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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 170 KB, 1200x797, chocolate chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8360274 No.8360274 [Reply] [Original]

How bad for you is it to have a ~250 kcal serving of sweets a day? How about once a week? Assuming you exercise and your diet is good otherwise.

>> No.8360281

no matter how you cut that cookie its bad.

stop eating them fat fuck.

>> No.8360286

You think only fat people eat sweets?

>> No.8360325

Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about.

Calories don't matter. Well, it does, but everything in moderation. You'd still have to check for sugar and all that shit, but as long as you're hitting your macros you should be okay. If you're serious about it, calculate your TDEE.
Assuming you do exercise and your diet is a variety so you're getting other nutrients, you should be good. I eat whatever the fuck I want but I'm pretty fit so it doesn't matter what I eat.

>> No.8360332

28 of those servings will gain you 1 kg of weight, so in a year you'll gain 12 kg.

>> No.8360337

it introduces a lot of free radicals into your system, which can make you age faster.
source: my grandfather is 80, looks like hes 45, never eats the "3 white devils"; sugar, flour, and lard.

>> No.8360346

It won't matter from a purely physiological point of view. The worst thing about eating them every day is probably the effect it has on your teeth. But beyond that it's just not important, 250 kcal is pretty much nothing. In the end what matters is psychology. I know people who tell themselves the same thing, hey just two cookies a day, it won't make a difference, but every once in a while they forget themselves and eat dozens of them in some kind of freak event.

I am actually one of those people, so I just decided to quit sweets altogether. I'm a binary person when it comes to self-discipline. I do the same with alcohol, I can't moderate it once I started, so I just don't drink it at all. I even lost weight like that. Couldn't moderate, so I just fasted. Lost a lot of weight like that, even though people usually don't believe me ("You didn't eat anything at all for two weeks?"). Is it healthy? No, it's not, but it's probably not unhealthy either. It still would be way better to moderate those things like a normal person would. Then again I just know that it never would have worked. Life often is not about finding the single best solution, but to find a compromise with the things you are given. Those are rarely optimal.

>> No.8360408

What a reard.

>> No.8360428

lard asses gtfo

>> No.8360525

Calculate the amount of calories you need per day, including exercise.
Do you take in more? Then you gain weight.
Do you take in less? Then you lose weight.
It's as simple as that, period.

>> No.8360534

Genetics matter here. For some people it's just a lot easier to gain weight.

>> No.8360536

Hey, do you have a trick to not browse 4chan ?

>> No.8360538


That doesn't change the underlying principle.

Perhaps someone with some bodyweight and activity level would gain weight at 1800 calories a day, and a second person with the same stats would lose weight with 1800 calories.

But, that difference is accounted for by basal metabolic rates. If you eat less than you expend, you lose weight. This will always hold true. What that caloric value is may vary slightly, but not to a significant degree.

>> No.8360582


How much sucrose does it contain?

>> No.8361231

>once a week

The only people I can think of who eat that little in sweets are diabetics and pro athletes.

>> No.8361240

Vague. You've more or less asked nothing, and therefore, you'll get nothing.


>> No.8361252

Insulin spikes are not good for metabolism and hormones and shit. Stay away from excess sugar.

>> No.8361267
File: 171 KB, 800x600, 1467761677974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8361268


> Muh geneticks

As a former fat fuck from a long line of fat fucks, go fuck yourself.

Genetics is an excuse that can maybe account for a couple of pounds of difference if that.

Fat people are not magic. They are not gaining mass amounts of weight from fucking void-space. They are gaining it by stuffing into their craws.

My parents were overfed by their parents, who were overfed by their parents. They overfed me and i turned into what is medically known as a 'chunkie charlie'.

Moment someone taught me about calories, i got onto a diet and lost weight till i was normal sized, four and a half stone.

Easy as. Because thats all it is. Calorie counting.

Hell, i didnt even stop eating sweets. I still eat them now. You just take that into the calorie count.


My niggah.

>> No.8361288

>Calorie counting.
Waste of time and energy. It's as much about lifestyle as a whole, current adipose content, and most importantly the food content. What it's made of.

I just ate a bowl of strawberries I was dipping in bowl of like 7 heaping spoons of pure sucrose that I boiled down into a syrup. I ate all of it. I eat as much as I want, whenever I want, and I never bother to count calories. Think I'm going to gain weight? Fuck no. Because my diet as a whole, and my patterns over time, aren't garbage.

If counting calories worked for you, grand. But after you've lost weight and no longer have artificially high leptin levels, and no longer are eating shitloads of fructose and bad oils? Don't bother.

As far as I'm concerned calorie counting is unnecessary overhead and too crude to be universally effective. It leads to lazy fat fuck quitters not making progress because they've kept their garbage core lifestyle. Few people, like yourself, manage to punch through.

Fuck counting calories. Unless it's part of a broader framework, it's garbage.
It's all garbage.
Everything is fucking garbage.
Fuck everything.
Fuck you.

>> No.8361312


How is it vague? Sweets all share the same characteristics. A lot of added sugars and barely any nutrients.

>> No.8361316

Why do people always assume that health is all about weight? It seems like this is all people focus on. But you could be thin and eat nothing but processed food.

>> No.8361332

They posted cookies.
Cookies are not necessarily bad for you, nor are they sweets.

>> No.8361357


I'll take 'things that didn't happen' for 500 thanks Alex.

You're a fat fuck. Just admit it chunky.

>> No.8361373

>people can lose weight if they watch what they eat and intensely exercise therefore this is proof genes have no effect on BMR

>> No.8361401

I've never been fat, nor am I fat now.

I'll leave it to you to develop a realistic framework of how things work. Hopefully you move on from this calorie counting nonsense and begin to put it in context within the bigger picture.

I could also turn this on its head and say you're a lazy, flimsy, fuck who can't manage to put in the effort to achieve true, core, change. Just stuck in limbo, in a world of half measures and stupid maintenance,

>> No.8361414

Fucking hell I'm being a complete prick.

Man I gotta go.

>> No.8361456
File: 97 KB, 1086x519, endless_oreoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250,000 calories, worth of cookies?


Six, oreos, is about 250 calories... So you're eating... How many fucking cookies a day?

You're not going to get fat at all, because you're going to spend the whole day puking your guts out, from both ends.

>> No.8361477

>You'd still have to check for sugar and all that shit

Why would he? Sugar is just carbs. If he's a nazi that wants to be the next olympian, count your macros. If you just want to lose weight, gain weight, or stay the same then count your calories.

>> No.8361506

>puking after eating six cookies

>> No.8361511


You write posts like my drunk aunt writes emails. Weird incoherent rambling and all.

>> No.8361526

250 calories, not 250,000

>> No.8361540

People say calories but what they mean is kcal.

>> No.8361548
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This meme needs to end.

>> No.8361568

OP never said he was eating 250 Calores above maintenance

>> No.8361580

here's what I do:

>skip carbs at meals like potatos, yams rice
>replace those carbohydrates with cookies

this isnt a good daily routine but if you want cookies or whatever just eat them instead of complex carb sources for that day. make sure to compensate for the lack of fibre with some spinach or carrots or whatever

>> No.8361630

Who cares. Just eat in moderation and workout everyday. Look at your body for changes twice a month.

>> No.8361653

>not measuring your food intake in electron-volts

>> No.8361655

>I want a sugar rush
It literally triggers your insuline levels. You are not very different than a drug addict.

So the Paleo diet was right.
Is lard fat?

>> No.8361656

If you're not able to follow what I'm saying, the source of the issue is probably more about you than me.

I feel sorry for your aunt to have to put up with such a myopic and deficient nephew.

>> No.8361661

>So the Paleo diet was right.
If he doesn't eat lard, it's not paleo.

>> No.8361671

Are you thin and you eat a lot of processed shit?
Then you are ectomorph.
Are you a lardass?
Then you are endomorph.

It's simple.
Or you could try the paleo diet. It works for me, and I'm not an ectomorph.
The natural sugar(fruits) are absorbed slower because of fiber so it doesn't produce insuline spikes.
>calorie counting is bad
Well. If it works for somebody, then let him be. But I personally prefer to not count calories. It's fucking tedious.

I just avoid sweets, fast food, most flours, and processed food(supermarket orange juice, etc).
I'm a poorfag so I can't avoid leguminous and grains. But you MUST avoid sweets and processed food.

That's all.

Yeah, I misread.

>> No.8361699

>I'm a poorfag so I can't avoid leguminous and grains.
I eat for ~7 dollars per day, average. Just turkey, rice, carrots, lettuce, some spices, and green beans.

Used to eat garbanzo beans, black beans, etc, but they fuck my stomach all up so I said fuck it. Fuck all of it.

>But you MUST avoid sweets
Only if in the process of weight loss, or if sweet consumption is one's everyday norm. Chocolate is actually fairly good for you if it's the high quality stuff, for example.

>and processed food.
Agree. Almost all of it is trash.

I talk a lot of shit about counting calories, but ultimately what I'm really advocating for is consciousness. Awareness of what you're doing, what you ought to be doing, and why. Counting calories is a crude heuristic that affords absolutely none of that. It doesn't force people to change the core lifestyle that got them fat to begin with, it doesn't give them the means to put their choices in a greater context.

On its own it's just shit.
Counting calories is shit.
Energy balance is also oversimplified disingenuous shit.
It's all shit.

>> No.8361709

Also, I'm leaving for a while so I'll say in advance fuck you if you disagree. You and your opinion are shit.

>> No.8361713

>Chocolate is actually fairly good for you if it's the high quality stuff, for example.
I've heard it is too. But I'm too poor to buy it tho.
>Only if in the process of weight loss
I don't know what are you talking about. I avoid sweets so I don't suffer from insuline spikes and I don't want to fuck up my metabolism. It influences body (the brain is part of your body).
You too. Good luck.

>> No.8361733
File: 194 KB, 755x769, kai_greene_ball_belly_morph_by_ls6y06cl6a0n-d5221lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biochem here. Not at all.

Here's the secret that the trillion dollar food and nutrition industry doesn't want you to know:

It doesnt matter what foods you eat, as long as you burn more calories than you consume.

2000 calories of rabbit food is essentially equal to 2000 calories of cookies and cupcakes.

Sure if you only ate one type of food for long enough, you might encounter vitamin or mineral deficiencies, but other than that, your body really doesnt care that much.

What you do is you figure out how many calories you would need to eat to maintain your weight, which is called maintenance (M). This is usually around 1.2xBMR (basal metabolic rate), depending on how active you are.

Now if you aren't trying to gain or lose weight, then you just eat that amount of calories. If trying to gain you'd eat M*1.15 calories and if trying to lose weight its M*0.85.

Also, your body needs a specific amount of protein and fat to maintain your organ function efficiently (more important if you arent sedentary). However you don't need a specific amount of carbs, although too low makes you lethargic and gives you mood swings and generally makes you feel like shit, which is why those keto diets are full retard.

That's why you should never consume less than around 100g of carbs per day.

Anyways, check out this link. This was written by a fitness legend on the bodybuilding forums. It is literally all you will ever need to know about nutrition and weight loss/weight gain. This has allowed me to lose well over 100 pounds in total and put on a lot of muscle over the years.


Seriously check it out if you are interested.

>> No.8361753

>The natural sugar(fruits) are absorbed slower because of fiber so it doesn't produce insuline spikes.

So what if you eat something that has fiber but also added sugar? Like a chocolate cereal bar? What should the ratio of sugar:fiber be?

>> No.8361754


Why did I laugh at this

>> No.8361756

>It doesnt matter what foods you eat, as long as you burn more calories than you consume.
Bullshit. You need aminoacids, from proteins, fat, and some carbohydrates.
Most food will fuck with your metabolism and will give you anxiety.

>That's why you should never consume less than around 100g of carbs per day.
More bullshit. Intermitent fasting is pretty good for your health.

A legend can shill everything he wants to gain money.

>> No.8361758

Fibers are the tissue of the fruit. You can't replace a fruit, anon.

>> No.8361759
File: 62 KB, 640x352, 72963-mother-of-god-super-troopers-m-wxua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, the amount of misinformation on this thread has reached cataclysmic levels. I'd expect this of b, but not sci. SHAME

Should be banned:
>bad for you
>calories dont matter
>everything in moderation
>free radicals
>muh genetics
>insulin spikes
>calorie counting is waste of time and energy
>its all about food content, what it's made of
>processed foods are to blame
>insulin levels drug addict
>paleo diet
>ectomorph/endomorph cancer
>avoid x foods

it's like some of these people get all of their health advice from celebrity magazines. Half of this shit was debunked like 15 years ago.

>> No.8361768
File: 201 KB, 360x559, B-KEYCSIUAAKb2Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i got a B+ in biology 101 so i know what i'm talking about, the post.

>> No.8361784

Keep shilling, boy. Just eat what you want amIrite?

>> No.8361792

Skipping the amount of bait of your post.
>>muh genetics
It was debunked but it still happen, how does science explain it?

>> No.8361795

keep eating rabbit food and feeling hours of shame/anxiety/depression every time you cave and binge on foods smart people eat enjoyably every day

>> No.8361799

>he says something i thought was true is actually bullshit
>it must be bait, my second-hand knowledge is infallible

>> No.8361807

Yet nobody said that. Keep shilling.
So, you won't even link me anything?
Sounds great.

>> No.8361809

Fucking dumbass. The calories you see on nutrition labels are ALWAYS measured in kcals.

1 calorie = 1 calorie
However, 1 Calorie = 1000 calories
Whether or not the "C" is capitalized determined if you're talking about kcalories or calories.

The average person requires:
2,200 Calories a day or
2,200 kcalories a day or
2,200,000 calories a day

>> No.8361830

Shilling for what exactly?

The food/supplements/nutrition industry literally depends on bullshit to thrive. How is expunging the bullshit shilling?

What do you want to be linked? A biochemistry textbook?

Your original post was too retarded to even seriously rebuke.

What does intermittent fasting have to do with eating 100g carbs a day? Do you even know what intermittent fasting is? Where's the source on how it is "pretty good for your health."

Define "fuck with your metabolism" and explain what exactly gives you more "anxiety."

This isnt the forums for david avocado wolfe, you don't get to just make things up and present things that you believe sound legit and rational as facts.

OP asked a good question and some very unqualified people took it upon themselves to respond and regurgitate the same perpetually ignorant bullshit that has plagued the health fields for decades.


>> No.8361854

>enters thread
>calls everyone an idiot
>leaves without stating what he thinks is right

My favorite kind of poster.

>> No.8361885

My bad. You are right. Just focus on calories. You don't need to eat meat nor vegetables.

Just eat fast food till you reach your limit calories per day.

>> No.8361887

Studies have shown that the body tends consumes energy sources in the blood stream in the following pecking order i) alcohol ii)carbohydrates (which includes simple sugars) iii) fat/protein. If it doesn't need anything it then converts the excess and stores them as body fat. This is why the Atkins diet (high animal protein, low carbs) is a very successful method to lose weight.

>> No.8361919

No, he's correct. The action of the food's constitute parts on the body as a whole are as relevant as sheer quantity.

You're a complete shithead if you think you make accurate predictions about a black box with some naive model of its I/O, which even that, you don;t actually know. Many foods affects what's required for maintenance, the body's preference for lipolysis, etc.

Fuck off you brainwashed unwitting shill. You also don't know the first thing about biochemistry, physics, or probably literally anything. You're shit and your opinion is shit.

Fuck off.

>> No.8361925


>> No.8361943

sugar needs to be metabolized. Best to eat sweets at the start of the day when you have to walk a lot/exercise.

Having it at night will give you a sugar rush and prevent you from sleeping while the sugar is converted to glyocgen to burned later

note that having an excess amount of sugar can lead to nauseating symptoms, a moderate amount everyday in the morning or early afternoon should be inconsequential.

>> No.8362257

Lol he burns a hell of a lot more than 250 Calories per day. You gain weight when you eat above maintenance, not just by eating a fucking cookie.

OP, if you take in less energy than you expend you will not gain any weight. There are other factors to consider as well, like blood sugar and cholesterol, but a cookie per day isn't going to kill you if you also have some fruits and veggies and dairy.

>> No.8362485

I think that ectomorph/endomorph stuff was called out to be bullshit recently. Might wanna check it out.

>> No.8362601

Better to eat fruit, tho.
It's a complete meal. No insuline pikes, no anxiety for the lack of vitamins and carbohydrates, fiber makes you shit easier; they are perfect.

>> No.8362609

Body types can be broadly classified into ectomorphs or mesomorphs what was debunked was that each body type carried a specific personality and temperament with it.

>> No.8362619

>No insuline pikes
This is a load of crap.
This is for diabetics but it's not relevant to your argument, the insulin spike of an apple was 50% of that of pure glucose.

>> No.8362636

"Sweets" cover a large range of things to really answer this, and the calories don't matter vs the variety of things you can possibly find in sweets... is there frosting? Food coloring? Preservatives? Are you eating something regularly that contains high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, random GMO soy, red40- things like that? Probably not good. Was it some organic homemade sweet made with 3 ingredients vs the storebought 20? That's a very different 250 calories.

>> No.8362668

>hey look my diet is better than yours fuck you
>strawberries dipped in sugar
>even melts the sugar for easier absorption

Nice diet there, broski

>> No.8362678

But it's lower than sweets'. Fiber slows the sugar absorption process.

>> No.8362766

I'm the complete opposite. About 90% of my diet is junk food, yet my BMI is about 19. If I didn't eat as much junk food as I do, I'd be nothing more than a skeleton.

Even if a large proportion of your diet is junk food, as long as you expend as much energy as you consume, its physically impossible to gain weight. The other effects are inescapable, as long as you eat junk food.

>> No.8362781

Sugar (and carbs in general) are always absorbed slower if they also contain fat and/or fiber.

For instance, nutella is shit, but it doesn't cause your insulin to rise very quickly because there's so much fucking fat, despite all the sugar.

Now is nutella good (or not that bad) for you just because it doesn't completely fuck with your insulin levels ? Well no, it's still terrible, mostly because there's hardly anything your body can use in it, unless you're about to exercise actually need your blood sugar to be higher (and even then you're better off eating "slow" carbs ahead of time). If you don't use that sugar as energy, it will be stored and you'll get fat.

It doesn't get stored if you eat it every now and again by the way, it's not quite as simple as "I need to do X hours of cardio to burn this meal" either.

>> No.8362782

It's still an oversimplification to say "no insulin spike". Any kind of sugar will cause your insulin levels to increase, you just don't want to have them increase too high and too fast, if only to not crash a few hours after ingesting too much sugar.

But sure fruits are way better.

>> No.8362806

If bread is lower than an apple a cookie probably isn't much higher.

>> No.8362808

You said no spike and that they're perfect when they're not. They're a better sweet snack than a cookie but not by much.

>> No.8362811
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>> No.8364250

My diet is otherwise just turkey, rice, green beans, strawberries, raspberries, and certain spices. Occasionally I'll eat some chocolate, or drink a soda made with cane sugar.

And that's it. Literally.

>> No.8364268
File: 36 KB, 600x428, Cc_RSCFUIAEHN8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buzzwords, jargon, black box, shilling

>> No.8364273

It depends on your total carb and fat allowances, based on your body.

Depends on weight,age, sex, blah blah it's usually between 120-180g carbs per day. I forget the fat amounts. Fat usually doesn't matter as much. Most people go way over on carbs before they get near daily fat.

>> No.8364275

And yet he cannot refute.

Let's make responses great again, starting with you. ;^)

>> No.8364300
File: 350 KB, 718x581, david-wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(You) have the makings of a fine health foods guru, my son.

Once you can fully synchronize your raw radish farts with all 42 octaves of the sun, seek me out.

In the mean time, try some of my activated negative calorie black box almonds, fresh from the mines of Höganäs. They are rich in intermittent fasting, and are pretty good for your health, especially at reducing fucked metabolisms and anxiety. Their predictions are accurate for your body's preference for lipolysis and will make any argument you make irrefutable. Literally.

>> No.8364320
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I'm glad I played a role in creating this.

>> No.8364920

>you make irrefutable arguments!
>it's false!
Nice argument you got there, bud.

Also, keep shilling >>8361733

>> No.8365007

Medium kek at best, t-b-q-h, my counterpart of figurative blood relation.

>> No.8365423

>doesn't provide arguments
>nope, I don't buy it
Ok. I'm not selling anything to you, anon.

Keep deluding yourself. ;^)

>> No.8365524

noone can give you a precise answer both because it is extremely situational and because we still lack proper understanding of our own bodies

>> No.8365569

>not inefficient and inconvenient
Yep. ;^)

>> No.8365701
File: 55 KB, 970x514, 1474575798820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /dirtybulk/ here?

>> No.8365804

>"3 white devils"; sugar, flour, and lard.
Has anyone (Real people... Americans) actually eaten lard in the last 30 years

>> No.8365807


>> No.8365820

NEVER blaspheme Bacon!
It is how normal people divide out the freaks of humanity. Non-Bacon eaters are to be avoided as potential mates.

>> No.8365823

yeah, proper pie crusts use lard

>> No.8365840

ok i will make it because the replys here are pissing me off

sugar is poison to your body
worse than salt
worse than caffeine
almost as bad as Tabasco

believe it or not is your choice.

not that it will matter to anyone. i'm a physician

>> No.8365842
File: 44 KB, 499x499, 1471380030220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cookies are good for you, don't feed into the Jews lies

>> No.8365882

HMMM cookies almost as good as a slab of lard rolled up in bacon bits, deep fried and covered in sugar... put in on a stick and you have a "lardicle"

American state fairs have the BEST food

>> No.8366162

You realize the media did that to you right? Big marketing and PR machine for large companies?

That's the only reason you feel socially and intellectually gratified by outputting your cringeable cutesy "muh bacon bacon bacon BACON!~ ^_^" nonsense.

Bacon is also terrible for you, beeteedubs.

>> No.8366175

Wow you're so redpilled about bacon anon. Teach me more wisdom.

>> No.8366187

Read a bit about the history of crowd psychology. Mass media marketing and PR in its present form has not always existed. Pay special attention to the US government's propaganda campaigns while the labor parties were being dismantled and their leaders either imprisoned or deported, ultimately being finally mopped up entirely with the creation of the (partially valid) Red Scare.

You think you have free will and a wider spectrum of awareness than you really do. But ultimately you're just a machine like the rest of us. You can be engineered, and from your attitudes, you already have been. It might as well begin with a snap of your master's fingers and the words "would you kindly", but with more indirect and elaborated terms.

>> No.8366198
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>> No.8366214

>Someone bothered to spend the tiny amount of time required to do this

>> No.8366221

Fucking this.
Baconfaggots are mustache-meme tier brainlets who should be gassed.