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8296757 No.8296757 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw graduating at 26

Who /fuckedup/ here?

>> No.8296764

Thats not really fucked up. Fucked up would be having an accidental child or felony, you're literally fine.

>> No.8296769

Me big time. But got my GED at 16 and had 2 years at a community college before getting addicted to heroin. Off heroin now but 26 years old on methadone and homeless with no family or friends to help me. My cellphone is everything to me, I make sure my bill is paid every month. I'm clean now and I want things to be better but I can never find the time or strength to pull myself out of this. I can't imagine trying to work while in this condition and the homeless shelters here in Denver are horrible. I want my mommy. Straight up I want my mommy.

>> No.8296772

I really regret wasting three years of college in depression over some chick. Trying my best to make up.

>> No.8296773

And to add on I owe for child support . Only like 2grand right now tho

>> No.8296776

fuck it man. At least you graduated. All us make mistakes.

>> No.8296777


me too anon

but to put it in perspective, i started as a butcher after not finishing highschool, was wrongfully imprisoned for a year, my band toured overseas and i am a motherfuckin' sea captain and divemaster.

>not stressing about graduating at 26 senpai

>> No.8296781

39 here, finishing my PhD. Better late than never, go make something of yourself.

>> No.8296786 [DELETED] 
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Is it because of social media that we have so many people now whining about how it's too late to do anything even though they are in their 20s?

>> No.8296793

It's just the fact that competition is on the rise and students are graduating at a younger age in general.

>> No.8296810

Graduated at 26, went straight into a degree-related job. Now three years later, going to quit the 9-5 bullshit and go back to Uni.

Still so much time to do whatever m8

>> No.8296812

Nigga, I'm going to be a first year freshman at 26. I was in the military before this wasting my fucking life.

If I could go back, I'd have gone to school at 18 and be done with it and have a degree by now. However, the free tuition I'm getting now is nice though

>> No.8296818


Me too but I started at 24. The discipline from the army will help you immensely in degrees with high work load. I'm in EE and the only people being better than me are the gifted "nerds" that built shit since childhood, come from engineer families etc. Feels good. Remember where you came from and finish this march.

>> No.8296821

>Got BS in time
>Now doing another to raise GPA
At least it won't take long, no more scholarship though.

>> No.8296823

Reminder that this whole "OH NO I'M 25 MY LIFE IS FLASHING BY" problem is only one if you plan to have kids.

>> No.8296824

35, finishing my undergraduate degree.

>20sfags view us as grandpas

>> No.8296830

>be me
>spent a couple of years in community college taking out prerequisites and GE classes
>started from the very bottom
>Just turned 28 in July
>transferred to Cal Poly Pomona
>Will start classes in September
>computer engineer

I'm gonna be the grandpa, aren't I?

>> No.8296845
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>be a CompSci graduate
>tfw I should just choose math instead of falling for the memes
>tfw I fucked up the last 4 years
>tfw had studying convex optimization and analysis in the summer
>tfw I want to kms

>> No.8296849


>> No.8296852

I need to cap this post and read it every time I'm /feeling/ sorry for myself...

Keep your head up friend. <3

>> No.8296861

5 years of CC, here.

transferring into ChemEng. I had to stay a minimum of 2 since I needed to finish the Chem 1,2, and Ochem 1, 2 sequence, which happened to conflict with the math classes I also needed, so I had to stay an extra year. Then I took a year off to work, then I find out this year that my Calc 2 class didn't transfer, even though I was told it would by counselors, and assist.org.

So that's 5 years, the latter where I'm just taking one fucking class for the whole year, since I can't do a spring transfer. At least I'll have some money saved up. I'll be 24 or 25 by the time I get my fucking ChemEng BS.

>> No.8296872

34 year old undergrad in CS here.

>> No.8296904

>convex optimization

>> No.8296922
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That's probably gonna be me too, if I don't get fucked over and actually start university in spring. I'm 20 now, going to be 23, possibly 28 when I'm done (that's if I decide to go for a master's and PhD).

>tfw there are people who got their PhD at 20 yo

World ain't fair, man.

>> No.8296928

It took me 5.5 years to get a bachelor in electrical engineering.

>> No.8296933

Damn son, that's a while. What were you, working full time or something? Where did you study? Do you have a job now?

>> No.8296942

no work.

studied at a shit school.

no job but I could probably get one

>> No.8296990

Thank you anon. I try to. I feel lonely.

>> No.8296995

I'll be 34 when I finish my bachelor's in chemistry. Work and kids make it difficult to take many classes.

>> No.8297001

I graduated with two BA's in math and econ at 21, summa cum laude. Then wasted 4 years in a PhD program and got kicked for lack of research progress, no degrees or anything to show for it, just a lot of depression and anger.

>> No.8297024

not hard but I had to study them in the summer where i could go grab some money working part time for a software company. money wasted.

>> No.8297041

Thanks man, I'm really interested in engineering myself.

I'm just stressing about all the basic math classes since it's been so long since I was in a classroom. I've forgotten everything. And I mean everything.

>> No.8297117

I'll be 34 when I get my BS in EE.

Spent a decade as a career line cook before I finally escaped.

>> No.8297135

Not fucked up where i live in the slightest..
In my country there is conscription, so people who get a bachelors usually get out of college at 25 years old.

>> No.8297145 [DELETED] 
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>didn't care about science in school, where I had no obligations and tons of free time
>still didn't really care when I went to college and lacked the motivation to study

>now that I finally have the motivation I get a painful and limiting illness, would also have to get a job to pay for college

I wish I could go back in time.

>> No.8297158

I graduated at 25, went into college at 20, almost 21. Getting an entry level job in engineering took me about 2 weeks. Shit is boring but the pay is okay. Just don't give up guys.

>> No.8297167
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23 turning 24 here, still working on diploma for comp sci/software engineering (it's under a different name in this tech institute I go to)

My mother just finished her Psych Nursing degree at 52. When she was 18 she was doing great but as she always said to keep me from feeling like shit for still not having a degree: life gets in the way.

>still feel like I fucked up tho

>> No.8297172

I'll be 24 or 25 as well.

Did 3 years at CC, starting mech engineering next month at a university.

>> No.8297173


Whatever, man. Four years of lost time can be made up for if you have the talent and work ethic.

>> No.8297352

>tfw I'll be turning 87 in September

Is it too late to finish my compsci degree? I started when I was 18 but I dropped out to become a hippie.

>> No.8297386


>> No.8297527

>achieving things earlier in a sign of success

>> No.8297539

>26 years old
>was walking on campus yesterday to talk to an adviser
>passed all these super young looking kids
>realized I'll be the old man in a class of mostly children

Holy fuck, and they'll all most likely be ultra liberal as well

>> No.8297543


>achieving things at all is a sign of success


>> No.8297570

it doesn't really matter as long as you weren't working at mcdonalds or something for 5 years. my FEA professor was a high school dropout who started in a machine shop being a meat robot.

>> No.8297575

going to college as an older guy fucking rocks. two words.


>> No.8297608

Yikes, they didn't even give you a masters?

>> No.8297616

>haha already wasted my best years doing stupid shit can't wait to finally start college so I can go chase some tail wish me luck
Grow up.

>> No.8297620

It is.

I either means you had the ability to advance rapidly or the drive to network and find work arounds.

>> No.8297631

>discouraging people from making the best out of a situation

c'mon man.

>> No.8297639

The "best" isn't doing dumb 18 year old fratboy shit.

>> No.8297646 [DELETED] 
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Why couldn't I have had an interest in something productive since I was young? I feel like I was not conscious all that time. Wasting time with video games and shallow internet browsing.

>> No.8297838

Is going to college as an older guy something you already did?

>> No.8297863

yeah. i finished last year. i wasn't really expecting it tbqh. most of the girls approached me.

>> No.8297887


fo realz tho i'm starting chem 1 this year at 29 and i can see all these horny girls just awkwardly trying to be cute and desirable. they have no idea the power their pussies hold.

>> No.8297930

anon im a 27 yr old college sophomore, you're doin fine

>> No.8297939

damn bro..
I feel for ya man,
im from a town with a major drug problem,
a lot of my friends ended up getting hooked on meth in high school

just stay strong, remember that there will always be people who care
find whatever work you can, find a place to live, just keep trying

I know you can succeed anon

>> No.8297948

dont worry about the math, I was in the exact same situation last year. all it took was a little review of trig functions and it all came right back to me.
I started straight into calc 2, just treat class/homework like PT and you will do fine

>> No.8297952


try harder m8

>> No.8297954

thats what i expected too, but honestly it isnt that bad, you will be surprised how many 25+ freshmen there are

>> No.8297959

I'm in grad school at 26 and I have a girl in my cohort who is 21. Wish I had started grad school at 21.

>> No.8297986

I was a hippie before hippies were cool, or even existed. Not gonna lie it was very lonely and a poor life choice.

>> No.8297989

what are you studying anon?

>> No.8298018

Nope. Go fish.

>> No.8298019

Psychology. It's gonna be tough but at least at the end I'll be a scientist.

>> No.8298020


>> No.8298030

You're not 86

If indeed you are - timestamp your old deformed hand.

>> No.8298033


I really like animal science

>> No.8298046
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Alright man here you go. Here is my hand as you can see it's old and gnarly and dessicated since I am a skinny old man with arthritis.

>> No.8298047

Very funny, guys, but I'm actually getting my master's in education.

>> No.8298048
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>drop out of HS at age 16
>get GED
>enroll in CC
>start at fucking Intermediate Algebra
>three years later, wrapping up my AA and I've taken up to Calc 3 and Phy 2
>gonna transfer into a university CompSci program
>probably going to take another two or three years to finish the BS
Slow and comfy wins the race, anon.

>> No.8298049

do you really think those two years make much of a difference, considering how old an average guy lives to be? come on man, stay rational.

>> No.8298051

Well how else would you get one, genius?

>> No.8298053

I don't know why so many people replied pretending to be me.

I actually am studying Psychology though. Won't go into the specific program because anonymity but it's based more on research, and grooming toward doctoral programs - which is fine with me as I was planning on going for my doctorate afterwards as is.

>> No.8298060
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>just finished precalc
>either doing math or comp sci
>dont care if it takes me till im 35 to finish undergrad
>fucking doing it
>nobody else in senpai educated at all

ive been homeless, addicted to fentanyl, meth, 20k in debt, no friends, no gf no car no anything fired from so many jobs.

all that matters is that you be better than yourself of the past and follow your dreams because youre going to die anyway so fuck it, do what you want. if you want an education in rigorous math based stuff even though you know you have a low iq and understand you might be the worst at it it doesnt matter because the version of you that knows science/math is better than the version who does not. assuming that's what you value.

>> No.8298069

>I really regret wasting three years of college in depression over some chick.

jesus, i wasted a semester over the same thing and i feel like the biggest loser in the world, i can't imagine wasting three whole years

>> No.8298076

I'm studying in a third world country

>> No.8298080

Ill be graduating at 28 so what 30-35 should be your best years anyway.

>> No.8298084

kek : )

>> No.8298086 [DELETED] 


>> No.8298098

>2 years.
more like 4 years

>> No.8298142

Post more - someone posted k-39 before, it's awesome - I need more. CBA to find music myself.


>> No.8298150


>graduating at 24

it sounds old but it's really just 5 years and having a summer birthday

>> No.8298165

Ill be graduating at 23/24. I could have been done at 20 if i didnt fuck up

>> No.8298201

exactly in the same boat - wasted 2 years after high school.

>> No.8298202

Ye same here

Fuck them. All that matters to me now are molecules and shit

>> No.8298210

I did some uni, dropped out and sort of stuffed around for a year and a half. Worst decision ever but im glad I went back.

>> No.8298611
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Is starting a 3- year euro bachelors in pure and applied Chemistry at the age of 22 considered /fuckedup/ here on Sci?

Just fuck my shit up senpai if you do consider it, I doubt I can feel any more lousy than I do right now.

>> No.8298627
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Entered College at 17 yo.
Lost 2 years, and this is my third because I still didn't lost hope, my only problem is memory, I've always had shit memory, even my professors were wondering how I keep failing even though I'm really good in class and always perfect answers in class, and also good at practical stuff .

It breaks my heart, but I'm still holding

>> No.8298632

I really do not see, what you fucked up here. Please explain in detail.

>> No.8298643

Eh, if it's only a bachelor you're doing, you're fine. Unless you fuck up of course and take longer than that to finish and find a job.

>> No.8298651

Most likely I wont fuck up, I have full focus on my studies now and hope I can continue on with a masters.
Also I have started to feel a lot better now thanks to my gf, and getting to move in with her while we both study only a few miles from eachother will make me much happier.

>> No.8298655

>ED at 16 and had 2 years at a community college before getting addicted to heroin. Of
You went to Mount Sac.

>> No.8298662
File: 24 KB, 619x387, Mr-Robot-Rami-Male_3473888b-large_trans++pJliwavx4coWFCaEkEsb3kvxIt-lGGWCWqwLa_RXJU8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been in college for 6 years
>still have at least 1 1/2 years to go

>> No.8298663

Lel me too,
Wew i went into med school

>> No.8298698

Are you me? 24 here.

>> No.8298703

Serious question.

How would graduating at 25/26 with a shit record affect your academic carrer, i.e. getting admitted into a graduate program in a top university? Is there any hope left? Suppose there were a lot of personal problems involved.

Come on now, the admissions office is made of human beings right? I realize they don't want to be hearing about sad stories all day since the programs may be very competitive, but they would somewhat empathize, right? Or am I wrong?

>> No.8298715


you're wrong nigga

gpa 5 (credit average) or you arent getting over the fence

>mfw gpa 3.0 at the end of first year
>graduating with 6.0

made it

>> No.8298741

work part time while studying

>> No.8298752

I wonder how someone who started college at 40 feels reading this thread.

>> No.8298774

what do you mean

>> No.8298796

>Come on now, the admissions office is made of human beings right? I realize they don't want to be hearing about sad stories all day since the programs may be very competitive, but they would somewhat empathize, right? Or am I wrong?
Of course they will empathize, but just because they empathize and understand where you're coming from doesn't mean they won't pick a 'safer' candidate over you. I mean, assuming there's nothing exceptional to set you apart from the 'normal' candidates, what do they have to gain by picking you instead?

>> No.8298861

>daily reminder that Einstein published the theory of relativity when he was 26

>> No.8298906

I know someone who was planning to have their Master's at 60, starting at 52.

Yeah turbo-normies get their degree exactly on time, but for the rest of the word, it's late. The average doctorate is awarded at 31 for example, and if you count 18-31, that's 13 years.

Uni has far more children than adults, but CC is where up to 1/4 of your classmates are adults. My best friend was a 40+ year old Peruvian milf when getting my AS. I tutored, so there were a lot of adults coming in. One was a divorced woman in her early 50s, another was a guy going for a second Bachelors degree in his late 50s or even 60s. Lots of people. Sexy, sexy women.

Uni is full of fucking godawful children, especially the imports. My uni boasts it has one of the highest international student rates, so like 1/4 of my classes are literally foreigners. I did have a lab partner that was in his 30s with a wife and daughter. It was nice because he was responsible and shit.

I'll be getting my BS in EE and I suffer from suicidal depression and ADHD (I've been hospitalized a few times). Git gud scrub.

>> No.8298909

I'll be 27*. Forgot that bit

>> No.8298921

yh, wasted time being a shitter and taking electives at a CC because I really didnt know what I wanted to do with myself and I felt everything was pointless. Im guessing it was mild depression. I turned 21 and decided it was time to at least get the pre reqs done so I could transfer out. Decided to go into engineering BUT WAIT I had to start my maths journey from algebra and work up to linear algebra plus all the other required classes which needed all this other math lol.

Anyways, once i finished algebra I found a loop in the add in system at my CC and took geometry n pre-cal in the same semester, dud the same for calc2 n 3.

Now im 24 n taking all the required engineering classes plus electricity n magnetism so i can apply to transfer out next fall.

Im think ill be done with my EEBS degree when im 27 lol. I dont like to think about it desu, gets me feeling sad and unmotivated.

>> No.8299061

>tfw graduating at 20

>> No.8299080

to anyone graduating very late (mid 30s etc):

do you know of people your age that actually got hired in their fields/specialties?

i personally know a full-time loader (carrying heavy stuff) who has a masters in political science. of course that's nothing to brag about, but i'm generally curious if things are different if you graduate with very good grades and in a sought-after specialty.

>> No.8299083

>starting postgrad now

>> No.8299085

>i personally know a full-time loader (carrying heavy stuff) who has a masters in political science
>political science

That's his problem. Even people in their 20s with PhDs are struggling to get work unless they went to high tier schools.

>> No.8299088

Sophomore at 28 here.
Really wish I wouldn't have put it off, learning gets exponentially harder as you get older.
When I took my first semester at 19, I could just sit in lectures and not study and get A's. Now I have to study my ass off and still not everything sticks.

>> No.8299091

>will graduate at 20 from decent school

not sure how i feel about this

>> No.8299094

Should've taken the red pill long before.

>> No.8299097



Looking back, I wish I would have dropped out of high school, tested for my GED, and started college 2 or 3 years early.

>> No.8299098

iktf, 21 and I can already feel it

>> No.8299101

I was immature though, and fucked up my freshman grades.

>> No.8299103

>the version of you that knows science/math is better than the version who does not. assuming that's what you value.
this so much, only compare your progress with yourself

>> No.8299117

It's pretty common to graduate with that age if you went to STEM careers, at least here.

t. thirdworlder

>> No.8299134

I found it to be the opposite. At 34, everything seems to go to long-term memory and true understanding, while at 19 I was in la-la land and forgot everything after the semester ended.

>> No.8299281

I'm starting Junior year now at 28. I feel about as sharp as I did then. Maybe sharper. Regardless, I still have to study my ass off; but I think that's because what I'm doing now isn't bullshit intro classes. Maybe the case for you as well?

>> No.8299282

34.. bsc honours maths. Don't wont to teach as i can't stand millenials.

Gonna start learning to code now for a project.

>> No.8299443 [DELETED] 

So what's the deal with age here? Is finding a job related job near impossibility common in the US, if you graduation goes over the age of 25?

>> No.8299447

So what's the deal with age here? Is finding a degree related job being near impossibility common in the US if you graduation goes over the age of 25?

>> No.8299451

>I hate millenials
>wants to do the most millenial project imaginable

>> No.8299463

I've spent the last 10 years in undergrad school. Fuck the rat race.

>> No.8299510

You're better than me, I'm also graduating at 26... with an Associates degree.

I'm pretty much completely counting on this Electronic Engineering Tech degree getting me a technician job and whatever company I work for loving me so much that they offer to pay for me to get my BS in EE as long as I stick with them for a few years.

That assumes I manage to land a job at all of course.

>> No.8299745

I'm starting at 26

>> No.8299860

20 here, flunked out of a physics major and spent the last year procrastinating getting a job and have done literally nothing since then. thankfully the college i go to readmitted me and i just started classes, but I haven't done math in almost a year and i'm not sure i can keep up with my courses and it's hard to get out of bed. I'm beggining to think i have crippling depression or something.

>> No.8300698

Comsci is a waste of time and will make you hate anyone else who studied comsci.

Degree is literally a meme.

>> No.8300700

>tfw starting uni next year @ 21

>> No.8300766

Nigga what you doin on 4chan

>> No.8300780
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>> No.8300849

Nobody cares what age you are.

Wrong board.

>> No.8300894

> Associate of General Studies
> I'm 26 soon
> Electronics Certificate, IPC certified (Means I can work in electronics manufacturing etc.)
> Working on A.S. for Physics B.S.

Local electronics assembly employers want only full-time workers it seems, no part time or internships. Much to my detriment in a nutshell. Working on A.S., though I need to work for up to 6-9 months to have enough money to complete the degree. Have to restart pre-calc II (step down from calculus) after all anticipated work.

I think of my B.S. degree as a mountain. Lots of hills, nice areas, caves and such. I woke up one morning and thought of this as a really long slope with an open sky on the mountain instead of a cave. Caves are depressing. Unless it's a cave from the movie Avatar, that would be cool. And I don't wanna be a Batman fanboy. (Batman the Animated Series was cool though) (Note that these are jokes.)

But in seriousness, that thought alone helped a lot. It radiates in lots of your interactions with other people throughout the day. Which in turn, lead to more opportunities. Hope this kinda helps anyone out there.

>> No.8300913

22 yo freshmen, changed college, fuckedup

>> No.8300997

>tfw 26 year old pharmacist
i fucking hate my job and i have a feeling that almost everything i do will be automated or obsolete in 20 years.

i'm currently thinking of going back to uni and getting a second degree. that'll make me at least 31 when i graduate.
how fucked am i?

how are you guys holding up? do you have kids? i'm currently in a stable relationship and i plan on having kids later down the line, but not before i'm 30, which is pretty much the only thing that's stopping me from going back to uni and getting an engineering degree.

>> No.8300998

yeah but the theory was part of his phd papers, so he didn't graduate at 26 but finished his phd at 26. i don't recall the exact age he graduated from eth zurich, i believe it was around 20-21 since he got in a year earlier than his peers.

>> No.8301008

plus he published not one but 4 revolutionary papers at once at 26.

>the theory of special relativity
>the explanation for the photoelectric effect
>the explanation for the brownian motion (and it's consequent proof of the existance of molecules)
>the equivalence of [math]E^2 = \left(pc \right)^2 + \left(mc^2 \right)^2 [/math]

>> No.8301051

>Time is running out
Seems to be a hormonal thing. The younger the worse it is. If I could go back in time I'd try and be more chill and take a few years out. I'm also confident that age is going to become meaningless within my lifetime.

Freeze your sperm tho.

>The author of the paper, Kevin R. Smith, a senior lecturer at Scotland’s Abertay University, notes that “Modern genetic sequencing studies have confirmed that the sperm of older men contain a greater number of de novo germline mutations than the sperm of younger men.” In other words, babies born from older sperm are more likely to suffer from genetic disorders and other problems.

>> No.8301068

>freezing sperm
interesting idea, but i don't think my gf would like it. she's a pharmacist too and she loves working in pharmacies. since she's a woman and her biological clock is ticking, she'll probably feel the need the get children within the next few years.

>age becoming meaningless within my lifetime
i wish i had your optimism. unless we manage to transfer you conciousness into a robot, aging will be here for a long time.

>> No.8301089

props to you mate. and what you said is actually pretty deep

>> No.8301098

you could also not breed like a dumb ape and tell your gf to go f herself.

>> No.8301312

Elon Musk graduated at 24, look at him now

>> No.8301702

How can you be so based?

>> No.8301755

If you are still in your freshman or sophomore year, switch majors quick. I'm not kidding.

>> No.8301772

its ite senpai i just finished my first year of physics @ 21
turns out there are a lot of people who aren't 18 when they start uni, the only issue is you realise the age gap between 21 and 18 makes 18 year olds INSUFFERABLE

>> No.8301785


If you live on the west or east coast or around a bunch of oil companies you should be good though. Do a bunch of internships if possible.

>> No.8301787
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>school has literally #1 career services in the country
>still fail 3 rounds of engineering co-op interviews when most people get an offer after one

There is the slight chance I'll become a tech millionaire out of necessity, and the considerably greater chance I'll be a fucking loser forever.

>> No.8301788

I fucked up, but getting back on track. Was top of class in high school, went to university, did 5 years, was about to graduate. Some factors prevented that and I went into deep depression and other issues. I had just lost my job at the start of my second to last semester, so financially it was tough. Also got into a relationship with a nice girl, and kind of went overboard on that too. Pissed off some advisors that ended up screwing me over. Was forced to take a year break, which ended up turning into a three year break. Now I'm 26 and going back to finish up my degree, and see where it'll lead me. The girl and I lasted three and a half years, with a portion of it long distance (3000 miles) with regular travels and vacations that ended up making my financial situation even worse. Focused too much on her academics and her success, and forgot my own in the 3 years of not going to school. A year before her graduation, the girl cheated on me, but with another girl from her laboratory. I broke up with her.

Now, at 26, I am going back to my school with only 20 credits left to graduate, have a plan for graduate school too, with a professor who is willing to become my supervisor once I have my bachelors. I've been working as a Tutor and substitute teacher in my school district, and teaching ESL for Adults on weekends. Also have a graveyard shift at a fast food restaurant and a morning shift at a camera store. Will quit the morning and graveyard jobs to focus on school, and I've paid off most of my debts. Also, moved from my apartment back with parents to ease the finances a bit.

It's never too late to grab the fish out of water, it'll still be fresh if it's not dead.

>> No.8301798

Plenty of folks start university late, or have gaps in their studies, or even rethink their entire majors or life plans and start over. Don't let a very select few overachievers get you down. Focus on getting from where you are to where you want to be, and minimize distractions and wandering off to get there in an efficient and timely manner.

>> No.8301801


>>8297117 here.

No kids here. I decided against having them long ago. I'm in a long term relationship with a woman who feels the same way- and had a hysterectomy to back it up. (Well, also because of cervical cancer, but w/e)

Anyway, I imagine not having kids nor the intention to do so probably makes things a lot easier for me, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to do this as a parent.

Actually, my brother in law is doing his last year of EE in his mid thirties, and just became a father a couple of months ago. He seems to be managing it all right.

>> No.8301803

3 years that's fucked lol.
It's kinda this sort of nonsense that made me get over my depression.

Was depressed for 8 months, been unfucking my academic record since the beginning of this year. University next year.

>> No.8301821
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>> No.8301959

Got my BSc. in physics and math (dual maj.) at 27, because I had four 1-year gaps during my studies due to things like finances, relationship, depression, getting hit by a car, and just personal shit one has to work through.

Bright side, just finished all my courses for Masters, and will be doing full time research and working on a thesis in the coming academic year. It's NEVER too late to go back to school (unless you are dead).

>> No.8302036
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Serious question: why would you start doing heroin? It's like the most well documented road to ruin. Even people who get off it are retarded for life. My aunt went from pills to heroin and looks like the bath tub nightmare from The Shining.

>> No.8302063

>4mb for a half a chuckle
fuck u

>> No.8302329

Got psychosis and it fucked me up bad, had to take time of uni every second year. so six years for a BA and I'm going to do an underdrand EE/Comp Sci which will be 5 years so like 30 not including masters.

>> No.8302404
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my man. I'm 29 now and done two degrees (and a couple months away from my M.Sc. defense) but I have literally no friends - largely because I ignored them in favor of wasting a decade on a succubus. Luckily I dumped her a year ago.

Friends are overrated, but it would be nice to have at least one confidant :(

>> No.8302446
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I will be graduating at 25 or 26.

>had to take a year off of high school (I failed a very important test) when I was 16
>had to take another year off when I was 19
>started college at 20, mathematics
>been the weirdo all my life
>severe social anxiety (I used to have lunch in the toilet for reasons)
>can't connect with people
>depressions kicks in
>suicide attempt, luckily nobody ever found out
>therapy for a year
>start to study literature
>people in lit classes are completely different
>I feel comfortable even being a weirdo
>feels fine
>graduating this year (24 y/o)
>already took some courses for a m.a I'll start next year
>came back to math this year
>hoping to finish at 25 or 26

I'll think I will be in college past 30 because I want to get a PhD.

My only problem atm is the people in math lectures, the teacher, and everything. For a while I did just fine without going to classes and studying on my own, showing up to tests alone, but I feel I really need to be in the classes I'm taking, and my anxiety is killing me. I used to take xanax when I had anxiety attacks, but I haven't visited my psychiatrist in months...

>Friends are overrated, but it would be nice to have at least one confidant :(
Same. I don't talk to anyone.
I write a diary because I feel I need to say things but I can't tell these things to anyone.

>> No.8302450

Why not live off the land. Go native

>> No.8302453
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>graduating at 30 with no debt
Feels ok man

>> No.8302465

What city you from buddy?

>> No.8302477

Whatchu graduating with?

I am done my Master's @ 30 with zero debt - some chinese dumbass messed up his entry paperwork and I got his government grant dough ($30k/year).

I'm the only one in my cohort with zero debt, so I pretend I have debt in a feeble attempt to relate to them

>> No.8302478

>He thinks employers give a fuck about your GPA

They don't give a shit my dude, they will looks at your skills first and foremost

>> No.8302483
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>> No.8302487

>learning gets exponentially harder as you get older.
it should become easier within your field

>> No.8302497

Isn't it the contrary? As you get older, you also get more disciplined. I wish I had my discipline right now when I was back in high school at the very least. Could have ended up in a better college.

>> No.8302507

Bachelors of Software Engineering

I'm in a co-op program so I've earned most of the cash to pay for it in between terms.

what up fellow calgarian

>> No.8302518
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First year Chem Eng just finishing up my classes.
Think of it this way though. I'm pretty sure if we were do the same amount of external work i.e. internships for some chemical company, they're more likely to hire you (presumably more well rounded) than some 19 year old like me.

pic related: my schedule for fall.

>> No.8302520
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If an employer asks about your GPA and seriously considers it in the hiring process I can assure you they aren't worth it. Unless you're looking to get into grad/ professional school you really shouldn't worry.

I hate to break this to you but just about any entry to mid level job could be taught to anyone else in three months.

>> No.8302549

>gpa 5 (credit average)

Absolutely this.
If you can't even maintain this why would you even want to consider graduate school?

>> No.8302568
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>what up fellow calgarian

Drinking alone

What's good bruddah

>> No.8302584

>went to top art school
>graduate, network my ass off
>work at art gallery + sculpt = around 78k a year
>single, no kids, hardly any debt, car paid for

Feels real good. Living the life, it's better than NEETdom

>> No.8302589


Oh neat arts and crafts, that's fun

>> No.8302590

I'm 25 now, I have at least 2 years until I graduate and I'm way ahead most of my friends in life. (I used to mostly hang with drug addicts, dealers and other shady people though)

>> No.8302596

sure is. Assuming you're a math major? kek

>> No.8302626
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>Switched majors after 3 years
>Basically starting from beginning
>Have to graduate late

>> No.8302635
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>graduated at 27
>bio and env sci, but was interested in math and physics
>2.3 GPA
>no real job experience
>taking classes on EdX just to stay sane, started linear algebra last week

>> No.8302652


Post a paycheck stub that includes your job title. Otherwise you's trolling.

>> No.8302873

I got a good 5 chuckles out of that.

>> No.8302906
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at this point graduation is a myth for me

I go to college every day because of routine, I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing

>> No.8303021

In dying lmao

>> No.8303065

>12, ask 3 year old brother to touch penis, instantly feel like scumbag, stop, mom finds out and has history of molestation and rape, panics, calls police, doesn't press charges but county does, get public defender that tells me to plead guilty, be told off my record when I'm 18, laws change at 16 (dont find out till 22) that reclassify my offense as lifetime registration as sex offender, find out at 22 after getting married, get divorced, spend ten years battling with suicidal depression and anxiety and literally trying to not lose my sanity, end up 30,000 in debt without even attaining an associates degree because i cant seem to stay mentally stable long enough to finish a term, drop out halfway into a term and dont leave my house for two months, end up homeless and terrified police are going to arrest me and end up brutally murdered in prison, was best man at my "victims" wedding and have helped raise my nephews and nieces, still offender for life

>manage to actually gain a semblance of control over depression, trying to work toward getting a pardon from the governor(cant get a job because of record, but need money to afford lawyer, stuck in purgatory), stuck out in rural area with no self transportation and 20 minute drive from nearest bus living with my mother in a filthy fucking house and her boyfriend that doesn't love her but is using her to pay his child support while he doesn't work and provides nothing, so while battling with suicidal depression I have to battle with homicidal rage at the same time
>33 and living at home and just want a normal fucking life
Just remember kids, it can always be worse than what you were dealt!

>> No.8303087

You sound like a case study in butterfly effect.

>> No.8303141

No way thats real

>> No.8303146

I'm kinda confused here. Why are people getting upset about graduating at an older age?

>> No.8303406

that is way too much punishment for asking your lil bro to touch you're penis
you must be american, only they can be such retards

>> No.8303419

Both body and mind are held by society to minimum standards if one is to become a " normal " human being. This involved not only not being excessively fat, but also have average mental capacities, thus there is an age in which we must complete school, middle school, high school, and college; those who fail to accomplish any of that in the required minimum are seen as 'mentally slow' by their peers in a non-professional context, which forms part of most of ours lives during the twenties and early thirties. Later on it doesn't matter that much, and people care more about the work you do than your grades, but to be able to do some good work that will impress your future employers you will need to get a first job, and without experience they will look at your grades since it is the only point of reference. Some jobs don't require, strictly speaking, a degree; a low-job as a programmer is well attainable by a portfolio of previous work (even if you did it in your free time) without a professional degree or with low grades.
Also, there is the lack of potential besides the immediate work; an employer will see more future in someone who graduated early than someone who finished college in 4 years, likewise, someone who finish at the age of 21 is seen better as a future employee than one who graduated at the age of 26; this applies regardless of their particular skills at the moment.

I belong to the "slow'' group, and that's fine.

>> No.8303438

didnt know what i wanted to study.
studied law, psychology and chemistry

now im finaly settled on mathematics.
will get my masters degree by the age of 28

>> No.8303569

How'd you do? GPA, any research?

>> No.8303583

You are totally fine dude.

>> No.8303615

I like this.

>> No.8303649

>fucked up

OP what drugs are you on? You did it.

>> No.8303747

TFW you're 26 and didn't even graduate

>> No.8303767

You should hunt down the public defender and prosecutor and let them feel your rage. That's some top notch bullshit. And more than 60% of siblings have some form of sexual contact, its not like this shit is even uncommon.

>> No.8303943

Kill your mother, then kill the public defender and and prosecutor of your case.

>> No.8303969

Kieth richards did pretty well for himself

>> No.8303987

>GED at 16
>community college
>heroin addict
>26 on methadone

did you go to RRCC?

>> No.8304022

You only fail at life if you quit dumbass.

I'm 42 years old and just finishing a degree in Geology. Got an Associates degree in 1995 in liberal studies. Ended up working as a test grader for Measured Progress for years, got made supervisor, up until they moved all their business to New Hampshire and said if I want to go I'd have to start over at the bottom.

Spent years at a phone directory company checking for mistakes in their ads. Did that until they got sold to a Canadian company and all the business moved to Canada. Ended up job hopping from Grocery Store Clerk to Hotel Night Manager.

Lost my job at the hotel when another supervisor fucked up BADLY and got me blamed for it.(She removed the tag from the room saying it had just been sprayed for bugs and because I was the manager on duty when the guests came in got me blamed for putting people in it, the hotel got sued) Decided to say fuck it at 39 years old and went back to school to get a science degree in Geology.

Do I win worst life story? Get over yourself, keep moving forward. The only person you're competing with is yourself.

>> No.8304028
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>there are people who got their PhD at 20
how is this possible

>> No.8304042

What is your opinion on qt anime girls?

>> No.8304058

What did you switch to and from? Seems like there was a good bit of leeway in my uni in that the department would let you switch without repeating years unless it was outrageously different or particular in its prerequistes.

>> No.8304061

Graduated highschool early.

I knew a home-schooled girl entering uni at 13.

>> No.8304063
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>started PhD with 26
W-we all gonna make it, right?

>> No.8304081

>mom started her PhD program at age 19
>I just entered grad school and I turn 23 next week

>> No.8305030

Some employers see an older graduate as a good thing, as long as you were employed during that time. You state that you have experience working with others, maintaining a good working environment and relations with coworkers and managers (your references) on your resume. That, along with professors and other people in the industry that you've connected with, will give you a great reference bank to work with.

I'll be 24 next month. Throughout my entire life teachers and managers have always liked me enough to offer themselves as references. This has literally gotten me jobs (at a high quality beer store and a summer gig cleaning fossils at a museum) and will help me get transferred to a good school for geology.

You need to connect with your teachers. Show focus in class and talk with your professors after class. Listen to their experiences, not only because they are relevant to your interests, but also because it helps you connect with them.

Yes, I'm an older student. Yes, I spent two years working at a grocery store blazed out of my mind and hating life. But I do not lack resources or connections because I have always seen my teachers and managers as real people with their own life experiences that are worth sharing.

Networking is invaluable and only takes you giving a genuine shit about other people.

>> No.8305259
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>Networking is invaluable and only takes you giving a genuine shit about other people.
> only takes you giving a genuine shit about other people.

Not him, but...WELP

>> No.8305294

i'm going to be turning 25 and i'm a freshman. what do i do?

>> No.8305304

You actually don't even need to give a "genuine" shit about other people, you just need to be able to fake interest throughout a conversation until you get their card.

>> No.8305314

All real, just condensed. There's even more tragic shit I could tack on but it's not worth it.

I'm working with employment specialists through my counseling that will work as a middle man to help me get employed and everyone who hears my full story is pretty sympathetic and outraged, so hopeful my petition for a pardon has a shot.

>> No.8305347

you're not fucked up. most people dont even get to this stage

>> No.8305351

Study hard, be friendly, etc etc.

You one really cares if you may seem older, if people can even tell.

>> No.8305485


I'm more deebly goncerned by

>started a computer science degree
>In 1947

>> No.8305493

I was so touched by your post until
>good school for geology
Well you will be able to work at a grocery store sober and maybe as an assistant manager for slightly higher pay

>> No.8305494
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>took me 4 years to get my A.S. in Biology
>realize i hate biology and am fasinated by chemistry
>c-change my fucking major and damn near start all over

I'll probably graduate when I'm 26 too anon

don't worry

we're gonna make it bro

>> No.8305497

If by RR you mean Red Rocks, then yes

>> No.8305691

have a BA but want to study engineering because language teaching is shit.

I'll be 23 when I start a 5 year degree (CE/Comp Sci) plus I want a masters too. ;_;

>> No.8305744

> tfw graduated system information this year
> tfw I'm 22
am I ok?

>> No.8305761
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>graduated with a BSc in Economics at 21 (First Class Honours at that)
>don't really like most of Economics enough to want to do a masters
>spend a year doing internships and such
>decide I'm going to start over with Mathematics

Not even really worried about being old, I just hope potential employers don't discard me immediately.

>> No.8305773

>system information
>am I ok?
now, you were meme'd

>> No.8305777

>can be convicted with 12
>law changes affect already spoken verdicts
So, how is life in Nigeria?

>> No.8305778

2 kids, started just as I was finishing my MSc. (39 dude finishing his PhD).

Kids are great, dont wait too long, but dont start on them until you are well on your way and definitely have some stability in your life and with the other person. They will make everything significantly harder with regards to time and energy.

31 is young as fuck. Dont even sweat it. I was what.. 36 when I graduated.

>> No.8305922

>tfw no idea how to socially interact
>show up, get good grades, never talk to anyone

im not gonna make it am i

>> No.8305986

That's grade A bullshit. Faking it is such a shitty thing to do, and some of your professors will see it a mile away.

Do you honestly not care about their relevant experience in their field? Do you want them to actually sell you to the people you gave their number to? You know, your future school or employers?

If you bother to actually care about them, more often than not they'll care about you as well. Hell, my chemistry prof was the head of the department. We got along fantastically since she was incredibly passionate about chemistry and how important just a basic understanding of it is. We could talk for hours. Same with my ethics prof (we did end up talking for hours), and my geology profs (at geo club and on hikes in the field).

They have given me glowing recommendations that employers have eaten up.

Fool Proof Method
1. Find a time when your prof isn't busy
2. Succinctly tell them that you value their class and their experience in the field
3. Ask them relevant questions ex: what jobs are associated with the field? What sort of work did you do besides/before being a professor? Are their any clubs for this subject? (protip: JOIN THE FUCKING CLUB)
4. Consistently greet them at the start of class and wish them a good day at the end
5. Use their office hours. Talk with them about homework or ask them about more in depth topics that you're curious about.

What do you know they suddenly like you? WOW.

>> No.8305996

Haw, naw, geo is all about connections in the industry. All the unemployed geologists? They didn't choose a good specialization, they didn't take any independent research courses, they didn't network while in school, and they didn't do internships.

Right now I'm dabbling in geochem but I have connects in the prospecting field if mineral prices go up. There's always working in a museum and stealing paleontologists jobs from under their noses.

I'll never be hurting for a job, thankfully.

I appreciate your concern though.

>> No.8305999

Currently, 22. I still can't read or write properly ever since school (eventhough I grew up in a English speaking country, Australia...); I maybe dyslexic... Also, I'm a maths major, but I suck at maths. Basically, maths is my only hope LOL.

I'm on track to finishing university at 24 (I hope...), hopefully I could do a masters + phd grad program when i'm 25 and finish at 29 or 30 years old... I did good in some subjects; I need to maintain 65% till I graduate my B.S. in Maths; may minor in programming or philosophy which most people pass easily at my university (100% insemester work). e.g. unlike maths/sciences/engineering which is 70% exam and 30% labs/tests/assignments.

I'm two years behind; got asked to study part-time, depression, laziness, transfering universities, changed courses, and failed a lot.
Most subject I failed was Linear Algebra (I failed it two times and passed on my third try). It was only offered in the first semester (on a yearly basis lol).

>> No.8306031

Wait, how is that a bad thing? If the stars align, i'll be getting my med degree at 26 so I can be independent and start getting mad cash.

>> No.8306074

Phd in gender studying.

You don't expect them to be Maths or any sciences

>> No.8306149

I graduated at 29 and next year I'm going to enroll in math for another degree.

I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8306759

This post makes me feel so much better. I was worrying about getting my degree at 25. Feels bad since a lot of my friends already have degrees (non stem tho). Phew. I thought you were all autists with degrees at age 22.

>> No.8306770

lmao failing out of community college at 22 atm

>> No.8306792

Things aren't so bad.

I was on academic probation every semester back in college, (first semester my GPA was fucking 0.8) but I managed to pull out of the tailspin and actually apply effort to my studies. Currently almost done a M.Sc. with an almost perfect grad school GPA.

There is hope for all of us... This is contingent upon your failures being attributed to laziness, however.

>> No.8306803


Do you just not care? Why are you in college? I mean, CC is essential pre-introductory courses and general education. Unless you failed the Math then I can understand.

>> No.8306828

And I've been worried about how needing one more semester to graduate than everyone else might impact my likely hood of getting into grad school. Now I feel much more relieved.

On the other hand, as an incoming senior in what I worry may be an underfunded (liberal arts) engineering physics program, how fucked am I for not having done any summer internships?

>> No.8306833

Dropped out of EE after 3 years , now I'm 27 and about to drop out of Econ after 4 years. No degree, no job experience whatsoever,no gf, no idea what to do...maybe become a code monkey and code for 1,5€/h

>> No.8306877


>> No.8307016

>be 290lb fat turd
>wasted 4 years of my childhood not going to HS
>went to independent learning charter school instead
>tfw basically only go out once a week to test at school
>would do assignments fast and do literally weeks of nothing
>alone 90% of time
>never went to CC part time because lazy
>apply to CC and go part time at 18
>tfw have to take geo, trig, and precal before calculus no matter where I placed
>graduate HS at 19
>2 1/2 years and -140 lbs later decide I want to go to a nice school
>have to take 2 more math prereqs to transfer to really nice uni
>will take me 3 more semesters
>I will graduate at 25 with a bachelors when most have a masters at that point
>will be coming out with no debt because im a poor ol mexican workin at an autoshop

I spend my days regretting all the time I wasted

>> No.8307025

Don't regret the wasted time. For most people it isn't exactly 'wasted' but there was something to earn or learn during that time. Plus you will have no debt, while most people have to pay thousands of dollars for college.

>> No.8307027

graduated EE at 21 only now at 32 going back for masters

am i kill?

>> No.8307040

not a major fuck up but...
I study applied physics at uni undergraduate with a GPA of 2.7
might bring it up to 2.9 but not higher...
I know this is bad but it's so difficult... I mean I could have chosen business and got a GPA of 3.5 with the same effort >.<
luckily master programs in the Netherlands don't really look at GPAs for Dutch students but still...

>> No.8307049

thanks friend

>> No.8307060

Better graduate late with no debt than graduate early with debt.

>> No.8307076


That's the only regret you should have.

>> No.8307081

nah you're just another wagecuck trying to impress the boss

your kind are the primary source of income for engineering departments :^)

>> No.8307096

>Almost 32 and only starting MSc now

come at me bros

as long as you care about what other people think you wont get anywhere anyway

(it took me a decade to figure this out unfortunately)

>> No.8307125

What if I don't care and am not interested in what I'm studying though?

I have no option but to fake when I have no genuine interest.

>> No.8307128
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Moar of the story plox

>> No.8307138
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>27 and no degree low iq wage slave

>> No.8307142


Suffering is self-inflected bruh

>> No.8307175

Man I'm 21 and going into 1st year Engineering and I feel fucking old but man I've been meeting a lot of people who are 25-30 who are also going in. I was fucking subhuman trash in high school and had to redo it all but man am I glad I'm going in with that experience instead of the lucky go party 24/7 attitude a lot of people have. I just feel awkward in the orientation sessions where there are 17 year olds with helicopter parents guiding them along who look at me like I'm 30.

To anyone who hasn't started picking up your life. If you're passionate about something just go for it and don't give up.

>> No.8307180

whats wrong with working?

>> No.8307186

Lol same here I'll probably graduate spring 2019 if everything goes perfect which it wont

so realistically I'll be 26-28 when I get my first degree

My mistake was being poor

>> No.8307196
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Took me a lot longer than 3 years to learn that lesson anon, you are in a good place.

>> No.8307202

Thanks, lad

>> No.8307288

Hint: it wasn't just the girl making you depressed

>> No.8307371

Thanks anon. Hope you do well.

>> No.8307498

How can I get back into uni? I want a second chance.

I'm currently in my mid 20's, flunked out of my comp sci degree some years ago due to reasons, but then was able to drag myself out of depression long enough to barely finish a programming / development diploma from a shitty college. Currently working at IT job for the government which pays all right, but it's extremely unfulfilling and boring. I dread every day.

But how can I go back to school? To apply you have to disclose your full academic history, and with my shit grades back in uni I have no chance of getting in to uni again, even though I had straight A's in high school. It's as if doing uni and flunking out left me worse off than not doing any post secondary at all. Is there any hope?

>> No.8307567

Are you me? 24 as well.

>> No.8307573

Hello me

>> No.8307613

im probably going to graduate when im 28 hehe 25 now

>> No.8307616


Probably can't get back to university, but you can apply at a community college and take out GE and some introductory courses for your major. I believe you have to disclose your university grades when you apply to transfer again. Talk to a counselor if you apply to a CC. I think after a few years the grades get removed, but you have to look that up.

>> No.8307635

You don't have to disclose your grades at a CC. I don't believe.

>> No.8307639

There's a floor at around $20/hr below which it doesn't make economic sense to hire programmers. It's pretty much impossible to find a programming job below $15/hr because all the other costs of having an employee get much larger than the pay. So if you want to be a code monkey you either need to be in a third world country (thanks to bizarre American business culture this works) or you need to actually be worth something.

>> No.8307655


>> No.8307677

>that pain when you realize you're not super smart like everyone told you
>they just told you that to make you feel better about being an ugly child with no friends

>> No.8307685

Short term memory, like keeping strings of numbers in your head? Get checked for executive functioning disorder if you can. II scored in the 5th percentile for processing speed, and nothing really changed, but at least it explained a lot. Got put on really high dose Ritalin and it helps, but I still do things like constantly forget where I'm going or lose my train of thought. I can only process really small amounts of information at a time, and have to go much slower than everyone else, but I can do it just fine.

>> No.8307705
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>failed elementary algebra at a community college

>> No.8307710

>Graduated at 27
>Got a high paying job after graduation

Really doesn't feel like a fuck up to me.

>> No.8307735


try adderall

>> No.8307750

just quit college until you stop being a faggot and focus on actually studying.

>> No.8307759

Military looks nice on a resume though.

>> No.8307770

I've failed grade 10 math three times. I still haven't passed. Only thing keeping me in school, I just cant do algebra.

>> No.8307778

This thread has made me feel so much better, I'm not the only one..

I turn 29 in a couple days, I am getting my degree in cell and molecular biology. Weirdly enough I got an awesome job as a database developer, that I love.

I feel out of place at school because I feel so old. I have no debt and I live on my own so I'm pretty fortunate. I just wish I would have went to school earlier and picked a degree in programming or computer science

>> No.8307782

Underrated post

>> No.8307786

Will be graduating from medschool at 26, did I fucked up?

>> No.8307791
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>25 enrolling into honors bsc in physics
>no debt due to grant money
>don't know shit about calculus or physics
>scared about fucking up my life further

how fucked am i in terms of job prospects with a physics degree? should i switch to engineering? i love this field but i don't want to be that guy flipping burgers because everyone laughed at my non engineering degree.

what do?

>> No.8307804

Yes. Doctors contribute nothing of value to society.

>> No.8307806

Unless they research new ways to cure disease.

>> No.8307807

calculus is the easiest shit ever man, it should literally be the least of your worries

i've seen brainlets ace calc 1-3 at my state uni

>> No.8307819

Even then, it's the useless John Q Publics who benefit from that the most. And then we all suffer in the long term from your contribution to overpopulation.

Really, you're like a hapless, well-intentioned leech on the human species.

>> No.8307828

These threads are such a harbor in the storm.
I have been suffering from depression since I was about 15. I only started getting treated for it after I had a psychotic break from reality my freshman year at university. I had a few stints in community college but things started to turn south when my back just quit on me at the ripe old age of 23 due to congenital defects. Had surgery, finished up at a different cc since I felt I had burned bridges at my old one by being a depressed shithead (I was constantly on/off meds while I was at my first comm college so I was still a nutcase).
Just transferred to university this semester to finish a math bachelors with a 3.50 gpa. I'm still fighting with my mental illness, but I'm determined not to live my life at my mom's house as a depressing shell of a human being like my legitimately autistic brother (not that there's anything wrong with that).

>> No.8307829

lern a trad

>> No.8307830

get to humbolt, arcata area of northern california and trim weed for 10k 3 months work, retard.

>> No.8307833

Grades that are at least five years old are pretty much negligible.

>> No.8307837

I'm 25.5 and I'm seriously considering a Math/Jap double major to finish out my bachelor's.
Don't let your dreams be dreams.

>> No.8307839

This is why we need better counseling systems. You would have known on the front end that biology is just glorified stamp collecting.

>> No.8307849

Should have plead not guilty, m80. It's not as if they could prove it happened beyond a reasonable doubt.

>> No.8307869

It's always such a source of anxiety for me. I also won't graduate until I'm 26 because I just drifted through life in highschool, continuing on half a decade after that.

I'm always stressing if I'll be able to build a solid career and family and all of that good shit. I feel like I'm going to end up just becoming that crazy hermit guy.

>> No.8307884

2 chicks, 5 years. Lucky if I'm readmitted.

>> No.8307897

>I feel like I'm going to end up just becoming that crazy hermit guy.

For all you know most of those crazy hermit guys might be pretty happy.

>> No.8307918

If they're happy with it, more power to them. But it's not what I want. In so many words my extended family is going to die out probably, so I was always keen on having a family of my own. Having severe doubts that's going to happen though.

>> No.8308007

Dude, he can't into calculating the perimeter of a fence.

>> No.8308029

i graduated with a math degree at 23. i shifted from ee to math because fuck that teacher. took me 5 years total. didn't find much real work after graduation. to be honest i didn't apply to a lot, fuck i hate myself for that. at 25 i decided i was going to join the military, a friend convinced me to live with him and get a CS degree. i should get that degree by 2018 spring and im getting an internship this spring

i fucked up but i didn't give up.

>> No.8308035

depending on your past, employers will see you, a 35 year old, as someone reliable. employers dont want to trust a 22 year old kid with a bachelor's and next to no work experience. employers only hire young kids like that if they had steady jobs during college and internships.

so that age may work more in your favor than you think.

>> No.8308044

25 next Wednesday, my first semester of my junoir year. Gonna be a chemist. The fact is that one of my oldest memories is someone asking what I'd be when I grew up and I answered scientist. Never give up, never surrender, pay your taxes, drink in moderation, try not to cheat, defend youself, don't let other tell you what to do with your life.

>> No.8308057

late twentys. SA certification. dropped out of college because repeating math courses burnt me out.

some classmates have kids now and are now wanting to go back to school. i assume just because of the possibility of getting a bigger paycheck to pay for their mistakes.

I might take general studies online and then transfer over to a university. Ill probably just cheat my way through too. I really just want to dive into the areas i like and get connections for good jobs.

>> No.8308181

I am in a third world country, if I could make 1000-1500$ I'd be considered rich in my country

>> No.8308197

Went to university @ 16, graduated @ like 20

>> No.8308422


But not because of heroin.

Plus, the stuff they had back then was way cleaner. Plus, even if it had not been that way, rich people can afford clean heroin and rich famous people always have other people that can get them out of a rut (if they themselves want to). Salaries depend on it.

I don't want to judge you, it's just that it irritates me how many people run into this very obvious trap. I can imagine that it's some kind of peer pressure additional to the fact that it may seem normal and safe to take depending on what crowd one runs with.

>> No.8308424

Same, what I learned from that was to work hard, stay in the books, and grind it out. Because when you're successful the women that weren't interested you or whatever will be chasing after you and then some.

>> No.8308431

Loner lyfe.. I feel where you're coming from. I don't care about friends right now though. I'm focused at this point but having a confidant would be nice.

>> No.8308442

In a nutshell, In high school I wasn't really serious about school but I knew I had to go to college from my family drilling that constantly in my head. I've always liked science and had no problem with science. In high school, I hated math and eventually had to took lower level classes. Joined the army, naturally a non conformist so that didn't last long. Got out the army went through a two year phase partying in alcohol from like the age of 21-23. Now, at the age of 24 I'm taking a few classes at a two year university so I can transfer to a four year university. I plan on majoring in Biology but I also have an interest for studying physics. Anyways, it's never too late to get your education.

Lots of motivation on this thread! You guys are giving me motivation to keep pushing for my goals and dreams.

>> No.8308522

>i've seen brainlets ace calc 1-3 at my state uni
I must be a hell of a brainlet because I began having troubles after calculus II.
I think calculus order (I,II,III) is different here because sometimes I see that people speak of Calc II as integration, which is really strange, since for us calc I = single variable diff + integration+elementary diff eq, calc II = multivariable diff+ integration, calc III = differential forms.

If we manage to past the tests, we still need to pass an oral examination in order to pass the course, and they will ask for any definition or theorem or proof that was given in the course.
It takes me a hell lot of time to learn all those proofs and be able to write them from memory.

>> No.8308538

I have absolutely no idea about that feel.
>tfw Asian and excellent finances and savings throughout life

Always wondered what it was like being homeless.

>> No.8308590
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>in community college with only a 3.78 because I fucked up a single English class
I have no scientific future

>> No.8308703

Listen to this man, he is right.

Although, I am one of those. I want kids actually. But you see, I'm 21 year old virgin with social anxiety and can't talk properly to girls. That's the worst feel right here.

Fuck my life.

>> No.8308713

TBQH i was a first-time freshman at 23 after NEETing for too long

>> No.8308760
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>Spent the last 10 years scamming people on the internet for money
>if it ever dries up I will have to apply to work with 8 years of doing nothing.

>> No.8308774 [DELETED] 
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I realized what I really wanted to study after wasting 5 years and several thousands. Why couldn't I have the same awareness I do now 5 years ago? How am I even supposed to compete with people with super-optimized lives that seem to have been able to make a plan before even being born.

>> No.8308813
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Just out of curiosity how many people in this thread are non-white?
Please respond if you are.

>> No.8308818

22 here same issues

>> No.8309144

Wtf anon lol. I hate scammers.

As for the topic at hand, I graduated high school a year late cuz I went to prison and university a year late as well cuz of switching majors from CS to biochemistry. I graduated with 4.0 GPA at least, but I'm still looking for work, and it's really depressing man, my dad hates me.

>> No.8309152


What did you do anon?

>> No.8309162

Is your offense eligible for expungement?

>> No.8309165

Something so identifying of who I am I'm afraid of saying it on here anonymously. It's a pretty serious felony, though.

Idk. I've filed two motions a couple years apart, no response from the sentencing judge. I know he must have received them cuz he answered a request I had to leave the state while I was still on probation.

>> No.8309234

Whoever replied wasn't me. Yes I went to red rocks in Lakewood for a couple years

>> No.8309259

what did you do anon? on the same boat, except 26 and 10 years of internet marketing / programming.

>> No.8309457

trim weed in humbolt @ 10k for 3 months work?
hmmm... interesting is this at a national park or what?

>> No.8309538

LITERALLY me. What the fuck.

>> No.8309565
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I mostly blackmail people. I don't need much money so sometimes I can blackmail a person for like 8k usd and live on it for almost a year.

I wanted to get into internet marketing and programming but scamming is just so much more time efficient.

>> No.8309575

Crime is always more time efficient. My best friend used to be a wallstreet broker and he dealt drugs at the same time, because everyone on wallstreet is a cokehead.

You can always switch to a righter path, especially if you're creative enough to setup scams. Sooner or later, the money trail could get to you; proxies aren't always bulletproof either.

>> No.8309584
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I live in a third world country and I do everything incredibly safe. Like I said, I don't do many scams actually, just a few high earning ones a year.

I have tried getting into online marketing, made a blog, studied SEO (a damn long time) and even made some good money through affiliates.

SEO and Blogging is just so boring to me, it is close to wageslavery. Scamming makes much more money and is actually quite a lot of fun.

>> No.8309681

>we still need to pass an oral examination
>oral examination

Where do you live?

>> No.8310588

am not graduated yet any kind was A`s student and liked

>> No.8310720
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Lol, I just turned 24, and now I can finally sit down and study something I don't enjoy for 4 hours straight, and study a subject I have extreme passion in for 8 hours straight. My mind has fucking grown in magnitudes since I was 19, let alone 22.