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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 84 KB, 750x750, USWQMdliCn0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8321596 No.8321596 [Reply] [Original]

This winter I won't have internet and will have minimal obligations and human interaction. I'm looking for textbook recommendations on a number of things.

-Electrical engineering / (AC) circuit design
-Modern Material science and fabrication techniques
-Human anatomy, general physiology, and biochemistry (more or less pre-med material)

I'm aware of the sticky. I'm just curious about some more personal accounts. I already have a patchwork knowledge of most of these topics and their underpinnings, but severe deficits in mathematics specifically. Time I dealt with that overhead.

>> No.8321620

you won't be studying that all day just because you won't have internet during one season (one of the shorter ones).

here's my recommendation:
Problems in General Physics by Irodov

>> No.8321628

I probably will though, aside from part of wednesdays and thursdays. I've done it before, and perhaps I can return (but not regress) and do it again. Don't have a social life, etc, and live in a rural area.

>Problems in General Physics by Irodov
Looking into this, thanks.

>> No.8321644

If I had the time I would study topology cuz it looks interesting af. But practically you should study programming languages like python or c. One step below that would be electronics projects

>> No.8321648

Why do you want to study these?

>> No.8321651

you got around 2000 problems in that book.
winter is around 90 days long, meaning you'd have to do around 22-23 problems a day.
try doing the first 5 right now and you'll see it takes a much longer time to truly understand some things (I'll post them, in case more people are interested). your lacking in maths will cause so much problems when studying physics, yet you put physics as the first subject on that list.

here's the first problem in the book(starting with fundamentals of mechanics, kinematics):

>A motorboat going downstream overcame a raft at a point A; τ = 60 min later it turned back and after some time passed the raft at a distance l = 6.0 km from the point A. Find the flow velocity assuming the duty of the engine to be constant.

shouldn't be too hard yet.

>> No.8321661

-10 km/min

>> No.8321688

My knowledge of math is at more or less a sixth grade level, which is why I'm starting over from algebra. A bit of the logic is there, but I haven't the slightest how to functionally use any of it.

Have an old interest in physics, but have mainly taken an abstract and top down approach on my own. Try to avoid mental compartmentalization of the low level mechanics, but still poorly understand why they're thought to be as they are, and the wider picture.

Math for a number of obvious reasons.

Electrical engineering because I'm apt to view everything (with what constitutes a given system or "thing" being applied at arbitrary scales) as a machine and want to understand not only how they work, but how to efficiently make them myself. Make transformers, understand spacings of the coils, fix things that aren't functioning right. Goes back to a childhood that was misused and always went in the wrong direction, from some perspectives.

Material science because it's useful if you're designing a given object and targeting certain properties, doing CNC machining, etc.

Anatomy because I have considerable investment in biology and medicine at smaller scales, but have never bothered with the whole.

Ecology because Earth is a grand mechanical waterfall of which humans are just a small set of clusters.

>> No.8321718

I don't expect to get through everything, and would have to start with the mathematics. Although a few aspects of this situation and the mindset I feel myself slipping into will likely afford the capacity for rapid progress.

Physics is probably the best proxy to studying math for me.

I live in the northeast US (Vermont). Winter can "start" as early as late October, and tends to subside by early to mid April. For me this will begin when it's consistently below freezing.

I'm also working on a programming project. That will probably receive a degree of attention as well.

>> No.8321779

whoa, that qt looks like Asuka?

>> No.8321788
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>> No.8321801

I'm in love

>> No.8321848
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>> No.8321856

Her face looks like vomit. even that tryhard makeup couldn't fix it lmao.

>> No.8321864
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>> No.8321867
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>> No.8321870

and your argument is to post a pic with even more makeup and a new wig

>> No.8321878
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I wouldn't be surprised if that's roughly her actual hair color. Black hair is relatively common in Russia and Eurasia. Other images with dyed hair also have brown-black roots.

>> No.8321891

She's literally shit tier mate. Her face is mushy, her eyes are lobsided and she has a wierd mouth. Even that 3 inch makeup can't fix it.

>> No.8321911
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I think she looks fine, has fairly attractive facial features, and normal bilateral symmetry.

>> No.8321929

Her right eye is lower than her left eye and her chin is to the back of her jawline which looks wierd and mushy. You can see the terribly asymmetry from a mile away.

Pretty much obvious from how every picture is a cosplay wannabe that she needs a reason to put 3 inches of makeup to photograph herself.

>> No.8321966
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>chin is to the back of her jawline which looks wierd and mushy
To you.

>You can see the terribly asymmetry from a mile away.
Barely noticeable. Hence, "normal".

>Pretty much obvious from how every picture is a cosplay wannabe that she needs a reason to put 3 inches of makeup to photograph herself.
Cosplay tends to have excessive makeup because it;s necessary to even out and flatten the overall skin tone, as well as provide a means to accentuate the eyes without it looking out of place. It's reliant on creating contrast.

>> No.8321970

I'm sorry that I exposed your waifu that you keep spamming as the asymmetrical garbage tramp that she is, but facts are facts. She has an ugly face and she's desperately trying to hide it under the excuse of cosplay because she can't take a picture of her lobsided ugly face :^)

>> No.8321978

I remember being in the 10th grade and my teacher showing Irodov to us, and he solved this problem for us on the chalkboard. Good times man, good times.

>> No.8321993
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Okay. Thanks for the substantive but largely subjective input.

>> No.8322003

It's not up to my opinion of her that her eyes are lobsided and she has a mushy asymmetrical face, it's just facts :^)

Although it's absolutely cool if wierd ugly faces are your thing, I can't judge you on your preferences.

>> No.8322018
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The machine is poor at seeing the delineation between itself and reality.

>> No.8322024
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>> No.8322026
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>> No.8322038
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>can't unsee that lobsided face
dear god...

>> No.8322040

you could have spent all this time figuring out the physics problem I posted instead of shitposting about whether some cosplaying whore is cute or not.

>> No.8322044

maybe study getting a job you lazy autist

>> No.8322052

I could solve it if you want to reminisce more. I don't have a chalkboard though!

>> No.8322066
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Oh, this reminds me I'm also learning Russian for unrelated reasons. I've already learned the Cyrillic alphabet, phonetic stuff, etc.

Thoughts on language learning, especially Russian, appreciated. I'm very wary of coming to think of another language, but will probably get over it and dissolve the translation layer.

I've been awake for ~36 hours (beginning to shift my sleep) and am full of kava. I'm mentally crippled at this point when it comes to task switching. Working on programming stuff and chipping away at an obnoxious problem.

There's no work around here. I'm doing a volunteering deal, but that's about it. I have very little for monthly expenses, am used to going hungry, and should be able to survive on the money I have for a while. Got lucky for once, if you could call it that.

>> No.8322094
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I barely notice anything. Could just be that my facial recognition circuitry / memory is a bit subpar. Or something to do with visual snow.

Or it could just be very minor. I can barely see, much less need to unsee.

>> No.8322107

Please do anon. I actually forgot how to solve it.

>> No.8322143

>Thermal expansion

>> No.8322157
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Awful face

>> No.8322161
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>> No.8322180

Imageless post to get the thread back on track.

>> No.8322251

Seconding this. Quit fucking around and feeding trolls

>> No.8322277
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>> No.8322286

I'm the OP. Thought the thread either wouldn't go anywhere, or might start to get some responses if it was active.

Obviously responses here have value beyond what I'm looking for. Likely a lot of other people would benefit. Especially as far as the pre-med material, I'm interested what sort of literature is used and what people who had to use it think would've been better.

>> No.8322298 [DELETED] 

I'm going to brute force cacao.

>> No.8323221
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Thanks anon, also nice digits.
If you're looking for something light to read and you're into anime/manga you might find the Manga Guide series interesting. Also check out the Mathematical Girls manga, pic related, it goes into deeper mathematics than the Manga Guide series.

>> No.8323228
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>> No.8323301

I really like the book Algebra by Gelfand. He has a bunch of other books you can check out as well.

You should get a pre-calc book as well. Any decent one should cover the trigonometry and (analytic) geometry needed for calculus. If you're interested in physics, you should make sure to learn about vectors. Again, any decent precalc book should cover this.

Maybe get a couple of Schaum's outlines for sources of problems with solutions.

>> No.8323307
File: 28 KB, 331x499, 41T+Aw5ssoL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about rudins and spivaks, this is THE book to study.

>> No.8323451

Thanks. Looking into these.

>> No.8323455

Go fuck yourself you dumb cunt.

>> No.8323456

What a faggot!

>> No.8323457
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Batoto seems to have the most up-to-date chapters. I'm kind of sad that this manga isn't more popular, though I kind of know why, it really tries to make you think deeply, whereas the majority of manga readers use it as a medium of relaxation, not active thinking.

>> No.8323466


I'm not usually drawn to this kind of thing, but I like the Alice in Wonderland vibe. It's been quite a while since I engaged with anything that wasn't hard non-fiction.

Might look into it. I should re-read Through the Looking Glass.

>> No.8323614

While I'm at it does anyone have any suggestions for lighter painkillers, for neuropathy? Chronic (over)consumption of kava eventually causes you to feel braindead or apathetic. I use phenibut or ginger occasionally as well, but like to avoid the former, and the latter is typically of limited utility.

Never tried opioids and ideally don't intend to.

>> No.8323624

Consult a professional.

>> No.8323632

They'll just suggest SSRIs, SNRIs, NRIs, opioids, etc. Or putting capsaicin on the skin which sounds terribly unpleasant and like an investment better left unmade.

I'd rather get some anecdotes of strangers on the internet.

>> No.8323635

At least ask on Reddit, Quora, hell even StackExchange. Why you would choose 4chan of all websites is beyond me.

>> No.8323637

I don't have accounts on any of those sites, and am used to opportunistically harvesting usable pieces of information from anywhere. I figure my error control and risk assessment is well constructed enough to have a fairly low probability of screwing up.

4chan use is very similar to gambling, and you're right, when it comes to some things these slot machines are very unlikely to offer much of any return. The currency is time and energy, which unfortunately is much easier to keep throwing away.

>> No.8323645

Whatever dude. Just don't fuck up your mental health.

>> No.8325179
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Probably a bit too late for that. I used to focus only on functionality, but I have come to value health as well.

That's that then. Thanks for the recommendations everyone.