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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 161 KB, 1024x768, images.duckduckgo.com(14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8366390 No.8366390 [Reply] [Original]

What are the thinking man's games?
Pic related is Spacechem by the way.

>> No.8366451

Bioshock Infinite

>> No.8366483


>> No.8366488

Khan academy

>> No.8366493 [DELETED] 


>> No.8366551


>> No.8366572

Reading books.

>> No.8366580

Anything that you can potentially create (logic) circuitry in. Or just plain stress relief games (ie:shoot em' up games) to de-stress from working all those equations.

>> No.8366628

I wish my parents would have bought me a couple books and a computer rather than a nintendo when I was 7.

>> No.8366633

chess and only chess

>> No.8366657

>>8366551 this

>> No.8366664

Super smash bros meele.

>> No.8366720 [DELETED] 

Anything by Zachtronics: TIS-100, Space Chem, SHENZEN I/O, Infinifactory, KOHCTPYKTOP
Garry's mod + Wiremod + E2/Starfall/Exp2Adv/gate nostalgia
Minecraft + Computronics + OpenComputers/ComputerCraft/NedoComputers
There are many others, but not as good as these.

>> No.8366724
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1072, TIS-100-nosound2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Zachtronics: TIS-100, Space Chem, SHENZEN I/O, Infinifactory, KOHCTPYKTOP
Garry's mod + Wiremod + E2/Starfall/Exp2Adv/gate nostalgia
Minecraft + Computronics + OpenComputers/ComputerCraft/NedoComputers
There are many others, but not as good as these.

>> No.8366741

Dis nigga gets it

>> No.8366979

Kohctpyktop is so fucking good.

>> No.8367152

im only interested in the massive multiplayer of factorio, is it worth buying for the online alone?
does it play more like infinifactory or RTS resource gathering?

>> No.8367165

- Cities: Skyline
- Europa Universalis IV
- Red Dead Redemption
- Absolutely anything by Wolfram Alpha
- Chess 3D
- Any chemical structure drawing software

>> No.8367168

Plays more like Infinifactory. The game is all about logistics.

>> No.8367169

Solving millenium prize problems

>> No.8367175


>> No.8367200

this is the complete and definitive list of all worthwhile video games.

also space station 13.

>> No.8367203

The Witness is pretty good

>> No.8367205

i just beat halo again
the first one

>> No.8367211


>> No.8367292

It is im my opinion, but you either need to play with your friends or /vg/ to fully experience it. It's like infinifactory but it's 2D and way way more complex and there is plenty of RTS elements in it. And there is lot's of mods that can extend gameplay to dozens of hours.

Well, SS13 doesn't require you to think, it's just a roleplay. Still, it's one of my favorite games ever.
But if you include SS13, you could also include all /egg/ games.
>Space Engineers
>From the Depths
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Scrap Mechanic
>Robot Arena 2
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival

>> No.8367414

Goat simulator

>> No.8367637

Myst and the like
Vanishing of Ethan Carter and the like
Any arty game that stimulates the mind and offers great music as well, games like ori and the blind forest.
These are for relaxation, however, like all videogames. They just offer relaxation while stimulating the mind.
All of the other suggestions in this thread are great, but I play games when i want to relax, these offer this.

>> No.8367678


>> No.8367699


>> No.8367701
File: 2.87 MB, 400x309, Kerbal Space Program.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What cardinal sin would I be committing for mentioning Kerbal Space Program?
Surely, it's simplified rocket science.

>> No.8367702

I destroy my brain playing LoL

>> No.8367780

>that webm
my sides

>> No.8367804

Videogames are a waste of time.
This anon is right, discussion of videogames belongs in /v/ or /vg/

>> No.8367902

Deus ex

>> No.8367912

i like ksp, not all the games in this thread are perfect simulators.

Orbiter or space engine also have pretty good sims built in

>> No.8367939

Talos Principle. Some puzzles are hard as nails but it is mostly the philosophy And senario

>> No.8367953

Shit is not easy

>> No.8367995


>> No.8368404

Ph.D in mathematics

>> No.8368553
File: 1.86 MB, 2112x4672, 1473647453091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ videogames

>> No.8368567

I thought there was something seriously wrong with me for taking 20-22 hours to finish it...

>> No.8368603
File: 206 KB, 1440x900, 4000_screenshots_2014-01-12_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Videogames are a waste of time.
Complete bullshit.
I learned programming from Garry's mod. And not just how to program, I learned fuckton of things, from designing processors and virtual machines to shaders and raytracers. Now I work practically as full stack developer, even thought it's my job and I have only one year of working experience. Nearly everything I know, except for programming languages themselves I learned from playing and modding games.
>This anon is right, discussion of videogames belongs in /v/ or /vg/
I've never said that.

>> No.8368618

top kek wtf

>> No.8368714

what the fuck

>> No.8369071

did he finish it
i need a download link

>> No.8369085

this fucking game

I bought it, started playing. Around 10 pm I figure "I'll just go to bed after I solve these logistical challenges". So I start working away, figuring out why the fuck shit isn't working, fixing inserters, etc. I figure it must be getting late, maybe 12 pm. So I look at the time. 4 am.

>> No.8369110

i was that kid
no sega or nintendo, but win3.11
games included math quest, eco quest, mavis beacon, castle and island of Dr Brain, chessica, plus others i cant remember

Dr Brain was pretty cool, my first exposure to programming robots through a maze

>> No.8369127

> castle
My man

>> No.8369150

Grand strategy games
Dwarf fortress

>> No.8369158


i know the guy who made this, and he works for a three letter agency.

>> No.8369181
File: 1.04 MB, 960x540, SpaceChem 2016-06-10 04-31-26-65.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my solution

This is literally the best I can come up with

>> No.8369207
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How is matlab a fucking video game

>> No.8369233
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> he doesnt do stuff on MATLAB for fun

>> No.8369239

go back to your hentai

>> No.8369635

Sure you do and sure he does.

>> No.8369643

I came here to post this.
you can find him on [math]\infty[/math]chan's agdg board

>> No.8369649

games in general

>> No.8369774

sierra discovery was the shit

>> No.8370553

What is the one game called where you can program your units and its kinda like an idle game?

>> No.8370567


I'm also in this thread now. Was actually coding the game this weekend (after not working much on it for a while). I overhauled some stuff in loliscript (a programming language I wrote for the game for scripting dialogue stuff with, kind of like a gimped interpreted c/lua but with more stuff designed for the dialogue system).

> 118 files changed, 2023 insertions(+), 2682 deletions(-)

Feels good, man. Deleting so much code while improving functionality.

Now I think I'm going to go back to working on the inventory/gift(or food) giving to lolis, and then I guess more on the digestion/nutrition system. Right now it's mostly the urine system that's implemented not so much the food one. (I do not plan on having scat though!)


I do? Since when?


No, I didn't finish it. There's an old (June 2015) download on 4+4chan's /agdg/.

>> No.8370575

What are some good programming-based games that aren't TIS-100? Doesn't have to be assembler.

>> No.8370577

you are the hero we need

>> No.8370629


I will vote to greenlight it on Steam.

Sure it won't work, but imagine the butthurt on Kotaku and the like if this gets enough traction.

>> No.8370635
File: 2 KB, 560x384, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human Resource Machine is good.
Most things by Zachtronics: Space Chem, Infinifactory, Codex of Alchemical Engineering, KOHCTPYKTOP, and SHENZEN I/O which is coming out soon.
There's a neat short game here https://alexnisnevich.github.io/untrusted/
There's an old DOS/Apple II game called Robot Odyssey (pic related) that's wonderful.
If you really want to get into things you can read up on strategy and take part in Brainfuck Joust competitions. http://esolangs.org/wiki/BF_Joust

>> No.8370636


It's a fairly basic imperative interpreted language. It supports loops, recursions, functions, binding values between loliscript and the native C++ application you're scripting with (and calling C++ functions from loliscript, or loliscript ones from C++). int/float/bool/string are the only types. I didn't really feel a need to have arrays or maps or first-class functions with what I was doing.


I don't plan on releasing this anywhere normalfaggy. The plan is to release it for free and anonymously, and possibly open sourced. I released the full source code with both of the 2 demos I put out (Jan 2015/June 2015).

>> No.8370699 [DELETED] 

>> loliscript
I wonder if its the same guy that wrote that loli kidnapping game

>> No.8370709
File: 343 KB, 800x600, holocauster_tycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


May I interest you in another project, after you're done with the lolis? That's a thinking man's game I've been waiting for ever since I saw that pic.

>> No.8370710

>Robot Odyssey

Looked for that fucking game everywhere and couldn't find a single .exe that worked

>> No.8370716

You'll need to run it in dosbox. If you need it, I can find my copy and upload

>> No.8370718
File: 79 KB, 886x620, Stress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same way Solidworks is a video game

>> No.8370720

pls do, but from what I understand it runs too fast in dosbox

>> No.8370726

I play Warlight (Risk) and Words with Friends to unwind before bed every night. I play other, actual, video games too but not all that often anymore.

>> No.8370729

actually screw it, this should work fine
patch it with this for a framerate limiter and other things

>> No.8370736

actually use this one instead. this copy fo the game matches the hashes:

>> No.8370787

Wiremod's CPU is great too.

>> No.8370793

Looks pretty good, I'm still in the early stages and already my solutions are in-elegant as hell.

>> No.8370832

look at all that wasted nitrogen.
have the first waldo throw out oxygen until it gets nitrogen and then have the second waldo throw out nitrogen until it gets oxygen for a still simple but slightly less wasteful solution.

>> No.8370866

well I feel dumb. that patcher doesn't work with latest version of NASM.
this fork does https://github.com/houtianze/robot_odyssey_patcher

so use that with the myabandonware copy of the game.

I get errors patching that with -f so don't use that. at least frame limiter and keyboard mapper works

>> No.8371040
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, autism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to out-spaghetti this if you can.

>> No.8371131

>No Tetris.
What the fuck?

>> No.8371132


KSP's rich modding community had made mods that are capable into making it into a very realistic space flight sim. Orbital decay is still lacking for some reason though.

>> No.8371247

professor layton on steroids

>> No.8371377


I told you it was hard to find.

>> No.8371538

This is an obviously smart guy, and he's programming games to simulate pre-teen rape dungeons.

What the fuck man

>> No.8371592

I came here to post this.

>> No.8371889


fucking kek i wanna play this

>> No.8372399

Project Euler. Not a video game, but it's a nice way to spend time.

>> No.8372404

this guy gets it

>> No.8373168


Well there's consensual loli sex simulation as well. Plus the ages spawned are 4-14, so that includes some early-pubescent, not exclusively prepubescent girls.

It's not like I'm dedicating 100% of my life to doing it, it's just one of various other things I use my skills for.

>> No.8373416


ignore rus text, just google games

>> No.8373438

Nice, most of those are mentioned itt.

>> No.8373494

Big Pharma

>> No.8373552
File: 2.59 MB, 1000x530, calculator 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making a mechanical computer

>> No.8373554
File: 2.35 MB, 1000x530, calculator 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8373687


Is it just an adder? Or is it fully reversible like rod logic is supposed to be?

>> No.8373844

thinking games:
>the witness (good challenging, beautiful puzzlegame)
>KSP(!) (THE space programm simulator)
>portal (challenging great puzzler)
>minecraft (redstone building)
>powder toy (..particle simulator?)

alternativ view:
play stupid games after you've done the thinking at work. chances are thinking games are yet another way of procrastination with you wanting to feel less stupid about procrastinating and thinking: "boy, i'll just play these smart games! i clearly have the energy left to challenge myself with them and could use that to study more, but nah i'll probably learn nearly as much playing this game"

(counter strike is the best game)

>> No.8373871

The later puzzles you get toggle switches which if you're running slow can let you manually control the logic.

You could actually forgoe the detectors with manual logic, you just cannot run it fast.

But if you remember about the manual toggles it simplifies a lot of the late game puzzles.

>> No.8373874

>counter strike is the best game
True. It requires the quickest wits, reflexses and problem solving out of all other games. You need to have lightspeed correspondance between your mind and arms/hands/fingers.

>> No.8373881

Counter Strike is very repetitive. Same conditions on the same map.

>> No.8373893

What was your score for the hidden puzzle?
I think I ended up with 415, but I just thought of how to improve it a few days ago.
>tfw no indication of how well you compare to other people when your score is to the left of the entire bar graph
>no high score list

>> No.8373902

Im pretty sure you just compared live human players that always do something different as repetitive constants.

>> No.8373947

TIS is best game

>> No.8373969

except for the human factor

>> No.8373981
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Picross is like Sudoku but requires spatial intelligence

>> No.8373985
File: 335 KB, 955x445, tmp_25730-perspective_1_hires-1644565656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was pretty entertaining. Also it's free! https://games.digipen.edu/games/perspective#.V-pqJbOEYZ8

>> No.8374016
File: 232 KB, 778x1100, svetlana-tigai-princess-1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starcraft II


>> No.8374018

What did you study to be able to make such a complex video game with knowledge of math, physics, chemistry, compsci, bio etc?

>> No.8374022

That's just not correct, however. Look at professionals who get extremely good at a game and then later flunk out.

It is because the creativity and passion is gone and yet the old habits of a play-style remain.

Neurologically this means getting stuck in old circuitry that later becomes defunct. It's only when you are constantly expanding and learning that you're becoming better and the brain itself is beginning to develop more fluid neuroplasticity.

An example would be Super Smash Brothers. At first when you are trying many different characters you are starting to build the framework of the entire game in your mind. Later, however, you begin to stick to one character that is your favorite and then you become mired in the same repetitive fighting combinations and style. In other words, you hit the cognitive ceiling of a game that is rather simple.

>> No.8374031

>You could actually forgoe the detectors with manual logic, you just cannot run it fast.


>> No.8374038

>unironically playing kusoge

>> No.8374049

>playing games
>not making them

Creating a problem is much easier than solving it, as evidenced by P vs NP.

>> No.8374276
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>thinking games are yet another way of procrastination with you wanting to feel less stupid about procrastinating and thinking "boy, i'll just play these smart games! i clearly have the energy left to challenge myself with them and could use that to study more, but nah i'll probably learn nearly as much playing this game"
Thinking games actually make you smarter, but not wiser.

>no high score list
Also add me to friends if you want to compare scores: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FunMakerPL/

>> No.8374356

Dwarf fortress



Minecraft with CC, opencomputers, openperipheals
(and some mods like TE4/IC2 and AE2)

Alternatively HDN

>> No.8375725


There's not really any chemistry, and the biology in the game is just a huge simplification of whatever I found by searching on Google. There's also very little physics in the game, just super basic game-tier physics like bouncing and some friction/stuff I pulled out of my ass for the car steering.

>> No.8375948
File: 1.53 MB, 600x448, adder start.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just an adder. Working on a more versatile system at the moment

>> No.8376399
File: 3.29 MB, 500x378, fdff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress! You can now interact with the player's and loli's inventories via the dialogue system (which is coded in loliscript, not C++). Now you can actually choose what to feed your lolis.

>> No.8376434

can i force feed them so that they get fat?
can i sell used lolis on the internet?

>> No.8376455
File: 1 KB, 152x134, everything is fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the last couple months convincing myself that you didn't exist and were actually just a bad dream I had

>> No.8376551

The world needs more people like you!

>> No.8376642

liquor sim a game by paradox interactive

>> No.8376677

>Indian ={Indian}
This is a fucking terrible and inaccurate reflection of the genetic and linguistic diversity of the subcontinent.

>> No.8376683

It's more /his/ than /sci/, but Dominions 4 is a pretty major thinking man's game.

>> No.8376692

Link the latest demo?

>> No.8376697

What happens when a loli turns 15?
Will the game support impregnation?

>> No.8377258


They can get pregnant from age ~ 12.5 onawards, which is the typical age girls reach menarche. It's affected by things like genetics + how nourished they are though. Malnourished ones get delayed puberty. And yes you can breed them, there's even a genetics system as described in that picture.


Latest one is June 2015. It's on 2^3-chan's /agdg/ board.


You can add in more to reflect whatever you want, Rajeesh. Give me text files containing the names for each subregion and I'd add them, but until then I don't give a fuck about India.




Not yet, but I plan on adding those, at least the latter one. There's already an internet system but there's only like 4 websites on it, and none are for trading lolis yet.

>> No.8377457

But what happens to them when they're over 15? What about the babies that aren't 5 yet? Will we be able to set the MC's genetics for eugenic purposes? Will there be shotas for further breeding?

>> No.8378438


They just continue to age past 14. I just only spawn lolis between 4 and 14. (although due to a bug in one of the demos, some people had 3000 year old lolis)

>Will we be able to set the MC's genetics for eugenic purposes?

When I add in a menu for viewing genetics (will probably be some house-upgrade you have to buy) I guess I could allow that. Right now the MC's genetics are hard-coded, not randomly generated.

>Will there be shotas for further breeding?

Right now half the "lolis" that are spawned have XY chromosomes. I'm not sure what I'll do about that. On one hand, it's Sim Loli and not Sim Shota, but on the other it might be kind of weird without it. In January's demo I hacked it so you could make any two lolis just arbitrarily mate with each other. I'm not sure how I'll handle shotas. I was thinking about having them, but have them be non-rapeable (due to mostly art constraints - doubling the amount of art just for 5% of the audience (or less, since it's people playing a game about girls, not general population) doesn't seem like it's worth it to me. Maybe I could have them be fuckable, but only have like 1 or 2 positions be animated. Plus, morally, shota rape doesn't sit well with me, as I have been a shota before but not a loli, and I lack the attraction to shotas that I have with lolis, so I'm able to empathize with them a lot more. I did consider them just being in there and being unfuckable and just there so you can selectively breed lolis better (since the player's genetics are static).

>> No.8378716

just wondering, do you have a history of mental illness?

>> No.8378810
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Nope. Besides pedophilia (if you're going by outdated standards) I am not aware of any mental illnesses in myself or my immediate family.

>> No.8378923

You could also just not animate shota rape if you don't want to, and say "if anyone else makes the animations I'll chuck 'em in" and leave it at that. And then not have any differences besides the illustrations and the XY/breeding aspect.

Also just letting you know that this is a thing:

>> No.8378997


>> No.8379190

>ctrl+F "vindinium"
>0 results
pretty sad, I know it's not /g/ but AI is still up the /sci/ route

>> No.8379365


>> No.8379370


>> No.8379801

What language is this written in? Im planning on looking at your code for some ideas on parts that im struggling with in my game.

I was thinking of creating a scripting language for my magic system, but at the moment im getting it from a bunch of prewriten methods that gets called from a main clusterfuck of a method that is customized by loading XML to make the different spells.

>> No.8379806

kerbal space program has a mod pack called realism overhaul which turns it from fisher price rocket science to slightly simplified rocket science. I recommend it to any and all autists

>> No.8379827

Star Control 2: Ur-Quan Masters
WarCraft III

>> No.8379974

nvm, i see its C++

>> No.8380076

I'm sure a true /sci/entist plays brood war

>> No.8381124


I guess you downloaded the source code?

It's been cleaned up quite a bit since then though. I should release an updated version but I haven't really done much that's like... visible from a player's perspective. Just lots of systems that aren't really utilized yet, and also lots of clean-up and un-hardcoding things. So much is externally defined in JSON now, compared to nothing before (there was only some data stored in text files using custom-written parsing stuff for some reason, but it was all simple stuff like 3 strings on a line, every line is its own thing)


I posted in the thread there.

>> No.8381146

>some people had 3000 year old lolis
Sounds like a feature to me.

>> No.8382490

The best part about making a game as a hobby is that you can be extra autistic about writing elegant code.

>> No.8382929


What are you talking about? I have to write much more elegant, fast, and bug-free code at work. Code reviews can get pretty autistic.

>> No.8382966

holy fucking shit.

this is gold

>> No.8382986


>> No.8382999

What game?

>> No.8383007


>> No.8383032


you fucked it up, newfag.

>> No.8383155


you move your mouse in a very pedophile-fashion

>> No.8383553

What magical place do you work? at my job they dont care about readability / extensibility, as long as it works are required (I dont think weve even had a 'code review' where they even looked at the source, just going 'does it work, yes?, ok, its fine'). Ive gotten code from colleagues that were so awful i couldnt even put it in those graduate programming memes because people would think im making it up.

>> No.8383564

For some reason the best puzzle game ever made is never mentioned in these threads. It's one of the few games that really have the title "hidden gem". It's called Deadly Rooms of Death, or DROD, and the most recent one was released around two years ago or so called The Second Sky.

I highly recommend anyone who enjoys puzzle games to go to Caravel Games website and download the demo for DROD The Second Sky and try it out. If you like it, you'll enjoy DROD 2, and DROD 3 The City Beneath.

>> No.8383624

I know a shitload of obscure games, yet have never heard of this. looking at it now.

>> No.8383896
File: 853 KB, 2560x1440, ratiosbois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love unconditionally:
All zachtronics games
Human Resource Machine
Portal/Portal 2 (even though they're easy)
Talos Principle
Quantum Conundrum
FEZ (ignore the memes, its a really good puzzle game even if fish is a piece of shit)
The Witness
I know Kerbal Space Program and Space Engineers are both great, but I'm not great at /egg/ games

>> No.8383917

No, 4chan thought
was spam so I had to improvise.

>> No.8383980

You don't deserve FEZ 2.

>> No.8383984

algodoo! had to google it again. free 2d physics sim

>> No.8384056

Yay! I fixed some depth-issue bugs that caused the player to render on top of things he shouldn't have (and vice versa for certain NPCs). I think I'll be working mostly on the dungeon and captivity AI this weekend.


Where the hell do YOU work!? Every single place where I've worked has had a code review system that every change has to go through before it can enter the repository. plus every other place has had some automated build/test thingy that would build on multiple platforms and run various tests (some unit, some functional) to ensure no one fucked stuff up. Although some of the places I worked you had to compile yourself on a mandatory subset of platforms before uploading it to the build/testing bots. One of the companies you didn't have to write your own tests (there was dedicated people who did that - although that was more functional testing, not really unit testing), but at the other companies things you do generally had to be accompanied by some sort of unit test to ensure what you are uploading does what it should and won't get broken later.

As for the various places I've worked I won't say for privacy reasons, but I will say that I would bet $1000 you've heard of all of them.

>> No.8384105
File: 236 KB, 1204x776, JA1y4DR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without giving too much away I used to work at a company that writes software for engineers.

Fuck it, i just made pic related with the piece of code that made me finally quit.

>> No.8384147


You should get a job at a company that specializes in software instead. If that's where you quit from, where are you at now?

>> No.8384171

I quit this year and atm Im doing my own thing, writing software for small businesses mostly (things like payrole systems and inventory systems specific to the client).

My expenses arnt that high right now and i have a lot of savings so im taking it easy for a while.

One of my friends from highschools dad is the coowner of a software company in america (im in a 3rd world country, which may explain the quality of software ive had contact with) id like to work for and he kind of hinted he would give me a job, so maybe ill see if I can do that. Or maybe my game is the next minecraft, (hay, im an optimist).

>> No.8384172

>>8384171 meant for >>8384147 damnit

>> No.8384179

Alpha Centauri
Half-Life 2
Super Mario 64

>> No.8384199

For perspective both of you people are living in fantasy land compared to me. I'm a contractor who's forced to single handedly work on an abandoned and uncommented, programmaticaly minimized, third-party PHP code base from an out of business French speaking company in Belgium whose employees didn't know how to speak English. I have no time to fix the long-standing and horrible issues in the code base and deadlines and projects are assigned purely at random based on the whims of a committee of at least five different competing internal organizations and a boss who is supposed to vouch for me but knows jack-shit about IT (which is his job) and even less about programming. I am given no consultation about how long projects should take.

On the other hand, I'm paid a fuck-ton of money so I can't really complain at all.

>> No.8384204


How much are you paid?

>> No.8384207

More than my dad and my mom.

>> No.8384212


That doesn't say much. >100k? >150k? >200k?

>> No.8384261

Greater than $20 an hour

>> No.8384270


That seems like a really low lower bound though for a software contractor, like I'd expect $75-100/hr as a software contractor that is well paid. Or are you in Belgium? I've heard the pay is garbage there (and in a lot of Europe - but especially there). If you are, you should consider moving to the US. Even interns in the US are paid more than double that, and triple that for regular jobs at decent companies. Contractors would make more since the companies don't have to give them as many benefits.

>> No.8384278

Average software engineer salary is about http://www.payscale.com/research/CA/Job=Software_Engineer/Salary

Maybe I should charge more as a contractor though.

>> No.8384280


>> No.8384282


You're Canadian? Come to the US to work. You can get in easily on a TN visa, no need for a H1B. And you have to consider the vast number of "software engineers" that are basically just front-end webdevs lowering the salary, and the ones that are just completely unskilled working at mediocre companies. If you're actually competent the salary raises a lot.

And if you are in Canada, $20 would be meh even for a Canadian intern(co-op) salary.

Are you in Quebec or something?

>> No.8384285

I make $25 not $20.

>> No.8384287


CAD or USD? Either is exceptionally low for North Ameirca. 25 euro/hour might be okay in the French area of Belgium, though.

>> No.8384288

And this is sort of an intern position but my supervisor doesn't know shit about programming.

>> No.8384296


Is it your first co-op term?

>> No.8384304

Yeah this is my first job. I don't feel comfortable moving on to a new job yet because I'm kind of fucked up.

>> No.8384309


I meant co-op term, since you said Canadian and intern I figured you were like a 1st or 2nd year college student doing a co-op term.

>> No.8384481

melee is great for somebody who has friends

>> No.8385223


>> No.8385513
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>> No.8385541

>What are the thinking man's games?
Not playing videogames. It's that simple. If you play videogames, you aren't as smart as you think you are.

>> No.8385617
File: 234 KB, 840x708, 1474746589769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm smarter than you because my form leisure activity is more sophisticated than your leisure activity

>> No.8385624

The shit is that?

>> No.8385704
File: 99 KB, 874x960, 1474113036229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has a game ever been invented for AI that was too difficult for humans to play?

>> No.8385716

Even Screeps would be too hard for sole human to play without help from an AI when you already have multi room base. Of course sole AI wouldn't be that good either and human + AI combo is best because AI can take care of small but numerous simple tasks while human can make strategic decisions and talk with other players.
See Moravec's paradox.

>> No.8385722

>he has leisure activities
>he doesn't spend all of his free time reading textbooks for fun


>> No.8385839

lichess or actual human to human chess?

>> No.8385843

it's actually pretty cool. not easy though.
very good brainteasers!

>> No.8385865

you know that function is a deliberate joke, right?

>> No.8385868

if you have to read textbooks to be smart, you are not smart to begin with. true intelligent gentlemen don't need to read textbooks.

>> No.8385944

Checkmate athiests. Only book we need is the bible

>> No.8385993

I talked to the guy who wrote that, it wasnt. He genuinely didnt know about && / ||.

>> No.8386010

>>&& / ||

Umm... you might be just as retarded as he is...

>> No.8386094

what. explain how that is in any way retarded

>> No.8386322

oh my god


>> No.8386374

A management game based on cellular automata. I think it was written in C as well.

>> No.8386442

> It requires the quickest wits, reflexses and problem solving out of all other games.
This nigga never played multiplayer Quake 3 Arena. Enjoy being slow and dumb. Oh, have fun with your epic weapon crates.

>> No.8386572

boolean true is literally 1 and false is literally 0
you could have summed them up and tested if >=1

>> No.8386575

>what is shortcircuit-logic

>> No.8386606

Adding bools and getting a number doesn't make sense. You shouldn't abuse types like that.

>> No.8386622

You think Newton, Von Neumann, Einstein, Da Vinci, Karl Pooper, Archimedes, or Lord Kelvin played video games? I don't think so. Real thinking men don't have time for that crap.

>> No.8386681

It's not abuse if it works.

>> No.8386691
File: 13 KB, 455x126, noyoucant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignoring the fact that it would be slower, more difficult to read, need more memory, and doest support shortcircuiting. It doest even work. see pic

>> No.8386695

It doesn't work in a language with any amount of type safety. You, the programmer, should not give two shits about the underlying representation of a datatype. A bool is either true or false, that's it. Doing shit like treating bools as numbers makes your code hard to read and makes your code dependant on the underlying implementation of bools and means your code will break if that implementation is changed.

>> No.8386697

Bool is silently converted to integer only in C/C++ and few others.
It's bad practice to do it anyway.

>> No.8386707

C doesn't even have bools. stdbool.h is just
#define bool _Bool
#define true 1
#define false 0
#define __bool_true_false_are_defined 1

>> No.8386718

More like "autism: the game", amirite?

>> No.8386723

Well it's part of a standard.

>> No.8386734

Children of a Dead Earth
it's a space combat sim aiming to be as realstic as possible
it even has n-body oribital mechanics

>> No.8386737

It's hardly the most autistic game.

>> No.8386950

Hadean Lands

Two more excellent puzzle/adventure games.

>> No.8387014


Just pass an array of bools and check for a "true" value with a for loop. Fucking morons.

>> No.8387109

Bevo's Tech Pack has all of those and more. You need ATLauncher to use it. DNS Techpack has more mods than Bevo but I haven't tried it yet, though I have an instance of it.

>> No.8387147
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>> No.8387520

I'm going broke early every single game. Wut am I doing rong?

>> No.8387560

Don't try to connect all of the houses in the beginning. Try to prioritize only ones in clusters, that can be easily reached without much cost.

>> No.8387618
File: 92 KB, 377x300, 1475098051727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing old minecraft
>pack full of engineering mods
>depressed as fuck, locked in my room
>2 months of daily minecraft wankery
>tfw i finally built a fuck-ass giant machine capable of replicating itself
life is the real meme

>> No.8388201

>for loop
to check if an array contains a true value is literally just:

boolArray.Any(x => x);

>> No.8388219

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.8388564

>arrays have member functions

Ebin troll!!!1 Xd

>> No.8388569

>What are extension methods
>What is LINQ

>> No.8388576
File: 28 KB, 186x208, 1453432155643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Array can be in fact an object, like in C++14.
Function Any might be member of trait/interface an array implements, like in Rust.
Function Any might be an extension methods, like in C#

>> No.8388607
File: 54 KB, 338x338, 1288972576621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck it, i just made pic related with the piece of code that made me finally quit.

>> No.8388783

Кoнcтpyктop is one of the best games ever made

>> No.8388918

Pics now

>> No.8389233
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>> No.8389374

LINQ is horrible bloated garbage

>> No.8390261

Anon I really want to see this. I'm not sure anyone has made anything as complex as this before in minecraft

>> No.8390462

Thats only an issue in some cases. Lots of times the improved readability is more important that the slight decrease in performance.

>> No.8390587
File: 296 KB, 1280x768, plague-inc-evolved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one
>tfw can't infect greenland

>> No.8390617

>vaginal circumference potential

>> No.8390647

now you are become god

>> No.8390648

Holy kek i keked so hard

>> No.8391461

How scientific is this?

>> No.8391624

>a programming language I wrote for the game for scripting dialogue stuff with, kind of like a gimped interpreted c/lua but with more stuff designed for the dialogue system
why the fuck would you do that instead of a dialogue library?

>> No.8391848
File: 1.31 MB, 496x374, hunger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, now NPCs can say things outside of dialogue and if you keep ignoring them (delay time reduced just for illustration) instantiate a dialogue action with you. Before only you could talk with them, but in the behaviour tree system I added a node for talking with the player which tries n times before forcing it, or giving up if he leaves.


Such as...? I did it so that people could easily mod in additional dialogue in without having to compile the game, while also allowing fine-tuned access to whatever I want in the game. It takes me like 10 seconds to make any function/variable accessible to the scripting system, which in turn is accessible to the dialogue code.

>> No.8391895

i'm so glad you're posting here
also, it looks like you've had render order issues for a while (the lolis sometimes render through trees, and the floating text wasn't rendering properly)

are you just not bothering to fix it?

>> No.8391904

OP here. I made this thread for people who play video games, not pedophiles.

>> No.8391968

>implying the two are multually exclusive
>implying the sets aren't actually equal

>> No.8391970

Too bad, we subscribe to death of the author here.

>> No.8391982
File: 66 KB, 1488x620, new behaviour tree for captivity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the behaviour tree right now for captivity, although the games/play stuff aren't in. Blue octogons are selectors (tries all children until one succeeds, or all fail), purple rectangles are sequences (tries all children until one fails, or all succeed). The dotted arcs with things on them are conditional branches, where a probability based on whatever is rolled to see if it should go down or immediately fail.

The tryGames/tryPlay I should share the subtrees with the non-captivity lolis for when they play in the park, although their current notion of playing in the park is to just walk around the park randomly. I'll get group activities later.


I had just added the text stuff in before taking that gif. And the lolis/player behind/above trees issue was (mostly?) fixed a couple days ago, it was an issue with this one drawable class I had that consisted of other drawables, I was forgetting to reset something in my re-calculation of the overall bounds.


The two groups are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.8392000

Yo nigga, what software did you use to make that tree?

>> No.8392001

is it good though?
it seems like one of those games people just namedrop when complex games are the topic. but it feels like no one actually plays it

>> No.8392034


yEd. It's pretty good and it's free, great for making graphs/digraphs/whatever. you can export to .eps figures too if you want to import it into LaTeX or whatever as well.

>> No.8392048

Yes, there's playthroughs of the game on YouTube if you want to check it out. It's a video game despite looking like a scientific simulator.

>> No.8392104
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>> No.8392964
File: 1.97 MB, 640x480, gitmp-003-big[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this game called God is A Cube being made a dev on /agdg/

>> No.8393011

this much

>> No.8393100


>> No.8393573
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>> No.8393625
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>no one realizes that it's Hearthstone

Fuck off low iq fags

>> No.8393682

I sure do love rolling dice constantly and having my decks nerfed every other update. Oh wait I don't.

>> No.8393695

>God is A Cube
I don't believe I actually downloaded that

>> No.8393701

Try Euclidea, it's an iPhone app in which you try to prove Euclid's theorem using only a straight edge and a compass. I'm stuck on Heron's Problem.

>> No.8393704

I heard its such a meme and people are starting from level 1 to see if they still remember the basic of the basic, is it even worth starting from k or can't you just start from high school level?

>> No.8393727

It's probably good to skim through even the lower levels and see if there's anything you might have forgotten a lot about.

>> No.8394049
File: 2.26 MB, 488x813, 20160608173810-10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sequence is probably the best mobile game I've ever played.

I'll often sit for like 30 minutes on the shitter and not solve a single puzzle

>> No.8394259

Looks nice, I didn't expected such a game on mobile.
Now I know what I'll be doing on tomorrow lectures.

>> No.8394963


Go beat KOHCTPYKTOP and get back to me, plebs

>> No.8395057

I wish they remade KOHCTPYKTOP with step by step simulation, automatic solution saving and better interface.

>> No.8395086

That could be a fun project. What sort of platform(s) would you want? I have been looking for a project that I could make some 3DS homebrew for and this seems like a good one to me.
If I go through with it I'd get Zach's permission and probably do a version in lua/love first to get the design down which means it's on win/linux/osx and could potentially also be on web (kinda shitty performance though) and android (no idea how good performance is)

>> No.8395090


>> No.8395092

>tfw didn't get special edition with the feelies
>tfw only computer I'll have for months probably won't run it all that well

>> No.8395096
File: 137 KB, 950x834, cyka blyat skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ordered the special edition, but live in fucking australia so it won't arrive until after the game ships

>> No.8395620


>> No.8395866

the what? google gives me nothing

>> No.8395869

nevermind, steam told me

>> No.8396953

Do it on wiiu so I have a reason to turn it on.

>> No.8396978
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>> No.8397610

best part is that you can solve it in any programming language or way you want! if you want, go ahead and do it by hand!
lots of fun, but ridiculously challenging
t. brainlet

>> No.8397935


>> No.8399007


>> No.8399147


To the programmers in this thread

Are unit tests worth it for a solo indie dev?

>> No.8399215


>> No.8399315


I would say yes simply because even if your tests are half-hearted it forces you to design your program as a number of distinct and isolated modules and makes you keep logic separate from UI and input, helping to prevent things growing into a mess of spaghetti code later on.

Would probably be best to try the approach with a few small projects first though, to see if you can get it to work for you

>> No.8399465

Although not a video game, billiards.

>> No.8399503
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Go with Love or Unity. I would choose the former though.
If you change name, levels and graphics you probably won't need Zach's permission, but it still would be nice to ask him(and maybe ask for promotion, like the community edition of that reverse engineering game).
It would probably be nice to play on touch screens and you could sell it on android/ios market.
If you think seriously about this project you could create repo or something and I'm willing to contribute, I know both technologies.

It depends.
You should make unit tests when you write some generic library that might not work well in edge cases and is complex. eg. When I was making a class for object pool or packet serialization or fixed point math library. But you do these tests only to properly test if everything is working properly and you can forget about them.
But outside of that you should use test only if you are not sure your code will work. But in games there is often nothing to test, you might do some usecase test like make mock client that will try to do something on server and test if everything works, but maintaining these tests might come with way more work than it saves.

SHENZHEN I/O is so fun.

>> No.8399520

Absolutely, assuming they are correctly designed unit tests are always worth the effort. Not only for helping you develop correct software to begin with, but also preventing regressions. It's even better when you intergrate your unit tests with a build automation system, so you know you're only pushing valid software to your main repo.

The trick is designing good unit tests.

You have to watch consider granularity, e.g. at what level you design your tests. If you're spending more time constructing tests than actually coding (e.g. tests for every single function) something's probably not right, so its better to try and design tests that are a bit more abstract (e.g. if you were making a basic arithmatic library, with the standard plus, minus, multiply and divide operations, you could make one test that uses all of the basic functions and checks the final result)

>> No.8399547
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>Got the game on release
>Still struggling through the campaign, only seen a couple of the things in the 'Supplemental data' section of the manual so far
>People are already making things like this

>> No.8399558

I only have 6h playtime.

>> No.8399603

>one mention of children of a dead earth
Remove yourselfs

>> No.8399653


Brainlet detected

>> No.8399676
File: 21 KB, 324x324, ornamento_del_emoticon_3d_adorno_de_peltre_en_forma_de_copo_de_nieve-re6bcd5e66c104fc6934be6a4430b6c5c_idxcc_8byvr_324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free time
Keep deluding yourselves brainlets.

You will never know what is it like to be an Übermensch.

>> No.8399974
File: 78 KB, 1367x830, tag btree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(copied from /jp/)
More progress on the AI. I'm working in the group-AI-events that I started a year or whatever ago but then never ended up implementing (e.g. group games, like tag, etc)

Well I started tying that in, along with the existing event system, into my behavior tree system!

I'm not sure how to handle NPC dialogue though, from a programming perspective. 1-on-1 ones could be easy to program via the behavior trees I think, although I don't know if I want to have basically an emulation of the player-NPC dialogue option-choosing (maybe using the same system?) where the response to a dialogue thing could depend on which response matches their attributes. Yeah, maybe it's good to use the exact same system? Although I think that might lead to a lot of files, so maybe I should have the ability to inline dialogue responses into a file as deep as I want, instead of forcing multiple files, one for each decision-point?


Not for solo gamedev, except maybe in a few select areas.

IMO a lot of places in games are not as easily testable as other areas of gamedev, since they rely on a lot more contextual information about the game world. If you can find some easily isolated areas that are also likely to change, then, sure write unit tests for them.

>> No.8400049
File: 37 KB, 792x912, loliscript dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(also copied from /jp/)

For context, here's a dialogue file. If you're at a node that links to this, it'll run requirements (which is optional - for here it's redundant to say allow scenario since that's the default, but I put it there to demonstrate), and if the block evaluates to allowing, it'll let the link show up. If you select "Do you want some candy, little girl?" it'll run this file and look at the attributes tag of the two outcomes here. Whichever matches the loli's attributes better (the * 3 means give 3 times the priority to this attribute vs the other attributes being matches - not useful here since only 1 attribute is being matched though., and the 0-5 means anything between those ranges is matched 100%, whereas the = 20 means only 20 is matched 100%.) and whichever matches better will be chosen, and the message block will get run, which decides what the loli says (multiple outcomeMessage calls are how you can get a sequence of messages without any choice). And the result block gets run for the message that gets chosen. Then once the messages are done being displayed, it runs links, and all the links run there will be where the conversation branches from.

Should I do something like this for the inter-loli dialogue? Basically the same, except I'd have to give the overall file its own attributes block since there is no player to make choices and I'd have to make the the choices via the NPC's attributes.

Although maybe this will be a bit much? I imagine most conversations between NPCs might (initially?) be quite simple, so maybe I should make a simpler system? Although it'd be a bit annoying to see the exact same conversations play out every single time... but I guess I could break out all the non-branching choices in the NPC-NPC dialogue into a single file where you could be like...

message(npc1, "Hey, " + name(npc1))
message(npc2, "Hey!")
message(npc2, "How are you doing, + name(npc1))

>> No.8400096

It's more or less like the real thing, so if it's a skillset you already have, transferring it doesn't require much learning.

>> No.8400101

>turn-based orbital mechanics

>> No.8400135
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>> No.8401101
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i feel better about living, knowing that i have the opportunity to exist in the same world as this
it's a strange feel, but i like it

honestly, we need more loli kidnap simulators

>> No.8401107
File: 25 KB, 320x240, IMG_2087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played Armadillo Run?

>> No.8401228
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>> No.8401366

>no option to not use chloroform

>> No.8401412 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 530x120, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw autism

>> No.8401417
File: 7 KB, 539x175, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw have have autism

>> No.8401615

Are you me?
All of those games are precisely my favorites, with the exact same stipulations.

>> No.8401653

>Are you me?
We all are.

>> No.8401666

Played as a kid. Loved it

>> No.8401713


There is. It's the 2nd option. "That's enough for now"

>> No.8401826

That seems like the option to not continue.

>> No.8401829
File: 525 KB, 724x1023, 1452369840346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402024

In the one I played the options are
>Get naked
>Ripped her clothes off
>give candy

This game is like a better veretion of GTA

>Steal car
>drive to school
>outside school find little girl
>talk to her
>Rip her clothes off
>Start raping her
>police showing up
>done with the rape I pick her up
>get back into car
>drift over the cops creating red skidmarks all over the place
>rush back to house
>run into basement and put loli into her new room with porn themed wallpaper
>she calls me a 'nice person'

>> No.8402031

I actually noticed the GTA similarities too. The car driving feels a lot like the original.

>> No.8402035

>Space Station 13
The fucking greatest.

>> No.8402036

I would say fighting games are pretty sci

>> No.8402046

I really hated this game. It has some fun logic to it but I found 95% was only try-fail-repeat style, which I hate.

>> No.8402695

Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.8402927
File: 2.06 MB, 702x528, traffic7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a traffic model / management game.

>> No.8402934

Does it zoom in and out?

>> No.8403015

I like

>> No.8403054

plz gib link

>> No.8403231

Thank you
The game is by no means balanced yet (it's pretty easy to make money indefinitely in its current state), but it's still fun to fool around. I'll post a link when I can get a demo in working order.

If this thread's not up, check out /agdg/ or a future thread (if I see it).

>> No.8403264

that's cool, because we have no idea how to do traffic management

>> No.8403273

Really? I did some reading on my own, and it seems like there are some quite sophisticated models (and general research) out there.

>> No.8403281

I remember that thread
Good times

>> No.8403330

shut the fuck up man, not only has this dude posted on 4chan for years, he's posted in every single /sci/ games thread since that one fishing for attention for his stupid game that will never be finished or even playable.

there's also like 10 people with the same "oh I remember this thread" like it didn't happen less than 5 months ago

>> No.8403429

>3000 year old loli
Just like my chinese cartoon

>> No.8403800

>he's posted in every single /sci/ games thread since that one
but that was the game thread before this one

>> No.8403887
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Im using that and i wish every day i picked something else.

Unity has a bunch of shit that is just useful enough that you use it, but limiting enough that you cant do what you want. Luckily i separated most of my code from the rendering/input code that is unity specific, im busy trying to get it to work on its own so that i can maybe use a different render/input engine, But crap like the Vector3 struct has weaseled its way into everything and now i need to get them all out before I can even test my code.

>> No.8403893

there have been more than one, homo

>> No.8404220

Unity is fine if you are making some simple platformer or something, nothing experimental or large.
I heard Godot is nice, and I like LÖVE.