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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1004 KB, 5344x1697, IMG_20160829_165914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8307078 No.8307078 [Reply] [Original]

Does your textbook tell jokes?

>> No.8307084


>> No.8307092
File: 532 KB, 817x580, 7rLdRjl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a few, none saved though. Some I've collected from others:

>> No.8307097
File: 301 KB, 822x358, gBX33VU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my students love these

>> No.8307101
File: 181 KB, 1661x541, Vierour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307107
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>> No.8307108

Where's the joke

>> No.8307112

It seems like textbooks jokes are found in 45% math books, 44% physics books, 10% comp sci, 1% other

>> No.8307117
File: 528 KB, 3003x1126, Dy4pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot the pic. A lot of these aren't that funny, just examples of some levity in textbook writing.

>> No.8307119

That isn't even a joke. That is just a comment. Yeah, models sometimes do nude performances.

I mean, what is even the joke?

This please. God damn physicists are absolute autists

>XD luk at tis jok me friends it implis NUDITY xDDDDD

>> No.8307124
File: 190 KB, 718x1024, UWMkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307129

yeah I hate when they try to be hip like that and then the rest of the text is nonsense

This must be a physics textbook

>> No.8307133

most of these haven't been proven yet

>> No.8307135
File: 59 KB, 640x480, iDOzAa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is from a novel, not a textbook but fuck it

>> No.8307136

The fuck is your problem? Learn to take a joke autist.

>> No.8307139

A series of unfortunate events?

>> No.8307143
File: 63 KB, 1000x885, 1463549683863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, probably not a book but in the same vein

>> No.8307146

But what joke? What is the joke?

Can you deconstruct it? Tell me what is the setup and what is the punchline? Can you then explain why the setup is succesful and punchline funny?

This is really autistic shit man.

>Implied nudity in a normal context is funny LOLOLOL

Please, first graders are supposed to go on /b/

>> No.8307150

The author didn't have to mention nude models but he did which is funny. Go away.

>> No.8307158

but it's just a offhand chuckle worthy joke? Damn it's not hard to see the humor

>> No.8307159

>didn't have to mention nude models but he did which is funny

>mentioning nude models is now comedy


Fuck you have an absolute childish sense of humor holy shit what the fuck. If you are actually over 18, and I know you are not, then please consider suicide. Your brain has been frozen in the state of an 8 year old.

>> No.8307160

There's a good one I can't find where it gives the definition of the natural numbers and says they start with 0,1,2,3... (ask your instructor for a complete list).

Also the trees one that gets posted around here a bit

>> No.8307163

Either obvious troll or a very, very sad man

>> No.8307164

Kys my dude

>> No.8307167

>author needs to resort to corny/stale jokes to keep people interested
baller as fuck

>> No.8307173
File: 280 KB, 1240x990, compsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The joke's a little autistic but holy shit your insistence it be diagrammed out is Sonichu level.

In my experience they're mostly useful at calming the nerves of more hesitant students. Especially effective for late highschool/early college when you're trying to get students out of the "I am a student, I am to receive and recite the wisdom of my educators" mindset

>> No.8307174


Hey, 8 year olds, take a look at actual comedy:


Now that's a fucking joke. It is a serious book and it is already into the topic, not introducing it, meaning that in the context of the reader (audience) everything being read should be serious but then the author subverts the reader's expectations by introducing a ridiculous situation in a serious context (as it is still talking about a scientist doing work related with the material) that makes for an actual good laugh.

OP, at least people who are over 18 can use your absolute shit thread to share the real good shit.

>> No.8307177
File: 571 KB, 1038x885, compsci2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307184

>The joke's a little autistic

A little? Bitch, this autism is beyond this dimension.

The last thing I expected to see when I clicked 'Science & Math' was to see someone laughing at implied nudity.

>> No.8307188
File: 509 KB, 3233x717, compscinice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the ones I'm posting are from journals or late undergrad/graduate books; it seems to be the most where you get the kind of casual humor (instead of HEY HERE IS A JOKE style stuff).

A lot of it is probably that these weren't contracted out textbooks, the authors wrote them and then shopped out the manuscript.

>> No.8307194
File: 107 KB, 717x819, physicscat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find awful jokes at http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6991630/funny-puns-textbooks-picture-gallery but I didn't bother to download them when they came up because I hate most of the humor there. Again, it's the casual dryness that I think is desirable.

>> No.8307197

Certainly you're shitty jokes about age aren't providing a good example

I don't understand how this got you so riled up, makes me wonder how you act in real life.

>> No.8307201
File: 55 KB, 800x600, statsfootnote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307203
File: 95 KB, 1594x655, arxivhonesty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, not a textbook etc etc

>> No.8307204

>you're shitty jokes

Oh I'm not playing. There's no playing around here. You are not fucking 18. You are not even 15. We all know it. No one laughs at implied nudity man.

>> No.8307208

There's a few involving mammals i had a good chuckle at

>> No.8307209
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>> No.8307217
File: 43 KB, 550x160, frankadams1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a professor who was crazy about this author just because of how light so much of his writing is

>> No.8307221
File: 23 KB, 523x101, frankadams2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, shitty site that I didn't pull anything off of. Trying to dig these up I came across it again though. I was offering it as an example of "bad" textbook humor, unsurprisingly it's on a bad humor site.

>> No.8307226
File: 51 KB, 539x215, slightlymorbid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to remove this one after a student killed themself one year unfortunately.

>> No.8307229
File: 11 KB, 313x188, tkz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307230

>I had to remove this one after a student killed themself one year unfortunately.

What the fuck? Is this /sci/ story time now?


>> No.8307237

Creepy breeki


>> No.8307241

There's not a lot to say. A student committed suicide and it seemed too touch to have a joke about suicide. I think the fallout would have just been being told to be more careful in the future but it wasn't a big deal to take it out anyway. I use enough "seriously, watch what you say" credits each year to want to keep them when I can.

>> No.8307248

Holy shit yes

>> No.8307250
File: 9 KB, 913x155, foundationsofanlaysispreface1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307255
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>> No.8307263

What a fag

>> No.8307265
File: 74 KB, 1024x611, 1385198926055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect them too

>> No.8307266

the price tag.

>even more funny when your professor is credited as one of the major contributors to making the book.

>> No.8307270
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>> No.8307273
File: 38 KB, 467x122, knuthmargins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knuth's concrete mathematics did a sort of actually fun thing where they included the notes students left in the margins of the draft textbooks, some helpful and some funny.

>> No.8307276
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>> No.8307281
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>> No.8307283
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof writes his own book
>sells it for $200
>releases new edition
>it only has fixed typos

>> No.8307284
File: 196 KB, 624x187, principiamathematica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To each their own but man I hate that kind of humor in textbooks. Being a little silly can be nice, so many instructors go way overboard and it just ends up falling flat.

>> No.8307289
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>> No.8307293
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>> No.8307295
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>> No.8307298

Hehehe! XD

>> No.8307300
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>> No.8307303
File: 52 KB, 1078x311, dontuse1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307306
File: 62 KB, 1330x449, dontuse2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307307

>tfw I have that same textbook

haw haw haw

>> No.8307315
File: 360 KB, 2448x2101, iSU1wIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307320

my classical mechanics textbook features:
>"50 original phisics limericks to lighten things up"
for instance
>"your units are wrong!" cried the teacher
>"your chuch weighs six joules - what a feature!
> and the people inside
> are four hours wide
> and eight gauss away from the precher!"

>As he walked past thate beautiful belle,
>The attraction was easy to tell.
>But despite his persistence,
>He was kept at a distance
>By that darn conservation of L!

>> No.8307327
File: 234 KB, 617x150, fourfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel. I can't find the album I had of my really good ones. Ah well

>> No.8307329

Believe what you wish I suppose.

But it takes maturity to lighten up and laugh at a silly joke.

>> No.8307335
File: 34 KB, 1321x294, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is that?

>> No.8307349

wtf man

>> No.8307350

>tfw your QM professor has 2 girls 1 cup bookmarked on his laptop
>tfw he's trying to renormalize the exchange interaction

>> No.8307367

Ah, the joys of Pearson University Physics. Did you get us or international?

>> No.8307372

I'll say this, of the major textbooks companies I've had to deal with Pearson is the only one that didn't try to fuck me out the gate. Wiley was the coolest in the long term but they have to realize you're not bluffing about your finances and your students' finances first.

>> No.8307382
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>> No.8307386
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>> No.8307401
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>> No.8307402
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>> No.8307405
File: 13 KB, 203x164, 1403504208770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a paper that goes with this one

>> No.8307406


>> No.8307412
File: 184 KB, 935x841, 1426372678712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> forgot to post link

>> No.8307415
File: 68 KB, 696x407, 1429649377635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops. drop those w's

>> No.8307416

I can't find it right now but I remember reading a paper describing some experiments assessing the metal ion binding activity of bacillus subtilis cells that used a silica column, and the researchers for some reason decided to flush their column with meat broth or something like it. their output variable (ratio of cfu out to cfu in) jumped up to something outrageous like 18 or something and you could sense a dry, mounting horror as the paper described this

>> No.8307419

>degenerate nerd humor

None of this shit is even remotely funny. Fuck off.

>> No.8307422
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>> No.8307424

Please go back to your containment board.


>> No.8307427
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>> No.8307435
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>> No.8307444
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>> No.8307448
File: 848 KB, 1936x2592, drives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307451
File: 145 KB, 515x900, factoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307456
File: 300 KB, 588x819, freewill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307460
File: 126 KB, 640x640, g2JqYY8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307463
File: 58 KB, 447x1024, GHpcN8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307465
File: 20 KB, 400x533, mol per litre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307467
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>> No.8307470
File: 43 KB, 500x375, pink glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307471
File: 295 KB, 3264x2448, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307473
File: 219 KB, 990x698, political science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307474

There's absolutely nothing funny about this, now please post the solution.

>> No.8307476
File: 298 KB, 956x1280, puppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307478
File: 38 KB, 621x293, quantum cat lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307481
File: 67 KB, 1296x728, sheared sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307485
File: 1.20 MB, 1536x2048, text body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307486
File: 40 KB, 366x185, textbook paranormal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one...might make some OC from Pugh's book

>> No.8307491

You don't belong on this board.

>> No.8307504



>> No.8307535


>> No.8307645

I had discreet mathematics with ducks, worst book i ever read

>> No.8307664

It looks like university physics by freedman

>> No.8307700


>> No.8307722

What book is this? I'm interested.

>> No.8307736

Applied Probability Models with Optimization Applications by Ross.

I can't speak to how good it is at what it teach or even what it's really about, I'm part of a smuglord community of "overqualified" teachers that passes stuff like this around.

>> No.8307741

That was my first thought, but I don't think lemony snicket would use the word "fuck" in a kids book

>> No.8307743

top kek

>> No.8307764

>ctrl F
>no results
I'm really disappointed in the ChemEs of this board.

>> No.8307777


Regardless of your particular situation, everyone could benefit from some stochastic analysis.

>> No.8307801

thats not a joke

>> No.8307805

imperialfags on suicide watch

>> No.8307816


>> No.8307825


>> No.8307842

What is this? How DO you solve it? I've done triple integrals, but I can't imagine integrating that many times

>> No.8307850

>prove Riemann's theorem
this is brilliant.
I might do something similar to troll my students

>> No.8307914

In comsci text books they tend to be dark humor.

I remember a joke about "foo == bar", the author asked what the statement implied about the relationship between the two, assuming the code compile and runs.

Well they are the same type? Not true, they need only be comparable. Moreover they need only be of types that are implicitly convertible to types which are comparable. Not only that but we are assuming that == has not been overridden. In other words we don't really know anything about anything.

When you read work written by people like spectateswamp this really hits home how dire the programming world is.

>> No.8307981

Anon, my knowledge in factoring polynomials is lacking, can you tell me what book this is?

>> No.8308015

What textbook is this?

>> No.8308190

I have a similar line in my textbook, but it says "the 4 F's: fight, flight, flee, and sex"

>> No.8308216

Joule is basic metric unit, and not calorie, and with joules it's not as straightforward
Imperial units also have plenty of rules of thumb

>> No.8308217

* fight, flight, feast or have sex

>> No.8308221

Do people write limits with a capital L?

>> No.8308226

>brackets not balanced

>> No.8308230
File: 380 KB, 410x567, even chemistry can be reduced to a chemists level of understanding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308291

Joule is the unit in the SI system which is a subset of the metric system (which includes CGS units as well as others).
Calories was one of the two units originally used for energy when the metric system was first introduced (the other one being the erg).

>> No.8308307

Literally rape
ban this book

>> No.8308310

A quick glance doesn't reveal any exploitable symmetries (though besides the obvious context I don't know anything about the problem being described) so I'd guess you'd just do it. There's nothing special, just start integrating. You'd probably use mathematica to make sure you don't fuck it up.

Depending on the age of your students (though not that much) I usually offer Goldbach's Conjecture, slightly rewarded to make it a little google resistant, on my first quiz of the year. I get some laughs and the students that really take to the idea usually learn some interesting things before I explain to them it's still unproven,which in turn usually stimulates interest. I seriously highly recommend it.

>> No.8308313

It seems like it's old enough to have been done on a typewriter, back in those days notation was also a lot less homogenized.

It's also engineering, which is a heathen-tier field and therefore aberrations are expected since they're still corrupted by Original Sin

Standard in the field. Otherwise things get unnecessarily huge.

>> No.8308326

Jokes don't necessarily have a setup and a punchline. Those are just the classic jokes. One can joke by being ironic or facetious and no set-up or punchline is required, just context.

Likewise here, in the context that you're reading a serious book, the fact that the author sort of breaks this seriousness and shows a little of his own personality in an otherwise formal text is unexpected, and being caught off guard is one of the key elements of a joke.

As for the joke itself, the author makes a remark on the more vulgar aspects of a commonly thought of as 'good' job. Aspects that were in the past considered unacceptable and then suddenly became acceptable but we still sort of willfully ignore. For example, many famous models will no longer do nude shoots, but have done them in the past in order to climb the ladder, and often don't want to talk about this fact or try to sweep this fact under the rug. Others will do nude shoots in the name of "art", denying that there is anything very sexual to the pictures, and if you think that they ARE sexual, then you must be the pervert. They're shifting the emotional burden to the observer in a fit of cognitive dissonance.

tl;dr: it's a mildly funny joke you fucking autist

>> No.8308347
File: 152 KB, 1063x798, uk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308353

> you will never complete your textbook 100% because of autistic jokes like that

>> No.8308374

There's a distinction between Lim and lim.
I forget exactly what it is, but I remember it from one of my college classes. I think complex analysis.

>> No.8308377

>underage shitter gets fanny flustered
>more news at 8
You know, trying to act "grown up" and repeatedly calling other people out as being an 8 year-old only shows how fucking immature you are.

PROTIP: You're a fucking underage retard. Stop browsing 4chan immediately.

>> No.8308383

I have two semesters of complex under my belt and work with them in the context of my research and I've never encountered that, nor did google turn anything up. Can you try to figure out more? I'm not saying you're wrong, it might be an uncommon notation convention and I'm honestly curious to know more.

>> No.8308393
File: 84 KB, 738x551, home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop

>> No.8308397
File: 67 KB, 300x383, kangaroo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha thats the 39042489th time i see exactly this post it just keeps getting funnier

>> No.8308409
File: 105 KB, 753x571, bank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ido not know if this even counts as a joke

>> No.8308413

Holy shit if I ever come to the conclusion that I have become as autistic as you, I will plan a hit on myself

>> No.8308415
File: 363 KB, 1838x1124, US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I stop maybe

>> No.8308454

best one so far

>> No.8308464

I wish, I need this text book.

>> No.8308642

I was taught a similar thing with the logarithm function. log is the real valued while Log is the complex valued (specifically the main branch), so I can only assume capital Lim denotes a complex valued limit.

>> No.8308681


>> No.8309285

Did this actually happen tho? Never was clear on that...

>> No.8309593
File: 58 KB, 360x480, 0618479406b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever have this one?

>> No.8309604

>AP Edition
You must be at least 18 to post.

>> No.8309611


gee, you really got me detective

I forgot that most people are just born 18 and never went to 10th grade

>> No.8309616

>I forgot
You must be at least 18 to post.

>> No.8309709

Huh, that's... weird but I see the motivation. I couldn't find much googling about it but it's a hard thing to meaningfully google.

I wonder how common that is.

Me neither. I found an MO article that seemed to suggest otherwise.

>> No.8309800

>0.50 kg banana
I have never held a one-pound banana

>> No.8309812

*unzips banana*

>> No.8309844


>> No.8309852
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>> No.8310097
File: 54 KB, 600x440, graph theory trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8310468
File: 74 KB, 399x480, apply_kirchoffs_law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimal spanning doggo

>> No.8310530

Morin I believe

>> No.8311847


>> No.8311865

I was reading that book not too long ago.

>> No.8311877

what book is this from?

>> No.8312028

Use the old edition then

>> No.8312094

Wait is this Giancoli?