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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 1120x840, nigger_scienceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8334046 No.8334046 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /sci/ hate this man?

>> No.8334051


>> No.8334052

Because he's dumb.

>> No.8334055

Reddit. Its another case of "reddit likes it therefore muh secret 4chan club must hate it." Back in 2010 when he was still somewhat obscure he was well liked on /sci/. Though I remember one autist constantly arguing about how never really published anything.

>> No.8334059
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>> No.8334060

They keep falling for frauds. Like the Tesla scam.
Absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.8334065


He's an idiot who likes to sperg on matters outside of his field of knowledge. He abuses his pop culture status and influence to make ignorant judegemental statements and discourse which is then propagated down to the unthinking idiot masses who lap up his every word whether right or wrong - they don't critically analyse it or care.

>> No.8334066
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He says a lot of dumb shit.

>> No.8334068

On the other hand, Sagan was actually smart:

>> No.8334075

Because he didn't shitpost on anime board and actually achieved something while being a negro. Contrary to over 170 internet IQ test geniuses, living with their parents in total denial who as elaborately as delusionally justify their misery.
For example first specimen that replied to this thread.

>> No.8334089

But not as much as he might. He has a deliberate policy of not speaking much or at all about controversial issues, such as Islam or gender shit - maybe privately, but not in public. He knows that his opinions are half-assed platitudes that would get dismantled in a second by critics. Whether that's a good thing or not - or honest, for that matter - is up for debate, but given his profession (raking in popsci bux) it's smart.

>> No.8334093

Condescending nigger scienceman who published shit.

>> No.8334096

I don't know what's worse: that or the time he got 1337h4xx3d by his daughter?

>> No.8334102
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Like this?

I don't even CS and I know that's a retarded thing to say.

>> No.8334113
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Lest we also forget what he said about the new Star Wars robot, unaware that it was, in fact, a prop.

>> No.8334116

Yeah stormnigger you can go back to /pol/ now

>> No.8334120

The moment I thought he could be a good role model for black people, he turns into a media monkey, starts acting ghetto and ruins everything.
He's also a self-important asshole like Krauss.

>> No.8334125

Stay in jail and refrain yourself from posting you disgusting BLM rapist

>> No.8334133

shots fired

>> No.8334258

He's just trying to be funny... He's not a comedian. He's a scientist trying to appeal to a crowd. Not a bad thing. Hating him because he has lame jokes is silly.

>> No.8334287

It's possible. This generation's gaming consoles are nearly unmoddable or won't be modded for a very long time. Software-wise on PC, it took hackers nearly forever to hack denuvo(?) algorithms and it will still present challenges for other hackers on future released software so laugh all you want at NTD. Unhackable networks are possible.

>> No.8334302

3 PhDs
hugely successful academic
IQ > 160
funny, great personality
neurotypical (non-autist/burger)
great voice
probably BBC

>> No.8334307

>hugely successful academic
>IQ > 160
You are completely retarded.

>> No.8334315

>3 PhDs
If that were true, I'm sure why it would be good.

>> No.8334360

It's not that his jokes are lame, it's that people who really follow him all act like they're experts on science because they read a few things he wrote.
It's like pretending you're qualified to run for senator because you watched the Daily Show.

>> No.8334373

severe butthurt detected

you cant be either of those because you were born with a shitty brain

>> No.8334378

I love me a good popsci discussion and all, but the few times I've tried listening to his podcast or podcasts with him, he really didn't say much that was interesting.
I mean fuck, if his credo is "public education", I have a hard time finding anything in common with what public education means when Feynman or Susskind do it and when Bill de Nye Tyson does it.

Haven't watch his cosmos tho. Maybe it's good.

>> No.8334392

he doesn't have 3 phds

and his iq isnt 160

>> No.8334401

My IQ is 199 so I highly doubt that.

>> No.8334407
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My IQ is 317 so I highly doubt that

>> No.8334927

My IQ is 75 so I shovel beeble beeble beeble

>> No.8334929
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My IQ is -1/12 you brainlets.

>> No.8334990


>> No.8335235

>they don't critically analyse it or care

that's a general problem though, what's he got to do with it.
also i'd still have some of those idiots follow tyson, rather the loads of other bullshit that is actually main stream.
plus, if they're young there is still the chance that they'll grow out of it.

to be clear, i'm not for putting him on a pedestal.

>> No.8335246

my iq is 120813209812093801927540397549038749023748923749082374. i highly doubt that

>> No.8335252
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He gets paid 50k to speak for an hour about the most trivial stuff. Scientists don't get paid that much to speak about how there are more stars in the universe than atoms in my dick. He's a celebrity, not a scientist. Also, i never saw a guy with a Ph.D as dumb as he is, like really, the guy is a complete hack.

>> No.8335265
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I see a lot of allegations but no citations or quotes.

You're all full of shit.

Then again, you hang out on 4chan, so you probably have low self esteem.

Explains why you attack people.

>> No.8335286

I didn't think they liked NDT, he's always on /r/iamverysmart

>> No.8335288



>> No.8335595
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>achieved something

He barely achieved his BA, eked out a BS - no honors - and flunked out of U Tex before Columbia somehow awarded him a PhD - evidently for being 1 of 18 students whose names appeared on a nothingburger paper about supernovas.


>> No.8335687

Black science man says cool things make mind go BOOM

>> No.8335789


>> No.8335793

He frequently tweets about feminism/equality bullshit

>> No.8335825

>Explains why you attack people.

for the lulz

>> No.8335828

He belongs to /r/i'mverysmart

>> No.8335863


>> No.8335869

>He's Smug

>He is worshipped as science God despite contributing practically nothing

>His Twitter feed

>He thinks he's smarter than he is

>He explains science in an awful way. I'm all for popularising it, but for the love of God don't simplify it. You can't explain QM well without math.

>He hangs out with Dawkins, Krauss, Nye and a bunch of other pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.8335904


>> No.8335920

You can do good popularization with minimal math, but you have to be honest about what you're doing.

Besides his intervention are generally very boring and more about first year physics than anything interesting.
>hurr durr if you're playing baseball on mars there's less atmosphere so the ball slows less

Meanwhile you have Susskind doing amazing popular science talks about de Sitter space an' shit.

>> No.8335927

My iq is [math] Ge^{\pi i} [/math] for [math] G [/math] Graham's number, so I highly doubt that.

>> No.8335931

Negative IQ? Ultimate brainlet detected.

>> No.8335944
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>> No.8335961

I don't hate him.
He is one of the few outspoken "scientists" that isn't a complete retard when it comes to politics.


>> No.8336125

>Unhackable networks are possible
>because some shithead business made software that's stumped a few warez people is proof that unhackable software exists
please stop breathing

>> No.8337109

He's only famous because he was a student of Carl Sagan. Carl must have been blitzed in every class.

He's an annoying nigger who definitely masturbates to the sound of his own voice.

>> No.8337302

Hes not really anything to write home about as a scientist, but can make science not boring and so is super popular

>> No.8337316
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I don't, he popularizes science and alot of conjecture is taken for fact, but hes not as big of douche as kaku is.

>> No.8337322

Something we can all agree on.

>> No.8337380

He copped out on the whole 9/11 conspiracy. Mainstream hack who is all pompous and shit.

>> No.8337401
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"Spent the entire ride from the airport making repeated comments about the uselessness of our majors."

LoL holy shit, wish I had seen this earlier. I love this guy. Science celeb tells college rubes the truth about their degrees and they get butthurt. lol

>> No.8337424

This actually makes me think about something that I took a long time to understand.
You see a bunch of people complaining that we live in a "scientific society" or a "scientifically ordered society". For the longest time I had no idea what they meant, I was thinking "what the fuck, only a minority of people do science, and generally no one gives a fuck except the readers of popular science mags. People just buy their iPhone and they don't care how it works"

Actually, what they are thinking about is all those "studies show that" that fill every fucking media outlet, and that actually do govern things like political opinion. That is, essentially, social science studies and medical tests.

That is, of course for a student in science, something completely ununderstandable. For us, science means making analytical models, predictions, and all that jazz. For the general public, "science" means essentially "does X happen a lot in Y? We did a survey/test and we found that X happens 68% of the time in Y, therefore yes. End of story". Maybe sometime there will be a short proposed explanation of the result but it stops there.

tl;dr It is of prime important to keep explaining that no, social sciences are not real sciences, and that no, doing pharmaceutical testing isn't the alpha and omega of science.

>> No.8337452
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Daily reminder that Based Dick Masterson is our de facto guy

>> No.8337492

Can you count to potato?

>> No.8337524


Can you remember that time he tried to argue the earth was round?

What an uneducated idiot.

>> No.8337549

>implying there is no value to fields outside STEM

>> No.8337553


There is more to that.

Current push from business and politicians generally has security as a very low priority.

The FBI basically wants backdoors in everything, despite knowing they are just as accessible to criminals as law enforcement. Several compliance guidelines are all about gathering data and storing it, building troves of targets.

There is literally no punishment for security negligence. We had OPM lose personal data of Government employees for no reason other than massive incompetence, and they basically said "whoops". Plenty of websites have had major credit card breaches and current legal framework allows them to sue people that report vulnerabilities, without ever being at fault.

You can't make something "unhackable", you can do a lot better than currently is in place.

>> No.8337554

everyone i know who has met him calls him a complete cunt.

>> No.8337996

>Why does /sci/ hate this man?

>/sci/ is one person

>> No.8338014

how new?

>> No.8338641

I feel this has been lost over the years.

>> No.8338880


>he thinks gunz and murder rate are correlated

Affirmative action strikes again

>> No.8338957

This. kek

He literally spouts leftist rhetoric on TV and redditfags suck his dick.

>> No.8338975



If he were a scientist of any repute, he'd refrain from giving a weighted opinion on science he obviously knows nothing about

But no, like any celebrity, he gives canned political statements over things he knows nothing about

>> No.8339770

>in 1937, at age 81, claimed in a letter to have completed a "dynamic theory of gravity" that "[would] put an end to idle speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space." He stated that the theory was "worked out in all details" and that he hoped to soon give it to the world.[215] Further elucidation of his theory was never found in his writings.
Jesus Christ, how embarrassing.