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8305787 No.8305787 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen when millions of STEM graduates realise that the "STEM shortage" was just a huge meme and that realistically there are not enough jobs for the majority of STEM graduates?

>> No.8305791

Mass suicide and unskilled labour boost

>> No.8305792
File: 9 KB, 195x274, tmp_30740-marx-bio1651220841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism will collapse within our lifetime and we will inherit a world of glorious robo socialism.

The future is bright comrades.

>> No.8305797

I have a job, so why should I care?

>> No.8305798


Marx said exactly the same thing during his lifetime

>> No.8305955

Universities and partner companies falsely inflating demand

Universities sell degrees like pancakes at hilariously high prices, companies have a field day with kids competing with each other to work out of their disciplines for lower than mean starting salaries

Also, if all these God blessed third world era keep making the inroads they are, the value of a STEM job will hit the dirt just as fast as industrialization and the sweatshop destroyed the value of the artisan

I honestly can't think of a solution to this society other than for us to all hold hands and drink cyanide kool aid

>> No.8305960

Your head will be first on the pike, Bourgeois scum

>> No.8305963

true enough, if a bit too early to make such a statement

>> No.8305967
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>tfw after your 2nd year in PhD you realise that science actually fucking sucks and will never ever, be good

>> No.8305970

Universal basic income as a result of drastically increased efficiency from automation.

It's coming, m8. Pretty much all but inevitable at this point because governments will want to avoid large portions of the population rioting.

>> No.8305973

Socialism/communism/marxism failed and will, fortunately, never come back

>> No.8305974

>Universal basic income

will never happen in a 10000000000000000 years

>want to avoid large portions of the population rioting.

They'll be locked in jails and the refugees will fill their place.

>> No.8305978
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Let's be honest here. There's noticeable over-saturation in CS, not other STEM fields. Of course a skilled mathematician, statistician, physicist, engineer or chemist will find a good-paying job. The difference being that any idiot can write code, but real science/engineering actually requires some brain and studying.

>> No.8305980

And when the refugees riot?

>will never happen in a 10000000000000000 years
And why not? There's already been trials of it


>> No.8305981

>they'll be locked in jails
Lolwat you're going to lock away an entire population and have refugees come over in order to finance the jail system when jails are already a huge drain on society and filled to capacity? Universal basic income is the far more likely scenario.

>> No.8305988

The Creatives That were tricked will create their own memes and thus the cycle continues.

I.E They will make Jobs.

>> No.8305995

Worse case scenario everyone is scientifically literate and the population is a lot harder to trick so they make better voting decisions and are wiser in their resource use. Oh god what a nightmare.

>> No.8306006


> implying

Why are so many academics blue pilled retards?

>> No.8306009

>blue pill

>> No.8306019
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>Why are so many academics blue pilled retards? Feh, they are not enlightened gentlesirs such as /pol/acks like myself

>> No.8306024

>There's noticeable over-saturation in CS
But there's actually not

>> No.8306044

I'm sure those genius academics have worse critical thinking skills than the /pol/acks of 4chan.


>> No.8306076

STEM, especially engineering, are developing fields. There are new fields and new needs for STEM graduates every day.

The problem isnt that we dont need STEM graduates, we just dont need any more retarded "computerz lol" CS graduates.

In the not so distant future, programming will become the factory labor of 50's except the very top of the field that's pushing the tech forward. Literally every mentally stable person with arms can code and it barely has any physical or mental requirements at all, unlike industrial labor.

>> No.8307004

>He thinks "smart" people can't be tricked


>> No.8307005

>he thinks dumb people are harder or equally easy to trick
brainlet pls

>> No.8307046

They go in to finance/banking and other areas econ majors usually apply to.

>> No.8307051
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Only applies to average scientists.

As a genius, I wont be affected

>inb4 people get buttmad about simple honesty

>> No.8307056

Btw they're actually demanded in those fields. Econ majors on suicide watch

>> No.8307082

excellent post good sir, have a gold

>> No.8307103

Honestly I am kind of dumb, and I have more brains than most of the low-level scientists I've spent time working with

So you're not wrong

>> No.8307120

I'm premed, so all the other biofags and premeds who don't make it can hop off a cliff for all I care.

That surplus is mostly chaff that didn't learn to differentiate itself from the other trash.

>> No.8307122
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>falling for the career meme

i got my degree and retired, thanks for the welfare, wageslaves.

>> No.8307131

In the cittttyyyyyyyyyyyyy

(city of NEETon)

>> No.8307170

Work at a bar for about a year or two. Take the money and travel the world.

Everytime I run low on money I'll just work a shitty job like dishwashing

I secretly want this to happen

>> No.8307198

>work at a job hand to mouth
>expect to have enough money to travel the world after saving for only one year

You've never worked before have you?

>> No.8307222

Yeah but a degree means 300k starting working anywhere he wants, so he can wash dishes for 300k a year.

>> No.8307224

thanks obama

>> No.8307228

there isn't a shortage of STEM jobs, there's just a shortage of well paying jobs in places people want to live

there are a fuckton of jobs in Minneapolis for instance but people want to live in Calif or PNW. lots of people who go into CS think "im gonna go work for a big 4 company" and then vastly overrate their value

when companies say there's a shortage of STEM workers, what they mean is there's a shortage of STEM grads who want to work for $50k a year and in a non-ideal location

>> No.8307234

I'll start a business because I used my formative years to build a network and develop useful skills instead of shitposting on 4chan. Who knows about the rest of you tards, though.

>> No.8307236
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> yfw jail is universal basic income

>> No.8307238
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>haha nerds shitposting on 4chan
>he says while shitposting on 4chan
You're a walking paradox my friend.

>> No.8307243
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>> No.8307247

>formative years
> what is reading
Looked like you're especially fucked.

>> No.8307251

how the fuck should I know how old you are? If I'm a good enough reader do I get to extract information that wasn't given in the post? You knob

>> No.8307264

I know the other 2 but what's this one?

>> No.8307268

you're a big guy

>> No.8307309


>> No.8307333
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>> No.8307351

checked and kekd

>> No.8307369

It's assumed that STEM graduates aren't 12 you fucking gibbon.

>> No.8308498

same here.
In my third year in physics now and I've come to the realization that physics, and science in general fucking sucks and are absolutely useless.
But I can't just drop out now or else I'll be a NEET.

>> No.8308532


i hear alot of recent graduates crying about this

how are you people not doing internships, volunteering on projects etc. ?

>mfw was offered 2 jobs before finished undergrad

i agree there is a shortage of jobs in STEM: however, i have met alot of people who basically complain;

"Durrr durr i hav finish degree now U giv me job?"

"sorry anon, good work on the degree, but do you have any experience?"

"Durrrr i got 99% on da test y u no giv me job ???"

because dickhead, you havent worked in your field. apply yourself, get some hands on experience; what the fuck were you even doing for 3-4 years ?!?!?

>> No.8308555
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>he's equivocated scientific literacy and intelligence

>> No.8308560

>because dickhead, you havent worked in your field. apply yourself, get some hands on experience; what the fuck were you even doing for 3-4 years ?!?!?

what pleb ass field where you working in where a post-graduate degree didn't constitute 3-4 years of practical "hands on" experience

>> No.8308565


referring to undergrad degrees senpai

>i finisH dergree, now u giv job ok

>> No.8308588

Isn't pretty much EVERY field saturated?

Liberal arts are oversaturated because they are popular and seen as easy.
STEM is oversaturated because it's seen as the best way to get a stable, high paying job.

The only field I imagine is not saturated is medicine because doctors are always wanted and it's a very hard field.

>> No.8308594
File: 165 KB, 439x550, 1463104130191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw junior at uni
>tfw mechanical engineer
>tfw offered 2 positions at one company and another position by a fortune 500
>tfw gunna take the one thats ~$10k per year less so I dont have to speak in front of 30+ people twice a week.

>> No.8308603
File: 19 KB, 409x393, fqtfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's noticeable over-saturation in CS

>> No.8308639

I'm a physicist too and I only agree if you replace the word "science" with "academia".
Academia is a cruel machine, but I still read unrelated physics books in my free time all the time.

>> No.8308669
File: 45 KB, 443x376, cazadorereaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grad student studying entomology. As long as you mother fuckers need to eat I'll have a job. Someone's gotta keep pest insects from eating all your corn that will eventually be made into doritos.

I respect your self-confidence anon. Very few people in STEM fields seem to have that.

>> No.8308674

In England it's shit, and in north England it's worse.
70% of the people I've worked with in chem research are idiots who just parrot what their supervisors say and act like glorified sock puppets.
Then they go and get jobs in teaching WITH A PHD.
The other 30% have no choice but to move down to Cambridge or Bristol etc to get a fairly standard job in pharm or postdoc research.
Is this progress? What jobs do you guys expect after 3-4 years working in (let's be honest) terrible working conditions?

>> No.8308682


Take public speaking classes?
A lot of your career may consist of giving presentations in front of people.

>> No.8308686

We'll start taking normie jobs and be exceedingly good at them. Then we'll get too good at them, and automate them to ourselves time, but then we'll have smart'd out way out of a job. Then the decadent capitalist system will collapse.

>> No.8308831



australian government cuts STEM jobs and funding like an emo with a steaknife these days anon: viciously and with no remorse, then cries about the outcome...

>> No.8308834



i will develop GMO crops that literally put you out of business lad

>enjoy pandering to hippies and organic-tards

>> No.8308845
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people dont trust people like you.

build all the connections you want schmeegle; there arent enough 'connections' in the world for you buddy.

>> No.8308847

>Grad student studying entomology. As long as you mother fuckers need to eat I'll have a job

Keep being delusional about your carreer, fag. Keep believing what your uni says about it. It is better this way...

>> No.8308850

>any retard can code
>coding is one of the few jobs that has a skill-quanty of people graph that looks like a double gaussian
Yeah sure everyone can use html but not everyone can code

>> No.8308852

I will spray roundup in your house and your entire family will die painfully :^)

>> No.8308856


i....is that organic anon ?

>> No.8308860

>tfw Melbourne thrives on 99% liberal arts graduates
How is the city not on fire yet?

>> No.8308872

idk but i think we will all be pretty happy when it goes up in a vanilla-sandalwood scented blaze

all those scarfs man - its good kindling

>> No.8308892


hospitality industry thrives hard

very little contribution to society

land of narcissism

on second thoughts: they would be perfect for STEM

>> No.8308909

I said

>because it's seen as the best way

I mean if STEM doesn't get you a secure job what does? As I said only medicine seems to be above STEM in difficulty and demand.

>> No.8308916

Ill have meetings with about 12 other engineers present at the job Im choosing. Thats enough for me to handle.

>> No.8308934

In my country they are talking about "lack of skilled labourers" since years.
Then I graduated and realized it was all a scam to import third worlders who will do half the work for quarter the wage.
I say: Kill all corporations and politicians.

>> No.8309043

>be 17 in 2008, first year of university
>all of these people worrying about getting a job, being paid well, having a job that fulfills them etc, typical topics
>mfw just went to medical school and bypassed all of that
I'll be on my 2nd year of residency in a couple of months. first two years of medical school are insane, by the way. You WILL work 16 hours per day. Free time doesn't exist other than the 30 minutes for exercise. I chose Radiology and my grandmother paid for everything so she could see her grandson become a doctor before she died, which is pretty ridiculous but I understand it. a lot of people from school ended up moving back home anyway, so me taking more time to become a doctor wasn't really relevant reason to not do it anyway, lol.

>> No.8309246
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Lol nice try. You don't think insects won't and or already adapted? They've already done that with many conventional pesticides. Besides even if you do create pest resistant plants it's likely you'll kill beneficial insects as well (see Bt corn and monarch butterflies).

Besides if that doesn't work I can still:
Work in urban/suburban pest control
Breed insects for biocontrol
Breed insects for the pet/zoo industry
Work in a museum
Work for the government
Get into apiculture
Get involved in the growing "insects as food" movement

Lol have fun dealing with pesticide resistant insects without my help you fuck. I hope mormon crickets eat all your food, mosquitoes give your girlfriend/wife zika virus, and I hope bed bugs give you AIDs.

>> No.8309305


bad bait

>> No.8309316

>Of course a skilled mathematician, statistician, physicist, engineer or chemist will find a good-paying job.

You know how hard it is to get tenure right now?

>> No.8309331

>except the very top of the field that's pushing the tech forward

aka actual CS
aka math

>> No.8309359

So much this.

I've been wading knee deep in science for 4 years now. Academia sucks, science is pretty interesting.

>> No.8309362

>Then the decadent capitalist system will collapse.

Rubs little kommunist.

'It will be glorious, comrade.'

>> No.8309373

This already happened about 10 years ago.

>> No.8309385

This happens in America too. If you read closely you'll see that employers aren't complaining about a lack of workers, but a lack of workers who will work for very low wages. They just nestle it deep in the articles and make it somewhat obscure so that readers have a high chance of missing it.

>> No.8309387

Thanks doc

>> No.8310396

he was wrong about the timing. he was wrong or off on other things. even marxists don't fully agree with him when you get on the pedantic level

>> No.8310411

Coding is the industrial revolution factory work of millenials. i.e. anyone and everyone could do it.

>> No.8310412
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Have fun being an autistic faggot who plays with bugs all day

>> No.8310423

And that's all thanks to the corporations having too much power. The corporatists/crony capitalists lobby the government to benefit their pockets. The politicians aren't interested in bettering the poor disenfranchised citizen. It doesn't matter whether it's Democrat or Republican: they're two sides of the same coin. The colleges are promising careers when in reality it's a way of making money for them. Overcharged prices on textbooks (although full of valuable information) when they are cheaper else where and should be affordable is an example of making quick money. I think the big problem is there are too many people now and that means the competition is incredibly fierce.

>> No.8310432

"crony capitalism" is just code for "capitalism when it starts doing things I don't like" tbqh

>> No.8310441

capitalism is inherently oppressive desu

>> No.8311431

what brains? Engineering is for monkeys who went to trade school.

>> No.8312170

Who gives a shit about location these days? So long as they have internet, I'll take a job anywhere.

>> No.8312988

Even with a STEM crash, STEM majors will probably still do better than, say, communications majors, though it will still suck not getting a job in your field.

At any rate, here's hoping I escape the Pajeet-hammer. Probably won't, though.