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8356875 No.8356875 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best ways to improve your intelligence?

>> No.8356880

First, moderate humility with open-mindedness

Then, you need to have sufficient dopamine and endorphins to actually do fucking learning and work

Then, read books everyday, read philosophy to supplement your STEM learning, interact with academics but don't get caught up in their authoritarianism (I said it's this way so you must believe me)

God I don't know it's pointless anyway

Smoke weed occasionally to expand your mind meme, but it actually does

>> No.8356885

>Smoke weed occasionally to expand your mind meme, but it actually does
But it causes paranoia senpai.

>> No.8356907

Maybe a little paranoia is needed to balance out naivety

Many times I have been told by therapists and "experts" that my thoughts were irrational and negative. Then my "irrational" thoughts would be proven true and the bad thing would happen.

>> No.8356909

>not lsd or mdma

>> No.8356930

This. Try microdosing. I haven't yet but it seems promising.

>> No.8356946

read books, practice memorization & pattern recognition, solve problems that interest you

>> No.8356989
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Hate to break it to you, but intelligence is something that you either have or don't. If you don't have it, well...
>you know what to do

>> No.8357030

Try both these at the same time. Just fucking do it.

>> No.8357034

And how do I know if I have it?

>> No.8357088

>read philosophy

This x100. Reading philosophy was the best thing I've ever done to expand my mind. In other words, it made me "smarter"

>> No.8357152

Kill all the smart people?

>> No.8357193

If I saw that before I was gonna jump I would laugh, and then no longer want to kill myself.

>> No.8357238

You have any guide on where to start reading philosophy? Preferably in meme format.

>> No.8357271

>Then, read books everyday

>> No.8357273

>In other words, it made me "smarter"

>> No.8357276

eat this ONE superfood and gain INFINITE IQ POINTS. /SCI/POSTERS HATE HIM, see this one weird trick to gain iq points to impress strangers on the internet

>> No.8357305

Which field do you want to learn about? The options are:

Aesthetics (On beauty)
Metaphysics (On things not physical)
Ethics (How one ought to live. Includes political philosophy)
Logic (Logic)
Epistemology (What is knowledge)

>> No.8357312

get off of 4chan

>> No.8357331
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This is an okay start but really you can just go to a bookstore and pick out something that sounds good

>> No.8357333


>Some guy advises you to eat superfood to gain IQ
>Eat superfood
>No effect
>Complain the guy that the superfood won't do shit anyway
>Guy answers, "Gee, it's working?"

>> No.8357485

Bang your head against the (metaphorical) wall until it sticks. Surprisingly effective

>> No.8357493

Sleeping and exercise help, right?

>> No.8357497

has someone said working out yet? its the best way. not spoon feeding, go google it.

>> No.8357520

You can't improve intelligence, only lower it.
What you can do is learn learning methods, be more disciplined, i.e. learn more, more quickly.

Your capacity to put the knowledge to good use in novel ways still is entirely genetic and can't be trained, though.

>> No.8357535

If intelligence emerges from the connectome and the connectome is capable of rewiring itself then how can intelligence be immutable?

>> No.8357557

Browse Reddit

>> No.8357596

No precedent.

>> No.8357604

Diet is how you increase intelligence it is the most direct link to how well your brain is functioning

>> No.8357607

-Proper diet
-Low stress levels

>> No.8357614

The real question is what should you incorporate into your diet to improve brain function. The diet of the modern human encompasses an extremely narrow band of potential sources for nutritious. You might not think of something like psilocybin containing mushrooms as food, but thats exactly it what it is and his has a drastic effect on brain function. Their are probably millions of undiscovered compounds that can boost brain function, they just aren't marketed to us so we don't eat them. Thats the problem with modern humans they thoughts are cultivated for them by a small hive thats primary interest is profit and expansion of control

>> No.8357620

You say it's not possible because we have not seen it before but people don't look for it because they believe it's not possible. I'll say again if intelligence emerges from connectome and the connectome can rewire itself then how can intelligence be immutable? It must be possible to increase intelligence if intelligence emerges from neurons and their connections because those connections can change.

>> No.8357637

Before you can really make this statement you're going to need a solid definition for what you define to be intelligence. Its expression in humans probably consists of a a lot of different variables and if any of them can be turned up you might get vastly different results. Drastically increasing memory and pattern recognition might make someone good at long term analysis of information while increasing pattern recognition with some other attribute would have entirely different results

>> No.8357646

Of course people look into it, universities are breeding grounds for people looking into it.

No precedent so far.

>> No.8357693

I don't think it's necessary because every meaningful theory of intelligence would probably be based on neurons and their activity. I think the case is really closed thanks to neuroplasticity and what we are really addressing is our own ignorance.

In regardless it must be so unless we are missing something. Perhaps the human brain is magic endowed by a sky wizard but I somehow doubt it. If intelligence were fixed then neurons and their relationships would also be fixed and this is not so.

>> No.8357700

Intelligence is fixed and based on genetics.
Improving intelligence can only be done through mechanical augmentations.
Deal with it.

>> No.8357717

Don't be a feminist.

>> No.8357734

Though much of intelligence is surely innate, its expression is also the result of practice and repetition. How innate is ones inclination to to practice? How innate is their drive to master, or ability to resist impulse? To what degree are these, and the ability to practice itself, trainable? How does one distinguish between something one is born with and a habit learned so soon that it may as well be innate?

How do we develop the motivating and directing factor for the mind?

Evaluations have shown I have the machinery necessary for understanding, in fact, far more is necessary and far more than I have earned a right to from the languorousness of my short life and the total torpor and inattention of the last four years. It's a wonder I'm not senile.

How do I develop the will? How do I go from here, to an addiction to thought, which few possess, and from there, farther, to an enjoyment of thought, which allegedly only one possessed? I need my addiction to the restraint of impulse to outweigh my addiction to abdication to impulse.

Whatever is more probable, that my condition is innate or learned, fixed or changeable, does not concern me, as I choose to believe in the latter of both in the hope that such belief will become self-fulfilling, in the knowledge such belief makes what I want more probable. I will die before I will accept that I am doomed to stay this way forever, no matter what evidence or argument I am presented with.

Victory in the argument will not be won by participating, but by going out into the world and showing my success, to serve to contradict the condemnation of my foe. If I succeed, I will know a rare joy before I die. If I do not, I will at least die striving for it.

>> No.8357738


Anon, you're right. Intelligence is circumstantial more than anything. There are gifted people, but they're gifted for a reason. The heavy duty of every field has been accomplished by people who were endowed with priviledge positions to study as oppose to a few magic asian kids who could complete a rubix cube when they were 4 months old. Studying is the best thing you can do, but work ethic requires focus as well.

>> No.8357857

>-Proper diet
>-Low stress levels


If you're looking for a shortcut, you probably won't find one.

Stress is bad for neurogenesis
Exercise is good for neurogenesis
"proper diet" isn't defined well and i'm no expert

Neurogenesis is important for learning

>> No.8357863

intelligence will be obsolete in 10 years i promise you

>> No.8357865

you're smart i can tell

>> No.8357871

Replace weed with LSD and this is spot on. Personally weed dumbs me down.

>> No.8357872


you're a noob

>> No.8357877

Don't do it because the LSD will increase the neurotoxcity of MDMA, which is pretty neurotoxic by itself. Stick with the lsd senpai. Mdma is a must try once in your life imo but you really shouldn't use it more than a couple times. If the feeling is so good you want to use it more stick with once a year.

>> No.8357882

fall on a rock head first and hope you get savant syndrome

>> No.8357883

This, we will literally make our mind go full worm whole into knowledge in every dimention of a Banach Meme Space

>> No.8357886
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>> No.8357888


We witness humans rapidly gain intelligence with children growing up. part of the answer is there, what are kids brains doing that adult brains aren't, what if I could get an adult brain to mimic that period of time when childrens brains are primed to learn a language,

>> No.8357890


>> No.8357898


Its food though thats going to be the key, foods that promote neurogenesis, and compounds that enhance brain functions of all kinds. They exists and we've barely even cracked open the surface on it.

>> No.8357901


for my bad grammar and spelling or because you're not very smart

>> No.8357907

Im gonna screepcap this because this is a true insight!

>> No.8357911

Maybe choice 1 maybe choice 2 maybe go fuck urself

>> No.8357913

Gimme a little blurb about each I don't understand what metaphysics are or epistemology. Also is logic like computational logic or more?

>> No.8357918

most of the shit you run into on the streets is lsd and mdma is low grade and cut with ampetamine, if you're do that shit get it from a chemist

>> No.8357937

I live in an area where LSD is very easy to get on the streets and is very rarely research chemicals, which you have to watch out for in most locations. I still prefer to use the darknet. Usually it is closer to the source. Especially with MDMA, which I advice in my previous comment you use very sparingly, if at all, you need need to be testing your stuff with test kits. An amphetamine cut will increase the toxicity as well.

>> No.8357943

Ethics: What's makes a good or bad action? 1) Can we even say that they exist? If they do are they defined by: 1) Actions being virtuous? 2) The consequences of their actions (maximizing happiness) or 3) some universal law that can't be violated. Ever.

Logic: This can be computational, formal, first order logic, group theory, etc. I couldn't tell you much more beyond that but I could find a good place to start if you want.

Epistemology: The central question is: when can you say you know something? Is it when you have a justified, true belief? But there a tons of examples where this isn't the case. So maybe knowledge is justified true belief + something else.

Aesthetics: What is beauty? Is it completely subjective? Is there some degree of objectivity (think comparing twilight to shakespeare). Other cool topics include "phenomenology" which is basically the study of experience, and how to shape it to maximize emotions like awe and fission. Very flower but fun to learn about.

Metaphysics: Does time exist? What's the nature of reality? Does math exist? What is consciousness? Can we ever achieve full AI? etc

I'd link to all of them but there's a ton to cover so let me know which field/subfield you're interested in.

>> No.8357983
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>> No.8357994


>> No.8358219

got anything on logic?

>> No.8358225

not fully colonized
upboated for using casing method tho

>> No.8358235

durr hey /sci/ how do i make smart
hurrrr uhh microdose LSD even though we practically know nothing about it and have no peer reviewed studies to back our shit up

also yes you can get more intelligent. Im not sure why people think that you cant. Theyre the unintelligent ones, walking self-fulfilling prophecies probably.

anyway, read this anon:


also, for further reading try:

>> No.8358258

I didn't mean microfose btw because it seems like like all the information on that is anecdotes. I meant a full LSD trip every once and a while to help gain some perspective.

>> No.8358302
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You really think anyone who truly knows chemical ways to increase IQ would tell you? Fucking lol. I'm taking that secret to the grave, sucka.

>> No.8358304

Acid never made me smarter. It opened up windows I never knew existed, though. Acid is worth it for the spiritual aspect and is basically man's greatest discovery.

>> No.8358881


>> No.8359132









Read the intro to each and then the rest of whichever one you find interesting.

Side note: never go to wikipedia for philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy or the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy are your best options.

>> No.8359148

>Other cool topics include "phenomenology" which is basically the study of experience, and how to shape it to maximize emotions like awe and fission

>> No.8359167



And to kill two birds with one stone: This guy makes short videos on things that he hopes to "inspire awe." A lot of it is flowery and has a bit too much romanticism but always makes me smile. Two birds because a) good channel and b) cool summation on ontological design


>> No.8359171

Bonus: my favorite video from him on existentialism:


>> No.8359187

Oh, I thought its something completely different. What should I focus on If I want to maximize my learning and understanding, as in to be able to do it faster. Like there are some tactics to it.

>> No.8360269
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If you're really gung ho about getting smarter than take a stab at Kant and Hegel. If you can get 10 pages into their work and understand half of it then you're on your way. But realistically you're not going to understand them without a background.

Really, the best route for you is to pick a field. I'd start with ethics because I can almost guarantee that you have ideas about ethics already that you'll be surprised to find are actually extremely niche among people who study it for a living. Plus it's the most applicable out of them all.

Pic is of my intro to morals reading list from uni that's a solid place to start. Get through these books and you're ability to think and reason will definitely improve.

>> No.8360280

if you aren't a little paranoid smoking you are literally a lesser mind.

>> No.8360282

regular 9h sleep routine. + daily naps. Working out and meditating. Macrodosing is good with pretty much any psychoactive drug.