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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8326427 No.8326427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You may only post in this thread if your University is ranked top 20.


>> No.8326449

Top 20 professional scammers in the world :^)

>> No.8326451


>> No.8326463
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It is required to post your student ID to a top 20 university to post here. Brainlets please go.

>> No.8326480


Enjoy getting raped on tuition, faggots. Cambridge UK is trash.

>> No.8326481

>tfw your uni was almost in the top50 but the capitalisto-nationalistic government made it drop out from top100

>> No.8326483

What if I post in it anyway?
What if I'm a high school dropout?
Like, wow man, what if?

>> No.8326487
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>falling for the university meme

>> No.8326488


Diploma mill circlejerk!

>> No.8326508

But I'm a grad student, so these are meaningless. Mine is top 20 for my field by the same ranking service.

Also, rankings are fucking stupid, and it would do you all some good to realize this.

>> No.8326510
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>> No.8326516

If america so smart why aren't they so smart as every one else?

>> No.8326539

What uni is that? Is it in the UK?

Mine's in the top 20 as a uni and subject wise; though I care more about its presence here

>> No.8326554

Not even correct photo of screen
>Post student ID

>> No.8326684

Mad coz bad

>> No.8326848

Helsinki, it was the third best nordic one if I remember correctly

>> No.8326881

>ETH Zurich
Garbage brainlet school that teaches OOP for everything. Every single class, OOP and more OOP.

Has been torn apart on HN lately for the slip shoddy work their PhDs and graduates have been doing. MIT turned to shit about 2008 or so and has never recovered.


This should be #1. Look at the Mathematical Tripos requirements, it's the hardest undergrad anywhere on earth. It makes Harvard Math 55a/b look like a joke. If you are serious about Math, you go to Cambridge and take the tripos.

Only for med school, and law

Kek, okay now this is paid for list. Look at their undergrad offerings and courses, this would be considered a diploma mill in the US

>> No.8326962

>Torn apart
Link pls


Still doesn't change the fact that many people still believe that it is the most prestigious university in the US.

It's in the UK, not the US (where all the innovation is taking place, not to mention world's only superpower)

>> No.8326967

>prince town
>not in top 10
How the mighty have fallened

>> No.8326973

When I was little, I thought Harvard was called Harvard because it's hard.

>> No.8326977

>not to mention world's only superpower

Okay, so you are trolling. Good to know. I almost believed that there was someone this stupid but when you go this far you make it too obvious for us.

Thanks for thinking about our mental health and good memes. You put us over the edge and just in your last sentence let us know that it is a ruse so we can calm down.


>> No.8327015

Rankings are idiodic. A schools good if it gives you the resources to learn and innovate (i.e. good profs, money, research opportunities, etc)

Cal/ucla are considered top 10 for dumb reasons same as they're considered 20-30 on this list for dumb reasons.

>> No.8327043

>good profs
>ucla are considered top 10 for dumb reasons

UCLA has a field medalist as a professor. Professors don't get better than that man.

>inb4 that's just mathematics

Is there literally any other degree that matters?

>> No.8327053

why did you save this picture of my student ID

>> No.8327055


Running around screaming how you're such an elite for learning first year chemistry at an institution reputable for mainly it's research is brainlet behaviour.

>> No.8327063
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>UCLA has a field medalist as a professor.
If that's your criterion, then ENS Ulm beats every single university on that list.

>> No.8327067

This isn't yours you brainless hack. I was in that thread.

>> No.8327070

Hey man i attend ucla myself im not crapping on it. Just saying that most schools rankings are unjustified, prestige is outdated compared to hard work and innovation

>> No.8327073


Tbh students from caltech aren't getting the education students fro, these other schools are getting. I know this is /sci/, but having actually quality humanities classes is important towards ones growth as a thinker and intellectual

>> No.8327075

>UCLA has a field medalist as a professor. Professors don't get better than that man.

teaching is more important than research (unless for rankings of course)

i'd rather have a completely unimportant prof teaching me good stuff than someone really prestigious
who can't teach at all.

but then again i study in germany and university rankings don't mean shit here, because the STEM education is good at almost every university

>> No.8327081

I went to one ranked 130 to 145 only because it was my nearest university. It was laughable shit. Low content low depth courses and dumb normiescum students.

Looking at the courses on MIT OCW makes me so jelly

>> No.8327083

You go to the school that is best for your specific field. So if it's computer sceince you try and get into Carnagie Mellon. If it's medical school you try to get into Harvard or Johns Hopkins.

A standard ivy league school will be good enough so you can jump to the above schools for graduate study. Ivy league typically has no tuition, they wave it all away something like 96% of Harvard grads have no student debt as they offer full grants even to millionaire trust fund kids if you keep your grades up. Go to a state school and you're paying through the ass no grants available.

Prestige only goes so far anyway, and really only relates to graduate study not undergrad. For example Applebaum from the Tor Project is now the PhD understudy of Tanja Lange one of the world's best cryptographers and he didn't even go to university, he's self taught. It is possible to skip undergrad and go to PhD with special permission of the department heads by proving to them you know the underlying material.

>> No.8327124

Gotta keep in mind that there do exist the middle class students like myself that get close to zero aid from the Ivys and picky private schools and have to settle with a state school.

Luckily im from california so i didnt really get a short end of the stick

>> No.8327137

>You go to the school that is best for your specific field.
It make next to no difference in undergrad, especially since 17 year olds aren't a great judge of what they'll enjoy doing.

>> No.8327141

whelp....i guess 59th isn't all that bad.

>> No.8327147

I'm posting from a top 200 university and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8327161

>im posting from a top 300,000 university and I' proud of it!
International rankings are meme-tier
If you aren't going to the best university in your country, you're just paying for babysitting.
there's no excuse to be such a lazy stupid retard that you have to settle for some shitty fucking community-college level bullshit school

I understand that it's disproportionately difficult to get into a top US school as someone living in fucking bulgaria, but if you're American, you'd better be going to the best.

>> No.8327164

>If you aren't going to the best university in your country, you have to settle for some shitty fucking community-college level bullshit school
If only we could have some schools that weren't the absolute best but were still legitimate schools.

>> No.8327165

Whatever you say brainlet.

>> No.8327170

UW seattle is great for engineering and CS yo, not a bad school by any means

>> No.8327173
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These rankings pretty much only matter to people who intend to do research at a university. It doesn't say anything about the quality of education, especially if you are an undergrad.

>> No.8327176

Yknow what, youre absolutrly right! Paying 70k USD a year for the best school in my country is such an affordable and obvious thing to do if Im not lazy. Especially for undergrad! Thanks anon!

>> No.8327179
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i know this girl she goes to my school

>> No.8327180

chem eng and considering going for bio sci for grad. Maybe something like immunology or genetics. We'll see.

>> No.8327184


70k for nothing more than textbooks, exams, and to be rushed through some shitty labs. Half of it fees are just health dental insurance and stupid student union shit pushed by people who deserve cancer.

>> No.8327186

Yeah. It's very hard to quantify the quality of education though.
Some French ranking tried to do it with engineering schools by "the percentage of alumni who are in the directorial board of a Fortune 500 company". The problem with that is it tells you as much about the quality of the education than it tells you about nepotism, about how conservative the management culture in your country is, and about the educational tradition of your upper class. So not so great.

Really the best quantitative ranking you can get is student's preference.
As in, to compare two colleges, you look at all the students who applied and were accepted in both, and see which one they chose.
The problem with that ranking is it tells you more about prestige than the actual current quality of education, but there isn't much better you can do.

>> No.8327187

>Edinburgh ranked 19th

I can live with this.

>inb4 post student card

Don't have it yet, I have to pick it up on the 19th.

>> No.8327189

They do you just need to work the grant system. The most debt anybody grads an Ivy league with is max $10k even the middle class students with parents who make over $200k and technically don't qualify for grants.

Harvard and Princeton ect make all their money from patenting research. If you're a top student they will pay you to go there (literally, like free room+board and "clothing stipend" which is more than generous, enough to live off and not need to work).

However this assumes you are math olympiad material, or at least top student in your entire state OR your highschool teachers have connections to harvard staff who can crony you in there providing you're still one of the top students in the state.

>> No.8327191

>i am not special
>my school is special
>i am now special

t. insecure freshman

>> No.8327198

The student union shit is criminal, they fleece you of fees to pay for ridiculous bullshit. It's all designed so some non STEM student with a ton of spare time can weasel themselves into an income for themselves and all their friends. "We now have created the diversity and inclusion society with myself as paid chair, we will be subtracting $5 from each studen union dues to cover this new office".

The main point in university for me was networking, finding other people in your field so you can network and then make your own business, or use that extended network to land you a prestigous position at some well paying corp should one of you get hired and then can recommend all your friends.

It's also good for access to latest research, as typically you get access to paywall protected papers but this is not so much important anymore as scihub and other piracy avenues exist.

>> No.8327202


My dad's business partner is middle class. His daughter went to Yale for about the cost of going to a lower end state school.

Granted since she is middle class, she had to be top percentile to get in.

But during her senior year she made the top of honors and the school refunded the cost for that year.

>> No.8327204


There are 8 universities universally seen as better than Edinburgh in the UK

>> No.8327208

schools filled with poo in loo, jews and chinese

sprinkled with a few autistic white people and blacks.

>> No.8327209

I can still live with that. Also according to that list there's only 4 above it

>> No.8327211

>90% of /sci/ is in first year undergrad or in high school
>thinking ranking applies to you
>he thinks he'll be able to even utilize the research funds and facilities at top 10 universities.

>> No.8327213

citiation needed for this number

>> No.8327216

Mee töihin hippi

>> No.8327224

Those Ivy league schools make billions in research patents. They are essentially given tax money grants to work on research, and are allowed to privately patent it and make income.

Harvard/Princeton/Yale/Cornell ect are so rich they don't even need to charge for tuition. Think about all the drug patents they hold that are currently on the market licensed to Pfizer and other megacorps. Not to mention all the tax free real estate speculation Harvard engages in plus they have hedge funds in the billions. Rich as fuck.

If you perform in those schools your tuition is hand waved away. http://admission.princeton.edu/financialaid

>> No.8327227
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dominus illuminatio mea, sucker

>> No.8327233




>> No.8327246

Paskapostasin töissä ebin :D


>> No.8327247

>he isn't in a 400-500 school shitposting on /sci/


>> No.8327250

Sadly it isnt really an option when parents dont want to "theoretically" not have to pay much. I called the Ivys I got into asking how to make their school affordable and they told me to sell my parents 2 bedroom apartment and become homeless. If even the slight chance existed that you'd have to pay full price, most parents wont even consider a school.

>> No.8327266

not if you're asian-american and/or autistic

>> No.8327279

No, even if you are. There's a reason UChicago has the most Nobel laureates of any school, and it has extensive humanities requirements.

>> No.8327295


>> No.8327299



>> No.8327300

>If you are serious about math, you go to Scambridge and take the tryhardpos

Skill consists in the rate at which one can solve and more especially write out the solution of problems. It is excellent training of a kind, but there is not time for studying fundamental principles, still less for making any philosophical investigations. Mathematical insight is something higher than skill in solving problems; consequently the senior wrangler has """""""""""""""""""""""not"" always turned out the most distinguished mathematician in after life.

>> No.8327320
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>Academic reputation (40%)
>they believe the best work is currently taking place within their own field of expertise

>Employer reputation (10%)
>asking employers to identify the universities they perceive to be producing the best graduates

>Student-to-faculty ratio (20%)
>This is a simple measure of the number of academic staff employed relative to the number of students enrolled.

>Citations per faculty (20%)
>This indicator aims to assess universities’ research impact. A ‘citation’ means a piece of research being cited (referred to) within another piece of research.

>International faculty ratio (5%) & international student ratio (5%)
>This is based on the proportion of international students and faculty members at the institution

>> No.8327328

>UChicago has the most """""""""""""""Nobel"""""""""""""""""" laureates

Reminder that the Nobel memorial prize in economics IS NOT a real Nobel prize.

>> No.8327385

It's certainly livable considering the entry requirements. What are you studying? And do you know how/when we go about choosing additional courses?

>> No.8327398

>What are you studying?
I'm about to start my M.Sc.

>And do you know how/when we go about choosing additional courses?

Has this not been communicated to you yet? For me I have to meet with my tutor, I didn't go there for undergrad so I'm not sure how that's done.

>> No.8327401

It's just as prestigious. Point remains.

>> No.8327430

>tfw used to go to UCL
>was autistically obsessed with it's prestige
>even had a chip on my shoulder that it wasn't oxbridge or even Imperial
>some life shit happened, homeless, unwell
>realized that I was in some sheltered bubble totally out of touch with the real world
>pure science is unemployable
>"prestige" won't change that
>decide to switch to engineering
>decide not to do it at UCL because actually sick of the student snootiness and weird rules and regulations
>go to some ex-poly
>actually have a life for once
>now on £60k
It doesn't fucking matter kids. The ranking is actually for research which has fuck all to do with undergrad. In fact I would say that going to a high ranked university for undergrad is bad because excess work is thrown at you for no reason other than to uphold the name of the institution and professors wrapped up in research are totally unhelpful. You just end up a burned out shell for the same fully accredited degree that was available at Hackney Poly or whatever.

>> No.8327459

Ah, I did get an email about meeting with my personal tutor, so it'd seem reasonable that it's done (or at least the process is started) then.

>> No.8327472

>>inb4 post student card
>Don't have it yet, I have to pick it up on the 19th.
no offence m8 but if you were going to lie you would have picked a better uni haha. congrats though.

>> No.8327475

college, course, fäm?

>> No.8327491

Weren't many of these schools accused of grade inflation? To me that seems to devalue their worth a lot.

>> No.8327496

Unfortunately we don't though.
>Paying tuition
Oh so you aren't bright enough to get it waived?
Lmaoing@ur life u fuken loser

>> No.8327512

>Go to best uni in country
> :D

>> No.8327516

not sure mate.
obviously top unis are going to give their students more work cause they'd kill themselves with boredom given a course from a mediocre uni. if you end up like a burnt (not burned you yank) out shell then you were never meant to be there in the first place and got through the filtering process by accident.

i doubt oxbridge and imperial need to protect their reputation. maybe some uni at the bottom end of the russel group.

most people at prestigious uni's arent their to become an engineer. if thats all you want then i agree, go to a uni with a vocational approach and get a industrial placement for a year. (hackney poly is a bit far).

congrats on the money thats decent

>> No.8327522

My undergrad programme has an integrated masters and (IIRC) increased chances of acceptance for doctoral study. So in some cases, such as mine, they genuinely do matter.

>> No.8327540


>grade inflation

how about "these schools only let in extremely autistic overachievers who would commit suicide if they got a B+ and by extension their overall school GPA averages are higher than most"

Harvard doesn't teach significantly harder material than your average state school, it's renowned for only accepting and graduating a certain caliber of student

>> No.8327547
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how is UVA not even on the list? It should be around the Top 20

>> No.8327550

my dad went to a state uni that isn't nearly the best school in the country and he makes $500,000 so


>> No.8327551

Wow, i...I guess I never thought of it that way

>> No.8327553

>everyone who isn't in the top 1% is terrible and doesn't deserve an education
do you think schools should be limited to aryans as well

>> No.8327556


>> No.8327557

So they are paying to go to a school that tries it's hardest not to hurt their students feelings? That's even more pathetic.

>> No.8327565

Do you know if the grad programs in NUS for bio are any good?

>> No.8327575

There is no way open courseware is the real deal, it is literally the same shit we learn at my uni.

>> No.8327618

>Reminder that NUS is nowhere near top 20 in the meaningful aspects.

My university offers an exchange to NUS and it's basically meme level trash with chink lecturers who barely speak comprehendable english. The people who were dumb enough to choose NUS for abroad studies even regret it which isnt something common to admit. Even Singaporeans bash NUS.

>> No.8327650

Caltech checking in here

>> No.8327658

>Read lecture notes for Introductory linear algebra
>Be surprised when it covers the same topics that I did.

Nigga, what are you expecting? Everyone has to get in at the ground floor, just those at MIT are expected to get to the top quicker, easier, and then can cram more material in.

>> No.8327668

So much this, the professors are absolute garbage at teaching because they think that first-year students can keep up with their train of thought and that everything they're saying is intuitive.

My grades are getting bombed by all the times they introduce a rather specific variable without saying what the variable is.

>> No.8327719
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Time for Sudoku

>> No.8327726

I went over the entire course, and not for math.

>> No.8327748

this whole thread is a meme and you have fallen for bait
what did you expect?

>> No.8327751


>> No.8327802

pls don't tell me you think UofT, Waterloo, or UBC are the best in Canada

>> No.8327836

tbqh Canada unis are easy to get into, hard to get out of. Not sure what you're complaining about, don't they only check your Grade 12 mid-term/final marks?

In terms of prestige, Math/CS = Waterloo, anything else UofT, as a non-Canadian that's how I see it

>> No.8327848

Why is Caltech so highly ranked? Except for Physics-related fields I don't think it's that good "overall"... you should exchange rankings with Princeton.
NUS isn't prestigious but I'd assume it's pretty OK. I've seen someone on LinkedIn come to TAMU from NUS for their Masters though.

>> No.8327854

Here for McGill and other university a college degree is obligatory to get into any university, at least in Quebec. McGill is the best in the country, and it's not easy getting in.

>> No.8327896

Lol nope. McGill

>> No.8327899

Idk man, they're acceptance rate is like 48%. Compared to worse american's schools that's still high. The reason they do so poorly in rankings is the student/faculty ration which is also related to their high acceptance rate (i.e. accepting too many people)

>> No.8327900

>anything else UofT
except medicine / dentistry / pretty much all life sciences, which belong to McGill

>> No.8327902

Does McGill have a decent rep for physics sciences?

>> No.8327913

Definitely, but I'll admit I don't know how it compares to other Canadian unis.

McGill strength is really in its name - it's actually been dropping in QS rankings almost yearly compared to UofT & UBC, but when it comes to employment it still has name recognition (in Canada) beyond any other uni.

>> No.8327936

Can the cacucks please go

>> No.8327947

What year? Undergrad, or grad student?

>Entering graduate student there in two weeks

>> No.8327972





>> No.8328122

>ENS 33rd
How come their engineers get called up to the UK all the time? I smell anglo favoritism.

>> No.8328145
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>> No.8328193

How's MIT? tips to getting in?

>> No.8328229
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Columbia Representin!
Barely got in by the skin of our teeth though

>> No.8328235

This is /sci/ and not really the best board for this subject but whatever, this is probably the board with the most university students and the most university-minded people

How feasible is it to jump up from a standard state school (in my case ASU) in undergrad in something like Economics to a top 14 law school, assuming appropriate LSAT + GPA numbers? Looking at the class profiles for those law schools, it looks like a majority of the students came in from that tier (Stanford law students coming from Harvard undergrad, Yale law students coming from UPenn undergrad etc)

>> No.8328275

I did an exchange semester at a top 20, can I hang out here???

>> No.8328282

reed college

>> No.8328346
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We are the undisputed No.1.

>> No.8328349

>number 1
fuck yall stanford deserves that spot.

>> No.8328513

did my undergrad at UChicago, didn't get triggered while I was there
now I'm in a M.S. at a third rate uni that happens to have a bretty okay program in my field of study and is kinda crappy otherwise.

>> No.8328519


You know, I spent a good 5-6 years of my life working my ass off at a shitty state university in the middle of nowhere so that I could legitimately post in this thread.

3 years ago I was literally an afterthought away from gorging myself with sleeping pills and now I'm starting a Ph.D. at one of the best universities in the world.

We can all make it, boys.

>> No.8328525

Ay starting up there in math in a few weeks. Any tips?

>> No.8328691

Ohio State University. How fucked am I ?

>> No.8328694

Does a University ranked top 20 in the worst universities count?

>> No.8328707

going to cambridge in october to do part iii lads

is everyone there an absolute autist wanking over grades?

>> No.8328717
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My uni is currently at ~160 but is the best from my country.
Dont know how to feel.

>> No.8328720

My university is not on that list, but would probably rank seventh on that list if the rating system was the same one used in my country.

>> No.8328737

>Tokyo U
>Rank 34

This ranking is retarded.

>> No.8328738


Singaporean here, and multiple sources tell me that NTU/NUS inflate their number of citations by getting faculty to:

>rehash the same paper and submit to multiple journals
>publish for every single trivial advancement/split up what can be contained in a single paper to multiple
>cite their own papers
>cite each other's papers

I do think our high schools/junior colleges are pretty damned good, but widening participation in this small city-state and imported chinks are a sore sight.

>> No.8328762

"Pretty damned good" in Third World region.

There's no First World quality in that education system

>> No.8328778

You sound like a butthurt Singaporean brainlet.

Objectively, the curriculum, especially in the sciences, is world-class. Whether the educators live up to it is another matter entirely.

>> No.8328782
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>Rank 12
As some people have mentioned before, you can pay to get higher rank in the list as long as it's not too retarded.
In NUS, they own a collection of journals with high impact factor (good for ranking). How do they achieve this? Well, papers submitted to a journal in that collection must cite papers from other journals of the same collection they own.
And bam, the impact factor goes up.

Honestly, what is the biggest contribution NUS offers in the last 5 years? in the last decade?

As you can see, Tokyo University has a lower rank but its science contribution is a lot more than NUS.

>> No.8328783

Cambridge graduate here.

no way in hell UCL deserves to be so high . I've seen and interact with their students and they are weak weak weak.

>> No.8328816

In the USA alone, UVA is beneath: Harvard, MIT, Caltech, Stanford, Cornell, Columbia, Brown, Yale, Dartmouth, Princeton, U Penn, UC Berkeley, UCLA, U Chicago, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt... Then Cambridge, Oxford, ETH Zurich, Univ. Paris Sud, U. Toronto, McGill, etc...
UVA is great, it's just that the other guys are better.

>> No.8328824

CEGEP only exists in Quebec. We go right from high school to uni in Ontario. This includes McGill, coming from an Ontario school.
Canada has 35 million people. The USA has 330 million. And 100x the international applicants. This is why acceptance rates are so low in the USA. Harvard has 50 spots but has 5000 applicants... You see why. If they had less people, they wouldn't be turning anyone away.

And btw, the worst schools in the USA have an open admission policy... Something which no Canadian university's has. We're also all public so we won't turn away poor people or accept people on athletic scholarship and shit.

>> No.8328831
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I study at Imperial College London and I think about pic related everyday. AMA

>> No.8329130

which oxbridge college did you get rejected from?

>> No.8329177

>Students from prestigious school
>Posting on 4chan
Pick one.
If the workload of your courses is so "big" like you brag then you should be doing them right now, not shitposting on this weeaboo site.

>> No.8329181

it's summer holidays and I have nothing better to do senpai

>> No.8329199
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>> No.8329206

>this is what plebians imagine going to a top 10 university to be like

hahaha cute.

if you have a 4chan habit in hgischool, that's probably going to continue in university whatever uni you go to. I went to cambridge.

If you drop 4chan in between highschool and university it's probably because you grew out of it rather than teh workload.
there is a workload but you can still do some browsing if you feel like it.

>> No.8329271

I had offers (and subsequently got the required grades) for Cambridge and Imperial College but chose to stay in my home country for undergrad due to reduced fees and undergrad not being terribly important.
If you go to your Oxbridge interview, all the candidates think they are destined for greatness and feel very important but they don't realise how many great students from all over the world are simply waiting for postgrad to apply to Oxbridge when it really matters, students who are much better, like me.

>> No.8329277

No engineers at ENS nigga.
But indeed, ENS and X beat so many of those uni's if the criteria was only academic excellence.
ENS would probably be at the top.

>> No.8329278

>I am so important and destined for greatness but haven't even finished my undergrad yet

Reality is going to smack you right in the face and it's going to be hilarious.

>> No.8329289

I don't think I am destined for greatness, but I am more than capable of entering Oxbridge or a top ten school and know I will make a positive contribution. It's just honesty, not hubris, but if I told you I was IMO medalist standard you would not believe it.
Also, I am near completion of my undergrad, which was a 4 year MSci, and it has been very relaxed.

>> No.8329302

>search for my uni
>sorry we couldn't find this school


>> No.8329340

>ranked 40th in the world
Wow I highly doubt these ratings are accurate

>> No.8329344

My university is so bad it's not even rated famalam

>> No.8329351


me either famalam

my uni has the highest citations per paper as well as research paper output in my field worldwide though.

the interpretation is relative... for instance, my uni kicks the shit out of harvard for my degree, it might not for yours.

probably dont worry about rankings

>> No.8329359

Mine is 62 on QS rankings. Is that alright?

Also how does Dartmouth so consistently rank low?

>> No.8329365

Also, it's 19th worldwide in the engineering department, and 2nd best of the country.

>> No.8329372

Jokes on you op, i dont go to uni and im posting

who here /devilish/

>> No.8329384
File: 37 KB, 600x520, funny_meme_ifunny_reddit_tumblr_memegenerator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ranked 650-750

buh oh

>> No.8329475

but if you are not special, you wouldn't even be able to get into a special school in the first place

>> No.8329478

its summer you dip.
also do people who go to shit unis think students at good unis just study 24/7 365?

the work is harder but the student are smarter in equal proportion, so the time and effort required is equal.

>> No.8329481

>my school
>arwu engineering: #4
>everywhere else: unlisted

>> No.8329482

>IMO medalist standard
so not an imo medalist, hmm?
you probably justify this to yourself in some way

>> No.8329520

every1 i know who got into mcgill was rejected by waterloo nice try desu

>> No.8329796

fuck you, Brown represent!