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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8358671 No.8358671 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming something this big was ever actually built for space travel, how would it move? Does something this massive require insane amounts of thrust to pitch and roll or would any amount of thrust work? Would it need like "tugboats" for alignment and then just a linear engine burn?

>I am not a smart man as you've guessed by this point

>> No.8358690

Who knows.

>> No.8358699

needs anti gravity or a powerful spell

>> No.8358706


What if we could use technology to harness Qi energy

>> No.8358709

It's just a picture. There is not enough information to figure this out. For all we know it could have the density of a blimp. It could be very large but have very little mass.

This is not a very realistic design.

>> No.8358720

How much would mass effect the ability for a ship to align to its target though? Could it not have a very weak, short burn and then just wait for an hour or would it still need a powerful thrust to realistically get going?

>> No.8358722
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It depends. Why don't you calculate it yourself? Pic related.

>> No.8358726

>>I am not a smart man as you've guessed by this point

>> No.8358730
File: 1.60 MB, 2560x1080, Screenshot (23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ship is the Infinity from Halo

It uses some space-magic to move normally and some sort of slipspace drive to move between systems, so more space magic

>> No.8358966

Difficulty to change your trajectory changes linearly with mass. That is straight out newton's law F=ma. In space, unless you are venting or going through some dense cloud that shouldn't be there at all, any amount of thrust at all will change your trajectory. It might take longer if you are heavier or have a bigger moment of inertia if you plan on rotating. The biggest challenge would be in fact to stay completely still, actually, if you have a very long body, because elastic waves start propagating through it and you will need an active dampener like RCS to manage that.

>> No.8358976

Damn that bitch is big. 3 times the size of star destroyer + 15 feet of titanium armor

>> No.8358979

This. Also nice dubs. Unless yourr under the gravitational pull of a massive body it doesnt take much force to get you going in empty space. Landing/taking off is another story, in fact i doubt something like that would ever land or take off, would probably at most stay in a planets orbit.

>> No.8359051
File: 552 KB, 1049x645, Vasimr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact, making a this big vessel fly would probably be easier than for a smaller vessel. with a shape like this you can easily include a classic tokamak fusion reactor. you can spend this quasi-infinite amount of energy with a MHD or VASIMR thruster who have a exellent efficiency.

>> No.8359080

By Halo standards not too big. The Covenant supercarrier is 29 kilometers in length. I like the design of this one a lot, the Infinity is bland, ugly and unoriginal.

>> No.8359082
File: 69 KB, 1080x370, CovenantSupercarrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic*

>> No.8359087

Just put a lot of EM drives in there lmao

>> No.8359269

Don't forget there is no air resistance where there is no air.

>> No.8359283

jesus christ...

>> No.8359299
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1552, 4255576-starwars_and_wh40k_ships_2_by_dirkloechel-d39j5n5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats fucking ridiculous

>> No.8359307

yeah, Halo really likes to go full crazy when it comes to size of ships and kinetic weapons.

>> No.8359538

Would probably need some big ass fusion reactors and engines

>> No.8359544

It would be really difficult. Depending on how heavy it is you need to expend x amount of energy to get it moving, then the same to stop it again.

To put it in perspective something like that is impossible with current space tech since it probably can't carry enough reaction mass (propellant you shoot out one way, to move the opposite, aka rockets) to maneuver at all or even break earth orbit.

>> No.8359551

Incidentally, going by /sci/ definition anything that isn't achievable by present day technology is magic?

Not that Halo isn't full of bullshit, just nice to know where the line is drawn.

>> No.8359574
File: 70 KB, 1419x856, Scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might think it's crazy but in reality there's probably more realism considering that there are only a few Covenant supercarriers, while if I recall correctly, the Empire has like 30,000 star destroyers.

Also, I should have precised that in the Halo verse, nothing else from the Humans/Covenant comes close to supercarrier (Apart from the Unyielding Hierophant station), so maybe I exaggerated there.

>> No.8359617

The problem of turning ships in space (very large ships at that) is that you need to expend twice the energy it takes to get them moving. Once to get it moving and once to stop it, assuming you want to "align" and not just continue turning.

I still think that in terms of large ship design it would be better to just take the large turning arcs of a large fighter thrust-vectoring type engine at the back of the ship than to have tons of micro-engines covering 360 degrees.

>> No.8359880

>This is not a very realistic design.

For a space ship? I really don't think it matters. It may unfold some massive ass heat exchangers and solar panels once it is in space for all we know.

There's no deformation of the light around them due to heat waves. So, if it uses any sort of propulsion that creates vast amounts of heat, that means it is out of the atmosphere far enough that it doesn't show up. Same goes for the other ships in the image.

However, the other ships are obviously low enough to be in the atmosphere. Yet, they are not leaving trails or deforming the light with heat waves. Assume this applies to the ship in the foreground. If these ships use conventional propulsion this can only mean one thing. They are all not under power of any kind and are now in free fall. They will crash very soon or this is part of some landing maneuver.

If they don't use conventional propulsion then it means they use magic or other fictional device of physics.

>> No.8359915
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>> No.8359938
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all of this is retarded. Space exploration will be carried out by small highly efficient robots. These kinds of massive spaceships which are so ubiquitous in science fantasy are just the projections of children caught up in dreadnought-era naval makebelieve.

>> No.8360000

We could do what it takes a robot do in a day on Mars in under a minute if we had people there. It gets significantly worse the farther you get from Earth so unless you develop some sort of Artificial Intelligence you'll need humans on site for any sort of detailed exploration.

But yes, I agree that most science fantasy space ships are retarded. The potential of their propulsion systems alone would allow for frighteningly destructive relativistic weaponry. That combined with FTL which allows enemy fleets to easily bypass most defenses would result in apocalyptic wars in which there would be no survivors.

>> No.8360005

>it's a Stephen Loftus episode
I love those episodes

>> No.8360023

Humans are ver curious things, and the moment we find something new, we have to see them with our own eyes to satisfy our curiosity, so people in great ships exploring space is not an impossible thing.

And, the momment you say something is impossible, it becomes so. Why dont you just sit back and see if this becomes real? Humans are full of suprises after all

>> No.8360024

What about a powerful potion?

>> No.8360067
File: 581 KB, 1600x2303, consider phlebas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci-fi always forgets that (practically) infinite resources exist in space.

Think about how much mass exists in the fucking Oort cloud alone. How much you could build with that using automated mining and construction drones.

I always disliked it in sci-fi when societies that have travelled space for thousands of years are so shit at building things. Like the species from mass effect being amazed at the size of the Citadel.

>> No.8360071

shield and sword mechanics since ancient times. the moment you create a new kind of weapon, a new shield will be created to counter that weapon.

That might be something to disrupt FTL jumps, forcing the enemy ships to stop the jump outside a certain area or their ship gets completely disintegrated (making the FTl drive go haywire and sending parts of the ship all over the galaxy. Then, add a defense line at the bubble point, and the enemy will be exposed right after the jump

>> No.8360073
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Sing it, immortal science man.

>> No.8360208


>> No.8360239

>Think about how much mass exists in the fucking Oort cloud alone.

You are delusional & wrong, there is not much mass in the asteroid belt or further out.
The mass is mostly concentrated into planets/moons.

>> No.8360300

Only those kids will be the ones who will be aging billionaires, in the future when space travel will be more common, and they will build this shit simply because of their childhood dreams. Why? "Just because."

>> No.8360313

When this kind of thing would exsist, it would probably be built in space. But yeah the future for space travel is micro drones being shot into space by the trillions out of railguns.