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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8320584 No.8320584 [Reply] [Original]

>someone uses quantum physics to "justify" that ghosts can be real

>> No.8320589
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"mah quantum decoherence"

>> No.8320591
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>now watch me make incredible claims based on extremely speculative fringe scientific research that I take for granted because someone published one paper about it

>> No.8320598

It really makes you think about genocide, innit ?

>> No.8320603
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>the schrodingers cat proves that people can be alive and dead
>that means that there must be a soul

I'm not even kidding that I heard this being said unironically at my uni.

>> No.8320636

About a week or two ago there was a couple of threads on /sci/ about what ghosts are, most people were just trolling in them and making fun of OP, telling him to go to /x/, but I got interested in them when some of the posters mentioned some properties of ghosts. Because of this I did some research, got some books and read them and now finally I know what ghosts are! I found out relatively quickly that ghosts are basically fields in space, but you cant really detect them because of how they interact with normal matter. You see, the universe loves symmetries, everywhere you find symmetries in nature, but sometimes these symmetry cause disturbances in reality and cause "unphysical" things to happen that arnt part of our universe and that's why ghosts exist, they balance "unphysical" forces by interacting with the object these "unphysical" forces interact with, canceling the "unphysical" force. This is also why we cant directly see ghosts, they are always in balance with other energy fields. at least thats how "Faddeev-Popov" ghosts work.

>> No.8320649

So they aren't really ghosts (i.e.: dead people)

>> No.8320666
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>basically fields in space
What kind of fields? Also, give sources or mathematically prove your statement.
> sometimes these symmetry cause disturbances in reality
What kind of symmetries are you talking about?
>This is also why we cant directly see ghosts, they are always in balance with other energy fields
This statement makes no sense. So any particle that is in balance with an energy field cannot be seen? This is not true at all.

>> No.8320683

This happened in the past when I was still in 8th grade.
There was a week when I constantly heard people shout out my name. Like, when I was playing vidya, when I was going out on my bicycle at noon, etc. I kept hearing my name even though there was always no one around.
I asked my family members if they called me and they told me no.
A week later, my older sister discovered the reason. Before that, I need to explain some background information.
I live in an oriental country where worshiping gods/Buddha is the norm here. Beside worshiping gods, you can ask the monks to pray for your dead family members so they can reincarnate/freed/whatever, or pray for your living family members so they can have a prosperous and healthy life.
Well, guess what? My sister provided the name list to a pagoda for both types of praying. Somehow, my name ended up in the 'dead people' list.
Who was calling me, I don't know. It could be something else from somewhere, it could be the monks (you need to speak the name of the person before chanting). However, if it was the monk, there is no way I could actually 'hear' them you know? The pagoda is like 5 kilometer away from where I stay.
But the crucial thing is that, when my sister removed my name from the 'dead people list', I stopped hearing random people calling me.

>> No.8320690


>> No.8320718

Is this supposed to be a ghost story or what?

>> No.8322043

Ghost aint no real man.

>> No.8322055
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>lelectrons can be in a spuerposition
>which means atoms can be too

This is what quantum retarded people actually believe

>> No.8322072

Thanks anon, I see what you did there and I feel autistic because of that.