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8317136 No.8317136 [Reply] [Original]

>America is now the country of stupid
Please wake me up fampai.

>> No.8317149


>> No.8317189

Are you implying that America has always been a stupid country?
Hope you are kidding. 90% of the inventions since 1900 came from America.

>> No.8317209

>90% of the inventions since 1900 came from America.
Lol, that's not even remotely true. Europe alone files a lot more patents than the US each year.

>> No.8317273
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An article written by a brainlet. Seriously, this guy is a PhD in social anthropology, did his BA in political science and yet thinks about this issue the same way I did at age 15. His huge wall of text can be summed up with three points: teachers in the US are underpaid, no strong cultural strive towards improvement and inequality (here we go again) in the school system.

Point 1: Maybe being a teacher would be more prestigious if you had higher requirements. I don't know how it's in the US, but here becoming a teacher means you do a trimmed version of whatever degree, like doing physics minus all QM, statics, thermodynamics etc. plus a few useless pedagogy classes. It becomes easy as shit and those courses are filled to the brim with human trash. These people then go on to teach kids. What a surprise.

Point 2: This is quite interesting since he compares this point with Japan. Japan has a strong and homogenous population and outliers are quickly dealt with or cast out. There is no victim culture like in most of the West, and people strive to serve their country. This point is unspeakable here and he would be the first to cry about nationalism if this point was discussed publicly.

Point 3: Here he goes full retard. Where is the inequality when you literally have quotas giving x minority members full scholarships? Where is the inequality when football prodigies get the full ride for degrees? Where is the inequality when you can sue your way into a desired position by virtue of being member of a protected class?

tl;dr a typical 2/10 article.

>> No.8317303
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>> No.8317313

The top percentile of America is still smarter than the top percentile of people in any other country, mostly because you guys brain drain the rest of the world, and that's what matters for research.

>> No.8317316

>Americans get good grades
>muh grade inflation, muh watered down material

>asians get good grades

lol, fuck off.

>> No.8317700

Japan has a huge suicide problem. As doing well in school in stressed so hard. If you aren't graduating top of class of a top university. You aren't going to have a good career. You'll get stuck for life in what ever position you entered at. Being fired or demoted, basically calls for sudoku. As you'll be stigmatized by the rest of society.

>> No.8317716
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>implying that any of this is bad and weeding out brainlets isn't good for society

>> No.8317737

Remove blacks and mexicans, and then we'd be one of, if not the smartest country on Earth.

>> No.8317843
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Don't east asians just outright lie and omit data that would lower their average?

>> No.8317858

Well there's lots of blacks, Mexicans, etc. that don't care about anything here.
Especially blacks though. Jesus... Not even /pol/ but have you ever met a decent black person under the age of 50?

>> No.8317864

The math 10 year old Japanese do is what you guys do in grad school....

>> No.8317866
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>> No.8317867

This guy who was around my age who worked with me at the lab was pretty smart.

>> No.8317870


>> No.8317885

>liberals cause problems
>liberals blame republicans for the problems they caused & continue to cause

>> No.8317918


Honestly it depends, by IQ averages America is nothing special. But by philosophy and logistics America is on top.

The issue just is that America places more respect on careers with high economic income or high industrial output.

Teachers (k-12) present neither so they get marginalized. The respect for the profession is still there mind you but admiration and prestige is not.

>> No.8317935

It's going to be political posturing, and if there's any truth in it, you can find it covered better by someone else.

>> No.8318678

t. Buttmad rebuplican

>> No.8318723

This is only a propaganda created to make you believe that the average American is stupid.
The truth is that a common American citizen is twice as smart as the smartest person in Japan.

>> No.8318727

>came TO America.


>> No.8318742

America (probably) used to be one of the smartest countries in the world. Let's just give them that.
But now that it is out of the table, what is the smartest country in the current decade?
Japan? Germany? China?

>> No.8318758 [DELETED] 


>> No.8318762

>t. Singaporean

>> No.8318763 [DELETED] 

im australian

>> No.8318819

>The respect for the profession

I have zero respect for teachers. 90% of them are lazy incompetent faggots.

>> No.8318837

I work closely with a guy who graduated from China. He was shocked when he saw the degree content here (UK).

For a course like EEE students in China do double the work we do. They demand higher standards whereas we just get as many undergrads through the door as possible for their money.

>> No.8318843

Korean highschool's suicide churn rate isn't the best example of education either.

>> No.8318896

>high suicide rate
this is good, retards should kill themselves instead of leeching off others.

>> No.8318917

>If you look at this metric the US does okay in mathematics(11th and 9th respectively)
>But if you look at this metric the US does pretty shit, coming in at 36th
>But instead of questioning why there's no apparent concordance between metrics, and then pondering the validity of such measures. I'm going to focus on the bad measure because it agrees with my opinion.

Why do people read, and take seriously, articles like this?

>> No.8318928
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>90% of the inventions since 1900
>came from America
[citation needed]

>> No.8318932

I went to UCLA, all the cheating rings were created by visiting asian students. These are supposed to be their brightest, they just fake it til' they make it.

>> No.8318941

So? America doesn't force everyone to have school smarts, retards fail and they should.

What is wrong is that these people are able to vote, but forcing everyone to be a good student is stupid.

>> No.8318992


>> No.8319008


Also, this is not surprising in the slightest, asian countries place education as one of the top priorities for their youth, which is why their school life and college degrees are much more work-heavy than the West. Their culture breeds and promotes study and hard work like nothing else.

>> No.8319022

Well, yeah? Grade inflation is only a problem in the US, where most universities are private. They are cash machines more than places where you come to learn things, and good grades is a selling argument. It's also one of the reasons why courses are noticeably easier in the US than in Europe. This is what happens in a system when you purchase your degree and network instead of earning it through hard work and talent.

>> No.8319122

>USA readers not questioning why there's
>no apparent concordance between metrics
...bcoz 2 st00pid, point taken

>> No.8319143

don't like that tabloid piece of shit without an archive link. no one gives a fuck about your pretend journalism

>> No.8319454

>All American is a dummy goys
Nice hasty generalizations there bub

>> No.8319457

>reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics

>> No.8319512

Here's the pastebin because apparently you dumb fucking newfags can't do anything right.

>> No.8319587

Well, to be fair, social science is still a science.
And honestly, studying humans and the world they are living in is far more important than math itself.

>> No.8320442
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tell me more.

>> No.8320446


>> No.8320454

>social science

alternative medicine isn't medicine

>> No.8320508

Intelligence isn't inherited.

>> No.8320652

Alternative 'anything' is still medicine as long as it can cures the disease.

>> No.8320657

Prosperity spoils people. It will happen to them too.

>> No.8320662

And yet nothing notable or profound comes from Asian countries except in the tech field
Rote memorization =/= Intelligence

>> No.8320671

>except in the tech field
I take that back Silicon valley probably produced more innovation than all Asian countries in the last centuries combined

>> No.8320679

The stupidity of the average person is harming the average person. Innovation probably will not stall because of brain drain from the world over. Silicon valley isn't made up exclusively of white Americans. It's really diverse.

>> No.8320709

>Reminder that white Americans are easily in the top 5 worldwide for academics, but this is obviously watered down when considering the country as a whole.
>Reminder that Asian education is all about rote learning.
>Reminder that higher education is a joke throughout all of Asia.
>Reminder that Asian countries sends thousands of their people to study in NA, and not the other way around.
>Reminder that cheating is actually rampant there, including in international assessments.
>Reminder that Asian scientists operating from Asia are still regarded as jokes, and that their contributions are minimal compared to the western world.
>Reminder that Asia produces almost no innovation despite being 60% of the world population.

>> No.8320716
File: 406 KB, 1159x993, huffpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it. I don't normally attack the character of the source, but when its the huffington post, I disregard and move on.

>> No.8320717

>Hope you are kidding. 90% of the inventions since 1900 came from America.

Reveling in past achievements is the fast track to irrelevance.

>> No.8320720
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>> No.8320729

>Tea Party and religious right
The problem has always been worse in the flyover states, but I would say suburban kids are starting to suffer from a different kind of willful ignorance, one promoted by the entertainment industry. Both sides are equally guilty.

>> No.8320779

>meme sites and smart phones

darpa and bell labs innovated. even research departments in universities still innovate. silicon valley does no "innovation" whatsoever. overpaid engineers working on meme tech for mass consumption.

>> No.8321005



>> No.8321013

>America is now the country of stupid
I agree

>> No.8321092

Alternative medicine that cures diseases is called medicine

>> No.8321300

I used to be neutral towards huffpost but the editor's addendum at the end of all trump articles is what really memepilled me

>> No.8321301

That makes your posts even less credible

>> No.8321302

>no true scotsman/circular logic double whammy

>> No.8321370

>alternative medicine is any practice that is put forward as having the healing effects of medicine, but does not originate from evidence gathered using the scientific method
So yeah, by definition any alternative medicine that's been proven to work isn't alternative medicine you retard

>> No.8321416

This is what Christianity does to societies.

>> No.8322041

No, why would you think so?
Japanese is a religious country too.

>> No.8322062

America dominated the 20th century in every category


It's not our fault we've been overtaken by shitty politicians and terrorists for the past 30 years

>> No.8322071
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>Japan is a religious country

>> No.8322098

Giving S.Korea as an example would have been more relevant.

>> No.8323038
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>Huffington Post

>> No.8323199

I know right. That's definitely why so many people are trying to go live there. And also why countries like China are always copying their commercial products and technology because xi Chung can't think of a single creative and innovative idea. That's what happens when you have a collective society Instead of a individual one.

>> No.8323390
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I'm in HS. Good nuff?

>> No.8323397

Wtf? That's way beyond what I learned in high school, what book is that?

>> No.8323414

Something he found in the library and doesn't have the slightest understanding of

>> No.8323430

nice b8

>> No.8323437

Gamma function is fun though with its properties and shit.

>> No.8323438


Nope that was the Nazis. And Nazi scientists stolen by America. Don't believe me? Wall into Nasa sometime and yell Heil Hitler and WOOP they all jump straight up

>> No.8324599

Advanced calculus by David V. Widder

>> No.8324617

Another thing is that Asian countries tend to have a group mentality. They believe and will answer any question in the manner that has been accepted by their particular group.

Americans tend to have their own opinions about thing even in many cases where they may be wrong. Independent thought is much more encouraged in the US. Japan, China and Korea do not even compare to the amount and quality of research and development taking place in the US.

There is lots of patents in China sure, but quality is something to take into account. I'm not familiar with Chinese patent law so the numbers can be quite misleading without context.

>> No.8325255

No, this is what being rich does to a country. There is no incentive for americans to excel in science when they can import the best minds in the world. Christianity was kicked out of schools long ago, and no matter how much money we throw at the problem our kids get dumber each year. Our culture is in decline, and stupidity is glorified.

>> No.8325257


>> No.8325270

That's what happens when institutions care more about feminism and diversity than actual academic achievement.

>> No.8325283

>High school
You're too late anon

>> No.8325441

americans are retarded