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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 564x1234, fucking sean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8369277 No.8369277 [Reply] [Original]

Is this you, /sci/?

>> No.8369291

>there are people ON THIS BOARD who give their opinion about the interpretations of QM without even knowing how to calculate the fine structure of the hydrogen atom

>> No.8369305

honestly bro, youtube teaches u a lot of quantum physics

fluctuations in mass, quantum suicide, schrodingers cat, like wow

>> No.8369310

Haha good shit. I had a guy in my physics classes like this named Sean as well.

First day of Physics I the prof asks us what the difference between dimensions and units are. He's looking for something simple like "dimensions measure something physical and units are the numbers that can describe that measure".

Instead Sean sees this as his time to shine, not even 10 minutes into the first semester. His hand shoots up immediately and he starts spouting some popsci garbage he had heard from a youtube video.

>"The first dimension is a point"
>"The second dimension is a number line"
>"The third dimension is what we see"

He got to the seventh fucking dimension before the prof stopped him.

>> No.8369321

If he said the first dimension is a number line, he wouldn't be wrong. I think that's a pretty solid way to see [math]\mathbb{R}[/math] "geometrically".

>> No.8369324

I remember explaining that YouTube shit to 2 kids in highschool who went nuts over it and one of them started telling me he was a reincarnated alien

>> No.8369333

It sure is, but had nothing to do with the question asked.

>> No.8369336

>"What if the tenth dimension is heaven?"
Someone in my high school was telling me about one of those videos. He said, "what if, when we die, we just get reincarnated in the next dimension up until we get to the tenth, which is like heaven or something?"

I countered with, "what if we just go down a dimension until we blink out of existence"

We didn't talk again.

>> No.8369339

this is how I imagine 95% of the people who start 'free will' threads

>> No.8369362

nice meme

>> No.8369405

>He got to the seventh fucking dimension before the prof stopped him.
what are the 5th 6th and 7th dimensions then

>> No.8369515

4th is observers time up until present 5th is all possible outcomes of that observer, 6th is interactions between observers, 7th is awareness of the converging observers.

8th is controlling entire societies at once. 9th is entire ecosystems (multi species)

10th would be the first convergence with another universe.

>> No.8369517

Lol you should have started telling him how it's a DMT trip and if he can't learn how to lucid dream of day trip while he's alive he won't be able to conjure up a dream of an after life while he's dying

>> No.8369545

what the fuck am I reading

>> No.8369610

No idea what he was going on about at that point.

Sounded like what this guy said. >>8369515

>> No.8369714


>If aliens exist and grow to use sciences, assuming they were isolated from us, it goes without saying they'd have different mathematical techniques, analogues explanations and demands, especially if they had a different environment and to make matters even more complicated; different senses or 'cognitive abilities'.

The argument is sound because the counter argument. under the condition that isolated aliens exist and become intelligent, would be that their methods would be even remotely similar to ours.

Not sure how anyone can counter that, but it's a creative debate with a scientific scope, and science students are too busy learning what has been created for them, instead of creating reality for others.
Thank Tesla and Co!

>> No.8369882

"Observation" is definitely to QM what "imaginary number" is to math, far as public misperception and unfortunate naming

>> No.8369924

I never went full retard like people do on this board but I was guilty of taking analogies for things I didn't understand and try to extend them to come to new conclusions.

My physics teacher had a master's and my chem teacher had a phd. They just laughed at me and rightfully so.

My physics teacher died of a tumor, his adopted kid started a fire in school and burned down their house.
My uncle left his wife and married my teachers widow.

>> No.8369947
File: 80 KB, 640x539, 1473195186451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post op, I laughed.

>> No.8369961

Memes, ironic memes and post ironic memes respectively.

>> No.8370041

I skip all lectures.

>> No.8370044

goat comic, would bang/10.

>> No.8370244
File: 428 KB, 622x537, 1468757805881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im john nash

>> No.8370498

What about the other 5%?

>> No.8370547

I've seen the exact video he was referencing, I'm sure of it. I can only imagine the cringe

>> No.8370549
File: 60 KB, 500x495, 1457833951018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done.

>> No.8370554

abstruse goose plz come back

>> No.8370589

>implying natural arithmetic isn't natural

>> No.8370591

>it's an "anon who took a QM course completely underestimates the problem of measure" episode

>> No.8370595

so stem is for brainlets and philosophy is for the real thinkers? seems about right.

>> No.8370600

through QM, god is literally TELLING us we are the center, the heart of his creation. Yet we REFUSE to be blind to it. How can we be so willfully BLING to god's design??

>> No.8370606

I got mad bling. Woke.

>> No.8370619

based comic

>> No.8370626

I'm current taking a Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics course. The professor has spent more time discussing probability and linear algebra than any philosophy.

>> No.8370627

Physicists and (real*) philosophers consistently rank as the most intelligent among us.

*Philo 101 students not included

>> No.8370630
File: 16 KB, 480x360, WORLD SHAKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics

>> No.8370667
File: 162 KB, 750x818, Screen Shot 2016-09-25 at 5.55.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It satisfies a gen. ed. requirement and I've already taken actual QM , so why not?