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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 50x50, ANGER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8286838 No.8286838 [Reply] [Original]

"Just a theory."
Pic absolutely fucking related.

>> No.8286862

>"i hate when normies say 'just a theory' because they really don't know what the word theory means and because i have a superior intellect i sit there growling with rage because they don't understand the TRUE depth of the meaning of the word theory like ugh"

>> No.8286863
File: 45 KB, 614x407, raichu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol, i love evolution, *reference to pokemon*
>uses "we all descended from apes" as an argument against racism
>i never used algebra after high school, I FUCKING HATE SCHOOL!!!

>> No.8286867

No, you don't understand. this isnt a thread for us to feel bad about ourselves and argue.
this is a thread to delude ourselves for fun.
stop taking things so seriously, weirdo. it's not a big deal.
just let us have fun. we're not actually mad.

>> No.8286877

not just that,
I mean, getting people to grovel at the feet of my superior intellect is part of it but it's equally as much that they use it in place of hypothesis

>> No.8286880


>> No.8286928
File: 14 KB, 160x200, 15 - 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so what are you doing, Darwin hehehe nerd?
>just researched about homology
>i always knew you had a lesbian thing, but come on are you gay as well?

>> No.8286946
File: 137 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20160820_165732_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, you study math? ugh I hated math in school
I'm sure you would be fine at some field of math. The rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than analysis.
>hahaha, no, I just can't work with numbers
I study topology and rarely have to deal with numbers in the sense you are talking about.
>you mean like maps? like making maps of mountains and stuff?
No, like studying properties of spaces and how they relate.
>oh man, that's way over my head!!

I don't even mention what my field really does, and they instantly assume it's impossible. The "bad at math" maymay is a cancer.

>> No.8286947
File: 1.99 MB, 395x313, 1459905198192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh you study chemistry? You must be really good at making meth!

>> No.8286950


"The science is settled"

>> No.8286960

Why would I answer this thread? They will gather answers and flood the board with bait, you dumb lonely cunts who know nothing about computing


>> No.8286964
File: 41 KB, 105x140, 3f7c339cdc7c4a6421859c170c390b2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in comment field
>"know nothing about computing"

>> No.8286967

Come on guys, tell me how smart you are!

>> No.8286975

>doing PhD in CompSci
>hey my computer is fucked up. help me installing Windows please

>> No.8287011

A friend of mine who's going to school for engineering says this all the time. I want to strangle the fucker.

>> No.8287027

I could actually make meth. Not that I directly learned it in lectures, but I know every step to arrive at the desired molecule

>> No.8287032

>dark matter exists and it even makes up the majority of the universe

>> No.8287039

>the mitochondria is the power house of the cell

>> No.8287063

Same, it's extremely easy and I could make it to crazy high purity, so i guess you could say i would be "good" at it... But no, i'm not gonna waste my time making some dumb drug for poor people, no i've never done it, no i don't want to do it, and no i don't care how good i would be at it. shut the fuck up normie, just let me do my organometallics in peace, REEEEE

>> No.8287065

this. a thousand times this

>CERN could destroy the world or open up a portal to hell

>> No.8287070

Pretty sure most people mean it as a joke or BreakingBad reference. They dont want to talk about what you know, they want to talk about what they know about it

>> No.8287072

It is not like a theory cant be modified or is the objective truth or something

>> No.8287074

I'm a racialist

>> No.8287079

shh, it keeps the normies out

>> No.8287082

>so you're a computer scientist...
>which GPU should I buy for gaming?


>> No.8287083

if you're referring to darwinian evolution / abiogenesis it's more of a hypothesis than anything

>> No.8287088

>ITT science is an infallible god and i am the only guy who can channel its truth

in reality its been BTFO numerous times and when it hasn't its because of quackery and money to keep the status quot as is

anyone smart enough to realise this is tapped on the shoulder early on during their studies and suddenly drop out....

>> No.8287095

>Anon, should I choose A or B?
>[elaborate the pros and cons of the two options]
>Ok, so should I choose A or B?

>> No.8287123

>darwinian evolution / abiogenesis
This is a brainlet thing that pisses me off actually

>> No.8287133

Then your elaboration didnt make it clear wether it is a or b

>> No.8287150

Or that anon was impartial since he may not know what you want. He gives the pros and cons and you can then decide which one you like

>> No.8287189

which is no help at all, since the other guy is most likely impartial for the same reason

>> No.8287201
File: 60 KB, 620x376, 152408-hhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like how those scientist guys on TV tell to people how they are wrong about science. This is scientism. I think everybody's opinion should be respected, man. They want to make a religion out of science, man.

>> No.8287209

"Paradox" being used wrong, like in the fermi one or all the infinity shit

>> No.8287447


>> No.8287520

Black science man said this is true in the Space epicode of Radiolab. Are you refuting his claim that the universe is 96% dark memes?

>> No.8287525

I don't get angry that easily.
Why can't you come in terms with the fact that many people are and will be wrong?

>> No.8287530
File: 91 KB, 500x341, tumblr_n0yp2wvJxg1rrbogso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287542

>We can't learn anything
>welp might as well give up

Science being wrong is apart of science being right

I don't believe we will ever get to the """"truth"""" of all life but a wrong understanding that can still be right when it comes to predicting is important

>> No.8287548

Well, I cant argue with that amount of dankness. I will apologize in his subreddit

>> No.8287567

99% of the universe is dark matter

>> No.8287570

Your anger seems to be really small

>> No.8287587

>local realism is true despite multiple experimental validations that it is not because I simply CANNOT accept that nature has counter-intuitive properties


>> No.8287588
File: 8 KB, 50x50, imaginate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a whole folder of these fucking fruit memes, all the animated ones I made myself, 50x50 px
I've made them larger but I think it takes away from their charm.

>> No.8287590
File: 103 KB, 500x500, imaginate-[large].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287594

Explain something to someone and they reply with "but in the end we don't know for sure". For granted there are areas for contention in lots of scientific theories but that doesn't mean they can instantly be invalidated by that sentence

>> No.8287596

>Things normies and brainlets say/do that piss you off
Post pictures for ants

>> No.8287598
File: 195 KB, 1650x1050, wildburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post bictures for hoomans

>> No.8287602


>I'm sure you would be fine at some field of math

No they wouldn't because there are such things as intelligence thresholds for understanding topics.

>> No.8287611

Brainlet detected

>> No.8287618
File: 137 KB, 480x800, 1422197258692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8287619


If by "those scientist guys on TV" they mean Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson keep in mind that those guys say a lot of dumb stuff that isn't actually consensus in their talks. I could name like 20 other personalities that do this.

Bill Nye is just outright dumb and talks about too many topics without any data and has taken multiple incorrect positions against consensus (if you're a consensus stooge).

>> No.8287623


This post demonstrates that people on /sci/ need to learn how to hit back against these insulting inferences of what they study.

>> No.8287631

Anon, I have to disagree. Do you realize how easy it is to understand some combinatorics? It's laughable. There is enough math for just about anybody to get.

>> No.8287640

>implying people on /sci/ have human contact

>> No.8287643

>"it's just a prank, bro"

>> No.8287654

Gee wizz, that's like saying you can explain anything to anyone if you understand it enough to give a simple, visual demo.
Pure madness.

>> No.8287663

>so, are you a virgin?

>> No.8287673

you can

>> No.8287674


It is totally valid to question a theory

>> No.8287692

It'd be a nice way to see how well you know basic safety though. But if you can handle organometallics fine, I'm sure this is 100% unnecessary.

>> No.8287697

this, at a social
>to introduce yourselves say your name and your wildest sex story

>> No.8287699

modified yeah
completely thrown away and starting from scratch? Doesn't happen.
It's not like all those existing measurements we have suddenly disappear.

>> No.8289242

I agree that 'bad at math' is mostly a meme but there ARE people who legit can't work with numbers. It's about as rare as dyslexia but it's a real thing. Like, these people will look at a clock and then seriously take like 5 minutes to figure out what it says. And while these extreme cases are rare I don't doubt that there is a continuum with a non-trivial proportion of the general population having innately poor math ability.

>> No.8289253

>implying people on /sci/ are human

>> No.8289270

I'm not fat, I have big bones

>> No.8289280

>"i fucked you're mom"
>turn around 1260 degrees and walk away

>> No.8289302

Man you guys really are autistic. I was a virgin right until I barely turned 21. In situations like that, I just say that I was a virgin and just had not found the time and right girl for it. Granted, I had had oral sex and kissed I believe 5 girls so I could have given them a story if I wanted but if anything just brush it off. Being a virgin isn't bad unless you make it bad.

>> No.8289315

>being a fucking loser isn't bad unless you make it bad

>> No.8289349

>Thinks not having sex for a multitude of reasons make you a loser

Nice b8 m8.

>> No.8289379

>what do you do at uni, anon?
"Petroleum engineering! It's a mix of geology and chemical en--"
>that sounds really boring
"Well I mean, I find it inter--"
>nah it's boring

fuck off I actually enjoy what I do and like nerding out about rocks and I'm going to enjoy going into an aging field where I can make a lot of money.

>> No.8289390

My oldest sister asked me what I'm most looking forward to going to do my postgrad
I said the new math i haven't seen before
She called me a freak
I smiled

She's married and doesn't have a job and no relevant education (some cultural piss)

To me, she is the freak.

I think it's her way to cope with not having a useful degree or any interest in actually useful topics like math.

>> No.8289398


Look dude, instead of shitposting memes, you should try actually reading every once in a while. Obesity genes are a real thing, too. They just found a big one that is responsible for a mean 1 BMI point increase. I'm not saying this to excuse fat people, just trying to point out that human biology is more complicated than your baby-tier, undergrad understanding.


>> No.8289422

sage goes in all fields friend

>> No.8289440


>> No.8289452

>be me
>fall in love with a qt grill
>qt grill seems to like me
>fuck up hard
>says she hates me
i've never been the same since

>> No.8289453

they way you worded this makes you sound very insecure that it took you until you were 21 to lose your virginity

>> No.8289456

BMI is horseshit

>> No.8289461

a geuss

>> No.8289463

At a population level it is a decent approximation for measuring changes in body fat. It's an incidental quibble, anyways. If you actually read the paper you'll find that cell models were able to verify a significant increase in adipocytes in cells with the mutation.

>> No.8289515

considering everyone has sex all the time and the fact that it's pleasurable and very important for health, yeah, you're a fucking miserable loser
it's actually very sad tbqh sempai

>> No.8289517

>very important for health
cititation needed
also fuck off satanic scum

>> No.8289520

look I'm not a virgin but my sex tends to be limited to a lot in one or two weeks once a year, or more recently, every year and a half.
It's nice to help maintain relationships, but it isnt as important to them as people make out.
It's whatever.

>> No.8289542

you bumped the thread with that post.
I remember it clearly.

>> No.8289548

Please share fruit mey meys. Give them all...for science.

>> No.8289552

What about the wording makes it sound insecure? Being a virgin at such a young age is not a bad thing at all, where did you guys get this? Girls don't even know unless you straight up tell them.

>> No.8289559

Hardly trying bait.

There are many couples that don't have sex often. Lots of people have sex only a few times a year (more common for guys). You sound like a teenager that swears he knows about sex and relationships based off what he has seen on tv and from his pimple-ridden friends.

>> No.8289697
File: 152 KB, 398x397, 1465658723140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CERN has a monopoly on time machines, did you know ?

>> No.8289817
File: 7 KB, 50x50, FOCCUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289822
File: 6 KB, 50x50, DISTRACSHIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289823
File: 9 KB, 50x50, bE-tOGETHER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289826
File: 6 KB, 50x50, [Enjoys-Life].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289828
File: 95 KB, 300x300, immense foccus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289830
File: 23 KB, 1432x698, distraction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point other people started making ms paint versions of my meme

>> No.8289834
File: 17 KB, 1432x698, fokus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289837
File: 244 KB, 1432x698, think hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289839
File: 8 KB, 616x540, concentrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289841
File: 405 KB, 499x562, foccus of the immense variety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289845
File: 2.52 MB, 1648x1548, [focus].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289848
File: 29 KB, 800x600, dont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8289871
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 311766604_338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8289878
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, Rumen Mider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a saint

>> No.8289917


>> No.8289997
File: 1.29 MB, 1440x1551, Screenshot_2015-10-19-19-18-37-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calc 1
>professor is covering the product rule
>student raises his hand
>"yes anon"
>"when are we ever gunna need this?"

>> No.8290018
File: 8 KB, 168x168, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. People are so dumb they actually want others to make decisions for them. And why the fuck am I the guy who people go to for help? How did getting good grades in school or reading a fair amount qualify me to give you relationship advice?

>> No.8290026

Nothing, I'm not very social and avoid conversations that make the other person manifest their inner stupidity.

When it happens, I just shake my head and grin. Sardonic? Like when people say they bought a dream catcher and they haven't had any bad dreams. Can't help but tighten your lips and nod amusingly.

Doesn't upset me though. Why would I let someone else's misinformation anger me?

>> No.8290038
File: 64 KB, 600x713, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying BMI means shit

Fatty detected

>> No.8290044

"Oh anon, you're smart. Can my dog eat onions?"

I didn't ask for this /sci/. And no, onions would kill that dog

>> No.8290053

>tutoring for min wage at uni
>kid comes in with homework
>comes up to me
>"hey, i have a question."
>me "ok lets take a look."
>"whats the answer to #4?"
>start teaching him how to factor a polynomial where the coefficient of the first term isnt 1
>"i just want to know the answer."
>get mad
>me "have you heard of the quadratic equation?"
>me "if you want the answer, use that, dont just ask us for answers. We arent google."

>> No.8290055

>when overhearing me talking with another sciencist
"This stuff fascinates me"

>> No.8290067

>why would someone else's misinformation anger me

Does it not bother you that because 90% of the world is idiots you will literally never fit in? You may manage well socially and you may get along with others, but there will always be something different about you, about some of us. You offer advice you know will pay off only for normies to not listen to you because they trust the Internet, then when they learn you were correct they still will never listen to you. There is nothing more frustrating to me than to know exactly how something is going to play out, being able to avoid it, then hearing "Sure anon, you just know everything don't you? Okay anon" followed by your idiot friend going against what you say and then nearly getting you and everyone else arrested. You know what? I don't know everything but I sure as hell know more than anyone around me. But one thing I will never know is why they won't listen to me /sci/

>> No.8290070

>and everyone else arrested
what? Maybe you should just frequent less criminals.

>> No.8290074


>be me back in high school
>people listened to just about everything I say, God knows why
>could shit on a plate and it'd be a tasty meal
>use this to my advantage whenever I could
>school suspended a bunch of us for drinking earlier in the year so I was not happy with the administration(they got students to snitch on us, those faggots)
>angry at school
>tell everyone to bring their dog to the next lacrosse game
>next lax game everyone comes and brings a dog
>there's 50+ dogs on campus
>dog shit everywhere
>school gets mad

People are idiots, use them to do your bidding

>> No.8290076
File: 240 KB, 960x720, 1471860618164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus bloody christ I did not expect this high quality a thread on /sci/, I'm cracking up here

>> No.8290079


>> No.8290083

I love the fruit memes, keep them coming my dude

>> No.8290089

this is best fun I've had in /sci/ in weeks, any other memes very welcome

>> No.8290092


that's all I have.
I've been working on larger animation projects and job searching for awhile, so fruit memes have kinda taken a spot on the back burner

>> No.8290094
File: 96 KB, 800x767, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know EXACTLY what you mean, and I've got you covered

>> No.8290095

what the fuck
this reminds me of the Ousters from Simmon's Hyperion

Poor fucking show, I want a tray of fruit memes on my desk by the end of the week

>> No.8290096
File: 57 KB, 567x562, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fruit memes

Why is this so damn funny

>> No.8290100

>the fruit meme vault

>> No.8290104

This should be taken to the meme administration for approval.

>> No.8290106


>> No.8290110

I'm rendering video at the moment so my PC is getting hit pretty hard but I'll make some more afterward.
I appreciate your enthusiasm about my fruits

>> No.8290113
File: 91 KB, 843x596, Sternfrucht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8290115
File: 212 KB, 1268x1695, 1429032029413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I appreciate your enthusiasm about my fruits

>> No.8290881

bumping for fruity loops

>> No.8290891

>I bet you know how to make explosives!

Fucking hell, basic bitches. Just get some acetone and hydrogen peroxide and shake it up until you don't bother anyone else again.

>> No.8291120
File: 12 KB, 575x370, imagenate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8291265
File: 10 KB, 50x50, Woah-BRO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one might be a little fucked
haven't posted it anywhere but here goes

>> No.8291276

an exclusive!
woah bro

>> No.8291277

people with no background in biology or understanding o environmental feedbacks tell me about human caused global warming

>> No.8291290

you make money helping people plug values into the quadratic equation how are you mad

>> No.8291292


>> No.8291331

what the fuck

>> No.8291343
File: 733 KB, 1670x1319, FF-Our_fruitOnBlanketWithGrass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8291352

Nah, if you don't get sex then you're missing out on vital hormone boosts you get when you have sex.

So the difference between you and the other guys who have sex increases and pretty soon you're writing an autistic manifesto about sexual politics and trying to buy a semi-auto.

>> No.8291374

>Your brain must hurt

>> No.8291386

Tbh if you don't know the answer to this you probably got ripped off when you bought your computer/s

>> No.8291828

The math tutoring lab covers everything from simple arithmetic to calc3, diffeq and linear algebra.

>> No.8292006

>everything is relative
>there is no proof

>> No.8292039

gas yourself, normie.

>> No.8292109

Any good books for topology you can recommend?

>> No.8292222

>oh so you want to be a teacher

>> No.8292235

the get speaks the truth

>> No.8292236

Geology is objectively boring 2bh m8.
Just tell them about your future salary.

>> No.8292237

Munkres is the standard

>> No.8292248

rare fruit

>> No.8292868
File: 24 KB, 300x450, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me at work
>No customers
>Some cunt walks up with some fucking shit they wanna buy
>"Ha ha u look bored! Lemme give u something to do!"
>"Haha yeah"
>Mfw when I'm literally never bored cause I always have something to think through
Can anyone relate to this. My co-workers are always sayin' how they wish it would get busy so they won't be bored but I'm always doing shit like adding all the numbers on barcodes and contemplating polytopes n shit.

>> No.8292875

Really depends. If it is monday and I'm really tired, I'm happy if there is nothing to do. But usually I prefer it being busy, too. Time runs, when you have something to do

>> No.8293568

You can always try accepting the fact not everybody is capable of understanding things like you and enjoying their company on the grounds of it not mattering who's smarter than who when you're having a pint.
Once you realise not everyone wants a sick wagging contest from you it becomes a lot easier to talk to people. It's about just listening to them instead of trying to outwit them all the fucking time. That's why you don't fit in.

>> No.8294336

>Things that never happened

>> No.8294353

>adding all the numbers on barcodes

That is some autism bullshit right here.

I can relate but I usually think about anime or the content of recent classes.

>> No.8294488

what makes up the majority of the universe?

>> No.8294827


You fucked up the delivery anon, continuing to get "I'm bad at math" after you clarify your field of math means

>"I find the way you're discussing the subject inaccessible and overly heady, and I question your life decisions!"

If they're still talking after your wet noodle explanation of properties of spaces, they WANT to understand. Try again with something more like what's below.

>you mean like maps? like making maps of mountains and stuff?

No, studying what we can know about things we pretend are unbreakeable, but we can stretch, bend, and look at small parts of.

In practice we do a lot of cool stuff studying things about knots, networks, and how parts of a thing relate to the whole thing. You've maybe heard about the most famous theoretical example, that "Coffee cups and doughnuts are at heart the same".

If you deliver it like a goddamn human being you'll get a

>How do you mean, anon?

Which means they are interested in hearing more and believe you're probably a regular-if-smart person.

>> No.8295021

"Everything happens for a reason anon."

That's true, but not true in the way they think it is.

>> No.8295172

you know what people think? tell me more about your psychic powers anon

>> No.8295185

You don't know what context is? You could very easily tell how someone interprets "everything happens for a reason" depending on the sentences surrounding that one

>> No.8295189


this is both a brainlet and an enlightened truth
you go through phases, anon
blind materialism and postivism > blind relativism > dualist skepticism
few of the greats are exempt from this line

>> No.8295191


Bill Nye's a pop-sci guy.

>> No.8295196


Geology is actually a pretty fun hobby, but petro geologists just tell people where to find the oil and how to get it out.

>> No.8295202

for example?

>> No.8295270

That sounds like a great opportunity to install gentoo

>> No.8295638

Yeah but I'm not great at maths and I want to get better so I just like practicing when I've got nothing else to do. It gets keeps my mind working. Even if it's simple addition. And while you watch anime, I watch shit like numberphile and pop-sci docos.

>> No.8295639

"free will exists"

gets me every time

>> No.8295651


>> No.8295953

> EE major with software dev job on the side
> hey my phone is slow pls fix
> install Cyanogenmod without Google shit, teach them F-Droid
> where is Whatsapp?
Learn what text messages and emails are.
> get dinner / movie invite, monies or stuff like selfmade honey or mead

>> No.8296220

the only correct answer should be
>I don't know right now I haven't looked at GPUs in half a year. But you could always google it :^)

>> No.8296258

"I'm bad at math" generally translates to "fuck memorising identities and proofs I have no interest in this"

>> No.8296267


>> No.8296273

>status quot
...issues, anyone?

>> No.8296281

>your elaboration didnt make it clear
>anon was impartial
>the other guy is most likely impartial
"most likely" is that the other guy is
a fckn moron who knows not the
difference between alternatives A and B

>> No.8296282

>many people are and will be wrong
it's not merely that they are "wrong",
it is that they are stubbornly ignorant

>> No.8296285

>the """"truth"""" of all life

>> No.8296291

Nobody can.

>> No.8296294

>valid to question a theory
... with some knowledge of the
phenomenon the theory explains.
It is invalid to question a theory
from a position of ignorance, which
many normies feel is a legitimate
position, because that is their norm.

>> No.8296303

...says the fattie.

>> No.8296327

>90% of the world is idiots
this is maybe an over-estimate

>> No.8296331

>global warming
Lrn2glacial-melt fgt pls

>> No.8296334

Don't you mean thermal expansion of the oceans

>> No.8296337

that would be vacuum, Einstein

>> No.8296341
