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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 433x614, innocent eyes of an angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8343390 No.8343390 [Reply] [Original]

first week of calculus and i solved all the derivative in my head while everyone else was still busy copying them all down

kek some people are born mathematicians, others have to work hard for it.

mfw i'm the former

>> No.8343399

>he still believes in the innate intelligence meme
It's not the 19th century it's 2016 LITERALLY anyone can be a literal god tier mathematician if they work for it

>> No.8343407

Nice satire.

>> No.8343421

sorry im just gifted in math

i cant help being a genius

i can do virtually any calculus problem in my head up to the product rule

>> No.8343557

>first week of calculus


>> No.8343570
File: 572 KB, 600x580, golden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first week of babby's first calculus

>he thinks he's a fucking genius

You are fucking adorable, kid.

>> No.8343584 [DELETED] 

Wow, you mean you really memorized d/dx x^a = ax^(a - 1)?

Holy shit.

>> No.8343618

you're exactly the kind of person that gets a D in a course and wonders why.

>> No.8343622

So do you go on the internet and make shit up because it makes you feel happy?

>> No.8343642

>Didn't go to class, even for the tests
>Never studied or did my homework
>Fucked my professor's wife, waited for him to get home intentionally so he would know
>The pricessless look on his face when he had to give me my A

Brainlets will never learn, much like we geniuses, who already know everything knowable.

>> No.8343644

>I want to pursue a PhD in mathematics because I got an A in my college algebra course

>> No.8343658

That works when you're an undergraduate.

>> No.8343659


>> No.8343716

>that bald faggot in the pic
implying that's not you nerd

>> No.8343722

Can't mark the answers in your head buddy.

>> No.8343745

>first week of calculus

>> No.8343752
File: 56 KB, 620x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> up to the product rule

>> No.8343998

Is that even true?

Are the sort of people who go into top-10 grad programs in math doing "senior-level" undergrad math at high-school age?

>> No.8344002
File: 43 KB, 620x670, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>product rule

>> No.8344003

>up to the product rule
Holy fuck, almost shit myself.

>> No.8344011

I know the depth the plebian spirit runs in this young padawon is unreal. OP needs to do a little measure theory in his head as he says and then he'll know if he's a genius. Incidentally Von Neumann once remarked, "I can't remember a time when I didn't know the calculus." That was a lot sooner than college for him, genius...

>> No.8344014


Calculus is easier than algebra.

>> No.8344034

Nothing in mathematics at undergrad level is hard.

All you do is solve problems and get hand-held by tutors, TAs, professors, and CAS. Spoonfed answers and how to solve problem A for the Test.

>> No.8344526

>I can't remember a time when I didn't know the calculus.

Fuck me.

>ywn be a super-genius mathematician

Why even live

>> No.8344777

great bait op

>> No.8344853


trips of truth

>> No.8344920


Yeah you are a genius for solving beginning derivatives. You clearly are the next Isaac Newton.

>> No.8344928


>> No.8344931

>had sex
Pick one

>> No.8344943

Agreed that Calc is easier than Precalc.

>Find the slope of a cubic
>Can't use Power Rule
>I fucked up on my college math placement test so I'm in Precalc RN.

>> No.8344984

Kekekekekekek. This is adorable. Can do kiddy calc derivations. You mean you aren't retarded?
What do you think modern mathematicians do just jerk off to trivial problems?
You say you can achieve these derivations. I bet you can under a proof lacking any sort of rigor.

From what I can tell you have yet to take any true theory class.
Take some analysis to get an actual idea of what true rigour is.

Not to mention most of the theorems used in applied calculus (what you are taking) are mind numbingly trivial.

Tl;dr you are a meme.

>> No.8345003
File: 16 KB, 280x250, 39261_pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first week of linear algebra and i multiplied the 3;3 matrix multiplications in my head while everyone else was still busy copying them down

kek some people are born mathematicians, others have to work hard for it

mfw i'm the former

>> No.8345057


You already knew the derivative.

>> No.8345168

I cringed

>> No.8345252

Explain Ramanujan. Take your time.

>> No.8345256

Fourier whips his ass with Ramanujan

>> No.8345730

>first week of linear algebra

>fucking around with matrix bullshit

>not jumping straight into vector spaces

Kill yourself

>> No.8345844

What university is this? I had no such experience as an undergrad.

>> No.8345847

Top kek

>> No.8345873
File: 50 KB, 600x700, goat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first week of discrete math and i proved that [math]A=\{x\mid x = 4k\} \subseteq B=\{x\mid x = 2k\} [/math] in my head while everyone else was still busy copying them down

kek some people are born mathematicians, others have to work hard for it

mfw i'm the former

>> No.8345878

he's an engineer

>> No.8345887

ITT: a meme kid triggers mathfags rage

>> No.8345893


I am pretty sure Feynbro had a lot of opportunity to get laid but he liked math more.

>> No.8345897

I have the solution to Oesterlé–Masser conjecture but this board is too small for my proof.

>> No.8345900
File: 175 KB, 1200x785, Cassidy-The-Triumph-of-John-Nash-Game-Theory-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8345931

New meme?

>> No.8346157

>doesn't define k

>> No.8346165
File: 629 KB, 1366x768, milhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first week of posting and i defined k in my head while everyone else was still busy copying it down

kek some people are born shitposters, others have to work hard for it

mfw i'm the former

>> No.8346170

I like this meme.

>> No.8346185
File: 11 KB, 289x175, Unknown-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first week of IUTT and i proved the abc conjecture in my head while everyone else was still busy copying it down

kek some people are born mathematicians, others have to work hard for it.

mfw i'm the former

>> No.8346221

Do not make this a meme.

>> No.8346356
