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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8338911 No.8338911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of a man that wishes to master all of the following domains:
Chemical engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Block Chain networks
Distributed processing
mammalian Bio/Anatomy
Quantum Physics / Classical Physics
Advanced math for Actuaries
Math for 3D stuff

I just want to know all of these things. I know the singularity will come... but I need to prove something to myself before then.

Do you think it's possible one person could master all these areas and see all the connections between each discipline?
Will it drive that person crazy?

>> No.8338967

you can learn 1592 boardgames and suck at every one of them.
or you can learn 1 and be reasonably good at that one

both require you to invest shitloads of time into studying

>> No.8338973
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> after """mastering""" half of this

>> No.8338974


You can have a punt of knowledge in anything or you can focus straight into one single thing and perfectionize at its maximum.

>> No.8339009

>>8338911 Choose something that you appreciate the most and master it. I also tended to think the same but the doubt will fuck your motivations and purposes. Good luck.

>> No.8339035

You will have a much more rewarding experience by broadening your interests instead of like 12 different scientific fields try to

Learn a new language(coding languages count)
Learn to play a new instrument
Become skilled at a sport/ physical activity
Become skilled at a handicraft/ hobby in which you produce something artistic or physically useful

And then maybe become proficient in a scientific field or two such as what you have mentioned. Don't discount other intellectual pursuits such as literature either.

And like the other posters said, you are best off finding something you are really good at rather than spreading yourself thin.

>> No.8339037
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First attempt to 'master' one of these subjects and perhaps, with effort, you'll manage to overcome your present naïveté.

>> No.8339062
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Only Feynman understands quantum mechanics fucking shitlord

>> No.8339072

Should be easy considering shit like "block chain networks" are easy to understand. Most people on IRC know the ins and outs of this shit and they just glimpse over a few papers/books. The people here are just dumb and probably couldn't even get into MIT.

>> No.8339115

Learning a language or istrument is the biggest fucking meme in history.

I speak Spanish and have been playing guitar for 7 years now. Neither of them really enhanced my life very much. Learning new math, physics, and even programming are far more useful.

>> No.8339136

I want to download mastery of advanced fields right into my brain. Why can't I if I want to? Stop oppressing me, racists!

>> No.8339150

it's not so easy as the advanced study of smoking cannabis and chillin wit ya homies

you are aware of that, aren't you?

>> No.8339333

>Learn a new language
pure mathematics would count

>> No.8339599

I think hes the worlds biggest spork.

He has multiple functions, but he does everything shit. You wont "master" all these things in your life.

just be the pipelord i suspect you are, and be good at it.

>> No.8339624


I think that this "man" is a poorly misguided high schooler (or freshman undergraduate at best) who has read blurbs about this "topics" on their wikipedia pages or popsci articles.

>Math for 3D stuff

Yeah, you're clueless. I don't mean to be harsh because I was similar to this when I was a kid but do understand that your inexperience and naivety is beyond what I can correct through an online anonymous African basket weaving imageboard. Par for the course, though, I suppose.

>> No.8339631

Just because you don't find them fulfilling doesn't mean other people won't

>> No.8339659

Of course you can do it
Anyone but genuinely stupid people can do it
Well not you
4chan poster you
You have to put in the time
And the effort
You must make sacrafices
Also, despite the internet being a place of free knowledge, a lot of the advanced stuff is hidden behind things you must pay for
So I hope you're made of money too
Look at me making excuses
I would never be able to do it

>> No.8339673

>Also, despite the internet being a place of free knowledge, a lot of the advanced stuff is hidden behind things you must pay for
Not if you break the capitalist system....

>> No.8339833

Even if you were driven to do this (protip: you're not) you would fail and burn out. Your ignorance is evident from simply throwing out general topics (master Classical Physics? This is not a thing).

P.S. you'll never master CRISPR. The segments are too tiny for your fingies.

>> No.8339853

well. You won't make any progress here on a ukrainian gun smithing website.

>> No.8339936

Learn to speak for yourself

>> No.8339938

You'd have none of these fantastic things worth learning about without the free market, Marxist fucking shit

>> No.8339947

170 IQ speaking from legit experience here.

You will fail. You may end up smarter and know a lot of it.

But you are much better off setting realistic life goals and actually achieving them.

Now as a hobby, knock yourself out. But put some reasonable life goals first.

BTW yes I am crazy

>> No.8339951

Obviously you chose not to perfectionize grammar at its maximum.

>> No.8339952

I think you're 16 and have never studied any of those things in any meaningful way.

>> No.8339953

um no, while improbable it is entirely possible to master all boardgames and taking it a step further it possible to master all things

>> No.8339957

No it's not possible. Just like if the sum of the lengths of all movies and television is greater than your lifespan, you cannot watch them all sequentially in your lifetime.

Some back of the napkin calculations can easily demonstrate it's impossible.

>> No.8339961

weird, first off i don't know if you actually speak spanish. most people claim to do so and can't read or write Spanish and kinda suck at speaking it. i always felt that being bilingual was one of the greatest advantages you could have.

>> No.8339966
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your not crazy and you don't have an IQ of 170 edgelord

>> No.8339970

actually you can but it would have to be beamed into your brain, which is possible

>> No.8339984

Well done.

It's not possible. It may be possible, in some form, by 50+ years from now.

>> No.8339996

>beamed into your brain
do you even have the slightest clue of what you are talking about?

>> No.8340003

yes the tech is real.

only the elite have it tho

>> No.8340006

and in case you didn't know, the net has been around sense the 70s

>> No.8340011

You can read all the video/board game guides and protips you want, it won't make you an expert.

>> No.8340028

at least admit the elite have access to tech we don't

>> No.8340286

Y i know what you want
You know what ? Master one domain that could extand your life time and then, you could have enough time
That my long term project

>> No.8340313

Kill yourself, le knowledge should be le free XD

>> No.8340333
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In a passing game there order can count, a role can not count unless it is played. So here the question to which all man lie upon is. Where does role count?

>> No.8340334


Your post is unintelligible.
Try again.

>> No.8340347
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Well it's not an idle idea.
God is the creator of all that we experience .

>> No.8340651

You're a big brain

>> No.8340669

Best: Naive
Worst: Psychotic with grandiose delusions

>> No.8341342

if you would try to learn all that shit you would really master anything.

>> No.8342054

1. You're seriously underestimating the time it would take to learn those things to a "masters" level. Probably because you're uneducated, or you wrongly think the time it takes to learn high school algebra = the time it takes to learn any of the topics from that list. You just picked them off a list because you think they sound cool and you want to feel superior to your friends (assuming you have any [unlikely]).
2. You're not going to be alive for any singularity.
3. Fuck off to /r/Futurology faggot.

>> No.8342056

Jack of all trades, master of none.

The cliche says it all.

>> No.8342058

there are people who make entire careers out of just a fraction of one of those subjects. science is a fuckhuge collaboration and you aren't that big of a cog my friend.

>> No.8342059
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>Math for 3D stuff

>> No.8342806

you'll never learn it all with that joint in your mouth, thats a certainty

>> No.8342815
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That doesn't mean they have fucking 'mind beams'.

>> No.8342828
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Good fucking luck op

>> No.8342855


Oh look another crazy singularity/futurology cultist.

I remember when "science is a religion" used to be hyperbole used by fundamentalist Christians. Then it became an actual real thing when science became popular and charlatans erected scifi cargo cults to bilk gullible fools.

Your posts implies that you have low intelligence and analytical skills, you won't be able to master a single one of those fields. You should pursue a career in a skilled trade that doesn't require much intelligence and forget all about your delusions of grandeur.

>> No.8342878

I would say he has some pipe dream of artificially creating a new living human, to which I would then call him a two bit Victor Frankenstein

>> No.8343057

I think this man thinks he has a lot more time on his hands than is feasible.

>> No.8343138

i am a part of the so called elite,where do they beam knowledge into heads, i want to master vector feels and algorithms

>> No.8343146

You aren't the first to try, in fact there is a word for someone like you: dilettante? Enjoy low wages and failure.

>> No.8343189

Nietzsche warned us that this would happen.

>> No.8343478

>vector feels and algorithms

what did zhe mean by this?

>> No.8343510
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Hey thats my plan

>> No.8343905

it's about learning to push yourself to master something unfamiliar. Not about pure usefulness.

>> No.8343910


Philip K Dick PLEASE leave.

>> No.8343931

I want to learn all of that too.
Maybe we can help each other.

>> No.8344191

This. Learning to play an instrument was an aristocratic fad for entertaining bourgeous guests and seeming "cultured" to differentiate one's self from the proles. Bourgeous butt-lickers ate the fad up and somewhere along the line "learning to play instruments makes you smart" became a meme because the butt-lickers saw the upper-class do it. Now we have dipshit parents playing classical music to their kids thinking it'll make them geniuses.

The same goes for reading fiction, particularly novels: when novels became popular they were considered low-class trash entertainment much like television is considered today. Rich people got interested and suddenly it was important and good for you. This fad persists to this day, although the only benefit to reading fiction is to hone reading skills in young people.

Language also as you note, because the rich often learned latin, greek or another language to appear "cultured."

>> No.8344225

Receive treatment for your autism

>> No.8344271


>> No.8344285

Most people spend a major portion of a career invested in any one of those in order to make a truly significant contribution (well with the exception of CRISPR which is a weird addition since it's one (powerful) tool in the box, it's a bit like added "SCREWDRIVER" in there), but no worries I'm sure you can do them all.

>> No.8344304

Breadth has its own quality. If someone merely wants to understand a variety of subjects, it really only takes a couple of years of exposure to the field to get a working knowledge of it. The time consuming part comes when you try to synthesize knowledge of your own.

>> No.8345024

Math for 3D stuff

I think of this person as a retard. Since for example, the above topic listed literally makes no fucking sense, and demonstrates a total lack of mathematical maturity.

>> No.8345518

What the fuck is with all the "singularity" posts? This brainlets are turning that word into a worse meme then it was... stahp it

>> No.8345524

i already have

>> No.8346278

Class conflict?

>> No.8346864

It's doable but it could take your whole life. You'll probably change your mind about what you want to learn before finishing it all.

>> No.8346871

I think you haven't taken courses in any of those things

>> No.8348337

Well OP. You had better be immortal or my only opinion of you is that you're pretty overconfident in your own ability.

>> No.8348728

I would have used a different analogy, but essentially this

>> No.8348737

You can't, OP. Choose 1 and try to master it. If you still have steam left then go for another and so on.

>> No.8348784


Reads too much popsci/wikipedia bullshit. Pick one or 2 fields and work hard.

>> No.8348945

I don't really think it'd be too hard OP to at least know these at a competent level (maybe a little past undergrad level). The brainlets ITT don't realize it really doesn't take too long to learn a college degree's worth of material. I'd say the hardest thing would be chemistry and bio/anatomy stuff because it's mostly memorization. I suggest you start with math and physics first so you understand how chemistry and biology work. Definitely learn the math first, though.

>> No.8349686

I would say if he mastered chemical engineering and then moved to A.I perhaps he could master a few before he gets old and can't continue.


Learn one at a time rather than tackling all at once.