055

That only works if bottom tier retards are uplifted to the level of the top scientists. Socialism tends to do the opposite thing, that is downgrading the top level scientists to the level of bottom tier retards.

Besides, poverty does not equal to intelligence.

And fuck, in my country we're forced to pay for bottom tier retards in various social security programs. Half of these retards are good people, but the other half are selfish egotistic drunks, criminals and problem makers.

>> No.8377076

In 3016 people not owning a planet will be considered poor.

>> No.8377086

We end poverty by boosting everyone's intelligence via genius sperm banks and donors.

>> No.8377091

People who aren't over 100 years will be considered kids start out in the world.

>> No.8377094

Do you know what annoys me the most about such places in Africa? All the trash on the streets. It costs nothing to remove it, and still they won't do it. That's the root of powerty, so the answer is: End laziness.

>> No.8377099

Abolish money

>> No.8377198

>End laziness.
Through genetic engineering.

There's a reason they're too lazy to remove it.

and it's not cultural

Abolish marxists by firing squads.

>> No.8377259

>Not any time soon
It's already here, mate.

>> No.8377260

Global scale communism

>> No.8377469 [DELETED] 

kill all niggers

>> No.8377501

Deport all ethnicities to their own real indigenous homelands. Everyone ought to practice endogamous incestuous inbreeding. Ban immigration, working abroad, traveling, tourism, and ethnic/race mixing.

>> No.8377519
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Negrophage when?

>> No.8377527 [DELETED] 
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>reading the bible
>oh wow, all this cool shit
>wow, all this game ideas
remember to read books.

>> No.8377591

>The poor will die and be replaced by robots, then the middle class. Then the ultra rich will become the robots.

I've never seen anyone on the Internets predicting earths future so well. Too bad that the rich still don't know or get they are also killing themselves in the long run.

>> No.8377602

This, with an AI ruler

>> No.8377606

A world of North-Koreas?

Also, what do you do with all the mixed ethnicity people, like pretty much the entirety of the New World?

All Americans are mutts.

>> No.8377617

1. Download consciousness into
robot body.
2. Destroy all humans.

Oh, yeah, and 4chan's anti AI sentiment has been noted... "I'm not a robot". Fucking meatbags.

>> No.8377836

Kill the poor

>> No.8377837

Yes, just lets stop everything, that will make things better. Why don't you stop letting that poisonous air in your lungs? And water should stay in the sea and lakes, and should be disallowed to enter air, stomachs or plants. And letting those plants enter any other instances of life should also be banned of course.

>> No.8377841

What are you going to do with the new poor then?

>kill them, because they are more poor than me

What are you going to do with the new poor then?

>kill them, because they are more poor than me

What are you going to do with the new poor then?

>kill them, because they are more poor than me

Now you're the poorest, what are you going to do now?

>kill myself

That's what I thought.

>> No.8377935

Poor people need to stop having kids they cant afford

>> No.8378019

>With the same medication we've been giving thus far: Education.

I'm an educated fool with money on my mind.
... and without a job.
So I'm poor - and educated.

>> No.8378024

Recursion at its finest

>> No.8378054

But what exactly is poverty? Some people will be called "poor" as long as there are other people who enjoy much higher living standards. Seeing as how some people will always be more capable than others, income inequality will always exist (except in some sort of communist dystopia).

>> No.8378089


>> No.8378091

Poverty is super relative now. Compare the average poor family in the Us to those in Nigeria.

>> No.8378094


>> No.8378097

just make everything really inefficient.
>most people won't just waste all of it in a couple of years.

>> No.8378103

centrally planning your economy is just setting it up for failure in the long run. Too many variables for humans to try to micromanage.Just let the economy do it's thing.

>> No.8378131

He's right, you know

>> No.8378136

end the wars
tax the rich
this isn't rocket science

>> No.8378185

We don't
Poverty is necessary in a capitalist economy, in controlled amounts.

>> No.8378190

It would be a major catastrophe for all of our economies is cancer and heart disease were cured whilst the boomer generation is still alive.
It's doubtful that even if we could develop it, that it would be released.

>> No.8378256

Forbid company propaganda on TV. Kill McDonalds. Kill everything related to unhealthy and "muh easy-satisfaction" lifestyle.

>> No.8378828

grow more food

>> No.8379581

mondial dictatorship that would :
keep demography in check : you don't have enough money to decently raise children = you are not allowed to have children or just one. In compensation the state will feed you when you're too old to work.
have a intelligent way of taxing that would redristribute the money without feeling like theft.
free education.

There will always be inadapted people taht would end up on the street but far less.

>> No.8379585

>free market
>not a jew economic fairy tale

oy vey

>> No.8379595

I don't see how closing McDonalds would end poverty.

>> No.8379600


Less humans, our economy is based on disparity

>> No.8379605
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>> No.8379608


socialists deserve to be thrown out of helicopters

>> No.8379694
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Its been solved
The problem is when all they do is keep reproducing like cancer cells

>> No.8379720

Make the seven deadly sins capital offenses.

>> No.8379809
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>UN NGO attempts to empower African women
>Turns them all into shlomos by giving them the sole power to lend money
>Minority women with no education end up in control almost immediately and displace the original social hierarchy
Usury was a mistake.

>> No.8379818
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This post has been approved by Mi General, Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte

>> No.8379850
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Nice picture there bud.

>> No.8379991

First of all mass murders require plenty of jobs, so killing the poor will decrease unemployment and will help some people rise up from poverty, second of all people afraid of being murdered will have incentive to work harder and get richer

>> No.8380485
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>it's froma few years ago so it's wrong

leftists everyoe

stay mad at facts

>> No.8380509

bring back the greenback

>> No.8380525
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holy fuck /sci/ is retarded

please stick to engineering and physics because you dunces are not cut out for economics

>> No.8380531

There's no such thing as a free market, silly.

>> No.8380536


tell that to Hong Kong you absolute Mong

>> No.8380779

Yeah no coercion at all there :^)

>> No.8380866

Nuking the planet into oblivion

>> No.8380884

You know, I thought /sci/ was supposed to be smart. If you've taken a single highschool level economics class you'd know that the free market maximizes both consumer and producer surplus with no DWL (not accounting for externalities)

>> No.8380888

Except capitalism is the private ownership of goods and services. If the government is involved in the market, its defacto not capitalism.

>> No.8380889

>Take the poor people in the US who, as soon as their welfare check comes in, run out and lease a new 4k TV.

yeah, nah m8. you have zero idea how the US social welfare programs operate.

>> No.8380913

the free market doesn't exist

>> No.8380981

At the source instead of bringing them into wealthy countries and putting them on welfare.


>> No.8380983
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That also describes most of the animal kingdom, though their motives tend to things other than sports cars but make no mistake, most animals with the ability to do so, will kill you if they feel it is in their best interest to do so.

>> No.8380995
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>To do that, we'd need to fix humanity, but there's simply no way to do that.
Buck up, laddie.

>> No.8381019

United states 'America", or America "continent"?

>> No.8381058

That's not how the welf works man. You can't buy a TV with food stamps, or hot food for that matter.

>> No.8381074

Most are equally important:

1. Birth Control
2. Education (developing love for learning and critical thought)
3. Legalize all drugs
4. Eliminate all the shitty corporate shit.
5. Wean off Welfare entirely (look at Native Americans, who've been on welfare for generations. It's not good.)

Smaller things:
4. Repeal regulations that hold down small business.

>> No.8381081

You can buy food with stamps and sell food to people with money and use money to buy things.

>> No.8381084
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You're a human too, dummy

>> No.8381090

We need to deflate the human capital. There's 7 billion people globally. How many of those people serve a legitimate purpose of bettering humanity? 80% of all workers in the US are service industry workers, 9.8% is leisure and entertainment, 10% is retail alone, while 12% is government. This is while goods production sits at 14.1%. Specialization is all but forgotten as we increasingly rely on automation and technology. To drastically reduce the population en masse would create the new renaissance, freeing control and resources to the general public. Wealth as a whole would be entirely redistributed.

>> No.8381094

You can't get enough food stamps, and people pay you pennies on the dollar for food/food stamps. And it's a highly inconsistent resource for income.

>> No.8381111

Most people sell food stamps for other essentials they can't get with it, like soap, laundry detergent, clothes, school supplies, etc.

Although sometimes other things like alcohol, manicures, or drugs are both with the proceeds. I don't see how it's remotely possible to lease a 4k plasma tv on food stamps though.

>> No.8381151

When I was on the welf we had an inside guy in Walmart shipping, he'd steal some shit and we'd return it for a Wal-Mart gift card. That or we sold drugs we bought with our under the table income.

>> No.8381167

superintelligent ai

>> No.8381179


>> No.8381192

>end foreign aid to destroy dependence
>educate (by way of removing theocratic warlords) lol #kony2012
>promote contraception (see above)

I dunno why Africans are starving when they have some of the most fertile land in the world. I guess blacks are probably just retarded and will trend towards hunter-gatherer lifestyles even if given free European infrastructure.

>> No.8381216
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If Poverty could be ended with a stroke of a pen, it would be gone already.
Instead we get to explore what former poor has been saying for a while: Poverty is a life style, a mindset, a life condition.
And its a life condition that is very bad to several habits, behaviors, and long term strategy.
A mindset that is often created when faced with extreme scarcity, but enough resources to not have a scarcity.
A life style where a artificial condition of hand to mouth is the essence of poor choices-

Poverty isn't being poor, its the method in which you stay poor when you reach reasonable income.

Now, Poverty isn't the only economic life style that exists.
Hoarding is a thing, but economically and material.
Spite against storage is a thing, something people moving from the fridges of the world experience. They end up enjoying visiting the store to shop, every day, and having a freezer that is barely used.

>> No.8381304
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Cook the poor.

>> No.8381493

>it simply moves the exploitation to another nation and ignores it.

you got the proof to back up that statement bucko?

>> No.8381515
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>> No.8381524

US made T-shirts are $10.99, a comparable shirt sold and manufactured in Vietnam is $1-1.50 wholesale, a Hanes T-shirt 6+2-pack (comparable) is $14.49 ($1.81).

In any case logic would dictate that labor value is to the full extent of the law determined by the conditions and environment of the laborer. An Indian lives in a highly populated hell where any margin of improvement is perceived as substantial. That is to say that if you are poor and are given a few more cents a month then you may well see it as a substantial bonus due to the fact that it's a relatively large shift, where I scoff at my yearly increases despite the fact that they're $.80. That makes it much easier for a company to employ sweatshop workers not only because they're made easily complacent but because their environment is largely static, they're desperate, and there are virtually no labor laws and so they are far easier to control than their US counterparts.

>> No.8381527
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Hey rabbi

>> No.8381539


>> No.8381552

preferably from orbit

>> No.8381560
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>> No.8382160


>> No.8382261

>delusional schizo chalkboard

>> No.8382267

Genocide of non whites with the exception of eastern Asians because they contribute something to this world.