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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 158 KB, 1352x1632, stem2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8297276 No.8297276 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.8297286

bio is stamp collecting, yeah
I don't get what the others are saying

>> No.8297291

The point is that biology is harder than chemistry which is harder than physics which is harder than math

>> No.8297296

maths end is more about problem solving, bio end is more about learning

>> No.8297300

that was the point? that doesn't make any sense. you got it upside down.
the point that bio is stamp collecting is the only thing you got right then

>> No.8297302

If harder means "more memorization", then yes this picture is correct

>> No.8297308

>bio end is more about understanding complex systems.


>> No.8297309

yes, biology problems do deal with a lot more natural variables than other sciences. That's a feature of the scope of the science though, nothing more

>> No.8297310

>bio end if about collecting as many stamps as you can


>> No.8297318

spoken like someone who found Biology too hard

>> No.8297321

>someone who found Biology too hard
does such a thing exist? isn't bio what people pick when they fail chem?

>> No.8297323


buthurt that my subject explains your subject

>> No.8297337

How come the chem guy is a ching-chong?

>> No.8297341

As a biochemist, you have to understand some phenomenons in biology and memorize what kind of proteins exist, the processes, the vocabulary, and then you explain these processes through chemistry. Chemistry can be a fuckload of programming and no formulas at all. Organic chemistry is probably the field where the most memorisation is necessary. Not because you have to remember mechanisms happening in each name reaction (that is all logical, albeit a bit hard to fully understand in the time constraints of 2-3 semesters), but because you have to remember how those name reactiond are called because every once in a while one fucker invents a new variety to do something differently. Oh and also become able to map abbreviations like DEAD or DMAP to a structure. I don't think the structures get any more complicated than in orgaChem. That said, structure made me kek and looks like someone uses ChemDraw but there is no way you can get away with chair confirmation here / 10.

>> No.8297353

Math is the only subject that relies 100% on memorization.
Intuition isn't worth anything, all you need to do is memorize symbols and operations.
Congrats symbol monkey, you shoved the square shape into the square hole.

>> No.8297356

>does such a thing exist?
yes, it's why so many unsolved problems exist in biology

>isn't bio what people pick when they fail chem?
no, people don't go from picking math and finding it too hard to picking physics and finding it too hard and so on to choose their degree, contrary to what /sci/ told you. People pick degrees based on interest.

goddamn I feel like a retard for typing this, this shit is so rudimentary but you can never be sure if posts like yours are genuine ignorance or bait memery these, so it's not worth taking the risk

>> No.8297357

the stuff you took in high school doesn't qualify as math, brainlet

>> No.8297358

good one. try actually doing maths and not arithmetic. otherwise go back to learning interesting facts about poo

>> No.8297361

>people don't go from picking math and finding it too hard to picking physics and finding it too hard and so on to choose their degree
in my experience they do lmao
watching people drop out and switch degrees is hilarious
I guess not many people drop out of bio

>> No.8297365


>> No.8297367

Apparently it does. And no, everyone knows Chem is just hedging between Physics and Biology.
Thats like saying movement of atoms in the air explains the entire global climate. If you want to be lazy and just leave it at that then so be it, let the real scientists pick up your slack.

>> No.8297368

bio degree=failed doctors

>> No.8297369

You know how 'artistic'-type retards parrot the old truism that 'math and science are for non-creative-types' because they think it's just rote memorization of facts? That's how you guys sound when you say Bio is just stamp collecting when you haven't taken any advanced courses in bio. You're just revealing that you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8297372

nice stamp, adding to my collection

>> No.8297379

>in my experience they do lmao
mate, I doubt this would be considered decent bait or banter anywhere

>I guess not many people drop out of bio
ironically enough it has one of the highest drop out rates

>> No.8297383

>movement of atoms plus newtons laws= >thermodynamics, pressure laws. >
>thermodynamics=meteorology aka global climate
it actually does. Saying we are not real scienctist like you are one

>> No.8297388

I've seen it happen, people dropping from math and into physics/chem/eng
what do people who drop out of bio go to? probably engineering or ecology, something lower-tier, you know

>> No.8297390

this thread is pure cancer, nuke

>> No.8297392


>> No.8297396
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>> No.8297401

You literally just proved my point you utter moron. You had to furnish what I said with a bunch of other laws and systems to build the whole picture of meteorology. I.e. it is not as simple as merely atoms moving, other laws need to be understood to build the picture.
>buthurt that my subject explains your subject
has just been disproven by your very self.

Welldone brainlet, let the real scientists do science. Stick to /sci/ lurking

>> No.8297405

>claim physics explains meteo
>show how physics explains meteo
>"Welldone brainlet"

something's off

>> No.8297410

I literally don't know how you formulated that response. It wouldn't take much to follow my logic.

>> No.8297412

ugh not argumentation anymore just insulting. way to ruin all the fun

>> No.8297413

mathematics from greek "mathema" literally means "knowledge, study, learning". So no, bio is not more about "learning". What you mean is "memorization".

>> No.8297416

>argument based on the greek root of the name of something
wow >>>/lit/

>> No.8297417

Don't forget the metabolic cycles involved in photosynthesis and their variation over 24 hour and seasonal time frames impacting the water cycle, and thermohaline circulation and la nina - el nino cycles etc.

>> No.8297423

I am sorry, I forgot this was a chabers debate and not a petty scrap that started with "my science is bigger than your science"

>> No.8297426

>brainlet biologist forced to concede
stamp collectors BTFO
math confirmed the biggest science

>> No.8297430

math is not a science

math is a tool

>> No.8297436

>brianlet biologist reduced to insulting and whining
stamp collectors BTFO
biology confirmed pseudoscience

>> No.8297441

No one drops out of a non-engineering major and then goes into an engineering major. Not because I'm saying it's harder (we already have enough of a catfight in this thread) but because it has stiffer requirements than other degrees at most schools. Even if you were a second year math major, youd have to start all over at calc 2 "for engineers :^)"

>> No.8297445

Math is just a tool, like language is. They are inherent to humans and they were formalized circa 1800 for academia.

Science uses these tools (math and languages) to make testable predictive theories about the natural world.

>> No.8297446

>No one drops out of a non-engineering major and then goes into an engineering major
seen it happen plenty of times, mostly because we have a core-subject system where math majors take the same calculus as engineers before doing analysis

>> No.8297447

ecology is true master race, biotic and abiotic come at me m8.

>> No.8297449

But I did just that.

>muh requirements
American problems. We have standardized entrance exams.

>> No.8297450
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>mathtard cannot into science forced to troll
thread is a cesspool, OP is officially a faggot

>> No.8297451

Quite easily the most useful ever invented by anybody.

>> No.8297458

I bet when you graduate, American engineering firms won't recognize your degree.

>> No.8297460
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am i the only one who hates chemistry? it's all so damn arbitrary. obviously that's not anyone's fault, but still

>> No.8297464

they hire people from India

so yeah, that's what American engineering firms standards are

>> No.8297467

>undergrad level biology and chemistry examples
>lower high school level physics example
>meme maths example

>> No.8297470

>lower high school
literally looked up a quantum physics course at MIT and copied what they had at the blackboard

stop pretending

>> No.8297478

To do IT. Wall Street employs them as glorified calculators if they're autistic enough.

I know "engineers" from India, Pakistan, and Eastern Europe who work at grocery stores.

>> No.8297481

no you don't

that's why engineers vote for Trump

>> No.8297482

>watching university maths lecture
>last step of working is 2+2=4
>"wow guys, maths students at uni are learning 2+2=4"

i did that equation for the first time in my first year of high school physics

just because they go over it again briefly it doesn't mean that's all they're learning

>> No.8297484

sure you did, brainlet

>> No.8297493

Fine I only know one EE from Morocco who used to work at the store I did in high school.

As for your Trump remark, my jimmies are officially rustled.

>> No.8297504

[math] E = \frac{ hc }{ \lambda } [/math]
Is an incredibly common equation in physics. If you didn't at least touch on waves and optics in hs physics, you went to a shitty high school.

>> No.8297507


>> No.8297516

sure thing

>> No.8297522
File: 32 KB, 720x544, 13669689_1052253021584946_2275282398176349971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I dropped out of soft. Engi. To go to math. Because I started giving a shit about the way I look to society

Am I cool now mom?


>> No.8297523

>stamp collecting
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8297550
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>mfw I majored I'm biology so I can just grow plants and shrooms with grant money
Done mind me while get to travel to exotic places to "study" more psychedelics

>> No.8297554


imo chemistry seems ridiculously fragmented and random to me.

>> No.8297555


>> No.8297567

I've never seen a mathematician take the -1/12 thing seriously. This caused a stir in our department when it the Numberphile vid came out and people were pissed at the misinformation.

Physicists, on the other hand, invariably think it's legit because "lol math is weird" and I get a huge popsci vibe from that community when they talk about it.

>> No.8297572
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my face when a mathematician was a brainlet next to me

>> No.8297582

biocucks don't belong on /sci/

>> No.8297583

Blame le mememan Lawrence Krauss.
I try not to shit too hard on popularizers because it's hard work, but he keeps dropping that "by the way do you know that 1+2+3+...=-1/12, math is weird" bit and presenting it like an actual mathematical reality, and that's unnerving.
I'd like to see a mathematician shut him up about that once.

>> No.8297589

physicists scared of a little complexity detected

>> No.8297590

nice try kiddo

>> No.8297593

There's nothing wrong with saying something slightly wrong that's weird as fuck so the person actually educates thyself on it

>> No.8297596

math is actually about purely logic my dude. Even my psychologist told me that I'm good at math because I'm a hugely left brained person. Meaning that my personality is based on reason and logic. And that's true for a lot of mathematicians.

>> No.8297603

That's the thing: people don't educate themselves. They just watch a fucking popmath video and suddenly think they know everything. It's like when people who aren't even out of trig talk about quantum mechanics as if they know the first thing about it.

>> No.8297605

>muh divisions based on names given to fields of study rather than including the interactions necessary for life within the study of life

non-interdisciplinary pleb detected

>> No.8297634

If your math classes are only memorization, I feel bad for you. The majority of my math classes have been like 90% analysis and 10% remembering procedures.

>> No.8297641

what a big meme

>> No.8297645

math is 100% memorising axioms

>> No.8297649

for you

>> No.8297666

the whole of modern math uses 9 axioms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zermelo%E2%80%93Fraenkel_set_theory

and they're all intuitive. "the empty set is a set", "there exists a union of sets", "a subclass of a set is a set", etc etc

>> No.8297671

>people don't educate themselves
some do

>> No.8297672

explain algebra

>> No.8297692

which part?
algebra in very broad terms is the study of "structure". first courses in algebra will study sets and operations defined of them which satisfy nice properties. for example, finite groups.

a finite group is a finite set together with an operation *, that satisfies associativity, inversibility and having an identity. this means (a*b)*c = a*(b*c), there exists an element 1 such that a*1 = a for any a, and for any a in the set there exists an element a^-1 such that a*a^-1 = 1.

the study of this kind of thing is, again, based on "structure". we want to understand how structures relate to other structures, how you can take substructures of a structure, and how to classify structures. in this vein, the isomorphism theorems tell us how structures can be connected via transformations between them and their substructures, the lagrange ans sylow theorems tell us about certain substructures that our group must have, and the structure theorem for abelian groups / classification of simple groups tell us a lot about the building blocks for groups

other than groups, one studies rings (two operations, with distributivity), fields (where multiplication has an inverse), modules (think vector fields but with rings instead of fields), etc, etc.
algebra is cool

>> No.8297693

I guess that's why proofs just state axioms and don't come to any conclusions from them.

>> No.8297784

>American problems. We have standardized entrance exams.
The point (the way I see it) was more than engineering courses are more specifically tailored to engineers so that you have to start over completely if you drop out and enroll in an engineering major, so people don't do it because they would have wasted some years.

>> No.8297789

yeah, I wasted some years, so?

>> No.8297793


>> No.8297822

Same here, and I easily made As in Orgo I & II.

I really hope Pchem brings it all together. Otherwise, fuck it.

>> No.8297902

It would be funnier if instead of 1+2+3...=-1/12 it said 1+2+3=6

>> No.8297908

The 1+2+3+n = -1/12 is a result of mathematical physics, useful for stuff in string theory especially. It's not used in pure mathematics.

>> No.8297925

>p=ℎ/λ not p=ℏk
>νλ=c not ω=vk or dω/dk=v
>E=ℎν not E=ℏω

Reported for being in highschool

>> No.8297962

see >>8297470

>> No.8297969
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>harder than math
>being the basis of all of them

>> No.8297970

6.5/10 bait got some (you)s

>> No.8297975

Not sure if you're trolling or not, but that psychologist shouldn't be licensed. Left/right brain dichotomy isn't an accepted thing by anyone with an education in psychology/neuroscience.

>> No.8297979

>Math is the only subject that relies 100% on memorization

stop, turn around and go get an education

>> No.8297982

He's not wrong. You should have at least seen that equation in HS chemistry if not physics. We used it several times in AP chem

>> No.8297984
File: 50 KB, 500x500, gameon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious trolling
still postin

>> No.8297985

haha sure, in the HS of magic and science

why lie? i have seen the standard programs of america and europe, and there's nothing of the sort

>> No.8297993

MODS. Anons being smart again TT_TT!!!

>> No.8297995

Okay, I know you're a troll now, but jsut to set the record for everyone else


Page 3

This is standard for anyone who takes chem and intends to go to college in the US

>> No.8298015

>Advanced Placement

>> No.8298021


AP is just code word for no retards

i got a 5 on AP Chem without much effort, you get an entire year to study for a intro college exam

>> No.8298326
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>> No.8298359

If you want to be retarded and show a busy blackboard for stamp collectors you might as well feature a map of all theorems in math. For instance, just a book for algebra like Rotman's Advanced Modern Algebra contains 1000+ theorems that you have to Prove, instead of just rote memorizing like what biocucks do. Then of course we will have specialized books for Homological Algebra, Representation Theory, Algebraic Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology.... In fact I'd wager the difficulty level of a decent Algebraic Geometry course alone is enough to dwarf multiple degrees in engineering (link to an example book for AG). And this is just the pure algebra side of maths.


>> No.8298362

wtf, these aren't memes

I demand memes!!!

>> No.8298372
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>> No.8298392

>i work at big pharma

step 1: be a premed biology major
step 2: realize you will never be a doctor due to mediocre grades and turn your sights elsewhere in the job market
step 3: maybe, if you did a PhD in a relevent subject, get a job in big pharma until they lay you off because you have been working there for 3+ years. you're too expensive now and theres many others in line behind you. see ya later friendo

>> No.8298411
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>talk to a lot of people at uni, especially since I am a tutor
>literally not a single fucker, not one dropped their major to go engineering, although one went Biomedical after getting her (lol) English or something degree
>meanwhile, tons of people drop engineering to do other shit
>old tosser of a housemate dropped engineering to go into fucking nursing
I don't even get it. I'm EE and literally I've never had to read a book to do well. Even though the other engineerings seem to require a lot more rote and time-intensive work, not one person will go from some read-and-write major to Engineering. Engineering is so piss easy yet nobody does it.

>mfw people are reading a chapter a week for multiple classes and writing 20+ page papers
>mfw other I see other engineers doing multiple week long projects

>> No.8298424

> primary school is harder than high school because it's the basis of all of the stuff you learn later

>> No.8298502
File: 9 KB, 275x183, mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're doing it wrong anon

>be me
>be marine bio
>be surrounded by hot, smiley girls in booty shorts most of the day
>go diving, go fishing
>molest animals, its okay anon im allowed to fuck around with this stingray
>drink alot

>> No.8298523


>> No.8298539

That's so fucking majestic

>> No.8298543


>stamp collecting

yeah, mushroom stamping ;)

keep killing it anon

>> No.8298553
File: 159 KB, 1352x1632, 147219172473911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biologists are brainlets for not reducing their datasets

>> No.8298592

Nothing roung with trump
Gonna make stem great agian

>> No.8298618

Also it's know that statistically biologist have an average of 14 times more sex in there lives then mathematicians. So yes Biology might not be the most beta mayor but it sure as hell is a lot more fun.

>> No.8298645

Speaking as a Biology PhD, this. The data sets can be massive but the more you reduce them the more complexity you lose and it's that complexity that is being studied.
I hate and love that.

>> No.8298650

>mathfags can't even comprehend how complex the simplest interpretation can be

that's why you'll never amount to anything.

>> No.8298974

Is EE as hard as they say it is?

>> No.8298984
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It's funny coz the -1/12 meme is used in theoretical physics, although it originates from Ramanujan.

>> No.8298994

>what is the difference between applied knowledge and theoretical knowledge

>> No.8299135

No, it's not, by any measure. I've had a few shit classes, because the teachers and/or material were garbage, but they got ridiculously fucking curved. As EE I've spent less time on anything than the overwhelmingly majority of students I've met. I went to a really good CC though, which covered all my maths and up to physics 3 and some other things. Usually if there's any problems it's the teachers, shitty book, and little to no help from TAs. The uni I'm at is supposed to be good but at least 1/4 of my teachers have not been good, and TAs usually can't give two fucks for your education.

>> No.8299140

Yes, no, Yes, Yes

>> No.8299152


>When I do poorly, I blame the professors
>When I do well, it's because the material is fed to me with a silver spoon.

>> No.8299241
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>> No.8299264

Ive always felt the same way. A lot of people seem intimidated by the material at first but I swear it's gotta be sleeper the easiest way to make money.

>> No.8299266

But does 0 + 1 + 2 + .... = -1/12?
It should right? But it doesn't.

>> No.8299276
File: 257 KB, 756x675, ss+(2016-06-19+at+09.18.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are bio majors the most insecure?

>> No.8299322


>equates biology and medicine
>thinks cataloging plants is of equal utility to developing pharmaceuticals

>> No.8299354


As opposed to those who developed biological weapons?

>MFW all physicists are literally the embodiment of evil

>MFW all biologists are literally the saviors of mankind

>> No.8299374

Cataloguing plants is inextricable from pharmaceutical development. Many pharmaceuticals are developed from compounds found in specific endemic flora.

>> No.8299383

math guy here: complex behavior can emerge from simple rules, try finding simple rules that describe each building block and build up upon that. Once that's done, add randomness to your model.

>> No.8299387

>As opposed to those who developed biological weapons?
someone should edit the last panel to say this

not me because i am autistic and i don't have that font

>> No.8299466
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Agreed for the most part. Thats pretty much the essence of mathematical modelling of biological systems. The person working in my office next to me is doing just this in fact. We kind of have a mutual ignorance of each others work since I am a Biologist and he is a Physicist, he looks at my shit like it's written in another language like I do to his. It's quite nice actually.

This is fine for, say, the movement of bacterial swarms, but it gets a little less useful for metabolic pathways or immune signalling where there are just so many variables that you cannot reduce any further without losing resolution

>> No.8299485

I've yet to encounter something that wasn't intuitive. The thing about math is you need to be detailed to say anything because anything you're doing boils down to strict logical arguments. The subject makes so much sense, humans have a hard time with it in some cases.

>> No.8299489

>implying most of the physics major ITT won't end up being experimentalists, i.e. the stamp collectors of physics, or numerical modeling "theorists", a.k.a. glorified simulation engineers
>implying actual theorists aren't one in ten thousand

>> No.8299527


Just like literally every thing in the modern world is inextricable from physics. Yet you don't see physicists claiming credit for modern medicine because simulations were run on a computer which requires Maxwell's laws to work. Lets not be retarded here.

>> No.8299530


>> No.8299534

Higher biochemistry is where it all really comes together. You can get organic, inorganic, physical, computational, and analytical all jumbling together in some unholy mess

>> No.8299573

Except physicists don't have to reinvent the computer every time a simulation needs to be run, so they have nothing to claim credit for in the first place. Those that catalogue plants ARE part of the active process of pharmaceutical development, because without those scientists working at the moment, you couldn't get a required pharmaceutical. Bad comparison you made there.

>> No.8299585

>Those that catalogue plants ARE part of the active process of pharmaceutical development

The VAST majority of taxonomy has absolutely fuck-all to do with pharmaceuticals. That's a hilariously stupid thing to claim credit for. Most biologists do little to nothing of value for anyone yet latch onto the 1% that do to leech some credit.

>>Except physicists don't have to reinvent the computer every time a simulation needs to be run

Sounds like we did a superior job then, doesn't it?

>> No.8299600

>Most biologists do little to nothing of value for anyone
Forget it, I thought you wanted an actual discussion, not yet ANOTHER shitposting/bait contest. You can disregard my post and end this ill-fated discussion.

>Sounds like we did

>> No.8299631


>comes to /sci/ expecting actual discussion instead of baiting and shitposting


>> No.8299639

The 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/12 is used more in physics than math.

>> No.8299642

>medical cures would exist without physicists/engineers

>> No.8299664
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>> No.8299795

\sum\limits_{k=1}^{\infty} k= -\frac{1}{12}
Not this shit again

>> No.8300805
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>> No.8300829

Does /sci/ have the most autists out of all of 4chan?

>> No.8300839

/r9k/ shows much more symptoms from autistic spectrum.

>> No.8300866


The autism spectrum is heavily over-represented in STEM mang, especially research.

So i would say its a possibility, but our autists pale in comparison to /r9k/

>/r9k/ classic shut-in, reeeee mummy bring me tendies, why dont girls like me mummy

>/sci/ pragmatic functional autism, autism makes me smart lol S-M-A-T

>> No.8300867

What does autism mean?

>> No.8300870
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do you like to eat seafood anon?

you can thank me later

for now enjoy this plate of delicious farmed shrimp

>> No.8300873


>> No.8300966

>nuke aren't what prevented ww3 to this day

>> No.8301224
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Posting funnier xkcd comics about bio

>> No.8301226
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>> No.8301400

Lots of respect for biology

0 respect for biologists tho

>> No.8301405

Bio major here, exactly how I feel. It's the bass guitar of sciences, easy to pick up but incredibly hard to truly master

>> No.8301406

I studied computer science and I kinda feel the same way about my own field

>> No.8301420

Don't you respect your professors? Undergrads are no biologists.

Don't you respect the erudite scholars of the field?

This video will make anyone appreciate both biology and biologists.


>> No.8301422

Fair point I suppose, but /sci/ is 95% undergrads all shitposting over whose major is the hardest

>> No.8301423 [DELETED] 

Don't you respect your professors? Undergrads are not biologists. Lab monkeys are not biologists. Biologists have PhDs and engage in scholarly research.

Don't you respect the erudite scholars of the field?

This video will make anyone appreciate both biology and biologists.


>> No.8301435

Meanwhile no undergrad degree is particularly hard

>> No.8301860

>X field is largely solved

the only person who says that in the sciences is the one that doesnt know what they are talking about.

>> No.8301942

I respect biologists who realized their programs were lacking in math and thus learned it themselves