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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 163 KB, 1550x702, 635917662192327495-1020844868_STEAM-IMAGE-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8290105 No.8290105 [Reply] [Original]

>STEAM fields is an acronym for the fields of study in the categories of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. The initiative began to include arts and design in STEM fields education.

>STEM programs are designed to integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the classroom. These programs aim to teach students to think critically and have an engineering or design approach towards real-world problems while building on their math and science base.[1] STEAM programs add art to STEM curriculum by drawing on design principles and encouraging creative solutions.[1]

Where were you when you realized the endtimes were upon us?

>> No.8290108

The horror

>> No.8290129

Arts fags not realizing creativity is not limited to their field.

>> No.8290152

I think i'm going to be sick.

STEM shield activated.
Engage maximum shunning.

STEM subjects engage and expand rational thinking; art belongs with media and gender studies.

>> No.8290162
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>> No.8290192

I really hate words like "holistic"

>> No.8290203


>> No.8290208

why would th...

>> No.8290217

>encouraging creative solutions

I guess mathematical insights, designing novel technology and developing physical models is pure rotework then. Huh. I never knew.

>> No.8290218 [DELETED] 

I'm an art fag and don't want to be lumped together with STEM autists.

>> No.8290221

Poor concept aside, what subjects would this even leave out from the "acronym umbrella"?

Is this referring to the "arts", as in the social sciences (lol), humanities, and classical studies?

Does this refer to the "fine arts", such as music, theater/film, and artistic methods?

Many universities already group these subjects together, look at a given school and you'll more than likely find that they fall under the "College of Arts & Sciences" or some such name.

>> No.8290228
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This STEaM bullshit is exactly the kind of vacuum of thought that you have to expect from people who think doing ~1hr of 'work' in a week is a contribution to the human race.
(omg, but it's really hard, you wouldn't understand, we have to write/draw stuff from our own imagination, science has no creativity, I'm so creative... you jelly?)

Science doesn't need philosophy to think about the implications of its findings and it doesn't need art to appreciate 'beauty'. Respect.

>> No.8290233

Can somebody tell me what "mathematical elements" do sociology, psychology and history have?

>> No.8290240

Interpersonal skills

Interesting facts

fixed it

>> No.8290249


counting people

counting prescriptions and days until the weekend/next holiday

counting years and numbers of soldiers

Really high level stuff.

>> No.8290252

>Interesting facts
The fuck is that a TV trivia show class?

I'm all for a well-rounded education, but first how about we make scientists speak Latin again?

>> No.8290253

The feeling us completely mutual, faggie

>> No.8290255 [DELETED] 


>> No.8290264


>> No.8290270

The well-rounded education meme is another way of saying "We want you to take more classes and be in school for longer so we can get more of your tuition money."

>> No.8291817

This is how Arts get into the govt. subsidies currently allocated to STEM

>> No.8291974
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fucking kek

>> No.8291979

who cares?

really, I dislike any education that isn't pure maths anyway, so why bother if it's stem or steam

besides, being insecure about arts only betrays a plebeian disposition

>> No.8292046


>> No.8292058

That is unironically what humanities faggs believe.

>> No.8292061

>psychology under art

>> No.8292171

>we cant get the targeted women's quotas unless we lower the standards

>> No.8292176

it's 'arts' you retarded mongrel

>> No.8292204

>Georgette Yakman

Gee... I wonder who could be behind this??

>> No.8292218


>> No.8293871

>STEAM programs add art to STEM curriculum
Stop this please. Even in biology you still need good time management for studying. Art is a waste of time, especially western.

>> No.8293874


>> No.8293877

>Art is a waste of time

Art is what makes us human.

>> No.8293886


>> No.8293889


>> No.8293895


>> No.8293897


Art is what makes us human but 2e don't need classes or education to create our own art. We need knowledge and education of STEM subjects so we can contribute to it.

>> No.8293900

>but we don't need classes or education to create our own art

Why not? You could learn mathematics all on your own too but it's better to have teachers that can help you.

>> No.8294025

>Art is what makes us human.
[citation needed]

>> No.8294029

I think it's stupid to have such a dichotomous attitude about STEM and art. That's leveled at this stupid program, mind you

Seriously, art at its limit is a science and vice versa, why can't humanitiescucks accept that some people creatively express themselves through science and math, and others through art, and they intersect naturally at some point anyway

>> No.8294072

Will just make another term meaningless

>> No.8294086
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scam art is still an art

>> No.8294091

The whole "STEAM" thing is just a ploy to direct some STEM designated funding to art departments.

>> No.8294104

>Waste of time
There are numbers and only numbers. Only empirical evidence holds meaning. Statistics are what divide us from animals. All who disagree and pursue useless expressions of emotions are a dead weight to society.

>> No.8294117

this might be the laziest attempt I've ever seen

>> No.8294128

won't do anything useful and won't get fund anyway

>> No.8294129

>c-can I be relevant too??

>> No.8294956

Yes, you can <3

>> No.8294968

I'm an artist.

Art has nothing to offer.

>> No.8295009


Most all the greatest scientific achievements have been conducted by men academically proficient in the arts and humanities.
Political Science is more important than the hard sciences because it affects literally everything else (including how the hard sciences are conducted in your country).
The word Idiot derrives from the ancient Greek word for those uneducated and uninterested in Politics.
Science and STEM is an ideology and do be ignorant to the science which studies ideology is to be ignorant of science as a whole.

>> No.8295015


So bascially nu-humanities?

>> No.8295097

/pol/ here. Look closer at the A.

>> No.8295099

sheeeit, nice jewdar

>> No.8296442

To be honest, the artists would be learning more from STEM about creativity and philosophy than the other way around.

>> No.8296526


>> No.8296613

If by art you mean creative self expression sure; but I'm not going to pay thousands of dollars so a university can tell me I know how to express myself

>> No.8296662

No, NO. The whole point of the STEM designator was to seperate the scientific fields from the bullshit. I love art too, but this "STEAM" thing is basically a description of all university majors in existence. It completely waters down the entire discourse we're trying to have about building the 21st century.

>> No.8296692

Let me just remind you all that there are a lot of people who literally think math and physics are the same thing, even people with college degrees.
I'm guessing this shit is pushed by some of those people.

>> No.8296725

Politics, business and law, with history backing them up, are all good humanities, but still don't deserve stem funding

Everything else is shit

>> No.8296738

It looks like an asshole?

>> No.8296743
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When you add an A to STEM, it becomes full of hot air

>> No.8296915

Physics is a liberal arts

Oxford and Cambridge only have BAs in physics, no BS

>> No.8296936

Is that a joke?

What does getting a BA in Physics even require?

>> No.8296962

and in other schools physics is a BS

The political/administrative divisions of educational departments do not always determine whether something is STEM or not

>> No.8296965
File: 24 KB, 500x316, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life-long holistic

If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

>> No.8296974
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>> No.8296998

It's more about Oxford and Cambridge being old so they use the older definition of a liberal art.

It's among the hardest degrees in the subject. It's not like they have a bunch of retards at Oxbridge.

>> No.8297004
File: 29 KB, 600x600, Consider_This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physics is a art

Science PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy

>> No.8297136


>> No.8297140

>philosophy is useless
>gives lectures about philosophy of science
10/10 I cri everitiem

>> No.8297147


>> No.8297152
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>> No.8297198

Yep seems like they noticed that the degeneracy and brainwashing of american academia had a very limited grab on STEM students, this needed to be changed.

>> No.8297489

>engage and expand rational thinking
In my experience it's:
>vague indication of what you do when given a particular problem
>have to remember that exact solution
Back in highschool, the top of STEM subjects (actually, I think he was top of every subject he took) knew little other than what he was taught by school.
The low performer who was repeating a year knew lots about any topic mentioned.

>> No.8297495

>being a trivia spouting meme machine with vague, dead, knowledge about things you don't understand has any value

>> No.8297546

It wasn't trivia, and even if the knowledge is broken, it's still a good beginning for an extremely rigorous knowledge of the sciences.
Our biggest problem with the sciences in my opinion is how dependent the student is on having a good teacher.
Tutors would be redundant if learning material was of acceptable quality, but because learning material is largely pajeet-written copypasta filled with holes (and only filled with holes because the original sources were too), anyone with a personal interest in the sciences that could turn into very broad knowledge ends up being totally screwed over.

I wish I knew a system of creating learning material that would avoid these problems given that it's likely to literally be my job in the next few years.

>> No.8297599

>Our biggest problem with the sciences in my opinion is how dependent the student is on having a good teacher.
Yeah I have to agree. Do you remember the confessions of Feynman about the time when he joined the comity that picks school manuals? It's an interesting read.

>> No.8297606

still not going to hire someone with an art degree.

>> No.8297737

I haven't.
Can you give a quick rundown?

>> No.8297749

It was corrupt as fuck and a complete mediocracy.
Here is the passage from his autobiography

>> No.8297769

>muh creativity

I thought that was engineer's job

>> No.8297801

Not exactly a quick rundown, at the very first mention I knew you must be meaning "it's corrupt".

Overall, what I see is that it's meaningless filler material made to satisfy requirements and make money, which communicates little or false information in a way that makes no sense.

Flaws are less blatant nowdays with the rise of an easily browsable network of information that any child can use, putting writers under the scrutiny of their readers, but the cost of said network of information is that educational material aims to grab attention rather than deliver knowledge in a structured curriculum.