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8303640 No.8303640 [Reply] [Original]

Will living forever be attainable in our lifetime? Will Biology be the future "engieneer" degree?




>> No.8303642

Is asking dumb loaded questions really the best way to shitpost?

>> No.8303671

brainlet detected

>> No.8304946

Thats what I'm hoping for anon.
Imma study the shit out of bio in uni. Gotta make Monsume real man.

>> No.8304974

>Will living forever be attainable in our lifetime?
most likely not, but you never know, scientific progress is notoriously difficult to predict

>Will Biology be the future "engieneer" degree?

It will certainly expand as a field even more and more jobs will be available as new fields in genetics pop up, but not even close to engineering. Engineers are needed in every aspect of society, while biology fills a specialised niche in the sciences, albeit a gigantic niche.

>> No.8305088

>Will living forever be attainable in our lifetime?
Maybe not. Just stay optimistic until the day you die because it could happen with time.

>Will biology be the future "engineer" degree?
Will snail races beat chicken fights?

>> No.8305340


>> No.8305379

>sleeping with makeup on and chewing gum.
Yeah, sure.

>> No.8305390

>will biology be the future "engineer" degree

not in any of our lifetimes or ever for that matter.

>> No.8305412

It doesnt seem like there is a large demand for immortality.

Just maybe an extra 30 years if the state of our 60 year olds is the age of those 80-90 year olds.

>> No.8305474

>It doesnt seem like there is a large demand for immortality
I never understood why this is

>> No.8305568


>> No.8305581

Have you ever seen someone in there 90s? Most people don't want to spend an extra century in a nursing home slowly losing their mind.

Slowing aging is where the money is. If we could make a 50 year old look and feel like a 25 year old, THEN we would start to see demand.

>> No.8305591

>If we could make a 50 year old look and feel like a 25 year old, THEN we would start to see demand

but that is the gist of most research on lifespan extension, isn't it?

>> No.8305624


I remember reading an article 3 years ago where they altered the cells in mice with telomerase extension.

The end result was the age was reversed, but the mice gained cancers and tumors. Makes you think.

>> No.8305667


Better that every life form go extinct than that a single individual should succeed to live an arbitrarily long lifespan, without end.

>> No.8305669


Maybe, the other thing you can do is to get rich as possible now so that if it does become available you will be at the front of the line

>> No.8305976

Christcuck delusion

>> No.8305991

There is only one way.
Chaos Theory.

>> No.8306072

So you can live a normal lifespan, or live longer, with the risk of a shorter life by cancer death?

>> No.8306121

who the fuck thought human gene manipulation was a good thing? i'd rather die of cancer than live in a world where the rich get even richer. this procedure is going to be expensive and those who don't have money for it will birth comparatively dumb and weak children. and what's stopping china from creating genetically enhanced soldiers?

>> No.8306127

Well the cancer was caused by them modifying the telomarese and mitochondria of the mice. Not too mention it was simply a test, any real reverse aging would not give you cancer unless the doctor fucked up.


You need to kill yourselves

>> No.8306128

have you seen gattaca? this whole thing is a really bad idea

>> No.8306133

>i'd rather die of cancer than live in a world where the rich get even richer.

Wtf is that bullshit??

>> No.8306134

i explained what i mean in the very next sentence you troglodyte

>> No.8306199

The very next sentence is even more stupid

>> No.8306201

brainlet detected

>> No.8306496


>> No.8306541

Short and HIGHLY simplified answer behind SO MUCH theory and practice is no.
Why? Because the self doesn't exist.

>> No.8306542

I'll be real pissed if they find a way after I die

>> No.8306551

you won't be pissed, you'll be fucking dead

better get on that cardio and good diet lad

>> No.8306653

I know those feels Anon.

>> No.8306775

So how long until designer babies are a thing? I don't want to have kids the regular way (>implying) just for them to get outclassed by babies born a few years later.

>> No.8306778

14 years?

>> No.8306797

Holy shit do any of you faggots actually have a degree in science or something related?

>> No.8307876


Calico. Look it up. Google owns it.

Captha: 187


>> No.8308060

It's already possible. We have to wait for CRISPR error rate to go down and for our understanding of human genes to be complete. This may take anytime between 5 - 30 years

>> No.8308859

There are at least two Physics dudes here with a PhD.

What you are looking for is "actuarial escape velocity".

>> No.8309237

Probably in the next 100-200 years.

>> No.8309281

Yea it was obviously fake, she's a pornstar dude. But pretty sure she was just smacking her lips not chewing gum yo

>> No.8309306

Cuz religion DUH

>> No.8309356

Would you want to live 1000 years in a typical 100 year old body... or have Alzheimers for 9000 years? Do you think the human body joints were designed for 2000 years of wear and tear?
The human body goes down hill after 30... not too many men get turned on by an 90 year old woman.

>> No.8309409

the whole point is to rejuvenate your body and keep a perpetual 20/30 biological age

>> No.8309410

So you now should do your best to not die. Not an easy thing. But if you dont wanna die ever, better try not to die with your current body until someone finds a way to lenghen your lifespan.

>> No.8309414

idk man. How strong are you?

>> No.8309431

I rather live 1000 years with a 100 year old body than be dead in the ground and cease to exist you faggot.

See: >>8309409

>> No.8309442
File: 75 KB, 394x295, Seasons_greetings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I rather live 1000 years with a 100 year old body than be dead in the ground and cease to exist you faggot.

No you would not you jailhouse jism drinking rimjob giving anal prolapse licking faggot.

>> No.8309453
File: 5 KB, 233x267, Coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will living forever be attainable in our lifetime?
If you live long enough, sure.

>> No.8309455

>No you would not you jailhouse jism drinking rimjob giving anal prolapse licking faggot.
Wow, so they closed down the "Trump vs Hitler" containment thread, huh?

>> No.8309458

My guess is that they might discover extreme longevity in our lifetimes, but you will have to be engineered to live long, so us normies won't be able to benefit.

>> No.8309465
File: 279 KB, 1243x493, BuhGok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup... I am the death of threads