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File: 191 KB, 1242x818, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8370389 No.8370389[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is college a meme?

>> No.8370404


You mean, "tuition farm".

>> No.8370413


Basically, Trump supporters are non-government conformists while Clinton supporters are government conformists. Seems correct.

>> No.8370430

I don't think these popularity numbers are real

>> No.8370766

This proves only whites/retards support that gringo trump baka

>> No.8371004


>> No.8371016

Yeah go and elect a corrupt war crimnal who is owned, and i mean owned, by rothschild
Have you not read the leaked emails?

>> No.8371080
File: 1.20 MB, 300x313, pepe11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't believe in the LA times?

>> No.8371239

Should I just drop out? I'm supposed to graduate in May but my job prospect are nill and I could make more money doing blue collar work than most people with my degree. Post-doc isn't likely and I am not competitive enough for medical school.

>> No.8371275

It's a paper owned by the jews, you tell me if its trustworthy huh

>The USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times "Daybreak" poll tracks about 3,000 eligible voters until election day, asking on a regular basis about their support for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or other candidates as well as their likelihood of actually casting a ballot.

obviously you should take this shit with a large grain of salt.

>> No.8371277

Why are you so obsessed with emails? Are you a nerd? fuck bro

>> No.8371280

You, goyim, I like you.

>> No.8371284

faggot suck my dick

>> No.8371287

How come your job prospects are nil? What did you major in exactly, most things can be salvageable.
I doubt they'll ever take major into account with these. Clinton would most likely have the vote of 99% of liberal arts, English and the other "not so practical" majors, which would certainly distort numbers of you were looking for the more usefully educated vote.

>> No.8371294

Yes goyim, Yes!
I see the urges of homosexuality are already strong with you.
You are the perfect specimen.

>> No.8371304
File: 26 KB, 462x387, 1383311863467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregard anything I want to because 'jews'
>expect people to accept anything I say as fact

>> No.8371315

Wow dude
What are you an sjw nu-male ctr shillary berniefag cuck

>> No.8371649

>How come your job prospects are nil? What did you major in exactly, most things can be salvageable.
Biochem. I don't want to do lab work

>> No.8371794

What are your chances to do theoretical biochemistry? If that does not suit your taste either, what kind of work were / are you thinking about doing as a biochemist, chances to get employed aside?

>> No.8372586

>What are your chances to do theoretical biochemistry? If that does not suit your taste either, what kind of work were / are you thinking about doing as a biochemist, chances to get employed aside?
Nah. Honestly, I'm getting the degree cause the material is interesting but I have little interest in doing actual biochemistry lab work/theory. I'm thinking about getting EMT A/B and paramedic certs after graduation. Maybe apply to medical school in a few years. I like getting my hands dirty.

>> No.8372593

You mean yes Goy. Goyim's plural, you stupid Goy.

>> No.8372682

i'dd rather be in the $35k and up group
than in the either less than $35K or over $75K group

>> No.8372697

That's a rather rare pepe specimen. Can I donwnload it?